• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

I just want to roleplay, man.


I think I hurt my cooter bump
First off, thanks for stopping by and checking out this thread! It's my first thread on this website so it means a lot that you came.

Here's the run-down:

  • I'm a pretty nice dinosaur, if you're not a butthole than I got no reason to be
  • I'll roleplay either guy or girl
  • I'm looking for a decent roleplay partner that has a nice grasp of the english language
  • Paragraph format only, bruh
  • I love fantasy roleplays(Magic included)
  • I love pairing roleplays
  • FxF is most preferred, but MxF will do just fine, who am I to judge?
  • Gloomy/apathetic girl characters are my weakness

That's basically the gist of the kinda stuff I like, feel free to shoot any plots or roleplay requests my way if you're interested in roleplaying with a dweeb like me.

Thanks again for reading, stay beautiful.

  • I'm looking for a decent roleplay partner that has a nice grasp of the english language

I...I... /leaves

I love fantasy rps too (i dont do fxf though) and everything you have listed but.. my English is bad :( ( very sad. Good luck on finding someone though! :)
[QUOTE="Immortal Pizza]

I...I... /leaves

I love fantasy rps too (i dont do fxf though) and everything you have listed but.. my English is bad :( ( very sad. Good luck on finding someone though! :)

Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude with that statement, it just makes it easier to roleplay when both parties are speaking the same language. I appreciate you reading and responding to this thread though, have a nice day.
TyrannosaurusChexmix said:
Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude with that statement, it just makes it easier to roleplay when both parties are speaking the same language. I appreciate you reading and responding to this thread though, have a nice day.
No no, you weren't rude lol and I understand that :)
Hey hey,

If you are still looking I would very much like to try it with you. I have one or two ideas so we could talk about that before going ahead and getting started.
Oooooh, I would love to join!

I have a bunch of fandom ideas and original ideas. But I think it'll be better to talk over them first ^^"

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