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Realistic or Modern Howl


Elder Member
When passengers aboard a train seemingly take a routine trip through the Canadian wilderness, expecting to reach their destination in a matter of hours, their realities are shattered when the train suddenly comes to a screeching halt...in the middle of nowhere. Well, not exactly in the middle of nowhere, just a frozen wasteland where only the most hardened creatures survive; but rarely thrive. Ominous trees loom on either side of the halted train, and while the passengers may feel safe within the confines of the train, blood curdling howls can be heard from somewhere in the distance. The light and warmth might give those within the train hope, but it also acts as a beacon for all manner of creatures roaming the forest without.

And you, poor soul, are one of these passengers.

Will you get the train working again and arrive safely at the next station, or maybe the better question is...what happens if you can't? Will you brave the freezing Canadian wilderness, wait for help to arrive, or give up hope altogether? No matter what choice you make, while you might not know it yet, your very life hangs in the balance; and sometimes the easiest decisions can be the most foolish ones.

Will you survive up until the very end, or live just long enough to watch salvation slip through your fingers?


I expect a minimum of two paragraphs per post, unless theirs some heavy dialogue going on. I'll try my best to always give you something to work with, so your posts can always be as detailed as possible.

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