• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Howl


Elder Member
You can make a minimum of two characters, if one dies, feel free to make another. I don't expect very detailed character sheets, I've honestly always cared more about how detailed your posts in the actual RP is; but in its ultimately up to you.






(In depth description or realistic picture, no anime or anything like that)

Backstory: (Since this RP is set in Canada, majority of the people aboard the train are Canadian. You don't have to write much here, just a paragraph or two talking about your characters life and that's about it)

Profession: (what does your character do for a living?)

Gear: (What items does your character have on his person, or carried onto the train with him?)

Put a XDDDD somewhere at the end of your post, so I know you took the time to read the Overview! If I like your post, your accepted!
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Name: Billy Hayes

Age: 23

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 145lbs



Backstory: Growing up in a rural Canadian town, far from any major cities, Billy often dreamed of setting off on his own and seeing the world. After graduating high school, had no idea what profession he wanted to go to college for, or even if he wanted to settle for a generic 9-5 job at all. He still aspired to travel around the world, and the closest thing he could find to fulfilling his dream, was becoming a train attendant...at least he'd get to travel throughout Canada. It was a start, and after three years of hard work, he was expecting a promotion to come his way. Although to his utter disappointment, it was given to someone who he knew for a fact did far less work then him, and who had always been a complete asshole to him to make matters worse. It was then that he decided, that after one final shift he'd quit and go to school for architectural engineering. Who knew what avenues would open up for him once he graduated, perhaps he could get commissions from across the globe! With that in mind he grudgingly takes one last ride aboard a train he's come to know the ins and outs of, hoping everything goes smoothly as he prepares to transition into a bigger and better part of his future.

Profession: Aspiring Engineer, currently a train attendant.

Gear: His attendants uniform, a change of clothes, his cell phone and that's about it.


Name: Cassie Emerson


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 129lbs



Backstory: Growing up in a singe parent home, and witnessing firsthand the hardships her mother had to endure raising her alone, made Cassie vow to never meet the same. She promised to better for herself, so she could do better for her children. in the end though, the person she had been with since highschool cheated on her with another women. She was pregnant at the time and despite his betrayal she tried hard to save their relationship, wanting her baby to have that father figure she never did. Their relationship only lasted another couple of months though, and her mother was the only one beside her hospital bed when she gave birth. Her mother was jobless and living off of her retirement money, and she was jobless with a newborn child, so she decided to keep her daughter in her mothers care and find some type of job in order to make ends meet. Having no pior working experience, she was more then a bit surprised when she got the job as a train attendant, but still thankful nonetheless. She continues to work hard, hoping for a promotion one day, dreaming of one day owning a home where both of her loved ones can live in out the rest of their lives happily.

Profession: Train attendant.

Gear: Her attendants uniform, a change of clothes, her cell phone and that's about it.
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Name: Takatsuki Sara

Age: 19

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 120lbs



Backstory: Was born in Hokkaido, to a family of farmers that lived in a small town near a mountain that she likes to explore whenever she had time. The adventurous Sara left Tokyo, attending high school in Tokyo. Since she's the third born, her parents did not really press her to continuing the family business and allow her to pretty much do whatever she wanted. Before continuing to an agricultural university in France, she signed up for an exchange programme to Canada.

Profession: Student exchange from Japan (Let's say that she came in the same program as @Koala 's character?)


  • Clothes, underwears inside her luggage
  • Japanese light novel she brought from home
  • iPhone6, with the headphone and charger
  • Wallet, filled with both Japanese Yen and Canadian Dollar
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Name: Callisto Ramirez

Age: 25

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110 lb.



Backstory: Callisto was born in Toronto and grew up in a small apartment downtown. She was a very rebellious kid, getting several tattoos and piercings against her parents wishes. The streets were basically her second home and she became very street smart. Though she was also a very educated girl as well. After she graduated highschool, she went to college to become a tattoo artist. Callisto enjoyed college but wanted to leave Toronto. She didn't want to be tethered to that city anymore so she got on the train to travel a little, looking for possible job locations.

Profession: Tattoo Artist

Gear: Clothes, a lighter for cigarettes, and her cellphone.


Chae Ji-hye
[English speakers often call her Jenny]


20 ~ Date of Birth: 28th June 1996


5ft 4in




See images. Ji-hye has a typical Korean appearance.


Ji-hye currently lives in Seoul, Korea. She attends Seoul National University, and decided to take a few months out in an exchange program based in Canada. Her parents brought her up to focus on her studying, nothing else, and so Ji-hye has grown up to be very focused and determined to make them proud.


Student, exhange from Korea.


Various outfits (roughly four different ones), two pairs of shoes, a bag of toiletries, a few magazines and a large number of textbooks. Also a few snacks; a box of takeaway noodles and a bag of seaweed chips.

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Character Completion

  • Name: Michael Wright

    Age: 18

    Height: 5'10"

    Weight: 140lb



    Profession: Student


    • Clothes (Enough clean clothes and underwear for 5 days)
    • $200 Watch
    • Exclusive Wright Co. Pen
    • Sunglasses
    • Smartphone
    • Comb
    • Book
    • Shampoo, toothbrushes, towels.

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Name: Pallas Allaway

Age: 17

Height: 5'5

Weight: 118lb



Backstory: Born and raised in the countryside, Pallas grew up in Clairmont Alberta. A true Canadian, she is a fan of the Toronto maple leafs, unphased by the 8ft of snow that comes in october and lasts until april. During the summer's she would go down to the pond and catch frogs. Not much else can be said, living in rural Canada is boring. The town is so small everyone knows each other to some extent, and there's no way to entertain yourself besides socializing or making your own entertainment. Both guys and girls in her high school pass the time smoking weed or holding parties each weekend, drinking until they were sick. She had tried both those things, trying to fit in, but it was exhausting. To do it each week, she would hardly do it each month, and quit this year, aspiring for more. Normally she would just sit at home and draw or read, but now that she had just graduated, she took the opportunity to leave, to see more than what little the town offered. Her parents paid for a train ticket, and having packed enough for a week trip, she went north, expecting to arrive near a lake and stay at a cottage for a while.

Profession: Recent Graduate

Gear: 6 sets of clothing, bathroom kit, 2 Jack London Books, a sketchpad and pencil, a flashlight, extra batteries, chips, a juice box, cookies, an ipod, phone, money, keys, tissues, earphones, and a makeup kit.


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