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Fandom Hazbin Hotel: Angelic War



...the Story Teller
The exterminations are starting to become more frequent. Many are becoming more and more unnerved and enraged at the fact the exorcists are getting more bold and killing more and more of them, to the point that hell’s numbers are starting to decline. There are now factions within the seven rings that are ready for an all out war at the next extermination. They plan to fight back and start killing some angels in return for all the slaughter they gave.

The Hazbin Hotel still stands and remains untouched by the angels and their exterminations. This was one of the deals that Charlie managed to secure during her meeting with Adam. The hotel has been cleaned up and quite a few new residents have taken up some of the rooms lately. However, the demons that are recruiting are starting to make more and more deals involving souls and are desperate for numbers to fight so there have been more attacks on the hotel from their own side lately, and Alastor is starting to have some trouble keeping up with all of them and maintaining his own business. He has even considered possibly talking to the one who owns his soul for help, not that he would ever admit it or let anyone know.

With the hotel being attacked almost regularly, the original crew is getting worried that Adam may have been right in thinking a soul can’t change. It was also becoming more apparent that the angels were specifically looking for Angel Dust. Trying to exterminate him before anything could be proven. This was exactly why Belladonna decided to make her appearance. With her signature smile and heavenly scent, she calmly made her way toward the pride ring and toward the hotel where she would make an offer.

With each step she took, the closer she got to her goal and the more stares she got, bot from fear and desire. Fear because many knew her reputation in the rings as a powerful demon but never seeing her in action. Desire because she was a well known actress like Angel Dust. She even worked with him briefly and they got along very well. She had an offer the hotel could not refuse and it would be mutually beneficial. She actually wondered who all she would find there. She so did hope to run into a certain cannibal and see his reaction to someone whom he has no idea who is stronger since they had never met, but she had certainly heard of him and he of her.

Soon enough, her long shadow darkened the doors of the hotel and its occupants. A gentile rap upon the door alerted Charlie and the others to the main doors and wondered who would bother knocking there anymore.

(You can decide if you are already a guest at the hotel or are arriving.)
SpiderQueen SpiderQueen Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu
Seraphina Luxe stepped into the lobby, her platinum blonde hair cascading in waves that mirrored the allure of a silver waterfall. Her eyes, one icy blue and the other a vivid violet, surveyed the surroundings with a mix of confidence and curiosity. Dressed in a metallic silver ensemble that clung to her form, she carried an air of sophistication that set her apart from the tumultuous backdrop.

Angelique the fallen angel seeking redemption, hesitated before stepping into the lobby. Her lavender hair framing her delicate features. The scent of sulfur and the echoes of demonic chatter filled the air, creating a stark contrast to the celestial aura she once knew.

Her lavender eyes, shimmering with uncertainty, scanned the dark lobby wondering if this will even work. Dressed in tattered yet endearing garments that hinted at her celestial past, she clutched a small bouquet of lavender flowers; the last remnants of the earthly realm she once tended as a botanist.

(Sorry it took a while. Had a hard time thinking about what to write.)

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