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Fandom Harvest Moon: Sleepy Hills


"Oh, Lailiah! I wouldn't mind coming. Mark Antony down for coming, too - I'm not sure if he'll be back in town tonight, though." Minali nodded a bit to herself, playing with the brightly-coloured braided bracelet that had for so long graced her left wrist. Antony had given it to her, a couple of years back, but it was in remarkably good repair. It was a faded pink colour, now almost a tan, and a few of the sparkly strands within the string glinted in the light.

She wheeled on Canaan, nodding again, her hands on her hips.

"Yes, a sense of adventure. What've you got to lose?"

Almost immediately after saying so, she bit her lip, hard. Her hands slipped from her hips to clasp each other. "Sorry. Do you want to get going, then?"

She wanted to ask him if Antony had said something, but she couldn't, not here or now.

The woman's voice cracked slightly as she spoke next.

"Would you like to come to the library with us, Lai?"

@Anomaly @Teh Frixz


"That's... That's not even how it's pronounced..." Canaan rubs his temples, but sighs and nods. "Yes, I'll be there."</p>


Then Minali wheels on him, and he leans away slightly, almost a little abashed from her lecturing tone. "Uh..." he mumbles, not really used to being scolded, especially not in the last year or so, and thus not sure what to say. After a brief moment, he chuckles, breaking any tension. "Nothing in particular, I s'pose."</p>


He almost raises his voice to object when Minali invites "herb" girl to accompany them, but he does remember his manners. Well, it won't be so bad. She's a little annoying here and there, but at least she generally seems pretty relaxed. He knows far too many high-strung people, so a laidback demeanor is a begrudgingly acceptable change of pace.</p>


Isaac starts making excuses, saying he won't be coming along after all, then exiting to return home. Canaan can't really blame him for leaving.</p>


The group stands in the events hall, where the Goddess is spread across a table, cushioned by blankets. Through the door is the reception hall, with a big desk behind which Emmy, the secretary, sits, ready to answer any questions. Near the desk are several official-looking doors; the plate on one reads in faded letters, "Library." Canaan gestures toward it as he peers into the reception hall. "There it is."
Peony paused a moment to consider Ashe's suggestion. It was still a ways back into town, so it would save quite a bit of time and energy. Then again, Peony didn't want to wear out the horses too much. Perhaps making the horses run around would tire them out and make them fall asleep faster. But then again, Peony knew from experience that it was easier to stay awake the more one kept moving. Perhaps it would be better to keep horses exercising for that reason. Without knowing more about the curse, it would be difficult to determine the correct course of action to take.

In the end, it was clear to Peony that she couldn't come up with a decision based on information she didn't have. A decision had to be made though, and so Peony would have to rely on what she did know. They needed to get back to town quickly, and a horse would be faster than Peony could run. Therefore, their best option would be to ride there.

"It's hard to say what the best option would be, but we should be getting this information to the mayor as soon as possible," Peony replied. "The faster we compile all the information that we have, the better. A horse would be faster than either of us could run. Horses also have more stamina, so I don't think it'll be too much of a risk."

It did trouble Peony somewhat to risk wearing out a horse. She decided that she would be walking the horse back if it seemed even the least bit tired. Animals needed to be taken good care of after all.
Ashe nodded in agreement, "Righto. Give me a minute and I'll have one of them tacked up." As soon as the words fell from his lips the man was off, running as fast as he could to the stables. His mind was filled with confusion; what on earth, and why, was happening to this little town? The events were just too bizarre to even throw in a guess as to what caused the Goddess to sleep. Maybe it was an annual thing? Something she did every hundred of years? Ashe wasn't much of a history buff, so right now it was probably the most probable thing he could come up with. But this theory went out the window with how shocked everyone looked, especially the mayor... So just what had happened...? And what was going to happen to anything living? It was a terrifying thought...

Easing his run to a slow trot once he approached the stables, the male was greeted by a soft whinny from his mare, Liquorice. The dark ebony horse poked her head out from her stable door, almost as if she knew that she was needed. Ashe smiled, heading over to the mare to give her a pat on her neck. 'Thank goodness you're alright...' Sighing in relief, he quickly flicked gaze up the row of other stables to his right, inspecting what other horses he could see and, thankfully, they all were in tip top shape too. Eager to be release from their stables and into a nearby field or the arena. This normal sight really was a huge comfort for the male to be honest, and it definitely eased his mind.

After fully tacking up his horse and making sure everything was okay, he hopped up and started the short journey back to Peony, halting just at her side. Kindly, he outstretched his hand to help her up as well as removed his leg from his stirrup for an extra aid.

"Is riding double okay for you?" As soon as the words left his mouth, Ashe realised how late the question really was. His eyes widened in the slightest, a flash of uncertainty and embarrassment running across his face. "I-I mean... I could tack up another horse if you wanted me to..." He added softly with a soft hue of pink covering his cheeks and ears.


"Minali and Canaan." Both names are skirtched down on her master list with flourish. Party list was growing, Rupert was probably going to be beside himself with all these people showing up but that was his perogative.

"Hmm what? Oh Library? Sure." She stashes her notepad and readies herself. "What for? Haven't actually been there yet"

Following behind the other pair with her trademarked skip step. Maybe it was the afterglow from this morning but her mood was getting better despite the sour news about the goddess.
Peony shook her head slightly and smiled up at Ashe. She had been surprised to see Ashe ride up with only one horse. She had wondered if the man had simply forgotten another horse, but his question had erased that possibility. It must have been that Ashe had wanted to save time by only tacking up one horse. Although Peony did have some reservations about riding double, she was glad to see that Ashe had at least chosen a saddle that would reduce the strain on the horse's back when carrying two riders. For the distance that they were going, it would likely be fine. The horse seemed to be in good condition, so she decided not to waste time and go along with it.

"It's alright with me if you think the horse is up to it," Peony replied. "The distance to town shouldn't be too long for her, so don't worry about it too much."

She grabbed his hand firmly as she brought her foot up into the stirrup, shifting her weight to her leg as she began to mount. Peony placed her hand on Ashe's opposite shoulder to brace herself as she swung her leg over the horse's back, not wanting the pull on his arm to cause him to slide off. Once she was up on the horse, she remover her hands to slip them around his waist to balance herself.

"I hope this isn't too uncomfortable," Peony said. "I can't move any farther back. Are you alright like this?"
Satoshi had chosen to head directly to the library the moment that everyone had begun to disperse. He considered returning to the clinic, but only briefly. If the morning had been any indication, it was clear that his father would not be welcoming his help that day. The alternative was, unexpectedly, researching what he could about what could cause the Harvest Godess to fall asleep. If there was one area that Satoshi was confident in, it was his ability to research things.

The physician's assistant had slipped away without anyone paying him much notice. It seemed that everyone was too caught up with what was going on to care what Satoshi was up to. This didn't particularly bother Satoshi, though it would have been nice of his father to at least acknowledge his presence. Perhaps that was too much to ask for.

As Satoshi entered the library, a faint smile crossed his lips. He shut the large wooden door behind him, taking a moment to enjoy the scent of old books that permeated through the air. The library was, to put it simply, in a state of disrepair. However, it was somewhat of an improvement from the state it was in before Juno had taken to overseeing it's restoration. Satoshi stopped by on occasion, taking care to make sure that his oppinionative nature was more entertaining than it was distracting. He was sometimes roped into helping out with the restoration project, and being no stranger to carrying heavy books meant that Satoshi was more than happy to do so.

It was quiet in the library, and Satoshi had begun making his way towards the shelves when the loud thud of falling books caused him to jump somewhat. Surprised, Satoshi looked around, realizing that perhaps he wasn't the only one who's intincts had led him to the library. That, or a bird had managed to get in through the window again. That was not an experience that Satoshi would be pleased to relive. Still, knowing that the birdsong had fallen silent, it occured to Satoshi that the most probable source of the noise was another person.

"Juno?" Satoshi called out, somewhat hesitantly. "Is that you?"

He began to make his way towards the back of the library, seeking out the source of the noise.

Having followed Canaan inside, the fisherwoman crosses to the door, quietly turning the handle and pushing it open. The library, she thought, still looked run-down - the books were disorganized, some cluttering the tables strewn about as workspaces, others sat on the librarian's desk at the far side of the room. A couple of large windows adorned the back wall behind the librarian's desk - the rest of the walls housed bookshelves, and there were a few rows of shelves near the lefthand side of the room.

Some of these shelves were full, some almost completely empty - others had books stacked horizontally atop one another, rather than side-to-side.

Who knows, maybe they fit better that way.

She couldn't see Juno, at least, not yet.

Stepping onto what Minali could only describe as typical, city-endorsed carpeting, Minali walked over to one of the tables. She touched the cover of one of the books - Farmhands Throughout The Ages - and glanced back to the pair behind her.

She wasn't comfortable here, in an offical's building - she would rather be outside, fishing, calm.

"Canaan? Where do you think that book's gotten to?"

She waves them in behind her.


@Teh Frixz

"For a book," Canaan says in answer to Lailiah's question as they walk into the dusty room, as if that answers everything. After about three seconds, he realizes just how little information he's given her. "It's... there's this book, some sort of religious thing full of prophecies, and one of them sounded a whole lot like this mess." He shrugs. "Not really my forte, but it is my sister-in-law's. Speaking of..." He scans the room. "I don't see her."

Minali wanders further into the library, then asks for his opinion. He can feel his shoulders tensing at the unwanted attention. "How should I know?" he says shortly, then sighs, walking over. "I mean... she kept it in the same general area as the Oratio ex Dea," he says quietly, stumbling over the name of the holy book the faith of the Goddess reveres. As he moves, his elbow bumps into a stack of books and knocks it to the ground. A curse hisses out from between his teeth and he crouches to pick the books back up.

"Juno? Is that you?"

Canaan glances up as Satoshi comes into view. "Hey, Satoshi. No, not Juno. Not sure where she is. I guess it would be just my luck for her to not spend all her time in here the one day I'm looking for her?" He chuckles.

"I'm right here, you knobs," says a cross voice. Canaan turns his head so fast that his neck twinges with pain, eliciting a quiet "d'oh." A girl stands between the shelves, sweater-clad arms crossed in front of her. Her hair is long and blonde, her eyes a sharp green color and her mouth twisted into a little frown. Her gaze flicks to the mess on the ground. "You knocked Su- my books over," she says accusingly. "You shouldn't be in here." She looks at the others - Satoshi, Minali, Lailiah - and her gaze softens. "But you guys are fine. Anything I can help you with?"
Satoshi adjusted his glasses, peering through them at Juno and smiling a faint smile - the most expressive that he tended to get under ordinary circumstances. He wondered at times about Juno and Canaan's relationship, but then again Satoshi and his father's shouting matches were semi-famous, so he was in no position to judge them either way. In fact, Juno's rather brusque treatment of her brother was not entirely surprising given her usual disposition. Perhaps he was... 'projecting'. That was the word that he had read in that psychology textbook.

Rather than let his train of thought wander, Satoshi decided that it would be best if he got straight to the point about why he was there. If he was to properly research this phenomenon, it wouldn't due to dilly dally. It was best to be brief, succinct, and to the point. No need for superfluous thoughts. Satoshi was very focused on the task at hand... What was that task again? Ah yes, research.

"I cannot speak for anyone other than myself, but I came in to see if there are any books which may shed light on the current situation," Satoshi replied. "If we can find a potential solution, it will be easier to break this 'curse'."

"Oh... Hi, Juno. We were just looking for a book." Minali pauses. taking a nervous breath.

"Canaan told us about a book full of legends, centered around the Harvest goddess. It's supposedly somewhere close to the Oratio ex Dea. Full of prophesies and things? I'm sure you've heard about the goddess this morning, and we decided we'd.. well, we'd like to know more. Apparently Summer..." Her voice falters on saying the dead woman's name. Dammit, Minali, pull it together!

"Summer told him about it one time. So... I asked him to come along. Antony's out of town, and you know they're friends, and I thought Canaan could help."

The fisherwoman nods to Satoshi, giving him a small smile.

"If you wouldn't mind, Juno, could you set our group up with some books? Satoshi seems to be here for pretty much the same thing, so we might as well work together."

Minali's hands clasp, worrying over each other, wringing as she waits. She seems to be nervous, perhaps only due to the situation.
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Taking a deep breath, her feet met the wood of the pier, legs wobbling slightly.

Tongue sticking out, she leaned against a pole with a groan, grasping her stomach.

'Now to adjust to land..'

That was the hardest thing for her when travelling. She was quite content on boat or air transportation but...as soon as her feet hit land, she grew queasy, not accustomed to being still.

Beginning to recover, she blinked, realizing something.

'Everything seems...more hushed than usual..'

Plus, her parents made no appearance, pretty much promising to be there to welcome her and smother her in that overbearing family love.

Playing with her dark scarlet scarf, she cast her gaze left and right, brain swirling with the possibilities..

Shaking her slightly unkept head, she set her mind on going home and facing the 'impending doom'.

Aka, feelings.


Plopping her suitcase and assortment of bags by the door, she walked in on somber expressions, something so alien and startling to the youngest family member.

Licking her lips, she glanced from her mother, Anne, to her father, Ven.

They slowly dragged their gazes to her, caramel and indigo meeting hers.

Eirlys felt anxiety rising up her throat, chest beginning to ache, though her expression remained blank and almost emotionless.

Its the Harvest Goddess-" Mother trailed off, Father stepping in to finish and explain.

Eirlys grew pallid, even more pallid than she usually is, taking a deep breath.

I-im just gonna-" She abruptly exited her old home, panting and cheeks warm.

Coming to Sleepy Hill, she thought she was prepared. Prepared to force herself to talk to customers, help her parents make their business boom, then quietly leave and put her dream on resume.

H-how am i going to do this..'

A whole new anxiety took over, feeling even more distant from this land, confused, worried.

Before she knew it, she was hurrying off to a place that calmed her. The library.

Mutely entering, there seemed to be other people in the building, a depressing and unsettling different aura filling every crevice like the remainder of the town.

Ducking her head, the small female scurried past, recognizing most of them.

Cannan, Juno, and Satoshi..'

But there were two other females that weren't so familiar. A dark skinned woman and another with brighter hair than hers.

Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she tried to be as soundless as possible, going to her special, dusty corner.

Taking a deep breath, she reached for the nearest book, skull resting against a creaky bookshelf.

"Canaan told us about a book full of legends, centered around the Harvest goddess. It's supposedly somewhere close to the Oratio ex Dea. Full of prophesies and things?..."

Elodie arched an eyebrow, glancing down at the book in her hands.

This book? They want this book?'

She cringed slightly and squeezed her eyes shut.

Should I give it to them..? Or just pretend not to exist..?'

Juno smiles faintly. "That's very like you, Satoshi."

She nods as she listens to Minali speak, a thoughtful look in her eyes, then bursts into movement, running her fingers along the spines of books stacked vertically across desks and tables and occasionally extracting one gently. "Of course. A lot of people don't know about Prophecies but it's technically a companion book to the Oratio. I try to keep them together, but what with the state this place is in..."

Canaan looks around as she gestures, sighing. Her brusqueness wounds him; he doesn't remember her ever having been so unkind to him before Summer died. Hell, he had thought they were friends of sorts. But she's a kid, when it's all said and done, and all there really is to do is let her do her thing. He hopes she'll mellow out over time. "Well, do you know where the Oratio is?"

Juno nods. "Yeah, over here..." She gestures for the others to follow, then disappears behind some bookcases. "Oh," comes her muffled voice, tinged with confusion. "Hello. Don't mind the mess. Can I help you?" Canaan steps over and leans around the bookcase with a swish of his hair to take a look, seeing a blue-haired girl who looks familiar in a way he can't quite place. You'd think you'd remember blue hair more clearly, he grumbles inwardly, glancing back at Minali.
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Vincent Hanford Vincent sat at his table quietly picking and poking at
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/4Fritz_zps8a508391.jpg.d6f13bb79754a747a147588f2e8972b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/4Fritz_zps8a508391.jpg.d6f13bb79754a747a147588f2e8972b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
his lunch with his fork, Something was definitely off today. Even during days that fell on today where his Cafe was closed, Vincent always managed to find something to keep his spirits up, though, it was like something physical was pulling him down into a state of partial depression. As he looked at his food, he exhaled deeply and stood up and walked over to the trashcan and scraped the rest of his omelet into the garbage before stepping outside. The sky even seemed gloomy as though it were going to rain soon. Though, it wasn't showing any signs of raining. No humidity or anything.

Deciding he wanted to see if anyone else was effected by this same, cold, dark feeling. Vincent made his way to town.

He watched from the corner of his eyes to watch random villagers in observation, though, he wasn't able to pick out anything from the ordinary that showed any signs of sad feelings, or if there were - the villagers sure were good at hiding it. Upon passing the town hall he'd sigh and sat on the stares as people came in and left. He'd remain sitting there looking up into the darkened sky.



  • 4Fritz_zps8a508391.jpg
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Mayor Hamish sinks into his desk behind the closed door of his office, head settling into his hands. As disheartening as it is to see someone so great in so much trouble, the technicalities are almost more of a headache. How will this affect businesses? How will this affect morale? What is the cause and does it pose a risk to anyone else?

The corded phone on his desk rings; he pushes the speaker button. “Yes?”

“I got a phone call.” It’s Emmy, Goddess’ gift to offices. She does administrative work and mans the front desk with an unfaltering smile. Her voice, usually peppy and enthusiastic, is subdued. “Charlotte says her baby has fallen asleep and won’t wake up.”

Hamish sinks further into his chair. “...Oh dear.”

Meanwhile, Peony rode alongside Ashe, feeling somewhat uncomfortable and worrying about the horse the entire time. The two didn’t talk much, and it was a rather short ride. Still, Peony had quickly hopped down off the horse as soon as they had reached the town, feeling relieved as soon as her feet hit the ground. She turned back to Ashe, giving him a smile as she waved him on.

“Go take care of your horse,” she instructed. “I’ll deliver the news to the Mayor.”

The horse seemed fine, but Peony would rather be safe than sorry. As Ashe rode off, she turned to hurry to the town hall. She passed by several people, one of whom was sitting on the stairs, but Peony paid no mind to any of them, instead heading directly towards the mayor’s office. She stopped as she neared Emmy’s desk.

The secretary was on the phone, and so Peony remained respectfully out of earshot, watching Emmy and waiting for her to put the phone down before approaching.

Emmy talks for a brief moment more, then turns her gaze to Peony, a broad smile on her face. “Peony! Are you here to get that paperwork done? I’m so excited that you’re moving here! Goddess knows we need something cheerful to think on right around now. Well, I mean, I suppose the Goddess doesn’t know, but um… Right. Papers? Or was it something else?”

“Actually, I was here to speak with the mayor,” Peony replied, flashing a smile back at Emmy. “He asked my uncle and I to check on our animals. I also stopped by to the neighboring farm to see how their animals were doing too, since they have a lot more of them than we do. Is the mayor in right now?”

“Oh! Yes, of course, one moment.” She picks up the phone and dials an extension, then waits. “Sorry to bother you again so soon,” she apologizes. “Well, it’s Peony. She says you asked her to check her farm. She wants to talk to you. Mhm. Yes, sir!” Hanging up, she waves Peony through, gesturing to the door of the mayor’s office. “He says he’ll see you!”

“Thank you Emmy,” Peony said, giving her a nod and another smile as she made her way towards the office. She pushed the heavy door open, marvelling somewhat at the old but still impressive looking architecture of the building. It intrigued her every time she came into the town hall, but now was not the time for such things.

“Thank you for meeting with me,” Peony said as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. “You must be pretty busy, so I’ll try not to take up too much of your time.”

Mayor Hamish smiles kindly. “Never too busy for a citizen.” He gestures to the seat across from him. “Please, sit. What did you find out?”

Peony moved to sit down in the chair across from the mayor, shaking her head slightly as she brought to mind what she had seen. It saddened her to think that animals were falling asleep and might become undernourished or even starved or some such thing.

“We found that the chickens are falling asleep,” Peony said, nodding. “It isn’t just wild birds. The other larger animals do not seem to be effected in the same way.”

The Mayor is quiet for a moment, hands clasping in front of him as he gazes at Peony thoughtfully over the rims of his glasses. “Hm.” He flattens his hands against the polished wood of his desk and hms again, then says, “Thank you for telling me, Peony. Keep an eye on your smaller livestock, and on the chickens. If you see something, say something!”

He rises and opens the door for her. “I won’t keep you any longer. Try to relax, even if the festivities are cancelled; leave the worrying to old farts like me.” Before she goes, he has a thought. “Oh! And Peony - my son came by to tell me earlier. He’s going to throw a party at my home tonight.” The mayor’s smile is a little tight. “Short notice, of course. But do feel free to come by. Around six, I think.”

“Ah, thank you,” Peony replied, somewhat taken aback. She had never been to many parties. Or at least, not many which weren’t held by her mother and were excessively formal. She wasn’t entirely certain what to expect from a party held by people closer to her age. “I’ll stop by if I have time. And I’ll let you know if there are any changes with the animals.”

Peony rose to her feet, headed to the door and bidding the mayor goodbye as she passed by him. She stopped by the secretary’s desk again to let her know that she’d be filling out the necessary paperwork once her mother sent some needed papers through the mail. It would be likely to arrive the next day that mail was delivered from out of town. With that taken care of, she bid goodbye to Emmy and headed back outside.

Her mind focused on speculating about the upcoming party, Peony almost didn’t notice the young man sitting on the steps until she had practically tripped over him. She somehow managed to shuffle sideways just in time to avoid accidentally stepping on him.

“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” Peony said, smiling apologetically at Vincent.

Man, she couldn't even remember the last time she'd been in a library. It had to have been sometime her sophomore year in highschool to rip rolling paper out printer. At least she could still appreciate the wonderful smells the Library had. Old books, ink, toner, the slight must of old pages rotting slowly, it was all just delightful and full of nostalgia.

But a bit distracting. She had a party to start planning, all this nonsense with searching a library could be done by someone else, it just wasn't her forte. Besides, she yawns while thinking, this place was putting her to sleep. "Excuse me, cann? Minali? I'd love to stay but really, I'm falling asleep in here. I've got that party to prep for and I need to keep spreading the word. I'm thinking I'm gonna head home to get ready. Is that alright?"

She gives a big smile, tilting a her body just enough to sway her dress a bit. Not showy, just an attempt to look cute and get a couple more people helping her invite people to the mansion.
Vincent Hanford He was started upon being tripped over by the woman who immediately began to apologize, "It's okay, really... I should have been sitting out of your way." he gave a soft chuckle and looked at her, "I don't think I've met you before, I'm Vincent... The town's chef! I run the cafe just down the street... It's nice to meet you."

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Eirlys heard a sudden shuffle of music, causing her to perk up in alarm, soft cerulean eyes swimming with anxiety.

Oh dear...I hope they meant a different book..' She thought to herself, not mentally prepared to face the familiar faces of Sleepy Hills.

Besides, why would they need this book? I dont exactly remember Cannan being the spiritual type.. Are they searching for answers for the Harvest Goddess current state?' Her mind began to swirl as she pondered of the possibilities, her herself trying to wrap her mind around the predicament of her once home.

She wasn't very attached to this place, but she knew her parents were, and she adored her parents dearly despite the fact she didn't exactly act that way.

Eyebrows furrowed and lost in her thoughts, she didnt even notice the others approaching until a confused voice brought her sharply back to reality.


Eirlys cheeks began to tinge with a light pink, her mouth going dry as she stared up at Juno.

"Hello. Don't mind the mess. Can I help you?"

She began to stammer, trying to find words. "
N-no I just-" A sigh left her lips and she fiddled with the binding of the book. "Sorry um.." She lifted the book to the other figure, noticing Canaan take a peek from the corner of her eye.

, she tried to keep a straight face to look into Junos eyes, but found it difficult. "T-this is the look you were looking for.. correct? Sorry for snooping I-I just overhead so.." Eirlys yearned to fiddle with her bangs, unsure what else to say or do. Too caught up in Juno, Canann, and the book, she didnt even notice the charismatic girl announce her leave for a party.


Satoshi regarded Lailiah curiously, having heard no word of such a get together. The new year's party had been cancelled, so was this a replacement for that? He could not be certain, but he did wonder if he was invited. It seemed rather unlikely to him, knowing that he had never been much of a social butterfly. He was technically around the same age as the rest of them, and if Lailiah was inviting people...

He didn't want to get his hopes up too much, but Satoshi knew that a distraction would likely be very welcome. Although he would have liked to spend his entire day at the library, or perhaps even the entire week, the library did have to close after a certain time, and Satoshi still needed to keep his mind off of things that had happened the night before. Perhaps it would be a nice break to 'get down' with his peers for a change. He'd show them all his swag. Do the YOLO. Clearly, Satoshi was quite hip with the times. Peony had explained it all to him quite clearly.

"You are having a get together Lailiah?" Satoshi asked, appearing fairly calm but inwardly somewhat worried that he wouldn't be permitted to attend. "Is it to celebrate the new year?"


"Ah it's nice to meet you too," Peony replied cheerfully, extending her hand to him. "Actually, I think we might have met before during the summer. Or maybe I just remember you because I recognize your name. I help out at my uncle Cyril's farm every summer, and I think I've brought deliveries to your cafe before. I'm not sure if you were the one who signed off on them, since when it's that early in the morning sometimes my memory ends up kinda fuzzy. You probably wouldn't remember me either way."

She smiled at Vincent, her gray eyes scanning his features to try to figure out whether she did in fact know him, or if her memory was playing tricks on her. Peony didn't spend much time talking to people near her age, and so this was a somewhat difficult task. Typically, her memory of most early morning deliveries was centered around the task of harvesting and heavy lifting and less on the people that she interacted with. Perhaps that would be something she should work on.

"Oh, that's right! I almost forgot," Peony replied after pausing for a second. "My name is Peony. I'm the summer farmhand as I said before, but I've recently decided to move here permanently. If it really is the case that somehow we've never met before, I hope that we'll get to know each other soon. I'll probably be running many of the deliveries to your cafe after I've settled in."
Vincent Hanford He smiled as she introduced herself formally. Reaching out he shook her hand, "Vincent Hanford... Though, I may have already said that" he gave a soft chuckle, and began to motion down the stairs and looked back to her as she stated that they'd be working together, "I'm looking forward to it. Speaking of which, do you want to come grab a bite to eat... First meals free to new friends!" he smiled and waited for her to consider his offer.

Peony looked thoughtful as she considered the offer. It was true that she hadn't eaten since she had woken up early in the morning. And running around did tend to take a lot out of a person, so it would be best to make sure to eat properly. After all, if she wanted to continue running around investigating, it would be best not to overwork herself. Besides that, she'd have to wait and see for a lot of what was necessary to observe.

Come to think of it, Peony didn't particularly have a plan of action in mind. There was not much for her to do besides wait it out, so there was no reason not to accept. It wasn't as though meeting new people was difficult for her either. She did wonder if she'd have enough to talk to him about, but a new friend was a new friend. Also, free food was free food. She felt somewhat guilty for being more excited for the latter.

"Sure, that sounds good to me," Peony replied cheerfully. "I haven't eaten since five this morning, so I was just starting to get hungry anyways. Lead the way and I shall follow."
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"Oh!" Juno looks a little taken aback at the ease with which the book was found. "Yes, thank you. Were you reading it? It's fine if you don't want to share, these guys can wait for their turn. Although I'm not really sure how to check out books yet, so..." As the slender girl trails off, Canaan studies Eirlys's face, still trying to place it. After a moment, he shrugs and gives up. Maybe he's met her before, but he doesn't remember and it's not his place to ask.

He calls out to Minali, Lailiah, and Satoshi over his shoulder. "Found it!"

Juno glares at him. "Don't yell in the library!" She looks a lot like Summer when she's telling him what to do, and it breaks his heart a little.

"Uh, right. Sorry." He pauses for a moment to shake off the feeling, then glances back at Eirlys and holds his hand out for the book. After a second he remembers his manners and says, "Please? ...I don't think you live here, so maybe you don't know about the Goddess. She's... asleep?" He's not sure how to explain why that's an issue.



It was clear to Eirlys that they didn't seem to remember her. But it was no surprise to her, and nor did she mind it. It was her fault anyways for not mingling with the towns people and attending social events - that her mother didn't already force her to do.

"Yes, thank you. Were you reading it? It's fine if you don't want to share, these guys can wait for their turn. Although I'm not really sure how to check out books yet, so..."

The cobalt haired girl sat there quietly as Juno trailed off, parting her lips to speak.

Its uh no problem.. and no im not.." She informed, arms going limp once she didnt take it.

Cannans call semi-violently yanked her from her settling stature, beginning to ease a bit around them.

Eirlys wasn't one for loud noises, so his call set her off edge a bit. But she'd have to get use to it considering her overly-charismatic family and obnoxious siblings.

Juno scolded Canaan about yelling - which she wholeheartedly agreed with - but something seemed a bit off. Maybe she was just seeing things or very observant, but, she could've swore that a flip switched in Canaan, seeming to freeze.

This intrigued Eirlys greatly.

She's only known Canaan as the grump who sometimes stood up for her.. she had no idea Summer and him were once happily betrothed.. Once. She wasn't close enough to the two to hear news of the unfortunate that had happened.

With her knees brought up to her chest and staring at the ground in thought, she didn't even notice the outstretched hand afront of her face until the brunettes word slipped.

Snapping her head up, her big blue eyes searched his for a quick moment before sliding her gaze away to the floor again.

"Ah- yes of course.." She handed the dusty pages over, hesitating about her next words. ", and ah, yes. I use to live here I suppose. I don't plan on staying longer but of the, well, what you said, im not sure when I'll be taking my leave. But I do hope it g-gets solved soon.. my parents are acting. well like me. And thats not a good thing." Eirlys said softly, a ghost of a smile gracing her features briefly before she climbed to her feet. "Well.. good luck.. I g-guess I should check on said parents-" She bowed her head slightly, her face returning to the normal distant and quiet appearance, brushing past Canaan as she made way for the door.

She hasn't spoken that much in awhile and.. she wasn't sure how to feel about it. It definitely got her blood pumping..

And the parents thing.. that was a lie, she wasn't going to check on them. She was instead going to find another place to calm down before returning to her home.

Vincent Hanford Upon hearing her acceptance he smiled brighter, though, he still felt as though he were being dragged down by that same eerie feeling. However, for her sake, he kept his smile up as he led her to his Cafe that was near the beach. As they walked in he flicked the light on. Immediately they'd be greeted by a very warm and comforting smell of the Cafe, "Go ahead and take a seat, There should be a menu at the table. Let me know what I can get you. I'll get us a drink." walking into the back of the kitchen he went through a fridge and pulled out two glass bottles of sasparilla before walking back and sitting with her. Taking his own bottle, he'd pull a bottle opener from his pocket and cracked the bottle open. A faint while mist formed from the opening just before the rim of the bottle met Vincents lips.

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