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Realistic or Modern Happy Campers


The Purple Soul
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Camp Inferno

I know its been a while since we've talked, but I've recently been faced with a new job opportunity. There's this camp, Camp Inferno, that's opening soon. It's very interesting, and very retro. They contacted me pretty recently actually, and have asked me to be a counselor there. I gladly accepted, being the person I am, but was then asked if I knew anyone else who would be interested with a similar position. So, that's why I'm asking you. You're probably wondering why the camp is so "cool"? Well, that's the thing. The camp only exists in the 1980s. Cool, huh? The owners wanted to have a real experience, and with the abilities of the previous land owners and the land itself, it's actually possible. If you are interested, be aware that I'll have to email you the role for your personality. You'll have to fit in one of the '80s archetypes from the movies, or the camp just won't appear for you. If you're interested, hit me up, and I'll send you your role as well as the entrance location and date.

Awaiting Your Response,
~ Allen Norman

Be a Happy Camper!


After a house is torn down on a lakeside lot, an interested company investigates the lot, and finds out that under special specifications, can travel back in time to the 1980s. The owner of the now-bought land begins building a retro summer camp through its specialties, and after everything comes together, only one problem remains: The Camp Counselors. A barrier stands outside the camp, so locals could not be called for the job, and only 80s technology works in the area. So, after searching for a few days, the owner finds Allen Norman, the first person to agree to be the counselor of Camp Inferno. And, since he has quite a few friends, agreed to ask some of his old buds to see if they would also enjoy being counselors with them.

Stay a Happy Camper.


You, are an associate and/or long friend to Allen. You're just minding your business when he contacts you via email. In a fit of whatever you feel for him from the past, you accept. He quickly emails you back, giving you a list of instructions, including your role, the clothes to buy, and where the meet-up point is. But what you don't know is that something more sinister is going down at Camp Inferno. But for now, you are simply dressing up, and getting ready for what you believe to be some retro fun.

In this story, a handful of young adults must solve puzzles, battle creatures of the night, and learn who to trust in order to make it back to 2019. In the vein of series like Danganronpa or Escape the Night, this RP will mix traditional RPing and a voting system, acting as a sort challenge system. At the end of each episode, counselors will be voted into a deadly challenge or puzzle that will save the rest of the campers lives, and put the evil to rest that is currently haunting them. In an episodic series with high stakes, character deaths at any turn with no requiem, and a constant fear of the extranatural breaking down the cabin door, will you make it back alive? Or will you perish before you were even born?
color me super duper interested!!!!

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