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Fantasy Guardayen

Coriana followed suit and landed beside him, dropping her legs beneath her and buffetting her wings quickly as she stepped to the ground. Her wings folded gracefully against her back and she looked around the small copse curiously as Buras dug out his bed. A curious little thing, her snout was russeling in some bushes when she heard him lay down. Lifting her head, she looks back at him and without hesitation she goes and noses her way under his wing as he started to talk. She could almost see the things he spoke about. She could see how very far the mountain range was, and felt the frustration he must've known when day after day it felt like he'd gotten no closer. And when they rise up in front of him she imagined the mountains reaching all the way to the stars. His plight in the mountain before the dwarf came agitated her, making her tail stir and twitch on the ground but she felt relief when he did, glad that Buras had found a companion. She liked that even though dwarves didn't care for dragons much, this dwarf had put aside his dislike for something better. Laying her head on her forearms, she gave a little yawn as Buras' story wound down. In a sleepy tone as he finished, she replied "I can't wait to hear where you traveled next, Buras. The mountains sound a little scary, if there's no food."
"It will be fine. I have grown wiser, and now I have you to catch them for me. Now rest little one, we have a long day ahead of us." Buras rumbled. He was not sure how long they would have to stay in the Plains, if the elder didn't want to be found, she would be about as easy to catch as the wind.
Coriana gave a pleased croon when he said she would catch the mountain goats for him. She would bring him as many as he needed. Buras would never be hungry again she thought with satisfaction. With another yawn, she tucked her nose under her wing and closed her eyes. Her breathing shortly evened out with sleep and she was already softly snoring.
Incendia, hearing how confident he was, laughed quietly to herself. She was the exact same way, in fact she has uttered almost the exact same line before. She let go of the thought to answer Sarezar's question, though. "I'm trying to see if I can find a larger lava deposit. The energy in that small pool wasn't quite enough to allow me to practice some of my larger spells." Additionally, it added power to her medium and smaller spells, making them slightly more powerful, though she didn't feel that had to be explained; it was unimportant.

"If only I could somehow get inside of the volcano..." That last line was not loud at all, instead it was just a mutter to herself.
Sarezar shrugs, finding that plausible. "Is there any way I may help you? I presume you're still susceptible to the intensity of lava, of course, correct?" He offers, assuming she may want to go inside of the volcano, although not quite hearing what she had muttered. "I could help you go inside the volcano, if you so choose, Incendia."
She turned around, facing the dragon now. "Indeed, I am, though I would like to get closer if at all possible." Her home volcano, Valakut, had a structure that allowed the mages to stage very close to the magma beneath the earth, though still stay far enough away as not to be harmed by the intense heat. "I cannot get too close, but I can certainly be closer than most of my race." She urged to get nearer to the source of Inferno's power, it would be the first time in three moons that she was able to practice her most powerful of spells. She secretly feared that this particular volcano was too small for such a show, but that was stored away quickly. Her desire to enjoy herself tonight was too much, and she did not want to hinder the feeling with excessive thought. "Can you take me closer?"
Sarezar chuckles, finding her question somewhat idiotic. "Of course I can, and I'm curious as to what you can do when you're at your full strength." His curiosity was true, he wanted to see what she can do when she had enough energy from the volcano to do so. He lowered himself so she may get on his back. "It may get really hot really quickly, I might add."
It was Incendia's turn to let out a quiet laugh to herself. "I live inside of a volcano eight times the size of this one, I tolerate heat very well." She let her more joking side of herself come out, something she doesn't do around many, especially not anyone she just met. Sarezar, however, seemed different. She shrugged off the idea as she once again mounted the dragon, preparing herself for the heat he had previously warned of. She was ready- no, she was more than that. She was eager.
Sarezar takes a look back at her, surprised at how calm she was being, despite the fact he was going to bring her into the volcano, but he shrugs off that thought and takes flight, much slower and more careful as to not hit any rocks that may protrude from the volcano. "How close do you want to go?" He rises to the altitude to where they can both see the inside of the volcano.
From there, she was able to feel some of the heat already rising out of the mountain. "There is a ledge large enough for you to land on about halfway down, take us there." She ensured that her tone wasn't commanding, as she knew the dragon wouldn't like that. It would be the ideal spot for her interests, though, and indeed she could hardly wait to get started. She hadn't unleashed a Phoenix Wave in ages, and she was already going through the necessary steps in her mind.
Sarezar snorts semi-annoyed, but lets it go and flies down to the ledge, plummeting just to mess with her, but slowing down and coming to a clean landing. "What sort of thing are you planning on doing with the volcano?" He lowers himself yet again to let her down.
The spy shuddered at this thought, but he told what he knew, "The dwarves are attacking. They entered their alliance with the humans and are marching their machines at this moment. The humans are planning to surround the forest before they attack, so sitting idle is not the way to go, I suggest fight, outside. Otherwise you're completely outnumbered and overwhelmed."

"Very well human, we shall put some trust in you. Throw him in the prison until we have what lies he says are true." The prison?! He risks his life to be thrown in a prison!? How did he come to deserve this? That's what his thoughts were raging on about. Next thing he knew, vines covered him and he couldn't move, he was then locked away.
Buras was on the verge of blissful sleep when he heard it, the sound of an army marching towards battle. Lifting his head, he faintly sees a rising cloud of dust, even in the moonlight. And over it all was the steady drum beat, setting and keeping a pace. "Wake little one, we have company." Whether she woke or not didn't matter, he needed both of them to be safe. So, using his powers over the earth, he dug even farther down and prepared to cover himself in the dirt with a pocket of air to breath in.
Raiko woke up in the barracks of his temporary home, the Elf Kingdom's capitol. He went to get his new assignment for war preparations . As he walked up to Vas, he said, "You're late Raiko. We need you to be lookout for any early armies or anything suspiscious. Alright? And if you see any humans that look to be bad, kill them and hide the body. We don't need those humans to think we are monsters." Raiko thought of how odd that statement was. "Yes, sir!" Raiko replied. He went to the watch tower and climbed up to the top. He stood there and watched for anything suspicious. He waited for what seemed to be hours. He thought that he heard a drum beat. The sort of drum that would lead an armies movement. He rang the bell and readied for battle as he noticed at a different spot he could see something digging in the ground. He decided that he was crazy and ignored it. As the elves were ready for battle, Raiko was still wondering what that thing digging was. He decided to go check it out. He told Vas and Vas suggested a few soldiers to go with him but Raiko refused the help. Raiko set out for the digging.
Buras heard the soft footsteps of no doubt an elf. Looking over, he sees that elf. The one that tricked him and pointed him into the other way. Giving him a soft growl, Buras speaks up. "Leave, before either I or the humans kill you." As the last word left his mouth, faint traces of lightning began to dance along his teeth. But then he realized, lightning shooting out of the ground would look very suspicious to the approaching army. So he just settled for just showing the elf his show of power.
"Oh dear. It's you. I am very sorry for what I have done. I just didn't want my family to die again. I hope you take no offense, but a dragon killed my family. Please accept my humblest apologies." Raiko said to the ferocious dragon after seeing the lightning from his mouth. He had no intentions of dying this day.
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"If you want my forgiveness, leave." Buras continued to growl at the elf. Raiko, that was his name. A dragon killed his family? Perhaps there was a reason for what he did. "Actually, leaving would be to slow, you would be seen and probably tell them of my location. Get in the hole, quickly."
"I thank you for your generous decision to help me after what I have done to you. Although I will not need to take up your space. I shall make my own." Raiko made a hole his size to hide in while watching the dragons movements. He felt like he could trust this dragon now. He had no idea why he felt that. He still didn't want to take any chances.
"Suit yourself." he growled before covering his hiding spot. The humans shouldn't spot any differences. Buras just hoped that they didn't decide to set up camp right on him.

(@Firefly of Death )

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