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Fantasy Guardayen

Drake Makilian

Dragon of anything really.
Keep in mind this is the first forum rp that I've created, not the first I've participated in.

We need dwarves and humans now if anyone wants.

This is the normal life of a world I've been roleplaying with when I was only five years of age, back when I played in the back yard and did stories for school.

You can be any race you want listed below and can do whatever you want, I will add the plot when multiple characters have come together in a meeting.

No restrictions to where you can go, and what you can do. As long as you stay in character.

Magics: Magic is a gift from the elements, who are real beings. Their are 6 main elements that then pass parts of their powers down to this realm.

These primary elements are:

Aquais: Water.

Aeros: Controls air mostly

Inferno: Fire

Stone: Earth Also includes

Nature, recommended by someone: Trees and other such plants.

Pure Light: healing and normal light

Death: Darkness and necromancy.


Elves: Elves are fun loving, yet only with their own people. They are cocky and hate most every other race besides the dragons. They also hate the modern age and refuse to evolve into it.

Humans: The humans are a modernized race, they believe that they are superior, and are the most evil of all the races as a whole, not individualy. MOST believe that all other races are animals, or barbarians.

Dragons: They have a breath power, well, most of them. They also range from a few inches off the ground to the sky in height, depending on what kind they are. Most dragons are near immortal to age but not to death, though they mature in height and maturity the same as other races, and are born from eggs.

Orcs: Tall, ugly, stupid, strong, and most can't even talk but they're intelligent enough to be considered a sentient species. They often war with themselves like humans and eat almost anything, or anyone

Goblins: Are short, stunty, and very weak. Very friendly though. Most people use them as slaves, or just to torture for fun. Yet they still remain friendly to the races as a whole. They often wear armor to protect their fragile skin even at birth.

Dwarves: Most dwarves are devoid of magic, and heavily reliant on guns and machinery. Short as goblins, most, and strong as orcs from working in mines all their lives, and the dangerous creatures that live within.

The world:

Filled with no ocean and instead an enchanted grassy area called the great plains. Nothing can live or sustain itself but short toughs of grass that only grow about 2" up from the ground. The rest of the world is up to you to create in this free world. Maps drawn would be appreciated however.


First, to let me know you've read this, put Guardian in your CS

2. All RPN rules apply

3. Up to two characters per person

4. More rules to be added.
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Drake Makilian updated Guardayen with a new update entry:

Added Dwarves!

Dwarves have been added because of a few requests I've gotten.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Elona walked into her cave, happily, with her enchanted pack she stole in hand. Why does she like a cave when the elven forests are right there, waiting for her to come into the inviting features of them? Why be so natural to the stereotypes that dragons never earned? The solitude, the easiness to trap the entrances, and the bonus of whatever creature she can use in her studies every once in awhile that enters the cave. That is why she chose a cave.

She had six different bundles of flowers, all ready to grind in her alchemical tools. One of which flower is a rare sight to be seen, only found near rivers she had to fly to miles away. She grabbed them all in the name of alchemy. Many creatures were caged inside of her home. All of which are studied or killed for their organs and other such parts; all in the name of science and alchemy.
Raiko woke up to the sound of an alarm meaning there is to be a meeting. Raiko went to the meeting hall with four other men. Their general, Vas, told them of a bear that was the size of three normal bears. They were told to hunt it down because it was eating crops from the farms outside of the elves walls. Raiko and the four other men went to the forest and searched for the bear for about an hour. After finding the bear, they nicknamed her "Fuzzy pants" since her legs seemed to be fuzzier than the rest of her body. After laughing it out a bit, the bear smelled them and started to charge at the elf to the left of Raiko. Raiko made some of the earth in front of Fuzzy Pants to grow and it made her trip and slide about two feet. All of the men charged her and Fuzzy Pants got up almost immediately. She mauled the elf to Raiko's right and killed him. His body lay in half. Raiko, equipped with his zweinhander (two-handed sword), charged the beast and vertically slashed at her side. She was just scratched due to her tough skin. The three other men charged and each of them slashed for her face. her body slowly dropped and she let out a roar of defeat. Two of the men had to decapitate her to prove to Vas she was defeated. They also carried their ally back to have a funeral for he showed great bravery in the fight. Raiko stayed behind to enjoy the forest. He climbed a tree and slowly fell asleep in the branches.
Grum-Grum walked silently through the wooded area, he mulled over in his tiny mind how he had amazingly been 10 moons from home. Grum wandered about trying to fulfill his spirit quest even he scarcely understood, 'Find da Big Unz' was the only memory from that horrifying night. Hanging by a tree, Grum had decided would make an excellent shrine to the forest spirits that resided here, Grum heard a loud roar. Oblivious to danger and willing to throw himself headfirst into the combat he witnessed the final moments of a freakishly large she-bear mauling a man while others slashed and killed her. Grum was impressed, he never knew men could be as ferocious as this, they parted quickly and Grum, never the one to waste, skinned the mighty she bear for all her worth, taking the valuable meat from the now headless carcass. Grum made a tiny fire nearby and readied himself for the coming day. Grum had fashioned a simple cloak from the bears hide, he placed it on his back and fell asleep.
Dartag was busy, always busy, with his clan. He worked day and night, traveled day and night, and avoided day an night. He was eager to meet another tribe of goblins after waiting so long, but most of the population, even some of his own people, were enslaved. He feared for his people, but knew his scrawny self could never lift a weapon. Well, maybe he could lift a dagger or small wooden spear, but nothing else. Slavers have been to his tribe before, and it won't be the last time they have. Dartag cares about his tribe, with all his heart he has. And will let nothing happen to it.
The calmness of the forest seemed to be disturbed as a man in armor clinked through it. Kevin was ready for what was near, he had seen it fly over a while ago. He was told that it was a beautiful creature, and they weren't wrong, but that made it more enticing for him. He had to leave his traveling supplies hidden somewhere behind him, hopefully he would find them later. His armor was a combination of steel and dragon, it was designed to make him look like a dragon and terrify those that he came upon. He had his great sword slung across his back, held there loosely. The sword was also steel, but the rest is made of bones, not just of dragon. Squirrels moved out of his way, birds slowed their chirps when he passed, it even felt like bugs tried not to annoy him. He tried his best most of the day to avoid the Elves that would no doubt hear about what he was going to do later, and they didn't always act positively when they saw his armor. Finally, he reached the dragons lair, of course it was a cave that it chose. He pulled his sword off from his back, it was immensely heavy. It might have slowed or immobilized a normal man, but for him, it only made him remember what he was doing here.
Elona sensed the human entering her cave, and prepared to set her traps. If those don't stop him nothing will. She thought.

As she placed the last trap and set it, she returned to her work in alchemy, using a lantern to light her work space up, but keeping it dim enough so that the slayer wouldn't see it shining through the cave. She set maybe ten traps to deter anyone from entering, if not then maybe she would have to fight, which she dreaded blooding her claws. Nonetheless, with all these thoughts in mind, she began to extract the nectar carefully from some other flowers into a bowl, to mix into a poison for this coming, then began to study the properties of the new ones. The sounds of captured animals gives her position away however, the rattling of the cages.
merril woke up.putted her cloths on.went to the kitchen, drinking some tea. after she finished her tea she went out to tend her garden.watering her plants .she left her house to go to her school where she start teacher her students.
Angelina got up and start getting ready, like usual, to go out and wonder around the forest. She equip herself with a little bit of weapon (small daggers) and exit her tree house. Maybe I can search for a dragon today, she thought to herself as she start walking, or goblins, or dwarf! She sighed and mumbled to herself, "maybe I should just hunt for food rather than looking for other creatures." She knows the area around her place in the forest forest like the back of her hands and she never hunt away from that area, knowing that there are other mean things out there that she never met.

((Sorry I was asleeppp))


The nosies of the forest had lulled Tempus to sleep. The gentle swaying of the breeze coated the sleeping dragon with leaves, rendering him slightly invisible unless you look closely.

Smoke made it's way to his nostrils and he snorted, accidentally lifting up some leaves and blowing them away. Lasily opening an eyelid, he scanned his area but saw no intruders. He snorted again before nuzzling back to his slumber. Tempus had just flown here to have a break from his other dragonkin, messing with some fabric of space. He disliked their un-orderliness and hadn't gotten a chance to tell them off nor rest a bit.
Some dragons were dumb, they expected the fact that they were dragons to protect them. Others knew that if it existed, it could die, so they protected themselves, this was the latter. The traps were nothing to laugh at, there was always a threat of a broken leg, loss of an arm, loss of a head, and the worst, loss of a trophy. This dragon had set up more than one trap that would disable the would-be hunter, if anyone got caught in these traps, then they would be disabled and easy prey. There was more than once were Kevin would take a step, feel the ground slightly shift, and have to dive out of the way of a swinging log, or something that went shing when it went by him. Another hazard was getting lost in a maze of paths, luckily this one didn't have too many, and this dragon seemed to like keeping prey alive. The clanging of a cage, or the sound of a creature that could smell him would lead Kevin in the right direction to his query. Finally, after nearly losing his sword to a sort of bear trap, he saw the light at the edge of the dark. 'There it is,' he thought to himself, moving once again with a determined gait, and realizing that his armor was actually a bit more scratched than he already thought, but it would still protect in a critical moment.
Elona then saw the human appear inside her cave, a trespasser inside her lab, "Alright, I suppose you're going to try and slay me now am I right?" She spoke very quick and agitated, "Well can I please finish my experiments beforehand? Or do we just have to fight now?" She grabbed her bowl of poison and ready to pour it on him.
Grum's eyes shot open, the metal. His people were simple but they knew the sound of a soldier wearing the Human hard skin. He stood up, and followed the noise of the hardskin, fear is a complex thing for an orc. Wandering though the wood, the earth guiding and quieting his step, he happened upon a cave, it reminded Grum for a few seconds of the cave the Blackfoot clan resided in, he never liked the Blackfoot clan. He heard speech of human inside the cave, and quickly hid by near the cave mouth, readying his faithful stone spear adorned with tribal charms including the tooth of the Big Shaman, he readied to pounce upon the unwitting human if he needed to.
Dartag was marching his clan into elven territory to escape the humans that were pursuing his tribe since day one. He knew he wouldn't be followed in there and that the elves would rather kill a goblin then take it as a slave. So he risked it. Now he spent his time sending his hunters out nearby a small home where the animals were. Hoping to get them by undetected and score some food for his tribe.
Angelina thought it was a little weird that the animals were panicking and running around. She walk in the direction that the animals were running from and saw goblins. What are they doing in our territory?! She asked herself. Angelina took out her knife and throw it towards one of them, barely scratching it's face on purpose. She walked out to the clearing. "What are you doing here?" She looked at them with dangerous eyes.

@Drake Makilian
The Dark guardian,walking trew the Great plains all his heads wuld be looking around and some growling sofly as he wuld walk and his heads wuld fight each other somtimes as Hydro the controler of the body wuld maintain control on his body as they wuld stroll trew the great plains and see the large pure grass plains
Walking around looking at her surroundings Aria sung a soft melody as she swung her basket of herbs in one arm. This area is really lovely... Stroking her hair to the side Aria smiled at what looked like flowers but then stopped as she got closer. Whoops wouldn't want to touch those... hehe, I wouldn't be able to move for a week! That would be just awful not being able to go around and see and meet new people and places... Singing the song a little louder Aria began to come across a small stream, touching it lightly with her fingers Aria took a small lick of the top of her finger. Yeah that seems safe enough... Grabbing an empty glass water bottle Aria began to fill the empty water bottle.
Dartag immediately heard his goblin brethren being attacked and rushed to defend them, grabbing a small dagger he always used, but never killed, with. "You leave him alone!" He said with a very high pitched voice with poor sounding accent. He gripped his dagger hopefully never to use it, "O-or I'll have to do something!"
Aria heard a commotion not too far from her and went over to investigate. Oh my! It looks like a fight! Sitting down Aria decided to see where this would go and wait for the injuries to appear. Then she noticed an injury on a goblin slowly she moved towards it.

"Would you mind it if I treated you?" Smiling cheerfully Aria began to bring out the ingredients needed from her basket but then turned to the boy, "Would you mind if I did so?"
"You can put that away," Angel told the goblin, who seems to be the leader, "I just want to know why you're here." Her hand was ready grab her dagger, incase the goblin decided to attack. "You know if you ask for a place to stay I would've let you," she sighed. Angelina wasn't like other elves who hates goblins and other creatures. She finds them amusing and every time she sees them, her mind filled with curiosity and questions.

She turned her head, noticing an elf girl sitting not far away from them. The girl was going to treat the injured goblin. Angel frowned when she realized she hurt the goblin more than she intended.
The injury began to worsen and Aria became worried pushing her silver hair back into a ponytail she didn't wait for a reply quickly she worked her magic and healed the goblin's injury. Smiling at the goblin Aria patted it's head and stood up allowing her hair to fall down from it's ponytail as she did so.

"There you go all patched up!" Facing all of the people near her Aria smiled and waved at them, "Hello, sorry for my sudden intrusion but he was injured and we couldnt let that bruise get infected. Oh my name! My name is Aria, Aria Rhett."
Dartag tilted his head in confusion, "Why? You hurt clan member, unlike sweet lady there treating him." He took a step back, "We here running from slavers." He hesitated saying this, thinking this elf would give him away or chase his clan out.
Aria felt the air tense up and chuckled nervously, "No more fighting alright we are all friends here..."

Noticing the trees swaying Aria felt them call to her, It is time to move on... New places new people! Looking at the two she pondered wether or not she should leave, They need to sort this by themselves...

Picking up her basket with her herbs Aria brushed her silver hair back with her fingers, "Well you two get along I have to go off. The trees are telling me where my next patient is. Call me whenever you need me!"

Waving Aria left the three beings and ran towards the trees, "Hope to see you again!"

(I am going to bed good night!)

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