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Fantasy Fractured Kingdoms OOC Thread

Well after rereading the rules, can you make necessary changes to your reservation then? So if you don't have discord then we'll manage okay and I'll try my best to make sure the other players interact with you.
Well after rereading the rules, can you make necessary changes to your reservation then? So if you don't have discord then we'll manage okay and I'll try my best to make sure the other players interact with you.
also wondering which prince am i a assistant to btw my favorite drink is dr pepper
There's a few to choose from!
There's an "ice" prince (my character) going by Isra Stormsaw who acts as the Queen's guard captain.
There's a clever Adrian Wells acting as the Queen's spy.
Jad Edlit originally from a Desert kingdom seems to have a similar job as Adrian Wells.
Jasper Olsen acts as the Queen's monster hunter and is from druid, nature kingdom.
Elliot Swallow acts as the merchant and head of financial affairs for the Queen, coming from a market-centric, harbor like kingdom.
Cress Shade Cress Shade yes, my bad I thought I answered you already, I have been busy lately with my car and filing claim, etc plus getting a new job!

If you are interested in playing a prince or princess, I am releasing one of my character slots to you I just need to know if you prefer playing a prince or princess.
Cress Shade Cress Shade do you think you can answer soon? Because we now have a player that's interested in being a prince now. If you still want to be an assistant, that's fine though. You get first dibs though. If you want to be a Prince or Princess, I can answer that other player.
if i'm not too late ! of course, feel free to ignore this if you aren't accepting any more princes ^^ but i enjoy drinking tea !

keenan osanos
kai " fog " atwood
prince ( spy / bodyguard )
shadow stealth, shadow teleportation, and thread manipulation

keenan is a unique character, devilishly handsome, but wickedly protective of his friends and family. he puts on an air of charm but is all that more interested in seeing how things play out. he plays dirty, borderline childish in his pettiness, and bickers like you wouldn't believe. keenan is an excellent actor, playing along just out of pure curiosity, sticking his nose into things that'll cause certain death, but that has never deterred him. he carries himself with purpose, and despite his obvious lack of empathy, keenan does care for the few he can consider friends. he follows the queen and, despite his lack of memories has begun to suspect things, but never once has he given that away, offering whatever he's discovered while out and about. of course, keenan isn't against betraying the very people he works with if it means that his family / friends are safe.

aloof, protective, intelligent, reserved, respectful, manipulative, determined, logical, secretive, stubborn, analytical, calm, sly, unpredictable, charismatic, passionate, standoffish, curious, fierce, bold, kind, self-sacrificial, self-destructive, taciturn, ruthless, rebellious, private, cunning, loyal, independent, innovative, adaptive, pessimistic, insensitive, confident, hardworking, resilient
keenan is the eldest prince of the astrophel kingdom, known for their love of the stars and faraway voyages. this particular kingdom is tucked away on the edges of the shore, hidden behind tall pines. the kingdom is made up of hard glass and silver walls. they are well adapted for navigating the stars and their bloodlust, certainly not seen as "evil" but their willingness to protect their kingdom with all they have.

Oh this is such a great reservation. Hmmm, technically I am not taking any new princes or princesses atm, but I say hold on because might open up at least one more slot for each prince and princess. I am waiting to see if a player who reserved an extra char wants to make that char a princess. Think you can wait until then? Thanks.
no worries ^^ i'm more than happy to wait and see how things play out !
no worries ^^ i'm more than happy to wait and see how things play out !

Blue Tea, your reservation has been accepted and I am going to open one more princess slot as a result. Do you have Discord?

2 changes though- Only 2 abilities are allowed and your Prince won't have them right off the bat. These abilities will be uncovered over time. Also, we already have a spy in the group. My prince Richard is the spy slash assassin. Keenan can be a bodyguard though.
yes, i do have discord ( blueblossomtea ) ! sweet - i'll figure out which one to boot then, and sounds good ! i'll keep him as a bodyguard with an interest in investigating if that's alright
Name: Prince Adrian Pagou
Age: 25
Alias: Galleus Solas (Gan for short)

Gan/Adrian is a very honest guy. Actually, he can't stand dishonest people. Hiding your intentions with a fake smile? disgusting. Spewing lies to cover up mistakes? pathetic. Always be honest with Gan/Adrian. If you are, you'd probably be surprised at just how accomadating and understanding he is. He'd go many lengths to help anyone in need, or to solve any problem, as long as those around him remain honest and keep their promises.
1699216759069.png1699216861552.jpeg (Spectral Arms Magic)

Job under the Queen: Prime Enforcer.
His job is essentially to travel wherever the trouble is and resolve it using any means necessary.

Kingdom of origin: Edelstein, The Gemstone Caverns

Far in the frozen north, there is no hope of life. At least, not on the dead icy surface. Whether it was cut over the centuries by slow moving glaciers, or some ancient magic race, no one knows, but beneath the frozen wasteland are the great underground cities of Eldelstein. Caverns of massive size interconnected by a vast network of tunnels. Beneath the occasional roof of solid ice, these subterranean cities are a hub of mining and magic research. Edelstein's deep tunnels are rich not with iron or minerals, but with gemstones. Regular gemstones either went to a local jeweler or exported directly, but the real prize were the magic gemstones. Even low quality magic stones could be used as an efficient (and often beautiful) light source, and those of higher quality drew magic researchers to Edelstein like moths to a flame. In peaceful times it would sometimes be called "The nation of Muscle and Magic" referring to the two main factions of the mining guild and the magic-research guild which more or less ran the nation behind the scenes.

Ok so there's this drink brand called Izze that makes sparkling fruit-juice drinks. They ALSO make Lemonade, and their sparkling blackberry lemonade is the best thing ever.
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Morzone Morzone your char is accepted. Do you have Discord because most of the OOC action is happening there. It's not mandatory though if you don't use it.
Name: Amethyst Pagou
Alias: Amy Chameno
Age: 20
Gemstone - Opal
Kingdom: Edelstein, the Gemstone Caverns
Family: Younger sister of prince Jade Pagou

Amy is what you'd call an 'animal person.' She friendly and sociable, and has a deep fondness for living creatures whether they be birds, mammals, lizards, fish, insects, arachnids, or anything else in the animal kingdom. She has a few hobbies that generally involve some form of swordplay, but these are mainly to placate those around her that say she spends too much time cooped up with animals and not enough time with people.

Stone Mimicry
- Can animate pieces of stone to resemble a creature she has great knowledge of,
it will follow her commands as long as she supplies it magic energy. After which it will either go berserk or fall apart lifeless. The larger the stone, the more energy it takes to animate.

Crystal animation - Using a magic crystal as a catalyst, a sentient (though not particularly intelligent) crystal golem can be created. Each golem has different magical abilities based on what crystal was used, it will remain 'alive' and can regenerate as long as it has magic energy stored in its crystal body.
(I would like to reserve a prince)
Name: Prince Ido Flazox
Age: 22
Alias: Jacuv Aloa

A Calm and collected prince. Ido is a stoic prince that shows little compassion for others. Dedicating himself and his abilities to the Queen is the most worthy pursuit in his eyes. His work is always constant, and there are few people he can stand. Mainyly the Queen and the other princes, as he has to deal with when certain items need a little more brute strength..or money involved to obtain them.

His interests are alchemy and the research of magical items and relics. Before his mind was altered, he was a excited person that wanted to learn about magical items and the past. Then use what he learns for the good of the people...Now though, he is mainly looking for ways to use them for the benefit of the kingdom's power and the Queen.

Job for the Queen:
While trade is negotiated and deals made with coin, stones mined for their properties in the land of ice, rather rare ingredients need a more..personal approach and much research to determine how they would best serve the kingdom. An Alchemist and Researcher set on finding relics, alchemical ingredients and more, to help empower the kingdom and show the glory of his Queen.

Favorite Drink: Malta. It is almost like a syrup. Quite sweet.
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(I would like to reserve a prince)
Name: Prince Ido Flazox
Age: 22
Alias: Jacuv Aloa

A Calm and collected prince. Ido is a stoic prince that shows little compassion for others. Dedicating himself and his abilities to the Queen is the most worthy pursuit in his eyes. His work is always constant, and there are few people he can stand. Mainylythe Queen and the other princes, as he has to deal with when certain items need a little more brute strength..or money involved to obtain them.

His interests are alchemy and the research of magical items and relics. Before his mind was altered, he was a excited person that wanted to learn Magyk and use it for the good of the people and prevent others from misusing it...Now though, he is mainly looking for ways to use them for the benefit of the kingdom's power and the Queen.

View attachment 1128776
View attachment 1128777
Job for the Queen:
While trade is negotiated and deals made with coin, stones mined for their properties in the land of ice, rather rare ingredients need a more..personal approach and much research to determine how they would best serve the kingdom. An Alchemist and and accomplished mage seeking to find relics, alchemical ingredients and more, to help empower the kingdom and show the glory of his Queen.

Hey thanks! I'll accept your reservation if you read the rules one more time because you forgot something important. I am fine with your guy being an alchemist, just one thing too, he can't use magic (yet). By blocking his memories, Ivelda also prevent the princes (and princesses) from knowing they have magic within them since they're not aware their royals and true heirs to the kingdoms of Rhindeval.
Hey thanks! I'll accept your reservation if you read the rules one more time because you forgot something important. I am fine with your guy being an alchemist, just one thing too, he can't use magic (yet). By blocking his memories, Ivelda also prevent the princes (and princesses) from knowing they have magic within them since they're not aware their royals and true heirs to the kingdoms of Rhindeval.
Well shoot, middle school quizes all over again. important bit done, and also took away mage. Just a researcher and alchemist for the Queen.
Well shoot, middle school quizes all over again. important bit done, and also took away mage. Just a researcher and alchemist for the Queen.

LOL good thing I rechecked your original reservation lol. Thanks! Your reservation is accepted. Do you have Discord because the OOC action happens there?
Making a reservation:
Real Name: Deianira Belladonna - Alias: Circe Highwater - Role: Princess - Age: 22 - Pendant: Ruby
Favorite drink: frozen coffee
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Awesome! Your reservation is accepted. Do you have Discord? It's not required, but most of the OOC action happens there.
I do have discord! I'm Sunsmiter on discord(same username everywhere), but I can't access discord until I get home.
Alias: Rebecca Nattev
Real Name: Raina Rel Haviettna (Kingdom of Havintena)
Age: 21
Pendant: Topaz (Yellow)
A bold, cynical and cunning woman that values loyalty and disdains hesitation.

Favourite drink: My favourite is Hot Chocolate, Rebecca's would be Dandelion Tea
Alias: Rebecca Nattev
Real Name: Raina Rel Haviettna (Kingdom of Havintena)
Age: 21
Pendant: Topaz (Yellow)
A bold, cynical and cunning woman that values loyalty and disdains hesitation.

Favourite drink: My favourite is Hot Chocolate, Rebecca's would be Dandelion Tea

Your reservation is approved. Now I just need a 6th prince lol. Do you have Discord? It's not mandatory to join, but it's where most of the OOC action happens.
Your reservation is approved. Now I just need a 6th prince lol. Do you have Discord? It's not mandatory to join, but it's where most of the OOC action happens.
Yup yup, no worries if you can't find one lol, i'll see if i can take on a supporting role with a dif character instead if necessary. Or turn Rebecca to the dark side or something fun like that. My discord username is feathers95 ๐Ÿ‘

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