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Fantasy Four Heavenly Kings: CS Thread

    Jackson Reese Alessi
    "Passion, Justice, Morals? Perhaps you're too eager to fulfill the whims of others."
    Jackson Reese Alessi
    20 [Arc 2] 21 [Arc 3] (Janurary 9th, 2001)
    5'5" (165 cm) | 127 lb (57.5 kg)
    Rookie of the Azure Dragons
    Shithead Bully who tends to act better than he speaks
    Home District
    East District
    Jackson is a young adult male who has the top of his hair bleached blonde. Despite this often his naturally black hair is left alone with his undercut. The shoddy bleaching is clear and speaks more to the hair being bleached semi-unwillingly. He's a little under average height and noticable thin in an unhealthy way. Despite everything pointing to him not taking much care of himself he's always hygenic and well dressed at least attempting to look like he has his shit together. His has a single ear piercing in his left ear.
    Jackson is a serious person who is always thinking of the best way to get things done. He spends a lot of time in his own head, yet despite his analytical mind he can often be prone to negative emotional overload as he tends to bottle up everything inside. He's remarkably intelligent and curious, and damn does he know how to use it often getting the upper hand in debates by laying traps with his silver tongue.

    Despite being a person who surrounds themselves with people he's got a rather thorny personality. Beyond his blunt insults and habitual manipulation, he's really not much of a people person either. He has very little patience for "good apples" and tends to be somewhat of a bully to those around him. His actions paint a different picture however as he's the first ready to smack down someone who has crossed the lines. He knows how to place the role of a "good dragon" but he's far from a kind person.

    His age may be deceiving as the little punk is already quite the casanova and can be found with his nose in the brothels for all the wrong reasons. A face that has been well known in the district for years. He's been on both sides of the transaction and can play with the worst of them, often acting as though it was some scorecard to a game he was the only one playing. Plus if he gets a little cash from his games? All the better.
    Jackson was born in the south, despite this he doesn't have many concrete memories of the area as his mother moved them out when he was still in his infancy. From the little he's heard from her stories, not only would she not be welcome back but if they were ever to find out she hadn't died more than just herself would die.

    Jackson's first real memories consist of his first few days in his lowbrow northern primary school smack dab in the middle of Riverwood. Despite his mother's warning about always being careful who he associates with he was quick to stick his nose into the business of others often causing problems for both himself and others. Perhaps because of this one of Jackson's only real friends, Bash, was one of the few that could look trouble in the face and have it shit its pants. Without really meaning to Jackson skirted a lot of his initial childhood problems by riding on the coattails of Bash's reputation.

    As they got older Jackson did his best to support his friend in any way he possibly could. While he would have preferred this being through convincing his friend to actually come to school for something more than contributing to his revolving door of suspensions, it wound up being more than often help through offering a safe and stable environment. Jackson's door was always open for his friend. While it was never really stated both mother and son considered their third room Bash's more than a guest room.

    However decent of a life Jackson had was always on borrowed time. It was in his late high school years that problems really started to arise. Jackson found himself clashing with his closest friend. His mother's past wouldn't stay buried forever. At first, it was simple enough, a serpent or two come sent from Yuudai to get his mother back in the game working for the serpents instead of the phoenixes. But that was a dangerous game indeed. A denial, a fight, and they went running back to HQ like the rats they were.

    If it were to stop there perhaps things would have been able to be salvaged in his life.

    A series of thugs of the serpents took matters into their own hands trying to get Euphoria to bend and join. Stalking her to her residence. Frequent attack attempts against the woman when she was out. An attack on the house. When fighting wouldn't work... it was time to bring in her pacifistic son into the equation. As expected Phyllis flipped, but these men had never Euphoria come out to play. She sadistically attacked back... until her power unleashed to its max and snapped back greatly injuring the woman.

    That was the day Jackson killed off any part that felt bad about hurting others. He sang until the assholes were all but dead their unconscious bodies of no concern to the boy. After dragging his mother to a hospital he was quick to gather anything he could need for an immediate fleeing. That was five years ago and he hasn't once looked back since. leaving only a letter to his friend Bash behind. "Get the fuck out before they eat you alive."

    A few months later and after some rehabilitation Jackson and the now Disabled Phyllis were moving into a shitty apartment in Littleleaf [Zone 2 East]. Fuck if he was going to continue to accept the ruthlessness of the Serpents even running as far as he had. No Jackson was not going to be accepting anyone's shit any further. The scrapes between Littleleaf and the North were only chances for him to further blow off steam as he would consistently fight people off after they'd crossed into the East to start problems. It was only a matter of time before this behavior would have him receiving an invitation from the Dragons themselves. Seeing it as a further way to rake in some extra income to help both himself and his mother he quickly accepted.

    Phyllis "Euphoria" Macar-Alessi: Jackson's mother. While the woman is always supportive of her son and the two share a close relationship they are often at odds due to the differences in how their potentials work. While Jackson's has always been marginally dangerous for his own health for sustain periods, Phyllis's sacrifices both mental stability and physical health for extremely powerful blows leaving her having several moments of mental instability while raising Jackson. He quickly learned to recognize the signs and hide when his mother was in one of her states.

    Bash Hirabayashi: TBA

    Kasumi Katsura: TBA

    Kanna Katsura: TBA

    Ruriko Ikeda: TBA

    Jesper Albrecht: TBA

    Tina Smith: TBA

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    jericho s. madden
    jericho sterling madden
    21 (june 11th, 2001)
    cis-male | pansexual (w/ a strong male lean)
    6'4" (193 cm) | 212 lbs (96 kg)
    rookie of the scarlet phoenixes
    march 10th, 2020
    silly lil demon spawn; chili pepper lookin' ass
    Home District
    south district
    jericho is incredibly easy to pick out of a crowd. he's roughly 6'4 and has maroon hair, bright red skin, and piercing golden eyes. atop his head are two darker red horns; half of the right horn appears to have been broken off. all of jericho's teeth are very sharp and his canine teeth are longer than the rest; his tongue is a deep maroon and forked like a snake's. in addition, he has pointed ears and a long tail with a spade-like tip.

    notes: - usually smells like strawberry and vanilla taffy (he likes fun scented shampoos, etc etc.), but also faintly of smoke
    - wears a broken rolex on his right wrist (he does not take this off unless it's to shower or during a fight. it belonged to his father)
    - wears a chain around his neck with both of his parent's wedding bands hanging from it
    - has a lot of piercings in his ears, a double eyebrow piercing, and a septum piercing
    - heavy scarring on his arms, all self-inflicted (it's an addiction and something he still struggles with). wears black armbands to cover his arms.
    [please don't talk to me about this. i know it's scuffed as hell.]

    jericho is a very intense person. he is impulsive, rash, and generally isn't the smartest guy you'll ever meet; he can be incredibly dense and is very oblivious to the way other people feel. growing up beating his emotions back with a metal pipe definitely didn't do him any favours, but it could have been worse. once you get past his loud and intense personality, rico can be surprisingly chill. the people that he considers friends or family mean the world to him, anyone else is not worth wasting his energy on.

    truthfully, he enjoys the quiet and spends a lot of his free time focusing on his hobbies (anything arts and crafts + restoring vehicles). he never leaves anything unfinished and will put his all into whatever it is he's doing. although very hardworking if something doesn't catch jericho's attention he will put little to no effort into it; if it doesn't interest him, it isn't worth his time.

    + arts and crafts
    + dancing (specifically ballet)
    + guitar
    + frogs
    + spiders
    + doing his friend's makeup
    + ur mom lmao

    - candy
    - fizzy drinks
    - bugs
    - bullies
    - other stuff

    general refs:

    ballet refs:
    (both male + female parts of the dance apply)

    jericho was born to an hp mother and an np father. he had a relatively normal childhood, though many didn't believe that he was his parents' biological son- his parents looked about as normal as anyone else. his father had black hair, tan skin, and blue eyes, and his mother had pale skin, blonde hair, and hazel eyes. jericho didn't resemble them in the slightest and people reminded him of that as often as they could.

    kids are cruel, especially to those who are different; so, naturally, they taunted and teased jericho. it started with being called 'monster' and getting pushed around a bit. at first, he tried to fight back but quickly realized that no matter what he did he would always be the one that got in trouble. his parents unfortunately agreed and insisted it would be better to just deal with it, it would stop eventually. as he got older it slowly worsened, it went from simple teasing to being attacked and each time he endured it without complaint because he trusted his parents and believed them when they said it would get better.

    it never got better.

    it continued to escalate, but no matter what jericho never fought back. however, that all changed when the fire nation attacked when jericho was 14. he had been walking home from school and was jumped by some schoolmates; they assaulted him, held him down, and then broke one of his horns. this incident was his breaking point and he started acting out, he fought back against anyone that so much as looked at him the wrong way.

    at 17 his parents were killed in a home invasion and he was forced into foster care because legally he wasn't old enough to live on his own. no one trusted him to begin with, but after the deaths of his parents, no foster home kept him for longer than two or three weeks. no matter what jericho said, they believed he killed his parents, and because of that he ended up in 18 different fosters homes; no one wanted him. a year of that hell went by and the day he turned 18 he was gone; jericho left and never looked back.

    After the murder of his parents, finding himself a prisoner to residential services, Jericho bounced from foster home to foster home, eventually finding himself with the Stepanovs in the South District, a family of four: Igraine Stepanov (Mother), Alexsei Stepanov (Father), Eva and Anastasia Sepanov (Daughters).

    They were a tight-knit family, all NPs and mysterious in some ways, but welcomed Jericho like one of their own despite telling him from the beginning: โ€œWe wonโ€™t have you long before youโ€™re onto the next, kid. So donโ€™t get too comfortable, but enjoy your stay while it lasts.โ€

    Bandy and Jericho meet: 2018, December 20th
    --On this fateful day, for somewhat unexplained reasons, Jericho was made to stay home while Igraine took Eva and Ana to the winter festival in Central.

    --Roughly 45-minutes after Igraine and the girls had left the home, a man arrived, whom Jericho had never met during the two months heโ€™d been staying with the Stepanov family.

    --Before the man (Kuzma) had made it to the doorstep, Alexsei said to Jericho: โ€œStay in the living room and keep your mouth shutโ€ฆ Igraine and the girls are never to know this man was here.โ€ Then the doorbell rang, and Alexsei allowed the man in.

    --Alexsei and the man (Kuzma) disappeared into Alexseiโ€™s study, but not before the man inquired about Jericho. โ€œHeโ€™s a foster. We wonโ€™t be keeping him long,โ€ was all Alexsei had said.

    --For a long time, maybe an hour, the house was quiet. Until three strangers (Barbados, Boo, and Bandy) made their entrance into the home, unannounced and without a word to Jericho as they strolled past, only two of them (Barbados and Bandy) disappearing into Alexseiโ€™s study while the third (Boo) did a walkthrough of the house for cameras. Then, after about ten minutes passed, (Barbados and Bandy) moved in and out of the study, back and forth from a van parked out front. They carried cleaning supplies, buckets, barrels, bags, etc. And a lot of noise could be heard, such as the sound of a vacuum and some mechanical grinding.

    --When all went quiet, the three of (Boo, Bandy, and Barbados) left the house to wait outside, the fourth (Kuzma) sticking back to โ€œtalkโ€ to Jericho. โ€œIโ€™m just gonna have a word with the kidโ€ฆ Call it a wrong place, wrong time,โ€ heโ€™d said. And (Bandy) eventually caught on. When he did, he made a scene of it, rushing into the home where he and (Kuzma) were at a disagreement. They fought over whether or not to let Jericho live until (Boo) put it up to a vote, which ultimately fell in (Bandyโ€™s) favor, as (Boo) and (Barbados) cared a lot for (Bandy) even if they didnโ€™t agree with every shot he called.

    --Jericho got snarky, however, and struck a nerve in (Kuzma). However, when (Kuzma) moved to put the hurt on Jericho, Jericho made a damn good show of his ability to defend himself. Before things got out of hand, Barbados took control of the situation.

    --They were gone then, the four strangers, and Jericho was left alone. Alexsei never came out of his study again. When, later, police got involved, Jericho was questioned but couldnโ€™t be held accountable for a grown man going missing due to a lack of evidence against him.

    --Jerichoโ€™s time at the Stepanov household came to an end.

    Bandy grants Jericho his wings: 2020, March 10th
    --No longer were his days of bouncing from home to home as a prisoner of the cityโ€™s residential services, for Jericho had come of age and been granted his freedom. It took some timeโ€”it took some struggleโ€”but he had managed to find work as a clerk at a musical instrument and equipment store, and things had been looking up.

    --On this unfortunate day, Jerichoโ€™s workplace was bought out and all of the employees were let go. Replaced. He stopped by a gas station on the way back to his apartment where he fell witness to a car crashing through the building. Not just one, but two.

    --From the first vehicle, a terrified man scrambled out of the passengerโ€™s side; a calm and collected man, suited and armed, stepped out from the driverโ€™s. At the same time, two men exited the vehicle that had come second. Two men whom Jericho had met before, (Bandy and Kuzma).

    --Before long, Bandy and Kuzma subdued the sophisticated-looking man and captured the other. Everyone who had been in the gas station before that was gone, employees and customers alike, for fear of being dragged into obvious gang violence.

    --When Kuzma went around the clerk's counter to casually swipe all of the cash in the register before they were going to leave and finish their workโ€”โ€œMight as well~ Itโ€™s already there,โ€ heโ€™d saidโ€”thatโ€™s when he found Jericho. Immediate recognition. How can you forget skin that bright? And those horns- or horn.

    --Bandy and Kuzma talked to Jericho then, with Kuzma eager to put the hurt on the boy that heโ€™d once been denied the opportunity of doing. But Bandy; he was more interested in who Jericho was, so he got personal. Time was of the essence. โ€œItโ€™s a silly games fate plays, kid,โ€ Bandy had said, intrigued by the nature of their second, unlikely encounter.

    --When, finally, the offer was made for Jericho to join the Phoenixes, after hearing a bit about Jericho's day, Bandy told Jericho: "Alls ya gotta do kick this guys ass," and pointed at Kuzma, "And make it quick. 'Fore the cops get here." Following that, Bandy and Jericho loaded the now-unconscious Kuzma and their Targetโ„ข๏ธ up into the vehicle Bandy had arrived in and made off.

    bandy โœจ
    boo โœจ
    barbados โœจ
    callista โœจ
    teddie โœจ (friends to lovers to enemies) (they met when jericho was 13 and teddie was 14. friends for a year, then they dated (jericho was 14, teddie was 15). broke up after being together for a little over a year and have been enemies ever since)
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    Nona-me Gregor
    22 (Sept 27, 2000)
    No Name
    5'10" (177.8 cm) | 158 lb (72kg)
    Rookie of the Azure Dragons
    Neighborhood Witch
    Home District
    East District
    Nona-me has an upside-down triangle shaped body with her upper body being decently muscular, making her 158lbs at 5'10. Her skin is rather dark and her eyes and curly hair match in color, though her hair has an extra pop of silver.

    She likes to wear hippie gothic clothes, the style making up most of her wardrobe due to the comfort and aesthetic. She has an affinity for the stars, which pattern a good chunk of her clothes.
    Nona-me would never hurt a fly. A human being, however, is another story.

    She has other things to do, though, such as ponder over the concept and causes of death itself or contemplate the traditional folktales that stick to her mind like glue. Perhaps she'll even bring up her admiration for fellow HPs.

    Ultimately, however, what she enjoys most is learning about anything at all.
    Nona-me was born as all little girls are. Embraced in the arms of the world, at its complete mercy.

    And, as all little girls should, she explored every inch of the Eastern forest she was born in. She experimented with everything, discovering her potential while making the worldโ€™s nastiest mud smoothie.

    Sometimes, as her father busied himself outside of the home, her mother would take Nona-me and her brother to the brightly lit city to see the decorated oriental buildings. Awe was always reflected by the lights shining on her eyes. Occasionally on their tour, theyโ€™d see other people just like her, those with significant potential. And, just like all healthy little girls did, she wished to be with her kin.

    One day, as she helped her father log, a simple question passed her lips. She was given a stick, a carving knife, and a warm smile. Time passed and, soon, she had the worldโ€™s smallest axe and a newfound friend. An object that would keep her company the rest of her life.

    Days passed since Nona-meโ€™s birth. She, as the lucky girls do, aged. Her appreciation for the world evolved as she did, unlike the axe she held, which was almost static in an evermoving world.

    Just like all little girls, she extended a hand to the world and, luckily, was extended one in return. She gave her motivation and she was given a degree. She gave her heart and she was given the stars. She gave her potential, and she was given a spot in the Dragons.

    Now more often surrounded by the lights she admired when she was young and the people sheโ€™d call her flesh and blood, she only hoped itโ€™d last forever.
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    Sebastian Se
    22 (June 9th, 2000)
    5'11" (180 cm) | 165lbs (75kg)
    Prosecutor of the NOPD
    Zealous, soft police officer
    Home District
    East District
    Sebastian is a man with dark green hair that has been carefully messed up with hair product. He wears a thin layer of makeup to accentuate his features, and he has a tongue piercing that he likes to show off to make himself look more "attuned with the punks". He has sea-green eyes. When he is off-duty, he wears a white jacket with a hood. Despite being tall-ish, the way he stands makes him feel a bit shorter than he actually is.

    Sebastian does own clothing for when he is exclusively working as an officer (often to fill in shifts that people need him to cover) or as a prosecutor (usually in the courtroom). Otherwise, he wears a button-up shirt, tie, standard police trousers and shoes, and a jacket with the New Oasis Police Department insignia on the sleeve.
    Sebastian is a soft-spoken but outgoing man who hangs onto virtuous ideals of peace, prosperity, and order. Although this is quite in line with the Dragon way of thinking, Sebastian believes that the government should be the ones wielding this power. He works his job with zeal and propriety, with the naive hope that New Oasis could still be saved.

    As a serial killer, he retains his soft-spoken nature, although he dons a sadistic teasing tone. He has an aptitude for empathy, which makes killing people all the more thrilling to him. Towards a select few of his victims he will spare their lives in admiration of them. Sebastian has reconciled with the fact that his morals have been corrupted by his serial killing side hustle and does not bother with trying to spin it to be morally right.
    Sebastian grew up surrounded by the manufactured utopia of the East District. While he basked in its glory, he also distinctively knew that this sort of peace should've been enforced by the police, not by the gangs.

    During high school, Sebastian studied law as a hobby, finding interest in the dichotomy of what Amestria believes is right or wrong and how they punish criminals compared to the Dragons. This experience proved useful when he was forced to defend himself pro se in court after being accused of killing someone. The evidence was shaky at best, and there was nothing pinning Sebastian to the crime. And so, expectedly, Sebastian was acquitted of all charges.

    After the trial, Sebastian realized that if he was tried by the Dragons, he would've simply been killed on the spot. The police and the justice system was simply more fair for Sebastian. And so, when he graduated high school, he immediately enrolled into the police academy, and after graduating, immediately enrolled into the police force.

    But around this time, Sebastian also decided to try his luck at the bar exam, as he had studied so much law in his free time that he often knew the law as well as defense attorneys. Although he had some obvious gaps in knowledge that the bar exam exposed, Sebastian was still able to eek by and get certified to be a prosecutor of the state. The city also negotiated with the police department to allow Sebastian a special position as both a police officer and a state attorney.

    And that's how Sebastian got to where he was. A slightly odd prosecutor who accompanied officers to crime scenes, who fought for justice with propriety and a naive hope that New Oasis could still be saved from the effects of the gang. Granted, he was a bit weird in that he often ate dinner at West District casinos (which wasn't illegal since he wasn't gambling) and every-so-often visited brothels in the East (which was definitely illegal), but that was about all the public knew.

    But that's not quite all of the story.

    The murder that Sebastian had been accused of in high school that he got acquitted for? Well, the truth was, he had done the crime. Sebastian had reveled in the power that murder provided, and so he became responsible for a string of serial murders. Even while working as a prosecutor, he will sate his thirst for blood by killing in his spare time. The police are aware of a string of murders, but they have yet to connect them to Sebastian.
    Julian Midgley: One day, when Sebastian was doing a particularly messy murder, Julian came across the scene of the crime. Getting his silence through murder didn't work due to Sebastian's immediate respect for Julian, so he instead bribed his silence through food. Sebastian appreciates whenever Julian goes along with Sebastian whenever Sebastian goes to commit murder. That along with going out for food every so often caused Sebastian to gain a markedly solid impression of Julian. But whenever Sebastian stared into Julian's alluring and mysterious arctic eyes, whenever Julian made physical contact and caused Sebastian's heart to skip a beat, or whenever Sebastian had an urge to brush a rogue strand of Julian's hair over his ear, Sebastian was seeing Julian as more than just a friend. He just hasn't acknowledged or confessed those feelings yet

    Mizra Kartal: Sebastian is one of Mizra's customers at the Eternal Night Palace, often stopping by every few weeks or so.

    Eric Evensen: Sebastian is annoyed at the lackadaisical approach to policing, believing that Eric should be a better role model. However, he does respect Eric as a superior and enjoys spending time with him in the break room. In the evenings, he will go out with Eric for a drink at the bar, and often will play Valorant with him late into the night.

    Guinevere Blank: They were students in the police academy. Sebastian has a small bit of fear for Guin, as he believes that she will be the one to solve Sebastian's string of murders
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    Somewhere in his 20s (Unknown)
    Fault; Musai; Mumu; Muji; Muzilla
    6'0" (183 cm) | 140 lb (64 kg)
    Veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Homie for Hire, M.V.P (Most Valuable Part-timer)
    Home District
    South District
    Mugen is brown skinned with messy, black hair that stops above his shoulders. He has a muscular but lanky build and has lip-stache and small goatee on his chin. One of Musai defining features is his eyes, with one being black and the other having cherry-red iris, with the sclarea being a dingy yellow. Musai is usually seen wearing beach shirt over a custom T-shirt and a pair of joggers. Most people will ever rarely see him wear actual shoes, preferring tow ear sandals or flip-flops instead.
    He is fond of fighting and has a tendency to pick fights for petty reasons. Musai is extremely competitive and will take on any and all challengers to further test his skills and potential use it as a means of self-improvement for combat. However, Musai tends to be greedy. Given he grew up impoverished most of his life, he puts a high value on gain. He would arrange goals in terms of the highest profit he could gain from them and was often unwilling to involve himself in something if there was nothing to gain from it, as well as claiming that he tended to forget opponents who were not worth any money after he was done with them. Despite his materialism, Musai's loyal and is more than down to back up those within in the gang or those he likes in general.

    Musai never got a formal education growing up, so he tends to be fascinated by things he's never seen before which leads to him either growing a deeper appreciate for the knowledge he gains or completely renounces if it makes no sense to him as Musai is actually rather introspective, having to look at things from different perspectives through-out his life, allowing him to empathize with others easier though he'll rarely ever show it outright to prevent being manipulated by others. Musai is also cautious and patient despite his crass and brash personality. Given that he prides himself on being the best at any job given to him, he's willing to put in the time and effort to adapt his skillset to whatever needs to be done.
    Musai grew in Hiraeth City and lived as an orphan on the streets for most of his childhood. Musai grew up without having his potential yet, leaving him and many other street kids at the mercy of gangs and corporations of the city in order to get by. While it gave him certain skills to use to his advantage, he was still at the bottom of the latter economically and genetically. As a result, Musai learned had form close bonds with some people while betraying others for his own survival. Under unknown circumstances, he unlocked his potential and left the city and traveled on foot to wherever his feet could take him. Little to none of his friends know where he was and how he survived the harsh environments.

    During this trek Musai has visited several other cities and towns as vagabond and resulted to thievery, murder, and unintentional arson in an attempt to survive while also branding himself as a known and wanted criminal, being wanted in several areas as a result. Musai would eventually come across a woman he referred to as the "Glass Lady". Though unclear of the specifics of their meeting, Musai began to learn basic education from the Glass Lady, from reading, and writing, and counting, and began to develop his own taste in other things such as music, dance, movies, and art. She even trained Musai as to gain a better grasp on his potential as Musai either neglected to use it or used it on accident, which resulted in very deadly aftermaths. Sometime later, he found himself in New Oasis and once he got acquainted to how things operated within the city, he opted to join the Scarlet Phoenixes as another means to his own survival. However, what started out as a means to an end became a new way to live for Musai as he became attached to the bond the Scarlet Phoenixes upheld. While the gang life wasn't new to Musai, the idea of family was, and he'd be lying to himself he didn't find comfort and belonging within it.
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    Teddie Tucker
    22 (November 27, 1999)
    Non-binary, he/they
    ~5'6" (167 cm) | 330.7 lb (150 kg)
    Veteran of the Sable Serpents
    December 28, 2014
    Home District
    North District
    In place of skin, Tar is covered in a hot tar-like substance, that drips down his body. His thick head of hair glistens, also affected by his potential. His facial features remain intact, and you can see a pair of dull green eyes and a smile between the tar. He has a strong build, but his shape is obscured by heavy clothing, as he always wears protective firefighter clothing.

    Due to his potential, he can drop his humanoid form at will, morphing his body to his liking.

    Teddie has two arms
    Tar is an incredibly unhinged individual, driven by blood lust and a craving for that powerful feeling of dominance. Theyโ€™ll kill someone for insulting them, theyโ€™ll kill someone for complimenting them, theyโ€™ll kill someone for minding their own business. Theyโ€™ll kill a member of their own gang and laugh the whole time, though they have enough awareness to avoid targeting anyone prominent in the Serpents. Tar appears to have great admiration for the leaders, wishing he were in that position instead.

    Though Tar has a few constant obsessions in his life โ€” his partner, his daughter, and the leaders, all of whom he is devoted towards โ€” he is prone to fleeting obsessions too. He might end up sparing someone heโ€™d normally kill without thinking, only so he can stalk them over the next month. Sometimes this works out in the personโ€™s favour, other times it just means prolonged torture from the sadist. It always ends the same though, he gets bored and finds someone new. On the topic of his family though, Tar would never harm his partner or child, they get only loving treatment from him, a side most couldnโ€™t dream of him having.

    Tar can often be found sitting in a dark corner of the dingiest bars in the city, like a lion in the grass waiting for the opportune time to strike. He can also be seen playing pool or poker, often being over-confident in his skills, and also enjoys watching, and occasionally participating in street fights. He is a drug user like many in the district, but he is especially hooked on the Potential Steroids the gang specializes in.

    (CW: Mention of suicide, drug abuse, and child murder)
    November 27, 1999 -
    If Tar had come from a family with higher standing in society, their birth mightโ€™ve garnered more attention. A messy birth โ€” messier than usual โ€” on a stained mattress in North District produced a very messy baby. Neither their parents nor their siblings anticipated the mass of tar that wriggled and cried like normal, but they were part of the family now.

    2006-2013 - Though loved by their 4 siblings (Petra, James, Iris, and Byrne), Tar didnโ€™t have a happy home life. Things were going alright at the point of Tarโ€™s birth, but their parents fell on hard times, becoming abusive and neglectful. Both parentsโ€™ drink and drug habits left the family with little money to spend on essentials, and one day his mother was found dead on the kitchen floor after an overdose.

    Not long after that, his father left home as well. His body was dredged from a river months later, but all Tar and their siblings knew were that he wasnโ€™t coming back.

    After the loss of their parents, Tarโ€™s 3 elder siblings (Petra, James, and Iris) became head of the house. Being in their teens, they couldโ€™ve gotten jobs, but they didnโ€™t need to. They already had jobs, as leaders of the Tucker Gang, named after themselves. Though they had kept details of their โ€œjobโ€ secret from their younger siblings and parents, their small house now became a hive of activity for local youths in this โ€œgangโ€.

    Tar was initiated into the gang before he hit double digits, with his strength as an HP being an obvious asset despite lacking in maturity. They terrorized their neighbourhood for several years.

    2014-2018 - The Tucker Gang were doing quite well for themselves in their little pond, but soon their progress came to a halt after a visit from the Sable Serpents. Of course, everyone in the gang knew who the Serpents were, and Tar was no exception. He idolized the big fish in the North and strived to make the Tucker Gang like them, so he was elated when the family was told to merge into them or suffer the consequences.

    Opinions were split. Tar, Petra, and James agreed to merge, knowing that they had little choice anyway. Iris, on the other hand, rejected the merge and left with her supporters to continue the Tucker Gang.

    It mightโ€™ve seemed like that was that, Tar was a Serpent now and his sister was not, but his new superiors had one job for him first. Destroy the Tucker Gang. Tar was hesitant, after all, Iris was family, but once he entered the Tucker Gangโ€™s new property, high on stimulants and potential-enhancing drugs, there was no stopping him. When he was finished, the property was burned to the ground. The dismembered corpses of not just Iris, but his younger brother Byrne, and many of his old friends littered the charred earth.

    Tar fit in quickly, becoming feared for his bloodthirsty nature, prone to drug-fuelled rages against friend and foe alike.

    2019 - Someone on the street caught Tarโ€™s attention as he drove one night, a scantily clad prostitute shivering in the rain, staring him down. This was Eliza Tucker, formerly a more dignified brothel worker in the East District, forced to flee due to her violent tendencies. Her past or profession didnโ€™t matter to Tar, he was infatuated with her, and soon, she warmed up to him too. Eliza joined the Serpents that same year.

    July 31, 2020 - After almost a year together, Tar and Eliza welcomed their first child, a girl named Carlisle Tucker. They are far from being good parents, but they agreed to do everything they could for their child.

    Present - Tar remains a respected and feared veteran of the Serpents today. Eliza recently took leave from the gang, after finding out she is pregnant with a second child. They bought a house in a quiet area just outside of the city, to offer their child privacy, though Tar often stays in the city for days or weeks at a time, due to them being more involved in the gang.
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    Tatsuo Iori
    25 (August 6th, 1996)
    The Miko
    5'6 (167.6 cm) | 121 lbs (55 kg)
    NOPD Chaplain
    Just being around her soothes the soul.
    Home District
    Central District
    Tatsuo is a composed and elegant lady, maintaining a quiet presence unless directly spoken to. Her long black hair, shiny smooth, practically floats behind her as she walks. Other than that, her image is pretty simple. She is usually seen in her miko attire, sometimes sporting a red ribbon on the back of her head.
    Tatsuo is a tranquil and gentle soul, wielding a soft and comforting cadence demeanor. She's a kind presence amid others, and is always more than willing to help or hear others out. Tatsuo never judges nor thinks ill of people, leaving their ultimate fates for the millions of kami to decide; whether they're benevolent or malicious. She's had unyielding patience as a result. Her priorities always lie with saving others, even if they're wicked individuals, though she will not hesitate to protect herself and her friends. Tatsuo firmly believes the law and the police will help uphold things in the end, and has done her best to follow things by the book.

    The only time Tatsuo will show a hint of displeasure would be if you lacked simple respect within her shrine...

    Tatsuo perked up, and before her was the bright orange kitsune. It stared at her motionlessly, digging its gaze into the girl. Even through the dark of night, Tatsuo somehow understood what it wanted: for her to follow. As it hopped through the bush it came from, she did as well.

    The trail was pitch black, and every step she took barefoot made a repulsive squish between her toes. But she faithfully followed the kitsune, and she ended up in a place that wasn't anywhere like the East District. A bright lavender hue set in, and she walked a dry, dirt road beneath hundreds of enormous torii gates. With nowhere else to go, Tatsuo followed the kitsune through the path. Halfway through, thousands of white orbs swirled around as if to eye her. At the final torii gate, a vast expanse of peace and conviction entered her mind.

    Tatsuo went limp, floating in the air in a lying-down position. The orb spread out, and it was as if she were adrift in space.

    Then her eyes fluttered open, and the morning sun peeked through her window. She was in her bedroom... yet still floating, and still with the swarm of orbs surrounding her. Her father walked in after hearing a commotion, blanching at the sight. He believed then and there that his daughter was blessed by the kami.

    Of course, that wasn't trueโ€”a manifestation of her Potential was all it was, but that didn't matter to Tatsuo's father or herself. For a family devoted to Isonism (ee-so-nism) (equivalent of Shintoism), they were more than willing to see it as the former.

    Tatsuo lived in a quiet residence with her family. Together, they ran a shrine that all sorts attendedโ€”some people more special than others (as she learned later, were the Azure Dragons), she noticed. Her father talked to her about the ideal life they lived; how peaceful it was, and that the peace was what every society should strive for.

    Within their community, Tatsuo's father and the Katsuras' got along particularly well. As such, the three naturally grew up close together, forming a bond that seemingly wouldn't fold in a lifetime. But whereas the Katsuras' father was a proud Dragon, Iori's was known for his tranquil complacencyโ€”a civilian loyal to the Dragons solely for the peace they upheld. Tatsuo herself believed the Dragons to be virtuous guardians, doing things by the book and ultimately fair to all.

    She never did like violence.

    In her teens, Tatsuo became a full-fledged shrine-maiden, and would even go on to assist the Dragons whenever she could, be it through boosting them with her kami or offering menial support. None of it anything serious, but it was to a point where she may as well have been considered one of them. So when she received an invitation alongside Kanna and Kasumi, the outcome seemed obvious.

    In honor of the would-be acceptance, the twins invited her alongside an impromptu Dragon assignment, so she could get a taste of what was to come.

    A taste that spoiled the ideal image of the Dragons she'd fed herself. She learned firsthand that day exactly how the Dragons keep the peace. She watched her lifelong friend, Kanna, murder in the name of said peace.

    What good was peace, if it was enforced through violence? She posed that question to the twins. To her father. Peace is always the result of hard, hard work; that was all the answer he gave with a resigned look on his face. The law of the Dragons was not to be questioned.

    Tatsuo left the invitation where she found it, and never touched it again.

    While the Katsuras dug themselves further into the Dragons' notoriety, Tatsuo split away from her home and all she knew. She left the east, seeking the peace she dreamed of elsewhere. She still kept in touch with her family, but made it clear she would not return.

    She found it in the Central District Police Department. Now, the people in the district lived lives far different from what she knew in the east. Things were not perfect. The idea of crime was ever apparent. But if there was anything, it was that (most of) the citizens were thankful to the police. The police, though understaffed and underpowered in face of the four surrounding gangs, made it their mission to fight for what was right.

    For Tatsuo, that was what mattered most.

    She enrolled in a police academy, wanting nothing more than to help. In 2020, she enlisted in the force, becoming the police chaplain. Assigned to provide emotional, moral, and spiritual support, Tatsuo set up a small but beautiful shrine beside the CDPD headquarters. It has become her sanctuary, and anyone is welcome to stop by. She has stuck around up to now, and maintains this new shrine daily.



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    Keith Carlin Sullivan
    20 (May 24, 2002)
    5'8" (172 cm) |150lb (68 kg)
    Rookie of the Azure Dragons
    Late 2021
    Looking out for himself
    Home District
    East District
    A young boy with crimson hair and cherry eyes, only noteworthy thing is that he always wears gloves and long sleeves even during the summer.
    Keith could be best described as a damaged soul, hurting badly from grief and survivor's guilt, yet slowly starting to move on and heal.

    Keith is overall pretty shy and gloomy, having a hard time seeing the positive side of things, but his behavior can change quickly as he's easily influenced by other people's words. He's a terrible conversationalist, always failing to continue coming up with things to say on a certain topic for an extended period of time, although on the other hand he's a great listener, having no issue hearing what people have to say even if it lasts for hours.

    He prioritizes self-preservation above all else, believing that joining and sticking to the Azure Dragons to be the best choice in order to survive this cruel world which took everything from him, and even if he may disagree with the gang's more unsavory ideologies or actions, is willing to execute any order he might be given in order to stay on the gang's good side.

    Keith also possesses a deep hatred for the Sable Serpents, the chaotic gang being the culprit for the loss of his entire family, and sincerely believes that showing any sort of mercy to a serpent is not only irrational, but also straight up doing a disservice to the city.

    Keith Carlin Sullivan was born in Maclim, a small city far away in Northern Amestria, and was the younger son in a happy family of four.

    Aside from the fact that he was born an HP, Keith was very much a normal kid who lived a happy, normal life, pretty much devoid from all the dangers and chaos known to take place in the larger cities. He had regular grades across the board and, while somewhat shy, had a good friends. Life was good for Keith, and part of him wished he could stay the rest of his days enjoying this peace and tranquility, sometimes he even wished he was an NP like the majority of his friends around, having a great dislike for the unnatural red pigmentation of his arms that made him stick out like a sore thumb.

    However, life is a rollercoaster full of unexpected twists and turns, and such was the case when he was fifteen years old. His mother found herself having to move the entire family to New Oasis City because of a permanent relocation of her workplace. Keith had mixed feelings about the prospect, on one hand, it was deeply painful to leave the place he's known his entire life, and the friends he made over there, but at the same time, it was exciting, and the idea of living in a big city made his imagination go crazy, the latter sentiment being far more prominent in the rest of his family.

    The Sullivan family moved to East District, where they lived a relatively calm way for the most part for three years. But once again, fate decided that great change ought to happen once again, but this turned would be far more grim and dark. Visiting North District on an unassuming sunday, the Sullivan family was intercepted by a group of Sable Serpents, the criminals in question were on a mission to find new people to turn into test subjects, and the family had become their target. Keiths parents were killed on the spot, a consequence of their resistance, underestimating the true ruthlesness of the gangsters as they attempted to protect their sons. The two boys were taken against their will after a brutal beatdown, but Keith was able to escape their grasp thanks to his HP nature and useful ability, still, he was unable to save his brother, the serpents taking him away after realizing that Keith was not worth the effort.

    Filled with intense pain, Keith struggled for survival, as the city turned out to be far less kind to him as his parents were gone. He had no family, no friends, and no relatives within the country that could take him in. Eventually, he had lost absolutely everything. He was going to die in this city, but if that was the case, then he might as well go out in a blaze of glory. He went on a mission to take revenge for all that was taken from him, doing vigilante work by hunting down serpents. But somehow, death eluded him, he was better at violence than he could have ever expected. Before he knew it, a letter reached him, the Azure Dragons having taken an interest on his actions. This was the third, and to this day, final twist of fate in Keith's life, he had a revelation. The Azure Dragons were his opportunity for survival, he would not have to rely on himself anymore. Not only he would be able to survive, but perhaps even thrives, and if he was lucky, he could even satisfy his desire for revenge.
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    Shishido Takakazu
    Shishido Takakazu
    22 (Septemer 17, 2001)
    5'11" (180 cm) | 181lbs (82 kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    Idiosyncratic, Rowdy
    Home District
    West District
    A fairly new member of the Albino Tigers who has yet to make a name for himself. He goes through life one day at a time, not putting much thought into the future and acting on his desires and dreams of success. Despite his broad ambitions and ability to throw caution into the wind, his terrible luck and lack of ability to properly plan things out have kept him from being anything but a goon, despite his strength and skills.
    Loud, brash, and incredibly brutish, Takakazu is a thug through and through. He's quick to use his fists to solve any situation that crosses his path, and speaks without a filter no matter the situation. Despite looking tough and carrying himself like a stone-cold character, anybody who's actually interacted with the runt knows how truly eccentric he is. Prone to over-the-top reactions to things he finds interesting or bizarre, going on total tangents out of nowhere and immediately becoming a kiss ass when in front of his superiors is just a couple signs of his spontaneity. Of course, as a Albino Tiger, the man craves wealth and power above all else and willing to put his life on the line to work for it, but no matter how desperate he is for money he still upholds his own personal values and lines he won't cross. He's against harming those who can't defend themselves, and is hesitant to do anything he knows could end up with people losing lives. Even in his money hungry desires, he can't stomach taking away from those who need it.
    Takakazu doesnโ€™t come from a fascinating background. He was raised by a single mother who spent all her time at work, leaving her young son to fend for himself. A lifestyle that eventually led him to the streets. He walked around as a young child seeing the gaudy lifestyles of all people around him. The brilliant lights and rich neon sights dotted his life. Yet surrounded by such a mass of wealth, he had none. It instilled a hatred for his lifestyle and a distaste for those above him. Barely 12 years old, he was already picking fights with adults, most battles which would lead to him getting beaten into a pulp.

    He never gave up his desire to move up the social ladder despite constantly getting laid out. He was desperate to be more than just a broke kid. Yet, he didnโ€™t wanna get there by just running around and nicking change. Part of him just wanted the satisfaction of surpassing someone better than him. He didnโ€™t make any progress and continued making enemies with people who saw him as no more than an annoying brat, gaining the name of โ€œRoachโ€ for his ability to continuously come back without being squashed.

    He didnโ€™t finally get his chance to show his worth until he was 16, and his latent abilities awoke. Takakazu was not an ordinary man; he had a special gift. After once again getting beaten by an experienced adult, he found himself lying on a pile of trash, bleeding from his head as his consciousness faded. Suddenly, he became aware of his beating heart as he felt it throb in his chest, but as he listened closer, it began to sound different. It wasnโ€™t beating. More precisely, it was revving as if one pushed down the gas pedal. His fists clenched at his sides as he rose back to his feet, smoke coming from his mouth and ears.

    His fist soared through the air, delivering a punch that sent his opponent flying toward the wall.

    For the first time in his life, he gained a victory.

    High off the feeling of his new powers, Takakazu took off running, quickly targeting people who looked like they could be carrying suitable amounts of cash. Shakedowns became his primary income throughout the years. But, quickly, he realized that he wouldnโ€™t get anywhere walking around and beating people up for money. He looked up towards the massive buildings. He wanted to stand on top of them.

    He knew exactly what he needed to do. He didnโ€™t hesitate to go forward and figure out how to join the Albino Tigers. He put all his money forward to join the infamous gang, confident they would recognize his worth and heโ€™d be on the top in no time!

    A year later, Takakazu finds himself far from his ambitions. He lives in a messy, run-down apartment with barely enough money to pay for food. Working the occasional job for the Albino Tigers, heโ€™s nothing more than a goon. Even when he gets a big break on pay, he gambles it all away at the casinos.

    Living his life as nothing more than a hired hand with the Albino Tigers name nothing but a thing for show, Takakazu wonders why he even took this life in the first place. Far too deep to give up, he continues to live day by day, the ambitious dreams he had of the past still in the back of his mind.

    One day, surely, heโ€™ll be able to prove himself.

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    Hiachi Ito
    19 (August 4th, 2002)
    5โ€™4 ft. (162.56 cm) | 135 lbs (61 kgs)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    April 1, 2021
    pathetic little mouse
    Home District
    West District
    Hiachi has a black-haired bob that tapers in length at the back of her head and messy bangs. Her eyes are dark grey and look almost lifeless. Her skin is fair, and the texture is rough and dry. The bags under her eyes are heavy and dark. Her nose is flat, and she has semi-prominent cheekbones. Her overall face is round and short.

    Hiachi has an average height. Her legs and arms are on the thinner side, but she has gained weight over the years because her diet has been instant ramen alone for three years. She is deficient in at least half of the necessary nutrients she needs to live.

    Hiachi looks generally unkempt because she doesnโ€™t feel motivated to take care of herself.
    Hiachi grew up as a shy kidโ€”and not in an endearing way, either. She never liked approaching people, and she loathed being forced through a one-sided conversation. She was awkward, and that drove a lot of people away from her. As she got older, she got better at saving face, but she still tends to be very monotoneโ€”unless sheโ€™s in a highly emotional state, in which she will shake like an old dog you left out in a thunderstorm.

    Hiachi has always preferred to do things alone. Sheโ€™s not averse to working with others, but her main life goal is to be able to support herself without being indebted to anyone. Sheโ€™s developed a wide variety of basic skills over the years, such as basic plumbing, electrical wiring, carpentry; as well as some entertainment ones, like up-close magic tricks and juggling. She doesnโ€™t like to rely on anything other than herself.

    Despite being generally depressed and having very low self-esteem, she has an iron will to stay alive. Itโ€™s mostly out of spite, but at her core she has a genuine desire to become more than what she is.
    Hiachi grew up in a crowded household. Being the second youngest child out of five siblings didnโ€™t make things any easier for her. Her parents were busy middle class parents, so they put most of their focus on looking after the baby of the familyโ€”who needed a lot of attention, considering the youngest Ito sister had developed Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS) when she was four. Hiachi was raised mostly by her older brothers. They were incredibly annoying, but did care for her deep down. Her oldest brother is currently a plastic surgeon, the second oldest is a musical producer, and her youngest brother is an assistant manager at a car company. All of them have always been very talented in their fields of work. Even though she was raised in the shadow of her brothersโ€™ accomplishments, Hiachi never really worried about her future. She had always been fine with being a mediocre kid with her own unique range of hobbies.

    As Hiachi got older, she started conflicting with her parents. As their only able-bodied daughter, they had very specific ideas about how she should live her life. They wanted her to get a high-paying job, marry a wealthy man of status, elevate the family in ways that the boys of the family were not expected to. It wasnโ€™t just her future, either; they wanted her to dress elegantly, have more feminine hobbies, and do better in school. Hiachi, as a girl who was determined to stand on her own two feet ever since she was a toddler, did not like this. Daily comments about her lifestyle turned to arguments, and to full-blown fights at an exponential rate. On the day of Hiachiโ€™s seventeenth birthday, she decided she was fed up with the constant fighting and moved herself out.

    For three years, Hiachi did decently for herself. She managed to keep a roof over her head and keep herself from starving to death all while furthering her education at a local community college. However, a parasite started to grow in the pit of Hiachiโ€™s mind. This wasnโ€™t nearly enough for her. If her parents saw her now, they would turn their heads and laugh. She wanted everything they wanted for herโ€”but on her own terms. The perfect rebirth.

    Hiachi took a few days out of summer vacation to stroll around the West District. She had originally done it to inspire herself with the high-class lifestyle, but the trip was going to change her life forever. After being coaxed into a casino by a suspiciously smooth-talking stranger, she found her true talentโ€”gambling.

    Only 10% of the world had potentials, and only 1% of the world had โ€œusefulโ€ ones. Her pediatrician had found her to be a part of that 9% of useless potentials when she was a child. However, on that day, Hiachi felt like that 1%. Her eyesight was so sharp, so quick, that even for that instant that someone looked down at their cards, she could see the reflection in their eyes.

    Hiachi gambled at the Western casinos for about three months, with an impossible winning streak tailing behind her. She made more than enough money to give herself a comfortable life, but as Achilles had his heel, Hiachi had her vicesโ€”Winning gives her a rush of life that she hasnโ€™t ever felt, and she felt no urgency to quit. She thought that as long as she had her potential, her money would only multiply.

    Unfortunately, that was far from the truth. The second the tigers caught wind of her, they gathered a team to not only shut her down, but also wring more money out of her. The tiger queen played her in a game of poker wherin she gained a two million amestriyen debtโ€”an impossible price tag for her to match, even with her past winnings.

    Hiachi is now a lackey for the tigers, primarily working under Camila for espionage jobs. She's aware that she's working towards an impossible goal, but the fall is more lethal than the climb. The last thing she wants is to find herself at the end of a gun's barrel because of her inactivity. So she works towards a void of a future, hoping she can make something of her life before it ends.
    FAMILY โ†“
    Ito Eisyu
    Age: 60
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Hibachi Chef
    Home District: East
    Description: Eisyu is the hardworking father of the Ito family. Everyone knows him as a chef for a run-down hibachi bar. While the establishment isnโ€™t in the best condition, he does his best to serve good food and a good performance. People generally respect him and wish for him to have a job with more prestige, but Eisyu has been long accustomed to his place in Amestriaโ€™s economy.

    He doesnโ€™t like conflict, and especially doesnโ€™t like disagreeing with his wife. He didnโ€™t intervene when Hiachi and Yuukari got into the argument that ended in Hiachi leaving home. He misses his oldest daughter, but his resignation to disappointments has stood in his way of looking for her.

    Ito Yuukari
    Age: 57
    Gender: Female
    Profession: Elementary School Secretary
    Home District: East
    Description: Yuukari is the strict mother of the Ito family. Most people would recognize her as the secretary at an elementary school in the Eastern District of New Oasis. She was strict, but people remember her fondly for her dedication to the community.

    Having grown up outside of Amestria, she has very specific ideas about gender roles. While she let most of them go following her immigration, she couldnโ€™t bring herself to let her eldest daughter defy traditional gender roles. Her husband refers to it as a โ€œmatter of prideโ€. Hiachi thinks it has something to do with her motherโ€™s own desires and disappointments with her life. Either way, she wanted Hiachi to marry rich and have a โ€œfeminineโ€ career, which didnโ€™t happen. She would be the last person Hiachi would reach out to in a moment of need, and sheโ€™s afraid to reach out herself.

    Ito Denzou
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Plastic Surgeon
    Home District: West
    Description: Denzou is Hiachiโ€™s oldest brother. When they were younger, he used to enjoy ganging up on her with his two brothers, but as time passed he became more distant. He saw their horseplay as โ€œchildishโ€ and wanted to separate himself from them as much as possible. He became less affectionate and emotional, and put all his focus into school. He had one girlfriend in his teens, and while their relationship was 'stable', he always kept her at arms length. Following his swift completion of medical school, he has become an aggressive germaphobe and will go as far as to refuse to touch something with his bare hands that hasnโ€™t been disinfected in the last hour. He currently works as a plastic surgeon at a private practice in the Western District. He spends most of his time at his clinic, and takes great pride in his work; even if that means he rarely speaks with his family or friends.

    Ito Kenki
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Music Producer for Ourโ˜†Dream
    Home District: West
    Description: Kenki is Hiachiโ€™s second oldest brother. He teased her the most out of all of the Ito brothers when they were kids, and while they spent most of their time wrestling out petty arguments, they were the closest out of everyone. Hiachi would regularly listen to Kenki talk about his dreams of becoming a big name pop star, and Kenki consciously supported his sister in her pursuit of odd hobbies. Kenki now works as a producer for Ourโ˜†Dream, honing his skills as a lifelong musical virtuoso. Heโ€™s well liked for his solid work ethic and charisma at work, and people are drawn to his eccentric sense of humor. Heโ€™s not in touch with Hiachi, just like the rest of his family; but if Hiachi was forced to reconnect with them, she would want to go to him first.

    Ito Rikunori
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Car Dealership Assistant Manager
    Home District: East
    Description: Rikunori is Hiachiโ€™s youngest older brother, which makes him the most strict out of all of them. As the youngest brother, he would get ganged up on by the two oldest the most. Because of this, he took the most joy in bossing the two younger sisters around. He grew up sadistic and quick-witted, but if anyone genuinely messed with his siblings he wouldnโ€™t hesitate to share a piece of his mind. He currently works as a customer service manager at a car dealership in the Eastern District of New Oasis.

    Ito Mareri
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Profession: High School Student
    Home District: East
    Description: Mareri is the youngest Ito sibling, and the only one still living with their parents. When she was four years old, she developed cerebral palsy in her legs. She occasionally uses a wheelchair, but she pushes the amount of time she can walk on her own often. The event traumatized her parents into secluding her from the outside world. Most people think she is timid and soft-spoken, but in reality Mareri is a positive and loud person. Sheโ€™s not afraid to put herself in situations that are dangerous, mainly because she doesnโ€™t want to be seen as fragile. She takes a lot of grief about Hiachi leaving home, since she knows that if her parents saw her as capable there wouldnโ€™t be so much pressure on Hiachi. Currently, she is a sophomore in high school.
    FRIENDS โ†“
    Kang Jang-Mi
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Profession: New Oasis University Student / Part-Time Cashier at Rosieโ€™s Cottage Gift Shop
    Home District: East
    Description: One of Hiachiโ€™s childhood friends. Has a reputation as the sweetest person alive, even though she tends to stretch the truth to make her life details seem more exciting. Hiachi and her became friends as a result of both of them being HPs at their elementary school.
    Potential: Her biology is essentially that of a plant. She is nourished via photosynthesis and has plant cells in her body. Has special routines to accommodate for her needs because of this.

    Nguyen Xuรขn Thy
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Profession: Bartender
    Description: Hiachiโ€™s other childhood friend. Loud and abrasive; A hardass that doesnโ€™t take shit from anyone, but tends to go overboard when it comes to defending what she cares about. Generally considered a bad influence, and Hiachiโ€™s mom doesnโ€™t like her. Met each other in high school, and they stuck together because of Hiachiโ€™s admiration of her strength.
    Potential: Thy is part scorpionโ€”she has a scorpion tail that produces venom and small legs on her torso. Her scorpion parts molt regularly and she has a hard time staying warm.
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    Naomi Sato
    Fumiko Nakamura
    28 (November 2nd, 1993)
    The Fox/Naomi Sato
    Female/Gender Fluid
    Nao: 5'8" (172 cm) 120 lb (54 kg) | Omi: 5'10'' (178cm) 160 lb (72 kg) | Noam 6'2'' (188cm) 195 lb (88kg)
    Veteran of the Sable Serpents
    Vain, stuck-up, unpredictable, sneaky and untrustworthy
    Home District
    North District
    Naomi has two main female forms that she switches between, that she affectionately differentiates by calling "Nao" and "Omi." Nao's form is tall, lithe, and elegant. Every move she makes is premeditated with the goal of exuding elegance and class. With dark brown hair and grey eyes, she's a classic beauty. Her Omi form is a little rougher around the edges. More muscular, with raven hair and purple eyes. Her demeanor changes, and while her movements are still calculated, there's a little more freedom to be had in this form. Her main male form takes the name of Noam. A pretty boy with a soft face, his muscles are mostly for show rather than strength. He keeps his hair long and black, and has bright green eyes. He is the "freest" of the forms, seemingly uncalculated in his movements. The three forms look like they could be siblings, and those who aren't incredibly familiar with Naomi might think they are indeed separate people. Across the three forms, she has pierced ears, and a crude tattoo of a snake on her ankle from an experiment to see if tattoos traveled across different forms (they do.)
    Naomi's personality greatly depends on what body she is inhabiting at that moment. As Nao, she's an elegant wanna-be aristocrat. She's always prim and proper, fussing over things like lighting and if the color of her dress suits her skin-tone. This is also her most put-together self, and the most serious. As Omi, she's chaotic and laid-back. She of course cares about how she appears, but she's willing to have fun with it. Omi has a bit of a fierce temper, and if someone were to piss one of her other forms off, she's likely to switch straight into Omi. As Noam, he's a bit of a party-boy. The least serious of her forms, Naomi is likely only to take his form "off the clock." He just wants to have a good time and flirt with cute men and women. All three are just facets of the girl underneath, Fumiko. They're all incredibly insecure and unsure. She isn't sure what she wants to be, so she strives to be everything she can think of. She's easily led astray by a pretty face, and easy to manipulate in all three forms.
    Naomi was born into the prestigious Nakamura family, The first child between Dai Nakamura and his third wife, Aiko. A resident of the Western District, Dai wasn't a member of the Albino Tigers, but did frequent business with them. He was also an incredibly shallow man, obsessed with everything around him being the pristine picture of beauty. His first two wives were gorgeous, and the sons he had with them were handsome. But when their beauty began to fade in the slightest, he divorced them and married a younger, more beautiful woman. That was how Aiko came into his life.

    Dai was incredibly excited when Naomi was born. His first daughter, he was a doting father and spoiled her rotten. He named her Fumiko, "child of treasured beauty," and hoped that she would be just as beautiful as his wife. But as she grew older, he began to realize that her facial features were...wrong. Sure, she had his eye color, and her mother's hair, but where was the beauty that a child between the two of them should have? Dai accused Aiko of cheating, and had a DNA test done on little Fumiko when she was five. The child was 100% theirs. But why didn't she look like either parent? Tearfully, Aiko revealed her secret: Fumiko was the spitting image of her before she had her plastic surgery. Dai, disgusted, divorced Aiko and shortly after married her replacement. Little Fumiko didn't entirely understand what happened. One moment, she had a happy family with doting parents. The next, her father was cold, distant, and would only see her once a month.

    Despite his estrangement, Dai acknowledged Fumiko as his daughter, and insisted only the best for her. The best education, the best food, the best clothes. But that didn't stop the equally shallow bullies at school. They would pull her hair, call her ugly and fat, and say that her parents divorced because she was so ugly. Eventually, Fumiko began to believe them. As she got older and her father was on his fifth wife, she understood that it had really only been a matter of time before her parents divorced. But the reason they had divorced so soon, despite being so "in love," was because Fumiko was ugly. It made her a little bitter and resentful inside.

    At ten years old, Fumiko was taken to her first play. Her mother had deemed her responsible enough to sit still for three hours and not make a scene at that point. It was there that Fumiko fell in love with theater and acting. She begged her parents to let her try, and they eventually relented. Behind the scenes, Fumiko wasn't aware of Dai's initial hesitance: "Actors are the most stunningly beautiful people alive. She is not stunningly beautiful." Fumiko started with acting lessons, at which she excelled. But when she tried out for plays, she would always get the background characters, despite acting laps around those who were cast as the leads. "It's because you're ugly, Fumiko," the other little actors and actresses would tease.

    Why did that matter? Shouldn't her skill speak for itself? Fumiko would wonder, late at night when she was supposed to be sleeping. Why did everyone treat her poorly because of her looks? Sure, she was a little chubbier than most. And her face wasn't as stunningly beautiful as the ladies she would see at school and at the galas she attended. But as she got older, her view of herself got more and more twisted and warped. Losing out to the prettiest girl for the lead role for the 12th time even though she was a horrible actress, Fumiko started seeing the wealth that was beauty. And she craved it.

    Puberty was hard, watching her body change in all the ways she didn't want it to. Aiko promised Fumiko that once she was done growing, she could have all the same operations that she had. She could be beautiful, someone who could get all the roles she ever wanted. Someone who her father would be proud to have at his side. Someone that matched with the rest of her gorgeous siblings. Fumiko craved it. And one day, she started getting it. It was slow-going. Fumiko hadn't entirely realized the changes were happening until she looked in the mirror and realized her nose now looked exactly like her mother's. Her jaw was thinner. She had lost weight. At school, rumors abounded. People were saying that she had gotten plastic surgery. When she pointed out that a nose job broke your nose and left you with bruises for weeks afterwards, the kids scoffed her off. There was no way her nose naturally changed shape like that, after all.

    It all came to a head one day in class. The exact words had long since been forgotten, but one especially nasty girl had said something about Naomi thinking she was "hot shit because she got a nose job now." Naomi saw red and she snapped. With a strength she didn't know she had, she attacked the girl, pinning her to the floor and beating her to a pulp. It took several students and a teacher to pull her off. When she looked at herself later, she saw muscles that she had never worked out to get.

    She narrowly avoided being expelled, but was placed on academic probation. At school, she wasn't bullied anymore. In fact, no one really talked to her anymore. They were all too scared. She had snapped and sent another student to the hospital, who's to say they wouldn't be next? Of course, that was before Emi. Another delinquent on the verge of being expelled, Emi developed an interest in Fumiko and adopted her into her group of delinquents. It was there that Fumiko got her taste for the darker side. Drugs, violence, and freedom. She reveled in the excitement that group of friends brought her. She felt free for the first time in her life. They didn't care if she was beautiful or ugly. They were excited that she was a natural at lock-picking, and her acting skills were so good that it would often get them out of trouble. Freed from the expectations of others for the first time in her life, Fumiko was able to explore what she wanted. It was a hard question, because she wanted everything. But she was able to figure a few things out: she wasn't 100% straight, and she wasn't 100% a woman.

    She appropriately discovered her power after she turned 17. Emi had told her that she thought she would look great with pink hair. Fumiko fell asleep thinking about it, and awoke with bright, bubblegum pink hair. When she told her friend group about it, they came to the same conclusion: she was an HP. With their encouragement, Fumiko began actively working on her powers. The first time she fully transformed into another person, her friend group had a party so bombastic that Fumiko couldn't remember half of it.

    On her eighteenth birthday, Fumiko decided to come out to her father. She took an elegant form, the spitting image of a younger version of her mother. Emi came with her as emotional support, as the two had recently started dating. Fumiko strode into her father's house confident, unaware of the heartbreak that was to come. Her father didn't recognize her at first, but was ecstatic once she showed him her original form. His daughter was a human with potential. She was beautiful and gorgeous, and he gave her a tight hug at the news. He was willing to excuse the juvenile delinquency, because what else would one expect? But what he refused to accept was Emi and Fumiko's queerness. He had Emi removed from the house, and immediately pulled Fumiko out of her school. She was this way because he wasn't in her life, after all. She needed a sterner hand. Everything that was "odd" about her was because of her mother's influence, and her father would straighten her out.

    Fumiko thought that she would be happy with her father's approval. She graduated from her new high school, one where no one knew who she was. She was popular, beloved. But it all felt so...empty. She truly felt happy and free when she snuck out to hang out with Emi and the "delinquents." The didn't expect her to be perfect and pretty all the time. She was allowed to play with her form, with her gender.

    Two years into college, Dai discovered that Fumiko hadn't actually dropped her friend group. That she was still dating Emi, and doing drugs in secret. The blowup was...insane. Fumiko discovered that day that her powers couldn't get rid of injuries like bruises. They carried over to her other forms, no matter what. Locked up inside, her father gloated that he had gotten all her friends locked up for their crimes, and put into jail for a long time. Fumiko spiraled. Despite their craziness, they provided a sense of stability in her life. She wasn't allowed to talk to her mother anymore. Her father expected her to be a pretty doll, to get a good education and be a wife to some executive much older than her. Alone in her room, she played at different identities, trying to find the one that made her the happiest. That was how she found Naomi--or more accurately, Nao, Omi, and Noam.

    Once she was allowed to return to college, a sharper watch was kept on her. Who she hung out with, her study groups, her classes, her professors. Every moment of her life was controlled and micromanaged. Was this what was to become of her life? She was finally pretty, but was she happy? One day, while she was being driven back to her prison of an apartment, she noticed that the driver had forgotten to lock the doors. A bright, happy song was playing on the radio. She asked the driver to turn it up, and he obliged. She took off her seatbelt, took a deep breath, and dove out of the car. She was lucky she wasn't killed, as fast as it was going. The driver realized immediately what had happened, but Naomi ran before he could stop the car. Once she was out of sight, she took on the form of Noam. No one knew that she could transform into a man as well, so she walked straight past the driver searching for her, into her new life.

    She ran away to the Northern district, attracted by the chaos and the drugs. A place that she could be free to be herself, whatever that meant in that moment. She fell in with the Sable Serpents after being a client of them for a year. She was attracted to the delinquency, and her acting skills and shape-shifting made her an excellent spy.
    Tri: The current King of the Sable Serpents. Naomi has a good relationship with him, stemming back to when he used his potentiality to save her from an OD. They aren't close, as Tri keeps her at a distance, but they work well together and have good rapport.

    Paris Alison: Naomi's boss. He's the one who tells her who to impersonate and who to spy on. They have a strict boss/employee relationship. For his sake, she tries to take her Nao form around him when she can, as he likes Nao's more serious nature.

    Damian Naomi met Damian shortly after she had joined the serpents. He had tracked her down at a party, and began asking her all kinds of questions about her powers. She was confused, but happy to demonstrate. He began popping up into her life randomly, like a bored cat, always full of questions. When she tried to ask questions back, she was met with a wall of boredom. From what she managed to gather, he had been kept locked in a dark room with no other company other than a radio. His curiosity was due to his...lack of enrichment. So she decided she'd help him experience more life. She'd invite him to parties, tea shops, go-karting. Anything that she didn't want to go alone to, essentially. She thinks that they're pretty good friends.

    Nikolai Novak: Sometimes Naomi's best friend, sometimes someone she can't stand being around. The two of them met shortly after Nikolai joined the serpents. She had heard word that a fashion designer had joined the gang, and he had heard word that there was a person who could shape-shift into any form. He offered Naomi a job as a model, and she gladly accepted. She loves modeling for him, even if their relationship can be a little hot and cold. At times, they're the closest of friends, able to tell each other anything. At other times, well, they avoid each other. In the beginning their relationship was pretty volatile, but over the years they've learned what sets each other off and what their own limits for the other's behaviors are.


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    Daigo Asanuma
    18 (March 15, 2004)
    6'00" (182.88 cm) | 185 lb (84 kg)
    Soon to join the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Reckless, Hothead, Protector
    Home District
    South District
    A young man standing at 6 foot height, and with noticeable golden locks, Daigo sports a lanky but fair build. He often wears simple clothing that isn't flashy or decorative in any way as he doesn't find the appeal in such things. Perhaps his most notable feature is his steely blue eyes that feel as though they can pierce into one's soul, as he has a habit of viewing those he doesn't trust with a powerful gaze that conveys all the words he needs.
    Around those he knows and trusts, Daigo is the definition of laid back as he is easygoing and very friendly. He can always find something to chat about, or otherwise do, with people he takes a liking to and ultimately treats them like the family he never had. However, he has a deep distrust of people outside of those he knows and is quick to judge and view with suspicion before getting to know them proper. A result of his upbringing on the streets of New Oasis, Daigo has learned to doubt first and trust when necessary. However, this dichotomy completely changes when his potential gets unleashed: as any number of feelings can completely take over him. Rage becomes blinding, grief becomes overwhelming, and so on.

    There are certain few who can reach him, which are the kids he looks after and takes care of in a ramshackle and abandoned warehouse at the outskirts of the South District. With no place to go, nor anyone to care for them, Daigo views it as his responsibility to look after them and make sure they're safe in a city rife with chaos and constant fighting between gangs. Having known some of them since he himself was young, they are in essence his family and he is incredibly protective of them.
    Born in 2004 to a single mother in New Oasis, Daigo had a relatively stable childhood save for the financial hardships his mother soldiered on through. He never knew who his father was, and he didn't care so long as he had his mother. Despite the money issues, she tried her best to give Daigo a warm and loving upbringing that he remembers fondly to this day. When he was 8, his mother was killed in a robbery gone wrong where Daigo witnessed the event with his own eyes from the inside of a closet in their home. Now left alone in the world, it led to Daigo being placed into the foster care system. Grief stricken over the death of his mother, and blaming himself for not being able to do anything, he hopped between homes in that year as none were ever truly suitable for him until he finally ran away and left it all behind.

    Life on the streets wasn't easy, but he barely scraped by doing odd-jobs here and there and living in what little shelter there was. He came to befriend other vagrant children and orphans who, collectively, found shelter in an abandoned warehouse far from any prying eyes or wandering feet. It would be their refuge from the harshness of the world as they cobbled together living spaces, some basic amenities, and even stealing electricity from the power grid and rewiring it to their little settlement. Daigo would lead the others in getting by with thievery, schemes, and scams that they would run on unsuspecting tourists and citizens of the South District and be a nuisance for the years following. It was not much, but it was enough to at least bring in food and other necessities for everyone.

    At age 10, a chance run in with some violent thugs that nearly killed one of his friends was the inciting moment that revealed Daigo's potentiality which led to him hospitalizing and permanently crippling the three men who had beaten a kid with lead pipes as retaliation for their stolen wallets. As a result of this, Daigo's strength charged him with protecting the small colony. Since then, he has tried to keep his power in check but in certain instances it breaks through like a flood breaks through a dam but also has kept a steady vigil in making sure that his adoptive family are safe.

    Things remain quiet and under the radar until, by chance, he comes across the Phoenixes who look into his mischievous and petty criminal doings.
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    19 (July 25, 2002)
    6'3" (190.5 cm) | 200 lb (90.7 kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    The approaching storm
    Home District
    West District
    Mugen stands as a towering and formidable figure, his muscular frame a testament to his dedication to rigorous training. Despite his youth, his face bears an air of maturity, shaped by the harsh life he has endured. Dark red eyes and spiky black hair, held aloft by the electrical currents flowing through his veins, accentuate his intimidating presence. When his power wanes, his hair falls straight, reaching the nape of his neck. His self-assurance and confidence manifest in his physicality, which he has learned to skillfully employ to his advantage, often as a way to dominate the weak-minded and press-gang them into his service.
    Mugen is a staunch believer in the concept of survival of the fittest. To him, life is a relentless struggle where only the strong prevail, and he adheres to this philosophy with unwavering conviction. He views himself as a product of natural selection and finds liberation in the absence of accountability to any higher authority. Mugen embraces the nihilistic nature of his world, valuing personal moral codes and dreams even in the face of a meaningless existence.

    Mugen is indifferent to the notions of fate and destiny, choosing instead to forge his own path and remain true to his convictions. He respects others who display unwavering dedication to their beliefs, even if they clash with his own. This disdain for the predetermined extends to things that are supposedly "written in stone" and the like, which he may choose to defy simply for the pleasure of challenging the status quo.

    In the ruthless environment he inhabits, Mugen subscribes to the belief that struggle and strife are the true implements by which character is built. He attributes his growth and strength to the suffering he has endured and appreciates the personal and spiritual development it has fostered. This outlook has led him to value those who remain steadfast in their ideals in the face of hardships, those who refuse to take "the easy way" out, regardless of their morality, and to despise hypocrites and those who forsake their principles for convenience.
    In the forsaken city of Mugen, where lawlessness and danger slithered through the streets like venomous snakes, a nameless young man found himself adrift in a sea of chaos. Mugen was a breeding ground for darkness, and within its shadows, the young man discovered a power born of the very abyss that surrounded him. He would one day adopt the city's name as his own, a sinister reminder of the unforgiving crucible that had forged him into the fierce and skilled warrior he had become.

    As time passed, "Mugen" honed his lethal skills, besting countless adversaries in ferocious combat where only the strong survived. Among the many battles, one opponent stood out - a formidable warrior who pushed Mugen to his limits. Their intense and exhilarating clash awoke something deep within the young man's soul, igniting an admiration for the strength he encountered.

    Drawn to the dark allure of his burgeoning abilities, Mugen evolved, feeding on the experiences and challenges that haunted his every step. Fate, that capricious puppeteer, inevitably entwined his path with that of two equally skilled street rats. In the brutal world of Mugen, reputation was everything; it meant respect, power, and survival. Hoping to elevate their status by toppling Mugen, they challenged him to a battle that would test the limits of his abilities. With the raw energy of a storm coursing through his veins, Mugen emerged victorious. Yet, in a twisted act of mercy, he spared one of his opponents, urging them to live, seek vengeance, and become stronger. The defeated fighter, captivated by this cruel philosophy, demanded to know the name of the man who had bested him. Thus, the legend of the formidable warrior named Mugen continued to grow.

    Emboldened by his growing reputation, Mugen challenged a powerful leader of a gang that ruled the streets of Mugen and emerged victorious. His triumph granted him the right to command the gang as the old leader had, and soon, the two street rats he had previously encountered eagerly joined him, drawn to his dark magnetism. Together, they fought ferocious battles and vanquished formidable foes, growing more powerful with each blood-soaked victory.

    What few rivals remained in the city trembled at the thought of the monstrous power that would be unleashed if Mugen were to realize his full potential, and they feared he might transform into an unstoppable, malevolent force. But fate had other plans.

    As the flames of ambition danced in Mugen's eyes, a higher authority took notice. The Albino Tigers of New Oasis, a powerful organization in the distant city of New Oasis, Amestria, offered Mugen a position within their ranks. They hoped to bolster their own power, as they had their own wars to fight on distant shores. Mugen accepted, even though it meant leaving his city and his crew behind. Yet in the shadows, Mugen's journey into darkness had only just begun.

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    Lorette Lรจcuyer
    Lorette Lรจcuyer
    54 (August 11, 1969)
    Nergal. The Dandy Lion.
    6'01" (186 cm) | 146 lb (66 kg)
    Veteran of the Albino Tigers
    Literal Cat Lady. Eternal Enemy of the HOA.
    Home District
    East District
    Stern and dependable. Somewhat surly, but still pleasant to most.
    Fiercely ambitious and dangerously cunning, Lorette at first glance seems to be rigid in her bearing and possessing a rather cool demeanor. Not a stretch of the imagination given the nature of her work. The upper echelons of society spare no room for weakness, and the woman has taken great pains to forge a prickly armor to deter would-be usurpers. Past outward glances Lorette is in actuality, surprisingly pleasant and enjoys speaking openly with any that would ask for her time. In spite of her unscrupulous morals, Lorette believes fully in the potential of others and takes great pains to nurture that potential to the fullest in all that serve under her. Anyone can refine themselves into something greater if they have the drive to do so, and Lorette would rather that potential be brought to fruition rather than wasted.

    Of course, that is to her own benefit more than anyone else's. Good talent free of an exorbitant price tag is incredibly hard to find in the Corporate Sector, and Lorette has refined the sort of perception needed to spot it among the shuffling masses. Potential not in her hands is potential wasted in her own opinion, and she has no interest in seeing it in someone else's grasp. Predictably, the woman has little patience and fewer words for anyone she deems worthless.

    Nothing worthwhile has ever been earned through haste, and Lorette embodies this in her seemingly boundless patience. She approaches tasks and decision-making carefully, not wanting to worsen things with misguided actions. This in turn makes her frustratingly slow to act in some cases. Though she can act with unsurprising alacrity should lives be on the line.

    That limitless patience, however, hides deep-rooted vindictiveness within the woman. All slights, no matter how small, are committed to Lorette's memory. Never forgotten and allowed to fester within her heart. She weighs each crime, internally compiling a list of offenses for one and all. The higher the count grows, the harder Lorette works against her foes.

    Despite her particularly ruthless methods of dealing with anyone that's crossed her, Lorette is an incredibly honest and dependable individual. Good customer service is the crux of good business, and Lorette takes great pains to ensure that everyone with the money to spare gets exactly what they pay for. This is a matter of pride, more than altruism, however. Lorette isn't in the habit of half-assing anything lest her competence be brought into question. Such discipline makes her a nightmare for her foes and that honesty can lead to scathing words, but Lorette understands the virtue of teamwork and can be counted upon in even the direst of situations.

    Never one to shirk duty, the woman finds a lack of drive to be a great offense. Sitting around and waiting for Life or Death to do its thing doesn't sit right with her.

    Ambition had always resided within Lorette. Gnawing at her insides, and driving the woman forward ceaselessly. The entirety of her life was not dictated by the hopes that filled little girls the world over. But an all-consuming desire to achieve.

    Needless to say, she was a nightmare in the schoolyard.

    Childlike bossiness gave way to adult assertiveness. Petulance and selfishness, instead of being refined into the Confidence one would need to see all their dreams reach fruition. Lorette had the whole world in front of her, and still more beyond the stars. A woman with that much ambition, and that much determination would surely do great things. Forging ahead, and building a future for herself that would make everyone around her eternally envious.

    But instead of all that, Lorette decided to be the worst person imaginable.

    Dreams cost money. And money isn't easy to get. At least not through legal channels, though to her credit Lorette did try at first. But building a business from the ground up wasn't easy. And if one wanted to make a profit in the largest possible scale, dirtying your hands was pretty much a requirement. Really, it was all but expected of you, when you called New Oasis your home.

    The Four Gangs shadowed nearly every aspect of life in the City, something that Lorette had become quite used to, if not outright indifferent. Somebody somewhere was always doing something illegal to get ahead. And getting ahead was a hell of a lot harder when thugs were around every corner making sure that you didn't get too ambitious. For Lorette, joining the ranks of a criminal organization wasn't merely a smart business move, it would ensure her survival. One of the few things that the warring gangs hated more than each other, was an upstart. Potential Rivals were quashed before they could even get their footing, and Lorette didn't graduate Business School just to end up broke and dead.

    The Albino Tigers were the best, and most obvious choice. They liked money, and Lorette liked money. It was something they both had in common. Turning into some sort of fucked up cat may have helped too, but to this day the woman couldn't be sure. Gathering the necessary funds to pay the entrance fee into the Tiger's Den, Lorette went from a starry-eyed dreamer, to Gangster with the passing of a few stacks of cash. The bottom of the barrel is where all rookies started. But Lorette had no intention of staying there. Ever the overachiever, the young woman cut her teeth on every challenge the Albino Tigers had to offer, and still more. She was the true investment made the day she signed her name on the dotted line. And Lorette spent her life reminding the Albino Tigers that she was a damn good one.

    Lorette ran into all sorts of shifty individuals on her way to the top. Predatory Money Lenders. Corporate Executives with at least five different Hitmen on Speed Dial. Trophy Wives that'd grown tired of their grossly aging Husbands and wanted to trade them in for a newer model. The usual. Everybody wanted to kill someone, and everybody was expecting to get killed. And so while the market in New Oasis was saturated with individuals that would put a bullet into someone for the right price. The market for people that would take a bullet for you was virtually nonexistent.

    But where everyone saw a useless endeavor, Lorette saw an opportunity. Rounding up bodies wasn't as hard as one would think. An overabundance of Assassins, particularly in the Corporate Sector meant a lot of people that knew how to fire a gun were looking for work. It started off simply enough. Someone had pissed off the wrong CEO, or Gang, or some Lady that was married to the CEO or Gang member, and they needed a few guards to feel safer.

    Maybe they'd fucked over the wrong customer. The kind with money and more connections than they'd thought. Maybe they'd ratted out a business partner, and expected retaliation. It didn't matter to Lorette. Fear drove people to pay a lot of money just to lessen it a bit, and Lorette was more than happy to prey on that fear.

    Naturally, knowing everybody's business came with the territory. Who'd crossed who. Which person was gunning for someone else. Where they lived, where they worked. Where they'd gone into hiding. The only thing that paid more than fear was information and Lorette's clients knew that.

    There was little if anything that was keeping her from ratting out her clients to their pursuers and she made sure that they well knew it. Protection cost a lot. But the promise to keep her mouth shut cost extra. This sort of behavior didn't exactly make the woman well-liked, but who were they going to tell? The Police? Law-abiding Citizens didn't hire Private Security Contractors, especially ones that were card-carrying members of a criminal enterprise. And it wasn't as if the Police couldn't be bought out either.

    Lorette sold protection, that much was true. But she was capable of destroying to great capacity whenever she so pleased. The Albino Tigers banked a great deal of success on those destructive tendencies. And so they set the woman loose whenever it became necessary to clear away a roadblock or two. Politicians levying taxes that the Gang had no intention of paying, other businesses hoping to close in on a Market that they'd practically overtaken, and customers that considered taking their business elsewhere. Anything that would hurt the Tiger's profits was met with overwhelming aggression.

    While she was certainly the morally dubious sort, Lorette didn't lack courage. Something that was in short supply among the people she did business with. When it came down to it, everyone begged and pleaded for their lives once a gun was pointed at them. No one really wanted to die as they'd lived. Instead, promising to forsake every and anything that got them there in the first place if it meant that they'd be allowed to keep drawing breath. It was all so undignified, and Lorette hated their simpering almost as much as she enjoyed pulling the trigger.

    One less coward made the world a better place after all.

    It was true, that Lorette paid well for services rendered. Preferring to reward loyalty rather than force it out of her employees with fear, though she was happy to use a 'hands-on approach' when it came time to punish someone. Lorette ran a tight ship but kept her lackeys happy. People would risk their lives for money. But if one was charismatic enough, they could convince others to risk their lives for nothing at all. Lorette inspired a fervor in her underlings that made them a little more dangerous than others. It made them a little crazier too, but she didn't really mind.

    Surviving more than a decade in one of the Four Gangs was hard to do. Surviving multiple was nothing short of a miracle. Lorette had more than pulled her weight for years and should have happily retired. But, the woman refused. Some considered it a sign of her dedication to the Tigers. She still had a few good years left in her and wanted to make them count. Others considered it to be a sign of her stubbornness. The woman had survived the kind of shit that would have killed a lesser woman a hundred times over. She could rest when she was dead.

    Only a select few know the reason behind the woman's refusal to step away from her work. Ambition was something that never died in a person. It grew hungrier with each new conquest and would ever drive them forward in an effort to sate that hunger. The Gang Wars had begun and concluded well before her birth, but Lorette had lived in its shadow for her entire life. With each passing year, the Tigers changed. Their members grew younger and their criteria grew laxer. Money was a fine thing. But money could be lost, stolen, spent, or thrown carelessly away. If you had enough, it could be forgotten altogether. Money did indeed make the world spin, but more often than not, it found its way into the hands of those Lorette considered undeserving. Too weak, too foolish, too spineless to stand at the top.

    The Tiger's King was young and ambitious. Lorette could see much of herself in the young man. And it was for that reason he was so dangerous. He would only grow stronger, and Lorette had long since grown tired of sharing the table with children. She'd fought long enough. The time to rule was fast approaching.


    Hiachi Ito
    Lorette can vaguely recall seeing the younger woman out and around the East District as a child. If only because of her tendency to make people uncomfortable with her presence. As a former creepy child, it was not only something that Lorette, related to but respected. If you wanted people to fear for their lives when you were around, you had to start freaking them out at a young age. As with all things that don't turn her a profit, Lorette soon forgot Hiachi's existence in favor of causing problems for everyone else. Fate did not deem it fit for them to truly meet until years later.​
    The West District had a way of parting fools from their hard-earned money. And none did that so well as the casinos. It was not uncommon for someone to win if they were lucky, but more often than not, the patrons lost. A lot. However when someone started winning far too much, and far too often for it to be a coincidence. Naturally, they were caught, rounded up by the Tigers, and forced into service to repay their massive debts. While the nature of her crimes was of no interest to Lorette, the manner in which she achieved them, very much was. Lorette had an eye for talent and hated to see it wasted. So, it was a given that the woman took a vested interest in Hiachi. For business-related reasons of course.​
    Lorette struck a deal with the girl. She'd use what skills she had to separate other people from the cash by any means necessary in exchange for knocking a few numbers off of her debt. Lorette also figured it was a good idea to give the girl a gun because a Potential such as hers was useless if she wasn't harming someone with it. Hiachi is not one of Lorette's regular employees and the younger woman works wherever it may be necessary. But if the woman has need of a quick and dirty job, or to con a few dumbasses, she knows who to call.​

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    Reminiscence Dedai
    Reminiscence Dedai
    19 (January 23, 2003)
    5'7" (170.18 cm) | 137 lb(62 kg)
    Rookie of the Sable Serpents
    Human database.
    Home District
    Besides the green hair twisted into butterfly locs, or maybe even including it, upon first glance, Reminiscence doesn't look strange. She's thinner than she used to be. Prominent eyebags underline her eyes. But only if you were to take a moment to look in their cold irises, you'd notice the peculiar red crosshairs circling her pupils. Ones that are commonly focused on a phone in their hands.

    She tends to wear some sort of streetwear or casual homewear, no in-between. No shoes. No matter what she wears, she always has her favorite jacket over it.
    One could call her personality complicated. At some point down the line, she'd been told that she should be more expressive. And so she did. However, fatigue and aches set in as she grew, causing the fabricated expressions of emotion to turn rather erratic. She's found, however, that when people want you to be more expressive, they typically just mean 'smile more.'

    At the very least, she's confident.

    As a trait she picked up from old friends, she's rather talkative. An oversharer, when prompted. But when you have so much built up in your head, you need a outlet, don't you?
    Rem was born outside of New Oasis. Accompanied by her friends, her family, and their families, theyโ€™d managed to all move to the city with only short delays. They resided in Central, where Rem would stay for the majority of her childhood.

    In her mid-teens, however, she found herself living without parents. Sheโ€™d moved in with a new friend, who wasnโ€™t, and still isnโ€™t, so very nice.

    Over the course of her life, she constantly accumulated a lot of information. Information thatโ€™d work her brain to the brink. Built up stress, tension, and trauma caused unbearable migraines and headaches. Sheโ€™d try an assortment of drugs, but it didnโ€™t cut it. She needed a solution.

    Her friend offered one.

    She was directed to the North, at the Serpents' doorstep. She asked for potential suppressants, and, after describing her situation, she was promised them.

    She would get a taste of normalcy. In her first and only test of the drug, she felt lighter, as older, more useless memories were tucked gently away. Distressing to be unable to recall something for the first time, yes, but the headaches were less excruciating. That was until the suppressants wore off and the memories were once again begging for the effort of keeping them memorable.

    The returning agony caused her to ask for more. And they said they would give her more, with a price that wasnโ€™t just money.

    She was to join the Serpents. To obtain information for their use. Happily, she agreed to these conditions.

    She does as they ask, waiting for her reward. Sheโ€™s strung along with a carrot on a stick, a carrot thatโ€™d never find itself in her hands. Itโ€™s a pattern sheโ€™d recognized quickly, but she hopes it will be worth it.
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    All For One
    Leaf Williams Natali
    22 (January 7th, 1999)
    Punching Bag
    5'7'' (170 cm) | 133 lbs (60 kg)
    Rookie of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    xxxx, 2021
    Bravest coward you'll ever meet. Can take one hell of a beating.
    Home District
    South District
    Leaf is a withdrawn-looking young man of average height, rocking a mop of red that cascades freely from his head, ending in a mess of curls. He has average features that he pairs up with average clothing. Under all of this, an average build with no real, defined musculature; working up a slight slouch that he tries to correct by constantly standing up straight, sucking up his stomach, shoulders stiff.

    His windows to the soul are the only odd thing about him. Heterochrome. Red stained glass on one side, grey and lifeless on the other. Normally donning a sharp, intense gaze.

    While his formal is mostly all-black and gloomy, the casual wear varies depending on how lazy he's feeling that day. Sometimes wearing printed t-shirts with the dumbest things plastered, plain trousers to match; other times he favours over-sized sweaters and loose jeans. The only real stapple that remains untouched is the fact that he never strays from cold palettes, always avoiding warmer, more vibrant colors. He's also never seen without a chain necklace strapped on the wrist, two wedding rings looped inside it.

    After making it into the ranks of the Scarlet Phoenixes, he's adopted this habit of swiping his hair back and donning a decided, more over the top 'man-on-a-mission' expression.
    Leaf is a measly little patch of green that sticks to trees and plants, and whenever it is that autumn rolls around, this pathetic thing crumples up to sepia. A dull senselessness that drops from its branch and dies. Leif, on the other hand, is the name of a human being. No matter how much he argued about it to his grandparents, they'd retort with a "Leaf can also be the name of a person, sweetie." or "Least you're no Johnny, son."

    And in truth, he's glad that he's a Leaf and not a Johnny, but throughout his whole life, he's had to live with that dread clinging to the nape of his shirt. Often times wondering if he too would curl up to a crunchy, dry ball of nothingness. Destined to be torn off his branch and die a nobody.

    Then again, don't we all?

    It's a modern day horror out there, every human being's supposed to have the chance every once in a while to reach out to even the semblance of a dreamโ€” and to be burned asunder. Life's a beautiful gift, maybe, for every Leif out there. Leaf? Leafs don't come with that acumen. A leaf is nothing but a b-character in the grand scheme of things, sitting on the sidelines.

    He's felt pathetic, still acts accordingly to that sentiment. One might catch a glimpse of it in the way he moves, like a leaf letting itself be rattled by the wind, zero energy whatsoever. A life of constant failure and disappointment has led him to feel distant from the world, withal its bones and vagaries, Leaf doesn't feel the need to interact with people anymore. Not in a meaningful way, that is. He's still bordering on the basic level of human decency. He grew tired of reaching out, stopped playing up any more social gymnastics.

    Talking became damn near impossible. The sound of his own voice was repulsive, sickening. Mind-numbingly unbearable. So much so that he eventually gave up on it, half-a-vow of silence. He never adds much to the conversation, aside from a quick reply or a quip, he gives his piece and stays silent while others take to talking. During that short while, he does add to the conversation, only, the things he has to say are heard solely within the confines of his mind. Never mustering the willpower to put those thoughts into words.

    He just listens.

    To him, people are a relaxing humโ€” like white noise. He needs to be around them. The ambiance puts the whine and the aching of his corpse-like body at ease. He's fine with being at the back of the crowd, following the light. Happy-go-lucky people always carry that torch. The world's less gloom and doom, and you don't have to work yourself up over fitting in, that's how he sees it. That's how it stays.

    Disappearing. Phasing back in. Like a ghost.

    The only thing human that differentiates him from any another leaf in the wind is his spirit, the only thing he's yet to lose.

    A couple years back, this pathetic little Leaf wouldโ€™ve told you that heโ€™d already given up the romanticism of wax wings and any other attempts at touching the bottom of apollo's chariot; or that of the ironclad, braving the hellfire of the red dragonโ€” that maybe heโ€™d already broken off his branch and plummeted straight to the depths, sinking fathom by fathom, curling up to another crunchy ball of the bunchโ€” but in this day and age, a leaflet's got to have some ambition in order to secure whatโ€™s left of today.

    Sometimes a leaf can afford to have a dream. Taking arms for the things that one cherishes. Braving the storm and piercing the veil, looking for a beam of light. Just like real human beings do.

    Somewhere. In this leaf eat leaf world. He knows there's a better future out there.


    He just has to look harder for it.

    He remembers that old man giving him the talk. What it meant to be a man. A true man.

    His grandfather was antiquated like that.

    There was the semblance of a memory for what it was back then as he told him the story. Deep in the heart; a phantom pain that wasnโ€™t even his own.

    It was a ghost town back then, thatโ€™s what heโ€™d told him.

    No-name town. War-torn, slowly turning into no manโ€™s land; he said that, beyond civilization, the grey senselessness of the dull scenery would stretch parsecs, miles away. The whole villa was silent. People would wait with fingers wedged firmly in their ears for the earth to rumble. โ€˜Sound of their fateโ€” he called it.

    If you were trailing a thousand feet away from the blast, youโ€™d still feel a loud thump at the center of your chest, moving up the spine. A street or few away from the bombing and it rocked your head so hard youโ€™d feel like your brainโ€™d slip out of your ear.

    He'd never specify why the armed conflict came about, not the specifics of it at least. It wasnโ€™t a good bed time story. And he could always see it in his eye, he didnโ€™t want to remember. Not even what he was there fighting for in the first place.

    Heโ€™d told him that one day he was a soldier. That he had brothers in arms. That heโ€™d woken up, dreary with geists of tire heavy on his eyelids. Low on the ground. Too drowsy, wet-eyed and weak to even hear it. Then the skies cracked open, louder than ever before, with a dark cloud rising from the rubble.

    A thump at his chest.

    There wasnโ€™t much left of that ghost town after that. Not much of his men either. At some point, that thump still reverberated on his chest, back at home. It broke something within him. He said that, maybe at some other point; at the event horizon; you end up the shell of a man. A husk, inhabited by nothing but passiveness. Life passes you by and, at yet another point, you lose your color. Gravity snatches you by the foot, and then you're just another leaf in the pile, curling up to a ball.

    Not that he knew what that was like, he thankfully had never gotten to that point. Heโ€™d seen it on some whoโ€™d made it back with him, though. Absolute ego death writ on their faces. Lifeless eyes. Restless. Not another smile gracing their lips, ever again.

    Dead men. Walking amongst the living.

    That was a lifetime ago, before the old man had moved into Amestria. A leaf blown by foreign wind, looking for a dream. He nestled in at another point, said heโ€™d met a woman that stole every breath from him. A beautiful, high-class Amestrian woman. The type to steal glances everywhere she went, hair aflame with a red-wineโ€” scarlet madness. He fell enamored, bewitched in a sense. She was the woman thatโ€™d one day lead to one red-haired, snot nosed brat and some old fart having the chat while they struggled to get the โ€˜movie boxโ€™ working.

    Dozens of leaf analogies in the making, decades ago, just from two people falling in love.

    That day Leaf went quiet, waiting for the big hitter in the story, something thatโ€™d clickโ€” his old man was always good at the buildup. And just as heโ€™d bent a finger on the childโ€™s forehead, his mouth moving to tell the punch of the story, the T.V spurred to life with a flash of static.

    Thatโ€™s what he remembers his grandfather for; Daniel Williams Natali. A man of stupid jokes. Corny one-liners. Fairy tales; princesses in glass slippers and knights encased in iron; all ending in a letdown.

    He was a man that saw the beauty of the world for what it was. Not a tragedy. Not a thump at the chest. But the smaller things, โ€œThe things nestled in every inch of you,โ€โ€” He called them. He said theyโ€™d slip right out of the creases of your worn, idle hands. That you had to hold onto them. As dear as the circumstances allowed you to.

    That was the point of the whole spiel back then; family. Thatโ€™s whatโ€™d made his grandfather a โ€˜true man.โ€™

    Thatโ€™s what the old man preached.

    โ€œYou go out there anโ€™ find your happiness, son.โ€

    โ€Keep that head up.โ€

    โ€œDonโ€™t let nobody tell yaโ€™ nothinโ€™.โ€

    No matter how much of a show-boat the old man was, Leaf had always tried to live up to his grandfatherโ€™s words. The moment he left his life, when age took them apart, Leafโ€™s been trying to find that so-called family his grandfather spoke so dearly about.

    Mom and dad he barely remembered as a cash check on the front door, even though there used to be a ghost of them in Leafโ€™s memory. Once heโ€™d gotten into the gist of what adulthood was all about, all he had were a couple of friends and co-workers to fend off the loneliness. Hell, even his ex was there for him at the moment.

    He was 20 then, fresh off the chopping board, still wanting to hold onto the belief that there was a family out there for him. Laying on the grimy floor of the one-room apartment heโ€™d just rented, watching the lightbulb draw spirals above him, coming to realize that maybe the old man was just full of shit. At the end of the day there was no true man, and if there was it sure as hell wasnโ€™t him.

    He was coming down a โ€œhighโ€ at that moment.

    Heโ€™d just graduated by a hairbreadth, getting the word that his girlfriend had been seeing mr moneybags behind his back. Wealthy as all hell. Petrol pumps, more cars than he could count on both hands, even a couple restaurants too. It surprised him how long it took her to dump him over all of that.

    Bringing up the subject became a tightrope for him. One misstep and he wouldnโ€™t live it down for the rest of his life, but he thought he had friends. So, by then, he went on instinct. Needless to say, he was just as surprised at just how long it took them to turn him into the butt of the joke.

    He wasnโ€™t getting lucky with his relationships, not even with those co-workers he got along with. Turns out heโ€™d gotten a little too lenient with them. One of them had stolen his eureka moment, a la catch lightning in a bottle, when he was shit-faced one Sunday morning at a local bar. Snatching a life changing amount of cash and a big position in the office out of his idea.

    Before he could come to terms with everything, not too long after he processed it, heโ€™d already turned over to every vice he could find in Oasis. Alcohol; neon; glitter; all that carnal pleasure. Numbing his mind to what that inner voice told him. At one point he went from loser to heavy drinker, smoker too. Once again, he was in awe at how long it took for his boss to give him the axe.

    Maybe the constant sightings of him at the brothels in the east didnโ€™t help ease his case, but nonetheless, the world had played him a cruel hand. He was unemployed, miserable, and struggling to stay up on rent.

    It all piled up in a flash. Absolute fucking ego death.

    Leaf was beginning to wonder if he was edging on that event horizon his grandfather had told him about.

    Much later, as heโ€™d planned to lay down and rot in bed for a couple of weeks, maybe by a whim of fate, Leafโ€™s life would take a wild turn.

    There was a moment where, after years of cacophony, the world had turned an ear to Leafโ€™s misery.

    It happened on a regular weekday.

    He was shoving himself back into his shirtโ€” coming to learn that he needed to get rid of that habit of sleeping shirtless, the nights were getting cooler the longer he spent on that apartment complexโ€” leaning over with the piece of bread still dangling down his lower lip to get a better read. A lining of dry saliva curving from one corner of his mouth and down to the chin.

    The landlord had funny handwriting. Jittery. You could tell he was a man of medicine from one look at the pen.

    Something, something about the neighborโ€™s eucalyptus trees; another about him smoking.


    Plants could absorb the nutrients in tobacco for all he knew.

    It was going to be a night just like all the others. Heโ€™d go out to the nearest convenience store and stock up on snacks and booze. Wake up, finish up the leftovers, rinse and repeat. All he needed to do was get an arm unstuck from the neck of the shirt heโ€™d been trying to get into.

    He remembered being there reading an article on his phone while he was at it, out of pure force of impulse, bored out of his mind. It was something about climate change, another article about the world going to shit in 2037. He snorted out a chuckleโ€” โ€œ2037โ€ฆโ€ โ€” The bread snapping, wobbling at an angle. Leaf raised a knee as if to catch it, not realizing that, once again, heโ€™d gone out of complete force of impulse. Stating the (supposed) end of times out loud.

    With the bread hanging there at the corner of his mouth, like dust in the windless, thatโ€™s when it happened. He first saw him at the corner of his eye, starting to join up dots from where he stood, a sheen of cold sweat beginning to mist across his skin. He thought, maybe it was one of those apartments that came pre-haunted.

    First thing he remembered hearing was a low grunt forming at a chest behind him, followed by a mouthful of knuckle out of the blue. Nearly jolting out of his skin, running on instinct, his gut reaction at the moment was to make a mad dash for the elevator, one arm still stuck inside of his shirtโ€™s collar. A year of sedentary life had him weak, didnโ€™t take long for his pursuer to catch up and slip into the elevator with him.

    The manโ€™s fingers spiraled down every single button in the elevator panel, a haze came over his eyes, a grin full of malice. What ensued next was the longest elevator ride heโ€™d ever had.

    โ€™37 didnโ€™t take long to give him a quick rรฉsumรฉ inside that elevator. Who he was. Why he was there. What their potential was all about. How it worked. What he needed him for. The fucker had rehearsed it beat by beat.

    He had the receipts for whatever delusions he was going on about too, on that elevator ride, heโ€™d raised one hand, his grandparentsโ€™ vows clacking and rattling on the chain strapped to his right arm. They both had the exact same chain, with the same cheap, pawn-shop, old diamond rings.

    Many things ensued much longer after that, many things that ended up taking residence in his apartment, many things that would refuse to pay rent.

    Every single one of the Leafโ€™s that 37 had invited into his humble abode said the same thing. They were all dying on December 31st, 2038. Not a single one of them had managed to manifest the Leaf from 2038. At some point they all started to take it to heart, as nonsensical as it was, it was somehow believable. Theyโ€™d all already fallen for the old manโ€™s fairy tales once. Why not this one?

    The only link in the chain, the one that mattered in this scenario, was Leaf himself. Every time he got his ass out of bed and managed to at least refrain from completely spiraling down a path of self-destruction, every time he turned away the booze and the call girls, some of 37โ€™s battle scars would fade from his skin.

    Day by day. Effort by effort.

    For a solid chunk of 2021, that was the dream. Getting everyone back to their time, alive by 2038. In his unspeakable loneliness, sulking in his own misery, Leaf wanted to be in on it. He wanted to feel alive for once. He would believe in what that old man preached one last time, the whole world could go burn if it so pleased.

    Thatโ€™s when the training started. Both 37 and 26 began putting him through hell and back, against his own will, theyโ€™d turn him adamant. Beat the will to live into him. Every day heโ€™d lie in bed drenched in his own sweat, his body a screaming, aching pile of underdeveloped muscleโ€” and to some extent, it was working. 37โ€™s once mangled, battle-worn body had regained its vigor almost entirely, but no matter how many times theyโ€™d utter the date, the Leaf from 2038 wouldnโ€™t show up. Not once.

    They all decided that they had to one-up it to see results. And so, they coaxed Leaf into joining one of the gangs of New Oasis, as some of them had done before him. At that moment it was between getting the attention of the Azure Dragons or the Scarlet Phoenixes, and, perhaps by a whim of the universe itself, fate once again had set them on their way.

    Fucked up beyond his wit in a local bar in the south, stumbling onto the wrong person, spilling the wrong drink. Thatโ€™s how Leaf had managed to catch the attention of the Phoenixes. In a throwdown that ended up with him struggling to catch light from his bulging eyelids, knots of purple-blue rising on his skin, his lower lip swelled so much that you couldโ€™ve sworn heโ€™d had it pickled in a jar for ages.

    But the training had bore fruits. He was there standing among the pile of rooks, the majority of them a head or two taller than him. A wide, crooked smile blessing his swollen face. For the first time in his entire life, Leaf felt like a winner.

    A veteran of the Phoenixes mustโ€™ve caught him in the act then. The word mustโ€™ve gotten around quick. New talent. Fresh meat.

    He managed to secure a sponsor, punch his own weight and make it in.

    Again, just by a hairbreadth.

    The rest was history.

    It was all just the beginning of the storm-a-coming to him.
    Leaf W. Natali ( 2037 ) โ€” The so called "Leaf from the future." Thirteen years into the future, to be more precise. One day he just... appeared. They both took it like it was just meant to be, just another twist of fate. A solemn night ago this random hunk of a man materialized into his room, claiming that he was him, that they both only had about a decade of life left in them. Suddenly he had a confidant, someone he could relate to, someone he could talk his tongue dry toโ€” just like the old days, back when his 8th grade lunch table was the same as a family gathering to him. They'd always wanted a brother, and destiny had set them on the same path from that point on, on a journey to fight against the clutch of death itself; a decade long odyssey.

    Brotherhood and all, Leaf still feels a gap between themโ€” a distance he can't seem to cross no matter what. Something must've happened to him thirteen years from now. Something that split his life in two. A sharp spike somewhere in the timeline, a divide, one of those moments that not only solidifies the word "then" and "now," but completely erases the notion of normalcy. He can see it in his eyes, in the mangled scars he tries to hide from him, this Leaf just can't go back to what he used to be.

    Maybe that's what'll lead them both to their inevitable death at some point in the future. He knows that believing this himbo's words is nothing short of suspending disbelief, allowing himself to live in that fantasy, but if there's even the slightest chance that he can change whatever happened to him, he'll gamble his entire life on those odds.

    Leaf W. Natali ( 2026 ) โ€” W.I.P โ€” Leaf from an alternate timeline that, after being on the lowest of the low, somehow managed to find something to fight for. He's more mature, organized and determined than present day Leaf. He's not as laid-back as Future Leaf and remains the most level-headed of the bunch. This Leaf has been completely Azure Dragonizedโ„ข in his timeline and is an absolute trooper, being a hell of a lot more stoic and fearless than all Leaf's combined. He's both the mediator and, in some occasions, the leader of the pack. He was once loyal to the Dragons back in his timeline, but after taking a knife to the back from someone he used to call his mentor and friend, 26 has sworn to no longer be anyone's sword.

    Nowadays he's only loyal to himself and his other selves, in a sense. He harbors a deep resentment for the Azure Dragons of his timeline, keeping an overall apprehension toward the newer, less bastardized version he's seen in the main Leaf's timeline.

    In the wise words of Leaf, 2020: "Bros got that dawg in em."

    Leaf W. Natali ( 2020 ) โ€” W.I.P โ€” Leaf from an alternate timeline that, after being heartbroken, found a strange coping mechanism in making light out of a heavy situation. No matter how heavy. He has a very bizarre sense of humor that doesn't blend well with the way he says the things that he says with the straightest face known to man. He's blunt, unfiltered and uncaring; he's the type to say the first thing that comes out of the dome outloud, no matter how wild it may be. He seems almost unfazed when he casually breaks the social norm of not being an asshole. This, however, doesn't take away from the fact that he's the most jumpy of the group, often hiding behind the tallest Leaf when shit hits the fan. He's the comedic relief and the degenerate of the crew.
    Cale Henituse_์ž”์‚ด ๋Œ€์ธ๐Ÿฆ€ (@goun_josa) on Twitter_ _ Trash of The Count's Family.jpg

    Blaรฐ ( 800 A.D ) โ€” W.I.P โ€” Warrior woman. Warrior woman's strong, warrior woman's big. Warrior woman's iliterate, reading's for weakling's. Warrior woman learns how to use gun. Warrior woman kills. Warrior woman needs to get a job, employmentโ€™s for weaklings. Warrior woman's about to get kicked out of the house, rent is for weaklings. Tiny Leafs claim that warrior woman shouldn't exist, logic's for weaklings.

    Born to sleep. World is fuck. แš แšขแšฒแšด never work 2023. She is sleepy head. 537,741,985,530 years eternal rest.
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    Sill Nisemon
    Sill Yenzell Nisemon
    18 (October 30th, 2004)
    5'07" (170cm) | 128lb (58 kg)
    Rookie of the Sable Serpents
    Helpful, Friendly, A Snake
    Kill Level
    Home District
    North District
    5'7 weighing in about 128 Lbs, Sill is a lightweight boy, with black hair and yellow eyes, their outfits usually follow a dark color scheme, and they have been noted to always be wearing a certain pair of golden hoop earrings and a smile. At a first glance, Sill seems innocent and harmless enough, and most people would be right, for their only notable physical capability is their agility.
    On the surface Sill it pretty easy going and seems like a generally nice person, willing offer a helping hand to those in need. He can be quite optimistic though people would consider him to be an overall suck-up. But diving deeper into his true character he can actually be very disingenuous, pretending to know less than what he does, he acts good and does as he is told only if it somehow aids his purpose.

    Most sane people would consider Sill insane, and in truth Sill is a stalker with a multi-layer manipulation game, and almost everything Sill says is false or manipulative, and when it comes to people that know him, he makes his manipulation obvious on purpose in order to further manipulate them into thinking he is showing his true self. He has a photographic memory which has enabled him to know most things about most people while others have no idea what his true intentions are, which he uses to his advantage. He is a pathological liar, a chronic manipulator, and a masterful actor being able to fake crocodile tears on command.

    While many would underestimate him as he has no real combat abilities, nor does he have any normal weapons in a sense, his ability to ruin or end lives with his words alone cannot be understated. Straight up confrontation is something Sill prefers to avoid as they much rather indirectly deal with their oppositions. He is a master in the art of backstabbing and is more than willing to do it if they deem it beneficial to them, or you just pissed him off, which has led to people that know them calling him a snake. Sill believes that in truth if he isn't being manipulative he isn't being himself.

    Skills -
    + Slight Of Hand
    + Hacking
    + Lock Picking
    + Listening
    + Elusiveness
    + Stealth
    + Cleaning

    (Those that wish to truly understand Sill, will soon understand, that there is no understanding Sill.)

    Sill was born in the Northern District of New Oasis, where their mother Nisemon Kaiga left them in the care of their father who was a member of the Sable Serpents while she pursued her own path. That made their father their primary caretaker, though he was known to prioritize his work as a Serpent over Sill, which lead to him having many different babysitters and spending their summers at their grandparents beach house far out of New Oasis. That cycle continued for a few years, before suddenly stopping when he was of school age, for their Elementary years they were practically home school, and were taken to a Snake labs in order for HP experiments to be conducted on them. Though the experiments were a success, Sill was able to cause a lot of workplace problems and had garnered a lot of favors, from a a bunch of other Sable Serpents. Eventually when their father was able to figure out that Sills potential had developed as a result of all the extermination, and that he may have been the cause of a few problems within the work place. Their father eventually decided to just send them to a boarding school in order to get rid of them, but made sure to check in on him on him in order to try to figure out how well he was progressing as a HP or to just deal with a parents teachers conference.

    While being placed in a Boarding school within Central which allowed him to stay in school all year round, it didn't take long before they started manipulating others within the school to their own benefit. While most people saw him to be pretty friendly, and a bit of a teachers pet, there was also a bit of fear when it came to dealing with them. Most people who got on their bad side soon found themselves in precarious situations where their lives were ruined, they just disappeared from the school altogether or would discover to be dead in an accident. They were able to amass a lot of social interests, gather quite a lot of favors, and was able to use those favors in order to manipulate people into getting what they wanted. While teachers liked them, they weren't exactly seen as someone who most other students liked, though most other students didn't want to get on their bad side either.

    Though their off-handed behavior didn't go completely unnoticed as a few teachers were able to see through Sills Manipulation, which lead them to being placed in a after-school program, a program/club filled with Psychopaths, Sociopaths and just other generally terrible people who are considered beyond trouble. The group was formed by one of the teachers in order to try to moralize/normalize them to a extent, which made it seem like practically a social therapy group, though there was no real official name for the group at all. Though instead of achieving it's goal, Sills darker tendencies began to improve as they were introduced to people just about as bad as they were, and a girl named Nel soon became the unofficial leader of the group and somewhat began encouraging the groups darker tendencies.

    Though Sill considered most of the group to be mean and rude, he kept close with the groups unofficial leader, in order to help further their own interests, though Nel was quick to see through any manipulation attempts he tried and was able to bring some semblance of order to the group as a whole. This resulted in the group meeting up even when they weren't required to, as Nel was able to keep them all together, even after their years of high school were over and they soon began to go into their University years. Though their dad, now seeing that they were old enough began to introduce them into the Sable Serpents, and they had soon proved themselves to be capable when they witnessed a conversation going on between two Snakes that ended with one of the snakes killing the other one. Sill had silently took pictures of the serpent that was standing over their body, before offering to help the snake who turned out to be a informant for one of the other gangs. Sill regardless helped them dispose of the body, and was thanked for their help by the Traitorous serpent, but during the process of disposing the body. Sill had grabbed the phone off the Serpents corps, and managed to hack into the phone, before calling one of the now dead snakes contacts. He was soon able to arrange a meeting with group of serpents, where he gave them the pictures of the informants standing over the corpse of the snake with blood on their body and a recording that painted them in bad light. The event had garnered them a few favors, but that event only being the debut, they were at least able to garner somewhat of a reputation within the serpents which proved them capable.


    Kaiga Nisemon - Sills mother, though they haven't seen them very often, due to how busy their mother is.

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    Justus Bradley
    36 (October 8th, 1986)
    7'5" (229 cm) | 240 lb (108kg)
    - of Central District Police Department
    July of 2004
    Tall, dark, and handsome
    Home District
    West District
    Justus is a muscular and extremely tall man with dark skin, orange eyes, and broad-shoulders, his body covered in various different scars and his right arm covered in bandages from his fingers to his shoulder having taken numerous injuries during his tame in service. He has short, black hair that he keeps well edged and cut.
    Stoic, caring, and meticulous. Justus is rarely known to lose his temper, and is not easily ruffled. He takes great pride in his work and the quality of his craftsmanship, and is never one to give up. He knows that regardless of the end result, the effort put in will make it all the more enjoyable to receive. Justus can also be very strict, prefering to go by the books when it comes to his works to prevent complications, though that doesn't mean he won't compromise in the event those same laws he follows conflict with his beliefs and ideals. His dedication to these high ideals has given him great respect within the profession, and his reputation precedes him. He's fiercely loyal, will always place his mission above his own feelings, and can be very patient when he needs to be.
    Justus was born on the farm of the town of Gundagrad, where his father was a skilled weaver and his mother was a maid at a local diner. Justus himself was a farmhand, an appropriate job given his in-born strength at such a young age. He quickly became known as a talented weaver, with intricate designs adorning his works at an early age. At age nine however, he and his family fell on hard times as a result of his father's drinking and gambling problems. His father went from job to job in the hopes of earning enough money to make ends meet, however each new paycheck brought new problems to the table. Justus's mother, always a supportive woman, stayed at the diner long after closing, trying to help him find a job that would suit their needs, but Justus always found something to do. As he grew older he took on various odd jobs, all of which were unsuccessful, despite the potential reward.

    Undeterred, Justus decided to enlist in the army to support his family. He found himself assigned as a messenger to an officer who was highly decorated and wanted to see Justus in action. Justus was among the best in his unit, and received a few promotions under his belt. On one mission however, Justus was tasked with a long, treacherous march to one of the most dangerous forests on the continent, and his unit was quickly forced to turn back due to being out of food and water. However, he and his unite was attacked by the enemy, who attacked Justus's unit with gusto, before stealing their supplies. Justus fought back, his entire unit dying around him, before he was eventually captured.

    Justus found himself injured and his unit scattered, and now in the hands of the enemy, who were the fanatics of one of the Four Great Clans of Rithesha. They tortured and humiliated Justus for years in hopes he'd divulge any information he knew of their plans, and eventually managed to break his will by claiming to have information that could end the war altogether. They offered him a deal he couldn't refuse: he could live his life free, if he would hand over the location of a cache of his platoon's possessions, as well as any information he knew about the Clan's secret plans. Justus would have done anything for his family, but his will to survive was too strong, and his desire to give his family the best chance at surviving in this new world too great. He decided to endure the pain but was ultimately betrayed by one of his COs he'd worked for, and during the negotiations for his release, the leader of the enemy finally got to Justus and was set to be chopped apart with the rest of the prisoners as punishment for their lack of cooperation. Justus was the first to go, and the fanatics removed his tongue and his left arm and it was at this moment that his potential manifested as suddenly, roots burst out the bloody stump of his shoulder and killed both his captors and the captives alike, leaving nothing more but a hellish landscape of blood and shredded clothing, leaving Justus the only man alive and with an equally hellish new arm.

    After the gruesome ordeal with the enemy, Justus found himself in a state of shock and confusion. The mysterious manifestation of roots from his bloody stump left him both terrified and awestruck. In the chaos that ensued, he managed to escape, navigating through the unfamiliar landscape that seemed to bear the scars of his newfound abilities.

    Driven by a newfound purpose, Justus set out on a journey to regain his strength and control over his powers. Along the way, he encountered a group of wise individuals who recognized the potential within him. They guided him in honing his abilities, teaching him to harness the power of nature that now coursed through his veins.

    As Justus grew stronger, both physically and mentally, he developed a deep sense of responsibility. The desire to protect others from the horrors he had experienced became his driving force. Eventually, he found himself drawn to the city of New Oasis, a bustling metropolis striving for peace and prosperity.

    In New Oasis, Justus enrolled in the police academy, determined to use his unique skills to serve and protect. Despite his initial struggles with adapting to the urban environment, his unwavering dedication and stoic nature caught the attention of his superiors. Justus quickly rose through the ranks, earning the respect of his colleagues and becoming known for his meticulous approach to law enforcement.

    As a police officer for the New Oasis Police Department, Justus utilized his extraordinary abilities to handle cases that seemed beyond the scope of conventional law enforcement. His keen sense of justice, combined with his fierce loyalty, made him a valuable asset to the city. Justus patrolled the streets with a quiet determination, ensuring that the citizens of New Oasis could live without fear.

    His past experiences had taught him the importance of upholding the law, and he became a symbol of resilience and strength for those who knew his story. Justus Bradley, once a farmhand who faced unimaginable hardships, now stood tall as a guardian of justice in the heart of New Oasis.
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    Artemis Mac Naught
    22 [As of Arc 3] (October 2nd, 1999)
    5'3" (160 cm) | 140 lb (~63-64 kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    Queen of Fast Hands
    Home District
    East District
    Artemis, better known to most as Missy, is a woman who stands just below average height at 5โ€™3. Her eyes are by far her most striking feature, the brown color being likened to champagne. Her brown hair is usually very straight, being left to hang in place, reaching her shoulders. Though its rather rare for her to actually work to be dressy thanks to be raised by brothel workers she knows how to make herself look older or younger as needed with makeup and clothing styles.
    To Missy an ideal life looks like one where she could interact with the people she liked, with few strangers. She would have three square meals a day, a nice apartment which was not too big nor too small, a family she loved and was excited to see everyday, and a job which she didnโ€™t hate but didnโ€™t love. Ultimately she wishes to live a peaceful and utterly calm life.

    At the end of the day, the Tigers are just a source of income for her. You pay your dues and make some money, like any other capitalistic system.

    So itโ€™s too bad this woman jumps back and forth over the line between bravery and cowardice and has settled on stupid in the in between. Sheโ€™s someone who abhors a fight but constantly finds herself dragged into them on the behalf of helping another. Its not uncommon for her to not know what sheโ€™s doing or how she got into the messes she finds herself in as she reacts faster than her common sense.

    She likes to say she lives the life of least resistance, that she wants that secure life, but this is because she doesnโ€™t recognize the rebellion in her soul. Sheโ€™s constantly working hard to her own goals in her own steady pace but she only sees the efforts of those around her due to her own ennui. If you asked her if she was happy with her life, youโ€™d receive a quick resounding no. The sad part is sheโ€™s really just in search of what will make her happy.
    Not much is known of Artemis' life before the age of probably three. Artemis was found outside abandoned by presumably whatever parents had raised her up until that point. Developmentally she was judged to be slightly behind the curve for her apparent age. Thanks to the whims of the brothel ladies she was taken in more as a pet or mascot than a proper child. They each took turns looking after the small child until they bored of her. It left her general intellectual development spotty at best. Still, someone needed to be a "legal" guardian for paperwork's sake, leading to her being at least in a legal capacity Madam Nikki's Child. Shortly after filing the paperwork the ladies quickly realized they would need to give the child a name. Thus all the ladies came to together to give her a name appropriate to what they wanted to raise her to become.

    Artemis grew up treasured, even if she wasn't quite raised with the most care. While the grand majority of the Ladies all acted as Artemis's Mamas she quickly learned not every lady in her new home could be considered her mama as the Matron refused to even acknowledge her existence. For her Mamas, she was a gem in the rough, something to put their effort into in order to receive a tiny human who was genuine in every way with her affection. They did their best to keep her well hidden in the backrooms and brought her to Isaiah's Mother, Iris, whenever the ladies would begin their business hours. Due to Artemis not being enrolled in traditional schooling this not only served to protect her from seeing her mama's job too early but also provided her with socialization for children her own age.

    It's for this reason she latched on to the children there being elated to interact with others her own age. Before long she was a regular face and quickly made friends with several of the children, including Isaiah. For several years all was good. She made friends, her mommas were happy, and she was learning practical skills. It wasn't until the death of Iris that her life received its first shake-up. Suddenly the haven she found with all of her friends was lost and no amount of begging would get her mamas to bring her to her friend Isaiah. The atmosphere of her home fell to an all-time low as the women feared potentially becoming the next target. In a fit of exasperation, one of the Mamas crafted a lie. They told her to just give it up her friend was dead just like his mama.

    Yet instead of giving up Artemis withstood the sadness and stepped up. If her friend was dead then she'd take up the mantle. She'd become an honorary big sis and be someone to look up to just as Isaiah was. She needed to remake her haven in this world, and considering she didn't ever go to traditional schooling she had all the time in the world to wander the district in search of a safe place for them. She couldn't do this alone though she grabbed her remaining friends, especially her well known partner in mischief, and established an underground support system similar to the baker street boys from one of the children's favorite books. Despite the strange spread of the false rumor of Isaiah's death spurning them on the group managed to actually find a safe place hidden away in the center of the pleasure district bringing in various kids of the district and letting them know they would always have a safe spot here. They became the eyes and ears hidden in plain sight of the district.

    [cw child sex trafficing]

    Things continued this way as the children taught each other tips and tricks for getting easy money, whether that be nabbing a wallet from a drunk john or being a good cheat at gambling. Which was fortunate for Missy as the Matron began to take note of her saying it was about time she paid her own way and stopped existing as a parasite on the women there. Though the matron suggested the then 15-year-old Missy join her mamas in their work she venomously rejected this instead paying with the cash she got from theft, odd jobs, and gambling. It wasn't hard to do especially with the support of her partner in crime as they quickly gained plenty from their cons.

    Perhaps if it were just her she could have turned a blind eye to the shady nature of her home. The matron seemed intent on the young Missy joining their employee roster. While Missy passed this off for as long as she could stay in denial, it soon became apparent the Matron was hunting for specifically for minors for her establishment. It became apparent that the age gap between her and her mamas was much smaller than she could initially understand as a child. Most of these women had been brought in their early teens after all. Now that Missy was growing older many of her mamas were losing their youthful appearance, so the Matron was even more determined to bring in more workers. It wasn't until the then-teenage Jackson was employed in their brothel that she was forced to face the reality that children were being scouted and ensnared in this establishment.

    No longer could she stomach staying here, with a recommendation to the younger to seek out their hidden group she left the brothel for good packing up all she had in her bag. She established the group's next big siblings leaving them a way to contact her and her partner if worse came to worst and left them with some cash before bailing completely. When it came to establishing herself with few skills and even less education the West was the way to go. Pockets were deep and people were ready to be separated from their money in the land of gambling. The best part? With their skill, it wasn't hard for the duo to get solid positions as tigers getting to make even more money as a dealer and a bodyguard in their casino.


    Maybe I'll fill this out more post-approval as things get developed

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    The Siren
    Dorian Evans
    Dorian Evans
    20 (February 14th, 2002)
    6'2" (188 cm) | 175 lb (79 kg)
    Rookie of the Azure Dragons
    Himbo with excellent "luck"
    Home District
    East District
    Dorian has incredibly pale skin, mostly due to always wearing sunscreen outside than an indoors-y nature. He has black hair that he likes to grow out and then crop off, and pale glass green eyes. He's lightly muscular from working out and running, not gym-bro status but very fit.
    As a child, Dorian was bright and cunning. As a near adult, Dorian is bright, cunning, and manipulative. Even without his powers, he knows exactly what to say to get exactly what he wants. He plays himself off as a little dumb, a bit of a himbo, certainly not smart enough to manipulate people the way he does. He wants people to underestimate him, because his powers work better when people let their guards down around him. As such, he is a bit of a people pleaser, always helping them out with little tasks and giving them compliments. He's also a bit of a flirt, sometimes involuntarily. He doesn't go much farther beyond flirting, however, and prefers flirting with people that find it meaningless.
    T/W various abuses on a child

    Dorian was born the youngest child of ten to George and Amelia Evans. Poor factory workers, they couldn't afford the first nine kids, let alone the tenth with Dorian. His mother resented him deeply, and ignored him most of the time as a baby. His sister, Christine, stepped up as his mother figure, taking care of the little Dorian, and all the siblings really. Their parents worked long hours in the factory, leaving the children to mostly fend for themselves. But really, the children preferred it that way. When their father was home, he was often drunk, and violent. He would take his anger out on the nearest child, blaming them for all his life's misfortunes. Their mother would just watch impassively, brushing the children off when they would come to her for comfort.

    Despite their parent's negative interference, Christine tried to do right by her siblings. She made sure they got something to eat, even if she went hungry. She would get them up early in the morning for school once they were of age, and tried her best to find after-school activities that would keep them away from the house and their parents. Dorian was shaping up to be an exceptionally bright child, doing stellar work in all his studies. Despite the rough home life, he was a social butterfly in school, always surrounded by admiring peers.

    At the age of seven, a respite came to the household: their father had to move to the Northern District for a job. While money was even tighter than ever, for the first time, the siblings felt like they could breathe in their household. Dorian could sing to his heart's content without his father beating him for being too noisy. The children could play at home, rather than out in the parks and the streets. Their mother was still cold and distant, but with their father gone she could have her warm moments, too. Dorian began wishing that his father would never return home from this job.

    He was eight when he discovered his powers. He was singing a little song about the housework he was doing, when he jokingly looked at his brother, Kyle, and sang that he should finish it. Against Dorian's expectations, Kyle went straight to finishing Dorian's work with no complaints. While Dorian was surprised, he didn't think much of it. His brother was just being nice for once, after all. But as he got older, he noticed that people were more likely to listen to him when he sang. At nine years old, Dorian's wish came true: A police officer came to the door, saying that his father had been killed in a fight with members of the Sable Serpents. While the children didn't actively celebrate, their mood became much chipper, unbecoming of children who had just lost their father. Dorian was excited. Never again would he feel the sting of the back of his father's hand.

    Their mother, however, became unglued by the death of their father. Once cold and distant, she was now rash and hot-headed. She argued with the children about every little thing, pinching and slapping them when they "misbehaved." Home was a terror again. Dorian's oldest brother, Eric, left the household. He'd had enough of the abuse, and didn't want his money going to waste supporting Amelia's "heroin problem." Dorian didn't understand what that meant, but his next oldest brother James, and the twins Mary and Elizabeth left with him. The house was so much quieter, and with less people in the household, more of his mother's attention was on him. He didn't like it. She would come home late at night smelling strange, and drag him out of bed to tell him how handsome he was growing up to be, and how he looked so much like his father. Dorian didn't entirely understand what his mother's compliments and petting meant, but he knew it made him deeply uncomfortable. There was something...wrong.

    When he was ten, Christine and his mother got into a gigantic fight. It had happened after he had gone to sleep, but the sound woke him up. Christine was shouting at their mother "You can't do that to him! It's not right!" while their mother hissed "I can do anything I want to him, I made him." While Dorian heard no names, he instinctually knew that they were talking about him. He peeked out of his shared bedroom, watching Amelia drag Christine across the floor by the hair and throw her out the door. "You're an adult now. Get married and have your own children to worry about," Amelia hissed, slamming the door in Christine's face. That was the last time Dorian saw his beloved older sister for years.

    After that was when Dorian learned what the two had been arguing about. The family needed money. With their father dead and the oldest siblings with jobs out of the household, money was leaving faster than Amelia could afford. So it came down to Dorian, the handsomest of her children. The job she found him was, well, one that couldn't be spoken about in polite company. Wealthy men and women would pay Amelia money to spend an evening with Dorian. If they complained about the service, Amelia would beat Dorian.

    Dorian's grades slipped. He acted out in school. The once admiring throng of followers started to drift away. He couldn't look at any adult without feeling panicked about what would happen to him at night. Why was this happening to him? His mother was thrilled, however. She was able to buy herself nicer clothes, nicer food. Eventually, she started dressing Dorian nicer, as well. She told him that his appearance was the utmost importance now, and he had to make sure he looked handsome at all moments. His other siblings grew more distant from him, seeing the lavishing of attention their mother gave him as him being the favorite. But from his perspective, the opposite was true. She hated him, and that's why she was doing all this to him. He didn't know how to communicate to the people around him what was happening.

    But as he grew older, his powers grew stronger. At fourteen, he sang to a woman that he had done a good job, and that she was satisfied and had no need to touch him. And to his surprise, she listened. He still got paid. His mother didn't beat him. So every night that he had a job, he did the same thing. And it worked. With grim determination, Dorian realized he had a power, and with it, no one could ever touch him again. He sang in school to get the throngs of adoring students back. He sang to his teachers to convince them that he really was a good student, he just needed one more day to get that paper done. He sang playful songs to his siblings to get them to talk to him again. He sang songs to his mother to convince her to be more warm and loving.

    At this point, the only children left in the household were Dorian, Kyle, and their brother Kevin. The other children had been driven out before Dorian learned of his powers, and were not keen to come back. At sixteen, Dorian awoke in the middle of the night to his mother screaming and yelling at him for some unknown offence. For a terrified moment, he thought that she had found out how he had been manipulating everyone around him. But it was just unhinged screaming, and something cracked inside of him. He was done with this. This wasn't how mothers behaved: when he spent the night at friends' houses, their mothers didn't beat them black and blue for doing something wrong. They didn't wake them up in the middle of the night. So that day, Dorian skipped school while his mother was at work and packed up all his belongings. By the time she got home, there was no sign that Dorian had ever lived there.

    At first, he stayed with Christine. She had formed a family of her own, broken away from their negative upbringing. Dorian held his little nephew with delight, happy that Christine just adored her little son, way more than their mother had ever adored any of them. But he couldn't break apart that happiness by forcing her to be a mother to him again. He didn't want to ruin the happy little life she had made for herself with his nighttime panic attacks and manic moods. After six months, he decided he had burdened her enough, and started bouncing around friend's houses. He got a job, using his powers to convince the banks that he was emancipated and didn't need his mother's signature to open a bank account. He signed a deal with a shady land-lord to have his own space, a shoebox room that he could call his own.

    But little did he know, he had eyes watching him the whole time. On his eighteenth birthday, a letter arrived in the mail. A dragon sigil. Dorian was terrified, and rushed into his shoebox apartment and threw the letter on a table. Had he not been as careful as he thought? Had someone noticed his power? The letter sat unopened for a week as Dorian went to school, work, then came home. But he knew he couldn't avoid it forever--the dragons wouldn't let him. So he opened it up, afraid of what was inside. Punishment for his various (minor) crimes? But as he read the letter, his draw dropped. It was an invitation. To join the dragons. A massive honor, one that Dorian wasn't sure he deserved. He was just some poor kid trying desperately to stay off the streets.

    But one didn't reject the Dragons. Dorian joined up, and was shocked to discover one of his siblings was already part of the Dragons--one of the twins, now named Zephyr. Dorian moved in with them, trying his best to navigate his new position in the dragons, and his sibling. The two were so fundamentally different from when they had lived together, and it was almost like living with a stranger.
    • Kevin, born 1999
    • Kyle, born 1998
    • Carol, born 1996
    • Ethan, born 1995
    • Mary, born 1994, twin
    • Elizabeth, born 1994, twin
    • James, born 1992
    • Christine, born 1991
    • Eric, born 1990
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    Margaret Belle Schiller
    30 (November 20, 1992)
    Little Red
    4'11" (150 cm) | 112 lb (51 kg)
    Veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    daddy's little monster
    Home District
    South District
    Little Red is a short thing, with blue eyes that are glossy like a dollโ€™s. She looks hauntingly young, but she has confirmed her age to her higher-ups. Everyone else knows she's at least an adult. She has long, pale hair that she has tied up in a thick braid. She likes to wear a variety of cute dresses, but sheโ€™s rarely ever seen without her red hooded cape.
    Itโ€™s not a ridiculous fact: Little Red is not her name, but what she is called. Little Red has trouble remembering her original name as she has difficulty remembering her life before moving to New Oasisโ€”at least, so she claims.

    Little Red is a charming girl to those she takes โ€˜interestโ€™ in. These are primarily men who she discerns are attracted to her in some way. In their presence she acts equal parts childish and coquettish, trying to maintain their attention and obsession as long as she can. She loves flirting and toying with these men, using her intelligence to manipulate them into being exactly where she wants them.

    Around everyone else is a different story. Little Red is just as childish, but in a different way. She expects everyone to treat her like the princess she presents herself as. If sheโ€™s treated like anything less, itโ€™s over. Sheโ€™ll throw tantrums, scream, and even hit people that โ€˜mistreatโ€™ her. With those who play along, sheโ€™ll give scraps of decency, but not nearly as much as her โ€˜targetsโ€™.

    In the rare instance sheโ€™s with someone she actually trusts, she drops the childish act and communicates honestly. The jaded adult within her gets a chance to speak. However, she doesnโ€™t act like this with just anybody. She didnโ€™t even act like this with her father. It would take years of proving genuine care and loyalty to her to get her to drop the mask.

    Despite her visage, Little Red is prone to less-than-adorable behaviors. Her apartment is messy, strewn with little trinkets sheโ€™s picked up over time. She has a weakness for junk food, which in most cases can cease any hostility sheโ€™s displaying. The easiest way to prove yourself as her ally is to buy her fast food without any prompting. As previously mentioned, she can get pretty mad if sheโ€™s mistreated, but she isnโ€™t afraid to cuss people out if sheโ€™s pushed far enough.
    Do you think you know how this story goes?
    CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of Pedophilia, Murder

    November 20th, 1992 โ†’ Margaret Belle Schiller was born in southern Amestriya to Evelyn Schiller and Tobias Schiller. A fussy baby, but nothing that the Schillers couldnโ€™t handle.

    July 16, 1998 โ†’ Apparently, Margaret was becoming too much for Evelyn Schiller to handle. She was a menace to other people, often trying to attack people for seemingly no reason. Not to mention she had been born a โ€˜Homo Potentialisโ€™โ€”a breed of superhuman that came with the unfortunate ability of super speed. She ran circles around her mother, spiking her blood pressure on the daily with tantrums and tales about her escapades in attacking strangers. Her violent and bratty behavior was fueling a state of neuroticism that she had been inching towards ever since marrying Tobias.

    May 5, 2003 โ†’ Evelyn Schiller went missing. Most suspect that it was Margaretโ€™s faultโ€”with such an irreverent child, who could stay sane? She must have killed herself or run away. Either way, taking care of their daughter was now in Tobias Schillerโ€™s hands.

    The only problem was he didnโ€™t want to take care of her. She resembled her motherโ€”loud, curious, and intelligent. All good traits in a daughter, but not good traits for someone so close to him. She would be in danger around him, and her attitude would only come to annoy him.

    May 31, 2003 โ†’ Tobias Schiller tried to leave his only daughter with an orphanage. A corrupt and delusional establishment of which he had never liked, but at least they would make sure that he never had to see Margaret again.

    He had begun to feel guilty when seeing the owner of the orphanage. An old, creepy man who had nearly frothed at the mouth upon seeing his daughter. These were the people he loathed the most. He couldnโ€™t leave his daughter hereโ€”his plan was to find another place before taking up his next โ€˜projectโ€™ with this perverted man.

    But then something happened. Margaret took one look at the skeevy orphanage owner and kicked him in the balls. A rather brutish act, but it forced Tobias to see something in his daughter. They were one in the same. They had the same anger towards a world that created twisted and cruel punishments for the innocent that didnโ€™t deserve it.

    That night, Tobias took Margaret to a diner, bought her the strawberry milkshake she had wanted, and asked her why she had hurt the people that she had while Evelyn was still alive. She had used a lot of childish language, but the message was clearโ€”she believed these people didnโ€™t deserve to share the earth with good people. Margaret understood him in a way that no one else ever had.

    Thus, the two of them began their journey across Amestriyaโ€”to cleanse the country of its evils.

    2003-2017 โ†’ Margaret Belle Schiller was no more. She was now Little Red, named after one of her favorite fairy tale characters. She couldnโ€™t use her legal name, as it would leave a trace of evidence behind her. To sever any connections between the two of them, Tobias insisted on referring to himself as her stepfather. Her and her father began traversing southern Amestriya, hunting down the ill of the earth and ending their poisonous infections.

    Her work was simple. Pretend to be a simple girl of eleven years old. Accept the calls of pedophilic men, get them in a spot where she wanted them (motels, abandoned houses, anywhere where the two of them could go without being bothered). Wait for the perfect moment to strikeโ€”and struck them she did. With her fatherโ€™s hunting machete in hand, she would hack off their heads in a single swift motion. She was like a guillotine, running the streets red with justice. Little Red was a liberator.

    And of course, her father would clean up the mess. He was no HP, but he was a talented biochemist. He knew how to make sure there was no trace left behind.

    Every so often, some of these disgusting men would claim they pitied Little Red. That it was sick of her own (step)father to exploit her like that. Hollow words coming from men who had paid high prices just to see her naked. They deserved to die.

    The two of them traveled across Amestriya for fourteen years. They couldnโ€™t stay in one place for very long, but the two of them were happy together. Though, they had their disagreements. As Tobias got older, he got more and more worried about getting caught. They had killed a lot of people, enough to become somewhat of an urban legend. Little Red couldnโ€™t care less. She believed in what she did, no matter what. It didnโ€™t help that she had been encouraged to keep her youthful personality, either. She was brattish and cruel when she didnโ€™t get her way. She was a liabilityโ€”but Tobias couldnโ€™t kill her. Unlike Evelyn, he had truly adored his daughter. They were powerful together, and they couldnโ€™t do this without each other.

    Over the years, a different problem came to surface. Little Red spent most of their money on things that would make her look as young as eleven foreverโ€”surgery, drugs, any extreme was worth it to continue her work. But those treatments were expensive. The fee that her father was charging for these โ€˜projectsโ€™ slowly became wrung dry as Little Red got older and required more and more treatments.

    Tobias and Little Red came to realize that this wasnโ€™t cutting it. They needed a good place to stay, where they would be protected and could be given a living wage.

    September 29, 2017 โ†’ Tobias and Little Red found their haven. The Southern district of New Oasis, home of the Scarlet Phoenixes. They could perform hits together with ease, and they would have protection and shelter as long as they were loyal to the gang. They could pursue their life mission in New Oasis, as well. There were plenty of degenerates to exterminate. Most importantly, they would be paid for their work.

    The two of them worked closely together. While Tobias had done his fair share of bonding with other Phoenixes, Little Red kept to herself. In part because she had no interest in the Phoenixes and in part because they were both sure that the second someone ticked her off it would be hunting season. Still, she was known within the gang. As the HP of the duo, she was the one doing most of the work.

    But together, they did clean and swift work, and were both respected within the gang.

    2019 โ†’ The Schiller duoโ€™s luck had finally come to an end. In the aftermath of the hurricane that had wrecked the southern district, Tobias Schiller had been found dead in a river channel. His death didnโ€™t shake Little Red on the outside, but there was a clear shift in her personality. She had far less patience than ever, and snapped at her teammates. However, her loyalties still clearly lied with the Phoenixes, so she was never targeted. As long as she didnโ€™t attack anyone, she was reluctantly respected.

    Present โ†’ Little Red hasnโ€™t changed much since the hurricane. Sheโ€™s still snappy, spoiled, and ruthless. Sheโ€™s feared for her brutish behavior, but not quite respected. The Phoenixes tolerate her childishness, even though there are concerns about her mental health. No one knows what to make of a thirty-year-old that looks and acts eleven. Sheโ€™s tried her best to stay on the outside of Phoenix politics, but as time has passed, she has realized thatโ€™s not an option.
    Tobias Schiller: Her father was an old, bumbling, and anxious man, of whom she loved dearly. She was clearly her fatherโ€™s daughterโ€”she shared his brilliance, his vindication of the evils of humanity, his hobbies. The only thing that separated them was her extreme attitude. Died in the hurricane that wrecked the South three years ago.
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    Zentsupa Pei
    21 (April 1st, 2001)
    Game Master
    5'9" (176 cm) | 108 lbs (49 kg)
    Veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Hot-Headed, Spiteful, Conniving
    Home District
    South District
    Pei holds a definitive presence in any room he enters, his jagged sharp teeth and long ears make him seem like he has the blood of a demon in him. Always looking around his surroundings and observing, thereโ€™s little that escapes the manโ€™s observation. Always laughing and grinning, he seems to be right at home within the darkest corners of the South, always on the lookout for the next place to join in a fun game, a challenge or a bet of some kind always are his favorite. Usually accompanied by his Playmates, heโ€™s used to the weird looks he gets moving around with his strange friends.
    Confident but not egotistical, self-sufficient but not a loner, Pei is a man who loves living life around his own rules and going along with his own desires. To him, life is all about having fun and doing what you enjoy, anything that gets in the way of that is an eyesore, and anyone that can be used to help fuel the flames is meant to be used. Concepts such as trust and honesty are unneeded when youโ€™re always playing a game, especially when youโ€™re not intent on losing to the person on the other side of the table. Despite being a Scarlet Phoenix, he finds the concepts of being family laughable, and believes their connections only go as far as being useful to one another, just like any other gang. Heโ€™s only in this to fuel his own interests with money and connections, and in return he supplies the Phoenixes with whatever they need from him, so long as the job is one he finds fun and the outcome benefits him.

    Pei spends all his time and money consuming media, books, television, movies, all of it falls under his radar, not only because it correlates directly with the power of his potential, but he loves to be knowledgeable about everything he can get his hands on. When he locks onto a series heโ€™ll do his best to consume every bit of it until there's nothing left, no matter the price. He has even begun to understand the basics of multiple languages to forward this goal. He has near encyclopedic knowledge about any series you can think of, his speed at reading things and skill at games means he could stand a chance at any world level challenge if he wanted to, but his constantly shifting interest keeps him from locking onto one thing for too long. Out of everything, Pei holds the most intrinsic interest in toys and board games, all of his money usually goes into buying new toys, and time not spent investing into a new subject is spent playing something like mahjong, shogi, or go.

    Heโ€™s insanely competitive, to the point it has flooded into his own world view outside of games. Heโ€™s incredibly vindictive and spiteful, and will take notice of peopleโ€™s weaknesses and openings, keeping a list of them to use at any time to blackmail or at the very least, disturb those who he thinks deserve it, for whatever reason he decides. Not a fan of losing, a loss can truly bring out this side of Pei, as he will do everything in his power to utterly dominate, to an obsessive level. Despite all of this, thereโ€™s a certain level even Pei wonโ€™t stoop to, but itโ€™s a question if it's from his own personal moral code, or just out of a desire to keep that moral superiority to people as a tool in his pocket.

    Despite his absurd level of skill, he doesnโ€™t let it get to his head. He holds much respect to people who actually use their abilities to do something useful, doctors, chemists, teachers, the list goes on. He understands the importance of a functioning society and the people who make it up, and even though it was never made for him he never knocks those who it was, he simply took the door that was more fun. That said, he has little to no respect for those who get into positions of authority and use it to push others around.

    Oh yeah, he also has a strange fascination with guns and firearms, he just thinks they're cool.

    Eleanore Brewer: "My sponsor. I'm probably the only person to even have clue of her true nature. I chose her rather than she choosing me, the only reason I bother with her at all is just to keep that nose of hers dulled. Kekekek, I put up with her low level media literacy and humor her now and then, and she gets to think she has a friend out of it. What a dumbass."
    Little Red: "Kekekekek! What an idiot! Walking around and acting like a hero as you shamelessly strike down anyone in your path! It's hilarious! I'll make sure I have the front row seat as this idiot runs right towards her demise. That's the only thing waiting for her on her path of 'justice'!"

    โ€œWho knew being the youngest child of a family with two older siblings would be such a pain. If you looked at the surface, everything looked fine. My mother and father were married, had been for nearly 15 years at the time, and I had two older siblings, and then finally, I was born. Guess after me, they stopped thinking they needed more; it was for the best. Who would want to be part of such a shitty family? That perfect look they had on the outside was nothing more than what it was, just a look. It was filled with deceit and lies, and as the youngest, the one they considered the most innocent, the kid who had yet to become corrupted or do wrong, they decided I would be the perfect martyr to hold all their secrets. As a kid, before I could even speak, my father was casually talking to the women he cheated with while changing my diapers; my mother wasnโ€™t much better; she would gladly talk bad about my dad and speak of all the stuff she would buy with his money and all the stuff he would do while he was off at work, heโ€™d travel a lot, so sheโ€™d use the time to go to parties and get drunk, probably do a bit of drug too. My siblings, unsurprisingly, were corrupted by living in such a household, their age kept them from being anything close to our parents, but they had already gotten their start.โ€

    โ€œIโ€™m taking Caiโ€™s science project and turning it in for my grade; Iโ€™ll act like some bullies beat me up and took it. So donโ€™t tell him, okay?โ€

    โ€œYou hear how Yaun got busted for cheating? I was the one who snitched. You shoulda have seen the look on her face! So donโ€™t tell her, okay?โ€

    โ€œStuff like that from my parents and siblings, repeatedly. It was annoying; holding all their secrets felt like my job. And I was holding a lot. How was I supposed to talk to any of them without saying something I shouldnโ€™t and bringing the tower down on top of me? It was such a pain that I decided Iโ€™d be better off not talking to them. So instead, I talked to my toys. They had always been there since childhood; while the rest of my family was off doing whatever they wanted, I spent my time with my toys. I would read to them and watch my cartoons with them; they were my friends. I just wished they were alive so they could talk to me. I think it was then when the big guy above decided to bless me because they did come alive one day. I put my hand onto one, and it sprung alive. My first friend, Kiys. I was happy, so happy I wanted to tell everyone. But then I remembered what they were like; this power would just become something else for them to take advantage of, so I decided to start keeping my secrets, then things became easy.

    They were surprised when I was no longer mute, and when I began speaking again, I had a lot to say, years upon years of lies and backstabbing. I watched the expression in their eyes as I told it all! Finally, I was tearing my damn family apart with my hands! It was great! Itโ€™s not like I needed them anymore; I had new friends. But, unfortunately, they made the wrong bet placing their trust in me. A flurry of emotions happened next; they were so mad at each other that they forgot to blame me. My big sister rushed to move out with her boyfriend, my brother decided to go to the army to escape everyone else, and my parents divorced that year. I was still the only child in their safety, so what happened? Nothing, in all honesty. The family was ruined, so my parents dug deeper down their holes. My father being a sex addict meant he dumped all his money on hookers and prostitutes; my mother went onto harder drugs and more vices that turned her brain to mush. Eventually, my dad became homeless, and my mother entered a coma. None of my siblings came to save them, and neither did I.

    Instead, I spent my time focusing on school. It was easy to get money by joining competitions like robotics or spelling bees, whatever interested me then. I used that money to feed myself and splurge on my interests until graduation. I was the only guy receiving his diploma, with no one to cheer for him. I was an adult now, completely independent. I pondered what to do next. College would have been easy, and I could have got a degree and become whatever, but I knew a job would take up more of my free time if I wanted to make good money to keep investing in my interests. It would become boring doing the same thing every day anyway. I wanted cash and tried to do it in a way that left me with a lot of time and freedom. A complex demand, and luckily, something happened that opened a door for me.

    A hurricane struck the South, nailing the HQ of the Scarlet Phoenixes. Of course, I knew of their existence, but I never cared outside of staying out of their way. But, with that hurricane, I suddenly became a lot more interested. Surely, such an attack puts them in a weak position; they wouldnโ€™t mind a bit of help, right? So, I rolled up with my own army, toys built to assist and repair. They were apprehensive of me at first, but quickly they had no choice but to acknowledge what I could do; it was easy to infiltrate their ranks. Now Iโ€™m living an easy life! I get to sit around and read comics and play games all I want, and only occasionally do I just do a job here and there. Iโ€™m satisfied, so I keep the Phoenixes confident in me; thatโ€™s all there is. Thoughโ€ฆ Iโ€™m hoping someone can come around and spice things up in the "family" soon; you wouldnโ€™t happen to know a guy who fits the bill, would you?โ€
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    Deirdre Klauss
    Deirdre Klauss
    23 (68) (April 6th, 1954)
    5'08" (172cm) | 136 lb (62 kg)
    Veteran of the Black Tortoises
    Rookie of the Sable Serpents
    Home District
    North District
    Free from her immortal torment, Deirest has taken to excess. Decorated with garish dyes and gleaming metal, she confidently peacocks herself about the North District, heedless of staring eyes, or at the very least secure in the thought that she could quite easily pluck out any that look at her the wrong way.

    It's not an unusual sight to see open, bleeding wounds, accompanying Deirest's flashy sense of fashion, carelessly left to stitch themselves back together. Even in the absence of that, it is a rare day on which she does not appear haggard. Deep shadows usually dye her face, blending seamlessly into the thick layers of her makeup. To be without death is to be without rest, after all. What use would one such as her have for a good night's sleep?
    Who is that face in the mirror?

    It's you.

    A medley of dregs. That's who this person is. There's fractions of memories. Shards of another person. Writhing. Grating. Screaming against one another to define WHO. THIS. IS. None of it is whole. Real. True. It's in the cracks that you'll find the new woman. The points where the Tortoise meets with the Casket. Where the Casket wears the Shell.

    Being born is a violent thing. It's all blood and screaming. Deirest is still being born. Still being made. So she's screaming. Screaming and violent. That's perfect, then. She's finally gotten the hint. It's time to come out of that shell. There's a fresh coat of scales waiting for you. Cover up all of that red with a fresh coat of black. Your fangs will come in soon. What kind of venom will they bear?

    Who will they bear down on?
    June 8th. Seventeen people are found dead within the ruins of Central. Included are four municipal supervisors and thirteen contractors, working to aid those affected by the May 31st earthquake. Their corpses are strewn throughout a collapsed building. Operation logs indicate work was being done to stabilize the structure in order to prevent further damage. An iron casket is also discovered on-site, within a previously sealed sub-basement.

    The fall of the Black Tortoises was anything but pretty. Bonds were lost. Pacts were severed. As order descended into chaos, those that clung to the old ways were slaughtered like pigs, and those dogs that followed them shared their fate.

    But what if that hadn't been an option?

    Deirdre Klauss was not a problem that was going to go away. Fourteen times she was killed, and fifteen times she came back. Even after the Serpent burst forward from the Tortoise's rotten shell. A ghost of a bygone age. Her fingers, bloodied and mad, plucked away at the Serpent's scales. Gobbled them up. Crushed them between her teeth. Death wasn't enough to stop her, but there were worse fates than death.

    If she missed her shell so much, they'd give her one of her own. One of iron. Bound in chains. Left in some deep, forgotten corner of the city. The fifteenth time she died, they turned her to pulp. Even as they buried her, her flesh still writhed.

    That was the funniest part.

    The first decade was the easiest. There was nobody in the casket then. Nothing but a mass of undulating meat and bone. It would've been better if things had remained that way. If what those workers had found within the casket had been nothing but gore and viscera, but fate had not been so kind. Eventually, as the pieces of her grey matter started to reform, Deirdre began to dream. Distant memories came to her, drowned in the frightful blackness of her shattered body.

    And then with the return of her senses, came pain. The agony of her matted mass of nerves. The scent of her own blood and guts. The acrid cravings of a stomach with no mouth to fill it. By the time that her mind had returned to her, there was nothing left of it.

    Whatever that thing that filled the casket was, it was not Deirdre Klauss.

    It was a shell.

    And in the blood-soaked casket, what was there but blood to fill it?

    Two decades of hell. Two decades during which she'd been whole. Two decades in which she'd been tortured with awareness. When those workers found her, when they pried open the blood-rusted hinges of her casket, what else could they have found but blood? The wrath of the woman that had been, the terror of the thing that had festered, and the birth cries of something altogether new. They'd never know it, but the Sable Serpents had managed to kill Deirdre Klauss.

    She was born again.

    The Casket's Deirest.
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    Areith Rozรกrie
    26 (May 4th, 1996)
    Big Sister
    6'6" (198 cm) | 187 lb (84.8 kg)
    Veteran of the Sable Serpents
    2012-2018 || 2022
    Home District
    West District
    Devoted is the simplest way to describe it. She experienced an awakening that changed her life and only looks back to show the past the smile she wears now. She preaches and screams her belief, not caring if anyone is able to hear. Debt bound to her savior, her proud light, she invites all who seek to be reborn, to be given retribution to join her on her quest to spread the word and save them from the incoming cataclysm. She has made a home for those with nowhere else to go, a family for those who lack anyone to resonate with their blood. She is the Big Sister.

    Her beliefs on human evolution have made her a massive figure in the concoction of potential inducing stimulants, attempting to increase the HP population and save as many from the upcoming apocalypse as much as possible. Her doors are open to any who are willing to step through, and those not gifted with natural potential by birth will eventually find their indoctrination in the form of a syringe.
    A staunch religious devotee, she views everything in the world as an act of His plan, keeping her eyes peeled for the next sign of what she should use her life to accomplish next for Him, no matter what it may be. The return to the Serpents was His will, the command to bring upon the next step for humanity that will save them from total extinction from the upcoming cataclysm, evolution. She believes for this reason that HPs are god's chosen, hold a special worth, and refuse to harm them unless absolutely necessary. She has her heart open to accept anyone so long as they accept His message, but even those who deny it are lost lambs who have yet to see the light and must be given patience. She is a twisted woman, but she is kind, welcoming, and warm, always smiling upon those as her heart is filled with His light. She will commonly volunteer at things such as homeless shelters and orphanages with her covenant, gaining some public prestige, especially with the religious community. Her altruism completely contradicts the unforgiving nature she has when it comes to testing her potential stimulants, no one is free from being a test subject for her greater good, this same unfeeling nature is brought towards her enemies, those who try to go against her evolution plans or even worse, attempt to delay the cataclysm will bring upon her wrath.
    May 4th, 1996 โ€” Areith is born.

    August 13th, 2012 โ€” Areith leaves her grandparents and keeps no more contact. Gets involved in the shady underworld, becomes homeless.

    November 17th, 2012 โ€” Areith joins the Sable Serpents, becomes a drug runner.

    February 1st, 2013 โ€” The money has helped Areith get somewhat back on her feet, she buys an apartment.

    March 22nd, 2014 โ€” Areith begins dealing drugs instead of running them, establishes her own chain from supplier to customer, known as a bitter woman who treats her clients like shit, has a disdain for the junkies.

    September 28th, 2016 โ€” The stagnation begins to get to Areith, she begins to look at HPs for a source of envy, growing all the more bitter. She becomes so hard focused on this she even denies a chance to go up the ladder into drug production, seeing it as another dead end.

    January 11th, 2018 โ€” An opportunity to become an HP comes across her path, she gladly takes it, yet seemingly finds that it didnโ€™t work for her. Filled with emotions, she kills two Serpents before blinding herself. The witnesses of the act decide to punish her by death by drowning, she is dropped to the bottom of the sea in the middle of the ocean. Only, she opens her eyes again and now is able to breath in water, realizing she had gained a Potential. She looks to the skies and gives a prayer to God, promising to change her life if he gives her a second chance. Everyone believes she is dead.

    January 17th, 2018 โ€” Areith washes onto the shore of a land destroyed by an unknown event. Believing she had been given a chance for redemption she dedicates her life to God, and just so happens to find an abandoned church nearby, where she begins to dig deeper into scriptures and His message.

    February 3rd, 2018 โ€” Areith has taken the mantle of a nun, using her abandoned chapel as a place to bring faith to the people left behind the event that destroyed their land. She slowly fixes the ruins up with their help, along with establishing ways for them to live better lives among the rubble. She becomes their support system, and her influence grows.

    February 20th, 2018 โ€” Areith learns what happened to the land, calling it a โ€œcataclysmโ€, an act of God. The large number of HPs who survived the event leads her to believe that it was a sign that humans must evolve to survive His trials, and he was weeding out the unworthy. Her gift of potential was something she needed to pay forward to send humanity to the next stage.

    June 14th, 2020 โ€” Areith has grown her influence more, a covenant under her has formed, all converted to her ideals of evolution for human survival. She has begun to look into inducing potentials through stimulants, the members of her covenant gladly act as test subjects, but limited resources and knowledge lead to slow progression.

    May 30th, 2022 โ€” Areith hears about the earthquake that strikes New Oasis, seeing it as a sign of an upcoming cataclysm. Signs from God convince her it's her duty to return and lead as many as she can to salvation. Her covenant gladly chooses to follow her back to her old home.

    June 6th, 2022 โ€” Areith and her covenant docks at New Oasis.

    The Areith who first joined the Serpents was a completely different girl. A failure, someone who didn't live up to the expectations that anyone had for her. She joined with the Serpents because they accepted anyone, she longed for somewhere to be useful, to be wanted. She'd do anything, at least that's what she thought. Drug deals were easy, she enjoyed the money, and the sense of superiority she had over them worthless addicts who were desperate for the smallest bit of powder or pills that they'd pay anything.

    But, she still was no one special. She was just replaceable as any other dealer. She watched those who had potential and wished she had been born so gifted, so she could be someone special.

    A chance for her dreams dropped right in front of her, its five fingers stretched out towards her. It was a way for her to finally gain some form of semblance of importance.

    She felt the change coursing through her veins, her body revolting against the shifting of its DNA, rebelling against itself like a cancer.

    But nothing changed. She stood there expecting everything but received less, a realization that broke her and her ambitions into pieces. She had been rejected by something that had been accepted by everyone else, almost as God himself told her that she would never amount to anything.

    She was blinded by rage, anguish, fear, all her negative emotions mixed into a cocktail of desperation for something. Her hands reached towards her knife without much thought, she didn't care who she hurt, she wanted answers. All she could ask was why, but her questions didn't give her any closure, so she just kept stabbing, and slashing, until she was surrounded by a mural of blood.

    She looked down at herself, the adrenaline wore away, realization set in, horrifyingly sobering as it was. She was faced with her crimes, she was faced with herself.

    She'd rather be blind.

    The last blood to spill was her own.

    Unable to see what happened next, she could only hear it. Punishment, that what was coming for her, she stayed silent as she was restrained, shoved and pulled, tossed into a trunk, then onto a boat. When she finally stopped moving, all she could hear were the crashing waves, a sirens call that beckoned her to the depths. She suddenly felt heavier, weights on her legs that made sure she would fall to the bottom, where she was welcomed, where it was her home.

    She heard a splash before all she could hear was the battering of water against her eardrums, air robbed from her, lungs screaming for oxygen. This was her end.


    Her eyes opened. They shouldn't have been able to.
    She could breathe. She shouldn't have been able to.

    She untied herself from the cinderblocks hung around her ankles, swimming up the surface where she could see things with her brand new perspective.

    She had been baptized.

    Religion had surrounded her whole young life, every moment she sought to break away from it. Yet, when she found herself stranded, among endless waves, envious of the moon and the stars it had as company, she found herself praying, slinging her hopes far above the skies in hope for salvation, that she may be blessed enough to make a better life for herself, one in which she promised to devote herself to God if he would have mercy on her just this one time. She had some power she didn't understand, God had not abandoned her, she was wrong.

    She floated alone at sea for a long time, the sun and moon rose and sunk as the sky shifted, her shifting body keeping her alive until she eventually reached land. It was a place that was unknown to her, it almost seemed devoid of life, only withered grass and dying trees. She dragged her body upwards, getting as high as she could to see the land before her and view its truth.

    It was torn asunder, cracks had formed across the crust that had turned what was one livable terrain into a wasteland, the earth had opened up and swallowed the world whole, and there was barely anything left. When she looked upon the devastation, she could only feel that He had brought her here for a reason. The reason was soon revealed to her, as she crawled higher and higher and found an abandoned cathedral that sat high on a hill, far away from the disaster below, the faintest bits of living life still existing on the moss that grew on top of its old fountain and vines that climbed up its walls.

    She made it her new home, she found many scriptures of the Lord above, paintings that wove tales of his excellence. She had even found forgotten clothes that only needed a bit of tailoring to fit her and act as the representation of her newfound faith.

    She sang sermons, though she was only the attendee at first, it didn't take long for curious ears to find her in the dishelmed old building. She was a mystery, an outlier in the ravaged terrain, for she smiled. A warmth that she would quickly spread to anyone willing. Her positivity was able to bring a change in the mindset to those who chose to follow her, making the best of life out of their terrible situation, together. She had gone from the strange woman in the hollowed halls to their big sister.

    This continued for years, as her attempts to better the land continued, slowly she was trying to heal it, and as she did she learned more of what she called the "cataclysm", an act of God to punish those unworthy, those unable to survive his trial. When she heard on the radio about an earthquake striking New Oasis, she immediately knew another cataclysm was about to happen back at her old home. She was unsure at first if she could do anything to save them, if she should do anything to save them. But, then He gave her another sign, Ophiuchus among the stars. The man and the serpent.

    Her mind was made up, she would bring them salvation.

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    {Rabble Rouser}
    {Gift Hiroji}
    {26 (August 18, 1996)}
    {๐•ธ๐–†๐–“ ๐–”๐–‹ ๐–™๐–๐–Š ๐•ป๐–Š๐–”๐–•๐–‘๐–Š/๐•Š๐•ก๐•–๐•’๐•œ๐•–๐•ฃ ๐• ๐•— ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•‹๐•ฃ๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•™/๐™ด๐š—๐šŽ๐š–๐šข ๐š˜๐š-
    you're still writing these down, right?}​
    {5'8" (173 cm) | 137 lb (62 kg)}
    (He may have stood on his toes.)​
    {Rookie of the Azure Dragons}
    (Claims to just be a "Concerned Citizen", apparently.)​
    {Careless Firestarter}
    Home District
    {Central District, Lower Eastside}
    Standing barely taller than average and slightly underweight, Gift Hiroji is built like an on and off jogger. He's got bright brown hair that he usually cuts short, trustworthy looking eyes, and a fantastic tan even in the dead of winter. It's hard to pin down anything more than that about the man. Hiroji swaps mannerisms, postures, and clothing like trading cards. He could be pulling himself up and strutting around in a suit like he's some foreign CEO who owns the place, wearing well worn padded clothing with a slight limp as a downtrodden working man, or a strict, no nonsense, always at attention, Sir!, police officer who, on closer inspection, is conspicuously missing his badge.
    Gift Hiroji is a scumbag. This isn't much of an insult, since it's happily self labeled. He takes great pride in being a loudmouth, braggart, and abrasively cocky. Gift pokes his nose around gang business, inserts himself into conversations he has no right to be in, and takes up three seats whenever he's offered one, despite his occupation and the life hazards in doing so. More charitable onlookers would say that having such a confident attitude towards the world is basically required for the jobs he does, while others will be happy to say that he's an annoying prick who keeps getting in the way, even when he is on your side. Being friends with Gift is a constant roulette between having some of the best fun of your life, and being left to pick up the bill in the morning. He takes pride in his work, making him a good shot to go to when you need the word on the street or some forged paperwork, and he can be surprisingly trustworthy when it comes to life dangers, reputation threatening secrets, and most importantly, the Truth, but trusting him with your wallet would be a stupid choice on the level of dangling your arm in a crocodile enclosure.

    While that's his default state of being, not many people outside of the Azure Dragons are going to have the pleasure to see him like that. Gift's able to figure out the tone and the character that's best suited for a situation, and play it to a T in the face of nearly anything. He'd be a horrible spy, hardly capable of keeping any character up for more than a few hours before either his lies catch up with him or he simply gets bored of it, but when it comes to needing someone to stand on a corner and rile up a crowd, someone to sniff around a crime scene and bring home information (or evidence), or someone to say "We're all friends here, we're just like you, and we all want the same thing!" with a straight face, and then vanish into the night, day, or dawn like he never existed, Gift Hiroji is at your service. He especially enjoys on the ground work of handing out pieces of propaganda and making average people going along their days become average people going along their days who have positive opinions about the Dragons and negative opinions of everyone else. Order can only be kept if everyone agrees it's the right kind of order, after all!

    There are some concerns about the man's morals (in that, he might have some besides a paper thin approval of order as a concept). Obviously, Gift isn't above telling lies, or murder, or any other assorted crimes the Azure Dragons might need to commit while they lie to themselves about it being for a good cause, but it's an open secret that he does hold a worrying regard for the Truth. To him, it might not be public, but the Truth needs to be recorded and protected by someone, or else no one knows what they're lying about anymore. This results in him being a walking security risk that sticks his neck into danger to prevent the Truth from being lost. It's a giant flaw that absolutely stands in the way of a chance at promotion even when he reaches three years of service, but he shows no signs of quitting it. He's yet to even blackmail a single person with his own personal stock. It's a missed opportunity.
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