• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Arc 1: Welcome to New Oasis [Friday, September 17, 2021]

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
"Hey-yo, Rookie! You're lookin' older and wiser, I see. Not me, 'cuz I'm kiiiinda immortal. Anyways... S'good ta see ya again!

Welp, without further adieu... It's official. Today's the day! Welcome to New Oasis Rookie! Go out there n' make a name for yourself. Just... Don't forget about ol' Tiger once you're a bigshot, ya hear?"
  • 「 BEGIN 」
    ”Welcome, one and all, to New Oasis! The year: 2021. The month: September. The day: the 22nd. The time: uh... Lemme just check the old Heavenly Beast Watch, here... It's, uh... 7 pm! Ish... It's a Friday! You know what that means... That's right, it's... Purr-ty time!.. Heh, didja see what I did there?

    Anyways, I can't wait to see what crazy shenanigans you get up to, tonight! Just don't do anything I wouldn't do (and take it easy on the tigernip). But be sure not to go it alone! You're in a gang, after all, and what's a gang for if not FRIENDSHIP!! (And crime).

    There's a whole lotta stuff goin' down tonight that you can sink your teeth into. After all, the night is young! Who knows what crazy twists and turns await us (well, you; I'll be watching though!)

    Let's check in with our good pals—the violent street gangs who rule this city with an iron fist—and see what's shakin' in their corners of the world!”
The Serpents are ramping up production of their biggest money-makers—chemical agents that bestow Potentials—and are gearing up to make a push into newer markets.

Serpents Arc 1: Scene 1 [Friends in Low Places]
Serpents Arc 1: Scene 2 [Pump up the Volume]
Serpents Arc 1: Scene 3 [We'll Do It Live]
Keeping the peace is a full-time job, and no one does it better than the Azure Dragons. Citizens need to be kept safe, and reminded just who it is who reigns supreme in the East.

Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 2 [Placidity]
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 3 [Eye of Providence]
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 4 [Reckoning]
Still down but never out, the Phoenixes are slowly-but-surely rebuilding their District, even as a new threat looms on the horizon...

Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 1 [From the Ashes]
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 3 [Training Day]
The Tigers subscribe to the theory that, in order to make money, you gotta spend money. Luckily, they've got money to burn. And several choice investment opportunities have recently made themselves known...

Tigers Arc 1: Scene 1 [It's Free Real Estate]
Tigers Arc 1: Scene 2 [Money Talks]
Tigers Arc 1: Scene 3 [The High Life]
Feel free to use these code templates to write IC posts (or not). If you have questions about where stuff goes, lmk. A few general tips:
- put a url to the character image you want to use in the character: url('') command line
- if the image is off-center, try playing with the 'background-size: xx%; background-position: xx% xx%' parameters in the border box following the 'background-image: var(--character)' command
- paste a link to your character's CS for easy access in the '[/url=]' box

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Serpents Arc x: Scene x [xxx][comment]

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//Location of scene

[/comment]xx, xx District[comment]

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//Name of characters involved

[/comment]xx, xx, xx[comment]


//Start of Post

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// Name of scene (again)

[/comment]XX XX XXXX[comment]

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Dragons Arc x: Scene x  [xx xxxx][comment]

[/comment][/font][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.40); padding: 6px 0 8px 2px; margin: 5px 15px 0px 15px; font: 18px Jost; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: rgba(95,96,117,255)][font=Akronim]LOCATION: [/font][border=0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; color: #2596be][font=Mukta][comment]

//Location of scene

[/comment]xx, xx District[comment]

[/comment][/font][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.40); padding: 6px 0 8px 2px; margin: 0px 15px 0 15px; font: 18px Jost; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: rgba(95,96,117,255)][font=Akronim]PARTICIPANTS: [/font][border=0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; color: #2596be][font=Mukta][comment]

//Name of characters involved

[/comment]xx, xx, xx[comment]


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// Name of scene (again)

[/comment]XX XX XXXX[comment]

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[/comment]XXX XXXX[comment]

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Phoenixes Arc x: Scene x [xxx xxxx][comment]

[/comment][/font][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.40); padding: 6px 0 8px 2px; margin: 5px 15px 0px 15px; font: 18px Jost; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: rgba(60,13,13,255)][font=Akronim]LOCATION: [/font][border=0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; color: #e1363e][font=Mukta][comment]

//Location of scene

[/comment]xxxx, xxxx District[comment]

[/comment][/font][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.40); padding: 6px 0 8px 2px; margin: 0px 15px 0 15px; font: 18px Jost; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: rgba(60,13,13,255)][font=Akronim]PARTICIPANTS: [/font][border=0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; color: #e1363e][font=Mukta][comment]

//Name of characters involved

[/comment]xx, xx[comment]


//Start of Post

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// Name of scene (again)

[/comment]XXX XXXX[comment]

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[b][color=#e1363e]“Dialogue format”[/color][/b][/justify][comment]

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//Character's name

[/comment]XXX XXXX[comment]

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//Name of scene

[/comment]Tigers Arc x: Scene x [xxx xxxx][comment]

[/comment][/font][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.40); padding: 6px 0 8px 2px; margin: 5px 15px 0px 15px; font: 18px Jost; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: #191918][font=Akronim]LOCATION: [/font][border=0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; color: rgba(95,96,117,255)][font=Mukta][comment]

//Location of scene

[/comment]xxxx, xxxx District[comment]

[/comment][/font][/border][/border][border=0; border-top: 1px solid rgba(100,100,100,0.40); padding: 6px 0 8px 2px; margin: 0px 15px 0 15px; font: 18px Jost; letter-spacing: 0.1em; color: #191918][font=Akronim]PARTICIPANTS: [/font][border=0; padding: 0; display: inline-block; color: rgba(95,96,117,255)][font=Mukta][comment]

//Name of characters involved

[/comment]xx, xx[comment]


//Start of Post

[/comment][border=1px solid #f2f2f2; box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); padding: 12px; box-sizing: border-box; height: 450px; background: rgba(95,96,117,255); margin-top: 20px][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-image: var(--charli03); background-size: 100% auto; background-position: center 50%; position: relative; overflow: hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat][border=0; padding: 10px 15px; position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; width: calc(100% + 1px); height: 450px; right: -1px; background: rgba(254,254,254,.95); font: normal 300 3.7vh Iceland; line-height: 100%; color: #191918][font=Akronim][comment]

// Name of scene (again)

[/comment]XXX XXXX[comment]

[/comment][/font][border=0; padding: 4px 0 0; background: #f2f2f2; width: 50px; margin: 3px 0 7px 2px][/border][border="0; padding: 0 30px 0 3px; font-family: 'Blinker', sans-serif; font-size: 20px; line-height: 140%; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; height: 350px; box-sizing: content-box; width: 100%"][font=Mukta][comment]

//Post text area

[/comment][justify]Post content goes here

[b][color=#5F6075]“Dialogue format.”[/color][/b]

//code end

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Serpents Arc 1: Scene 1 [Friends in Low Places]
Northside, Central District
Bash, Darius, Anna
Raphael remembered looking at this group before they'd left the North. He remembered thinking, Oh, yes. This is going to go horribly, horribly wrong. He halfway wondered if they'd even make it across the border before this tenuous alliance of Serpents collapsed under its own weight... And yet, here they were. In Central. And so far nothing. Well, not nothing, per se. Bash was still his prickly self. And to make matters worse, Darius and Anna were here, too.

Yes, they are worse.

Because, darlings, at least Bash, for all his foaming-at-the-mouth insanity, is entertaining. Between the stone-cold ice queen to his left and the fieldmouse-parading-as-a-snake to his right, Raph felt like his only option to make this little excursion less boring was to poke the beast.

"Say, Bash..." Raph knew he was going out on a limb, here. To call their history tumultuous would be putting it mildly. He didn't think Bash had a vendetta against him, specifically—but on second thought, he most certainly did—but the fact remained that more than their fair share of interactions to date had ended with Raph's face getting socked. And yet, anything was better than the nothing he'd had to work with so far. "Since you're the ranking member here and all... Mind filling us in on the real plan? We're not seriously going to walk up to every vagrant we find and press gang them into our little operation." He paused for effect, under no illusions that that had been exactly the plan all along. "Are we..?"

>>> To the Next Post

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Lab Icarus, Serpent HQ, North District
Sang-Cheol, Vice
Laboratory Icarus. The place where the magic happened. Well where the magic was cut, processed, and brewed. The research lab was one of the three buildings surrounding Warehouse Alpha. It was right in the Serpent’s front yard. Far enough from civilization that no one stumbled across without a purpose but near enough to bring people who were useful without necessarily being serpents.

Yuudai and Tri were bringing back another group later on.

Bash was hitting up central to push a new drug running route.

Which meant there weren't nearly enough drugs. It was frustrating enough with the fact that the drugs seemed to react so volatile and different to each person. Their generalized one wasn’t much good for anything but a cheap boost. The last batch had all died. Didn’t that fucking suck. No experiments, wasted drugs, and barely any results to show.

He let out a huff as he stared down into the burner. He was never a fan of what a stupidly precise measurement was needed for good drugs. He was lucky they “employed” some actual chemists in their ranks. It was so much easier when they would just hook him up to some machines, or take fluids, check DNA, anything where he didn’t need to be a part of making the cheap copy.

Still it wasn’t like he could be the lone source of potential pushing for the gang. Beyond being impractical it's not like his power didn’t come with different downfalls. He let out a sigh and tilted his head back leaning on the chair he was claiming as his own as he worked.

There were several other regulars that looked ticked off at the little things Snake had been doing that proved he was more here to be hands than knew what he was doing. He was well enough… but it wasn’t like this was what he was expecting out of his lot in life.

“How do you actually do this longer than a damn day Matchsticks? I hate this shit- VICE how’s your batch going?”

>>> To the Next Post

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Serpents Arc 1: Scene 3 [We'll Do It Live]
Housing Zone 4, North District
Tri, Delynn, Yeona
Squish went the ground beneath the Serpent King’s feet. The North was known for its more moist soil conditions, being more on the swampy side. A little bit of mud, rain, blood never bothered Yuudai. Not with how long he’s been on the prowl.

Being away from Headquarters and in one of the housing zones, Yuudai never let his guard down. One hand was shifted into a fluffy paw that had some wicked, razor sharp claws— the exact animal could be argued but they undoubtedly screamed large cat. The other hand held a gun— not that it would do much against a superhuman like them. Regular people though? A quick headshot and they’d be crumpled on the floor. A leg shot meant they weren’t going to easily get anywhere.

Normally, Yuudai wouldn’t be taking care of a simple kidnapping job, but he was growing antsy and needed to do more than just sick some underlings to follow Caio around.
This was also somewhat more important. The researchers think that they may have had a breakthrough and maybe they could get even more survivors, but they’d need strong bodies. Though, anyone without a Potential was weak in Yuudai’s eyes. Scouting strong, non-potential humans is where the others came in, especially with the newbie.

“We need more than one tonight. Failure will mean consequences,” came the low, animalistic growl that emanated from the King. Whether it was a side effect of having a partial transformation or not was up to interpretation among the party.

They’d just arrived on the border of one of the housing zones after crossing the stream. The houses were decrepit, old, broken down, moldy… whatever gross adjective you could think of, it existed. Some houses should have been condemned but people will live where they can. Like cockroaches. An abandoned playground was up the road.

>>> To The Next Post

Written by Taigakitt Taigakitt
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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
East District
Isaiah, Meirin, Kairong, Reveler

An unusual thing for the Pleasure District that would normally be starting to get bustling at this time of day, where the sun was setting on the horizon, when people wanted to have some fun. Especially for a Friday night.

Cameras and eyes were everywhere. There was a betrayal reported in the midst. Was it an employee? A customer? These questions were why the Dragons sent a group to the Brothel Houses to investigate. Bonus points if they could find the traitor.

People would need questioned and corners would need overturned. Anything that was found out of place would need further investigated.

Employees sat on the edge of the building decks towards the gardens while others were gathered below the forever-flowering trees that dressed the pathways. The staff were dressed beautifully to accentuate their best features, but their faces were guarded, careful. Some whispered with their friend next to them. It wasn’t a secret that something occurred and maybe someone saw something.

>>> To The Next Post

Written by Taigakitt Taigakitt
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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 2 [Placidity]
East District
Lorrin, Caomei, Omar
In chaos, there is calm. Every storm has an eye in its center.​

The East has preserved the peace its citizens enjoy for decades, now. So it has been, so shall it continue to be. For as long as there are Dragons in the East, order will be upheld... By any means necessary. Not the least of which is vigilance. The streets of the East are kept clean, free of refuse and undesirables... Namely by the hands of Dragons themselves. Patrols run frequently.

One such patrol saw a handful of Dragons out in force. Whether they would come across trouble or not on this Friday evening, none yet could tell. Though there was an undeniable crackle of energy in the air, of anticipation... Perhaps bleeding from the other-side of the District, where more direct action occurred.

In any case—whether these young Dragons would have rather been out pursuing a fugitive of justice, or investigating the site of a crime, or were content to mind idle, quiet streets—their place at this moment in time was here. Wisdom dictated that they remember their responsibilities to the District, and to the Azure Dragons.

Besides, one never knows what wonders await the keen-eyed observer...

>>> To the Next Post

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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 3 [Eye of Providence]
Surveillance Room, Azure Dragons HQ, East District
Unreadable. That could explain the Dragon Queen’s expression as she pored over the blinking screens, golden eyes scanning, searching.

What was missed?

Yo tapped her finger against the phone she held in her hand, ready to dial anyone on short notice if something was spotted on the live camera.

Something was taken earlier— information that the Dragon’s would rather not lose. Someone leaked the information or someone was able to sneak past the Guardian. The questions were: Who? How long ago? Where’s the weak spot?

There were multiple screens taking up one wall, all showing different locations in the East District. An extremely curved table sat in the middle of the room with the capability of sitting in the indent and swivel in a chair to see three walls. It was helpful but one person can’t check everything at the same time. Except Jesper.

Familiar faces could be seen in some of the cameras, each with their own missions. Everything happened all at once that it didn’t seem like a coincidence— at least not to Yo. The betrayal in the Pleasure District, information being leaked, the citizens becoming worried. This wasn’t something they would stand for. The patrol group could be seen on one screen while citizens were making their way quickly back to their houses.

With an intake of breath, she spoke to the other in the room, “If you notice anything, don’t hesitate to make the call and get a group out to investigate. Jesper isn’t here to watch everything at once, but that’s not going to stop us from restoring the peace.” Her cadence was always different when she was in working mode. Her voice was even, strong— different from her off-shift, more bubbly self.

On some of the other screens, a flash of white hair disappeared. On another screen, a commotion near the Pleasure District, and a group of Dragons chasing someone through an alleyway near one of the bridges.

If it wasn’t for this headache, she didn’t doubt they’d have people scouting for Central right now, maybe another group to emissary with the Phoenixes.

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Written by Taigakitt Taigakitt
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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 4 [Reckoning]
East District
Ruri, Jesper, Kanna

A trashcan was thrust into the alleyway, making a loud commotion against a brick wall and then the ground before settling as the person that threw it was running as hard as his legs could carry him.

And his legs could carry him quickly.

This commotion was near the bridge, and could be seen from the surveillance cameras that were being currently manned by the Queen.

This man had white hair, that much was obvious. His speed was also suspect.

Can the Dragons determine this man’s innocence? Why was he running! It was enough to bring the Dragon’s attention down on him. After all, if someone was innocent and wasn’t the thief, they wouldn’t be hightailing it away from the members. Was it that obvious the ones giving chase were Dragons?

Note: Do not control the NPC

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Written by Taigakitt Taigakitt
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Phoenix HQ, South District
Yong-Yut, Ziz, Matteo, Bernardo
A year and six months. This place was starting to shape to return back to it’s proper legs. There was so much to clear out, to fix, to reslab. She usually wouldn’t be directly on the clean up and rebuilding efforts, instead preferring her HQ with piles of plans and blueprints. Today though. Today was a day she needed her birds openly in sight. Yes, the phoenixes were already part of taking a huge role in the reconstruction efforts, but there wouldn’t be nearly as many out if not for the order.

They’d had little flies on the wall for at least a week now. At first, it started small. A little feeling of unease, a flicker of a person outside their walls. But Lyric wasn’t risking anything these days. If these unknown people wished to keep treading a dangerous line then they could damn well get sliced to ribbons by their claws.

She raised her hammer and smashed it down on the walls of what was an older bar. Some of the more architecturally savey deemed this one a safety hazard. If there was one thing she could do well enough was destruction. She kept her eyes flickering back and forth. Not a damn sign of unease. Good.

She’d already sent a group of Phoenixes on the lookout. Her birds would smoke out the intruders. For now her group just needed to remind anyone that may be thinking it better to throw their lots in with the strangers that the Phoenixes were alive and thriving.

Go wild. Use your potential as much as you can. Remind them that they were only ever one bad day away from losing it all. It was the Phoenixes that would come and fix all the problems life would bring them. It was the Phoenixes the ones left should be grateful to. Especially when her birds had directly saved some from the winds and the water.

“Mmm this one’s done for. Time for some cleaning up.”

She laid her hands on some of the bigger rubble, decreasing the mass. It was tedious with her only being able to lighten a piece at a time but at least shit was moving. She came closer to her group and let her voice go to a whisper heard only by the ones around her.

“No sign of them. Looking like tonights going to wrap up quietly.”

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South District
Hide, Alex, Hector, Nina, Helva, Akane
Investigate the intruders. That was the goal. Unlike a typical mission of contract, deal with, clean up this one didn’t have a neat bow to tie the ending up. A formal fight could only occur if they could be sure of just who was poking around in their territory. Instead what they had was some barely hidden evidence of someone making some off the books docking at the port and a series of narratives shaping up to be someone sizing up the remaining phoenixes to the locals.

A cold intimidating woman. A woman that both looked and acted as if she worked in a brothel. A young boy. An older man. A prince. A young lady. The reports seemed as conflicted as ever. Unless there simply was plenty. A fair few would be easy enough to pass off as kids looking for the best in to the Phoenixes. It was hard for an outsider but with the wake of the storm and their efforts to evacuate and rebuild it seems that a few mistaken few started to attribute chivalry to the gang as if practicality wasn’t at its core.

It would be easy… if not for the little trails getting closer and closer to their HQ.

There was curiosity and there was staking out a hit, and the Phoenixes were well acquainted with the latter. As far as initial investigations went it seemed the paths were lining up for three possible routes. From the docks, which was never a good sign that could be anyone with access to a port or a boat. From the north, which could mean serpents, dragons, or anyone in between. Or from the city limits… It wouldn’t be the first time they would need to beat back some upstart little posse trying to play at being big and bad. Still it would be the first time they were being clever about it.

The screech of the falcons above echoed in the setting sun. The river’s shifting audible once you got further from HQ. The sound of hammers and shouting as the district was taken care of by your fellow phoenixes and the residents of the Nightlife District.

Even with the three routes they couldn’t strike out the possibility of another answer. Especially when the evidence had practically been begging for them to take it. The northern route would already be taken care of as Reika dragged her newbie, Dimitri, along with Vulken and Merrit. “Training”.

It was almost enough to wish them good luck.

For now it was time to make a plan as you all stood together realizing just who had been assigned or volunteered for this mission.

A message was sent to your phone.

“Meet In HQ at 23:00

Great now you had a time limit.

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Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 3 [Training Day]
North-East Bridge, South District
Dimitri, Vulken, Merrit
The sharp taps of heels to concrete could be heard— The Phoenix Queen wasn’t really one to be quiet. Reika Tsukiyama liked to be heard and noticed, especially during something as important as a Training Session. This one was at the North-Eastern Bridge of the South District.

The air had a bit of a chill to it for anyone not used to 60 degree Fahrenheit weather, and one might think Reika insane for wearing as little as she did. Well, they’d be right.

Tonight, Reika was wearing her horns and typical wardrobe— which was to show as much skin as possible. There was a reason for it. Besides, she didn’t like being covered in layers anyway. Anyone with a decent perception of appearances might notice the few scraps and bruises across Reika’s frame, maybe even a few of what looked like holes by her shoulders and neck.

If Reika carried wounds, Reika meant business at the start.

A stereo was set on the ground and flipped on to a popping song.

A deranged giggle escaped her red lips as she hopped up onto the edge that lined the bridge, where the river roared below.

And she waited.

Waited for her flock to meet her at that bridge for one hell of a training session.

She was in a mood and that mood translated into the best damn sessions and she wasn’t going to let it go to waste, dammit!

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Written by Taigakitt Taigakitt
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West-side, Central
Dante, Vincent, Reina
Metal screeching hit it’s apex as the car spun out to a stop once it had crossed the bridge to central. The ride over had just barely been what one could call controlled chaos. If it weren’t for the time of day there would have been far worse consequences to the jerking around other cars and barely there consideration for the right side of the road. It didn’t matter much for the car itself as it was built like a tank, the finest “daddy’s” money could buy, but for her passengers their stomachs would have appreciated less dramatics.

They were lucky the upper west side of central happened to be a helluva lot nicer than the trash of the south. Still it wasn’t like they could just relax, they were here for work. Work they’d already spent a half a year setting up. The blue collars were already clearing out leaving only the lesser “off the books” and night focused business left. Good that meant they wouldn’t have near as many annoying interlopers. She turned the car off, stashing her keys in her skirt’s pockets before hitting the button to pop the trunk.

“And we’re off. Collect your things and let's goooo.”

She threw the door open and kicked it shut once she was out. A quick circle around to the trunk let her grab her scythe. They may have been working these deals for awhile but they could always speed things up by applying a little bit of pressure. She threw it over her shoulder and leaned back on the car waiting for the others.

Besides there could be no mess ups, her little ace was with her. Deals may usually be grunt work and below people of their status but sometimes it felt good to see the fear gloss over when a poor fucker realized that the Queen Tigress had taken personal interest in their dingy little business.

“We’re hitting an extra route today. After all we’ve gotta remind this area that the Tigers are moving in. What better way than for a little visit from their Queen and Ace? We’ll close on the two from the north and then head south and make sure the Phoenixes haven’t been making any moves on Vicolo.”

With that she kicked off the side of the car and gave them a wild grin that looked just a hair away from being something to step away from a sure sign she was in work mode.

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Tigers Arc 1: Scene 2 [Money Talks]
The White Tiger Casino, West District
Alice, Cassidy, Charmy, Ezra
The air practically buzzed with anticipation. With the Potential energy generated by the sheer prospect of money to be won, and lost, permeated that place, intoxicating its inhabitants. The copious flow of booze didn’t hurt either. This place was a playground. And this guy had come to play.

Titus Latken was a well-known, middle-aged Amestrian socialite, partygoer, gambling addict, and regular all-around arse-hole... But he was flush with disposable income, so the Tigers could overlook some of his indiscretions and general rudeness, provided that he kept the tips coming...

The games at the White Tiger Casino were many and varied. There were cards, dice, slots, and the like... These dominated the lower floors of the sprawling, multi-level compound. The higher the floor, the higher the stakes—and the potential payout. Titus Latken was what the Tigers referred to as a 'Penthouse Player'. He, and a handful of his disgustingly wealthy peers, was one of the few permitted to gamble at the highest stakes tables, on the top floor of the Tiger.

"I dare say, I'm feeling lucky tonight, m'boy! Give-- give us another round, if it please you... On the House, eh..?"

It's not looking great. The fat man's on a hot streak. He's really raking it in, that fat bastard! To make matters worse, the talk on the town is that Titus has gotten himself into a bit of hot water with some bad investments, and that tonight he's looking to recoup some of his losses... Or, if things go our way, accrue some more debt in the name of the Tigers... Let's see if we can't ruin his night, shall we?

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Tigers Arc 1: Scene 3 [The High Life]
Albino Tiger Penthouse Suite, West District
Elias, Sonny, Sophia
There's an old Tiger saying: "To make money, you gotta spend money." Whether or not that's true isn't really of consequence, because Markus had the money, and he sure as Hell knew how to spend it.

Chandeliers made of crystal hung high overhead, refracting the strobe-lights of the dance-floor far below, where a sea of bodies moved together. The walls reverberated with the steady beat of a dance-house rhythm. The lights were dimmed down low, the alcohol flowed, and the who's who of the West got down and dirty on the dance floor.

Beyond the dance-floor, past a cordon of muscular, finely-dressed enforcers was a marble staircase that led up to the second floor overlooking the party below. This was the V.I.P. section in a party full of V.I.P.s. Tigers only.

The vibe up there was quieter, as if though party atmosphere of the floor below was further than a flight of stairs away. Here there were plush, leather couches surrounding glass tables dotted with bottles and glasses. Servers milled about in full get-up, clearing drinks and refilling glasses of expensive, bubbly champagne.

Alongthe far wall opposite the top of the staircase was a long, raised platform with a large, semi-circular table at its center. Markus sat at its head, a drink that looked untouched in his right hand, and a smart-phone in his left. This party was his, but it wasn't for him. Which was just as well. He hated parties.

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Isaiah Spade
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 1 [Rogue of the Night]
East District
Isaiah, Meirin, Kairong, Reveler
<<< Remember

Isaiah visited the Pleasure District fairly often. If there was no work to be done, he'd make use of his free time by patrolling the area and checking in on the brothels, wanting to make sure things were running smoothly and that the workers were okay. Because he spent so much time here, he could tell how strange it was at the moment. The usual crowds were nowhere to be seen, and the only thing he could hear was the low rumble of his car's engine. Surrounded by empty streets, the only person he could see was the gray-haired man sitting in the passenger seat.

"We're almost there. How are you feeling?" Keeping his eyes on the road, Isaiah checked on Kairong one last time before they reached their destination. It had been a while since he last saw his former employer, so being able to speak with him again was nice. He only wished they were meeting under better circumstances.

If there was a silver lining to the current situation, it was that finding a parking space was much easier now. After bringing the car to a stop, he did a quick check to make sure his equipment was in order. If everything went well, he wouldn't need to draw his weapons, but it never hurt to be careful. Satisfied, he looked at the older Dragon with a small smile on his face. "Shall we?"

With Kairong in tow, Isaiah exited the car and began making his way to the rendezvous point. While keeping an eye out for the other members of the investigation team, he took in the familiar scenery. The colorful trees were as beautiful as always, pairing perfectly with the clothes worn by the staff. Usually, they brightened up the area and put people at ease, making it easier for them to enjoy what the district had to offer. However, even though all the familiar sights were still here, the atmosphere was heavy.

The girls looked as lovely as ever, but their attire wasn't enough to distract from their wary expressions. It was no surprise that many of them would be on their guard after what happened, but Isaiah didn't like seeing them like that. He didn't want anyone to feel unsafe, especially here. It was the job of the Azure Dragons to maintain the peace and make sure the people could live their lives without worry. The sooner he and the others completed their investigation, the sooner things would go back to normal.

"I'll start by questioning the staff. Judging by the look on their faces, I think it's safe to assume that at least one of them knows something about what happened." He frequently spoke with the workers when visiting the brothels, so he was on good terms with quite a few of them. Some were even still around from when his mother used to work in the district. Hopefully, one of them would be willing to share information with him. Although, he wouldn't be surprised if they chose to keep their lips sealed. Fear was an excellent motivation to keep secrets.

"But before that, we should meet with the others." Even if the workers weren't willing to tell him anything, he felt he could trust Meirin to get the job done. She worked in the district and had a lot of connections, so she probably had the best chance at convincing those who were reluctant to share what they knew. Reveler was also very good at collecting information. If she wanted to know something, it was hard to keep her in the dark. Having someone as experienced and knowledgeable as Kairong with them would be very helpful as well. Everyone here was well-suited for this task, and he had faith in their ability to get the job done. However, he wouldn't let his guard down until he could report their success.

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Jesper Albrecht / Guardian
Dragons Arc 1: Scene 4 [Reckoning]
East District
Ruri, Jesper, Kanna


Where the trashcan clattered, the deafening buzz of rotors tailed closely. Wrapped in dense, black carbon fiber, four drones filed down the alleyway, keeping the rotating gun underneath them locked forward. With a red glow that lined its parts, they each led a thin crimson string behind. These drones were pulled from their patrol because of this interloper, and their owner really didn't feel like doing serious work at this time. Whoever this pillock was, disturbing the peace in a place like the Eastern District, had better have a good reason for the interruption...

From around the corner and into the alleyway, the Guardian appeared, giving chase—if you can really call it that. It walked after him, following the string that connected it and the drones. Yet, no matter how far he ran, the Guardian heard him. It saw him. And, in a flash of red, she vanished into the nearby camera.

That arc of electricity reappeared in front of the delinquent, stemmed from another camera. Its eyes radiated crimson red, staring down the white-haired man like a wolf and its prey. She raised a hand up at him as the drones neared. "This is your last warning." The nearby speakers kicked up with an initial scratch.

"Cease and desist."
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Dante | LINK
~West Side, Central

Arc 1 Scene 1 {Free Real Estate}

The ride from West to Central reminded him of many things; practice drifting in down town Zodiac Curve back in Ecliptos City was the first. And while the Queen wasn't actually doing anything remotely similar to drag racing, more like getaway driving, it was the familiarity that resurfaced the memory. The jerky motions of the car, the skids and the screech of tires, they all brought back other memories; his last year in high school in the North and the year that followed his breakup with his former controlling ex, Leonie. Drag racing in the North at 1 a.m. in the morning on a weekend just because some friends of hers wanted to was a norm when he was in his late teens. North kids were bred for toughness, at least that was the vibe, and the sheer fact that he already had his license at 17 made it all the more easier when you could hotwire a car, and when your guy crush knew where the best spots were to hit the streets and go wild.

These thoughts however, were distractions- and even if the car completely spat on the concept of the braking system, Dante mostly remained pretty steady. Minimizing any chances of bumping into anyone else in the backseat or hitting the driver herself by leaning the opposite direction where motion led him and using his own experience to minimize chances of impact.

Wasn't his first wild ride after all, probably wouldn't be his last- not even as the car came to a sudden, screeching halt.

He hoped her driving skills were better when she wasn't in a hurry, part of him greatly doubted it though. Stuff to keep note of however- things to build up a profile.

Following the others out, with a gentle push of his hand, the door slammed shut. He flicked his ponytail to the side, and then rolled his shoulders. Fingers gripped the crop top of his denim jacket that exposed his front and then gave the jacket a bit of a flap to adjust it from the disorienting ride. Compared to the others, except Vincent perhaps, maybe he was a bit too casually dressed. Shorts and no shoes but sandals, no shirt but a denim jacket- he more looked like he was going for a jog or a walk than accompanying Her Majesty and Her Royal Assistant to attend to gangly duties.

Regardless, Dante turned to look at the Queen when she spoke. Pointed ears rising up attentively to listen.

Showing we're in charge, huh? It was expected. A power move to flaunt their interests in the city. He'd been wondering when it would ever happen. Odds are they were bound to run into others here too. Regardless, it didn't matter. That bridge would be crossed when it came to it. The good news was, he could now observe Vincent, Mori, and Madame Lucy in action in one go.

With the explanation on their job explained, Dante merely followed after like a dog following their master. He kept himself to the left side, slightly in the back. Easier to pick up signs of anyone from behind or that may use their environment to their advantage. His expression, as they walked, went from attentive to being more of a calm ignorance. Jasper Fey didn't have hard, callous expressions, didn't need to try and look like almost everything was beneath them like their gothic princess' assistant, the gothic aide, Mori. He had a friendly indifference. So he relaxed his formerly stiff posture from when the Queen had spoken, put a little oomph into his step the further they moved, and put some sway into his arms as they moved.

It was almost comical if a bystander were to see it. Four people, one with a obvious weapon, the outlier being the scales orc looking guy who clearly looked more ready for exercise than he did for serious, shady, scary gang work. Even if it looked like Dante was doing more sight-seeing than being serious about what they were here for, the little bounce in his step compared to his peers who walked normally- without the unnecessary swagger, probably would have given a good chuckle.

At least if you didn't know who Jasper Fey was.

If anyone paid attention though, if you watched carefully, his polished scaled body that glimmered slightly in the sunlight, had another glow to it that wasn't natural.

"Erh", he made a frown with the sound. "Y'know what, maybe I shoulda gone without the jacket" he said glancing down at himself and then looking at the others. Eyeing their clothes carefully, making mental notes in the process. "Yeah, I'll just--" the ripping sound of fabric was hard to miss as he gripped and pulled the sleeve clean off on one arm.

Internally he knew this was a waste, but it would have been impossible to tell as he grinned and flexed that free arm. It was a waste, but honestly, it was necessary. He needed the movement and had only really brought this jacket for the specific purpose of tearing the sleeves off to drive home an image. It was just the sort of thing Fey would do, so he grabbed the other one-- KRR-- the sleeve came off. Tossed that to the side too. Flexed his arm to get a feel, rolled his shoulder, and then with a bit of stretching his arms, moved towards the others again where he'd been lagging off.

Completely ignoring any looks that might have gotten "Alright, that feels much better, haha" He grinned a fanged smile, and continued on the way.

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Mentions: n/a

Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic @cojemo OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi
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Dragons Arc 1: Scene 4 [Reckoning]
East District
Ruri, Jesper, Kanna

If it was any other day, Ruriko would probably be stuck being one of the brothel bouncers, making sure none of the slobs were causing any trouble. She always disliked working in that position - mostly because she was not interested in hearing the distinct sounds of what happened behind those closed doors, but also because men would try to approach her and ask her to name her price. She did not dress seductively or act feminine to warrant such interest but then again, everyone had their weird, and unusual tastes. Of course, any of these requests ended up in her telling them to get lost or removing them by force if they continued to insist. Aside from that, she was sometimes tasked to transport other gang members to where they needed to go, which was also a headache in itself.

However, tonight was much more exciting! She was tasked with chasing down some white-haired fool who dared to oppose the Azure Dragons. From the excitement in her eyes to her wide grin, it was obvious Ruriko loved being in the heart of all the action. She ran past the Guardian who continued at a walking pace, “come on, Jesper. It’s no fun if you don’t try!” Ruriko laughed, knowing well enough that the introverted man was probably sighing in the actual surveillance room.

When she heard the clatter of metal in a nearby alleyway, she made a quick gesture with her hand, creating the end link first at the alleyway she assumed their target was in and then another gateway in front of her for her to pass through. Within an instant, she reappeared a few feet behind the suspicious man, with the Guardian blocking his other route of escape. She placed her hand on the hilt of her kodachi and spoke up, making it known she was preventing him from backtracking.

“Yeah - what the Guardian said! Or don’t and prepare for the worst - I personally suggest the second option!”

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Kasumi Katsura - Azure Dragons - Veteran [CS LINK]
Scene - Dragons Arc 1 | Scene 3: Eye of Providence
Location - Surveillance Room, Dragon HQ, East District
Mentions/Interactions - Yo Saiwa ( Taigakitt Taigakitt )

Kasumi's eyes were glued to the computer screens in the room. To the casual onlooker, it appeared that she was just staring blankly, zoning out.

In truth, she was hopping between every camera feed available to her. She couldn't control the Guardian network like Jesper could, but that didn't stop her from observing through it. Kasumi's vision kept changing every few seconds, from the camera feeds in alley where her sister was chasing down a runaway, to the group at one of the brothels in the Pleasure District. Everything, technically speaking, was in order.

Yet, there was a definite vulnerability. Or else there wouldn't have been a data leak in the first place.

Kasumi flinched a little when Yo spoke up, having been so zoned in that she forgot where she was physically.

"Right, of course."

Saying Kasumi was afraid of the Queen was an overstatement, but it was a bit nerve-racking when Yo was in her more serious mode. And so far, it was only the two of them in the room. Who could Kasumi even call if something came up? Best case scenario would be the patrol group, since they didn't have a specific objective.

After another few minutes of silent observation, Kasumi turned to look at Yo.

"If I may suggest, perhaps what we're looking for isn't electronic. Maybe whoever is involved resorted to more traditional methods. Verbal, written, anything that can't be easily monitored. I also have a hunch there may be some blind spots we aren't aware of.

Kasumi's gaze moved back towards the screens. If that was the case, then there wasn't much that the two could do from a surveillance room. Out of the corner of the eye, she saw a another glimpse of white hair, followed by the familiar physique of her sister. Kasumi watched the feed, tracking them through the different cameras until they began corning the runner. Kasumi looked to Yo again.

"Perhaps we could have them bring in who they're chasing for direct questioning? From the looks of it, the person running was trying to head for one of the bridges."

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Kanna Katsura - Azure Dragons - Jack [CS LINK]
Scene - Dragons Arc 1 | Scene 4: Reckoning
Location - East District

Mentions/Interactions - Jesper/Guardian ( AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa ), Ruriko Ikeda ( Beann Beann )

Finding the target was easy. Catching him...proved slightly troublesome.

Kanna immediately noticed how fast they were running. It was possible they had some sort of speed-related Potential, or they were just very physically fit. Regardless, they wouldn't get far within the East District.

They had chased the man from the further end of the Pleasure District, getting closer and closer to the bridges that led to the other districts. They were hot on his trail, though he was beginning to gain distance. Right behind Ruriko, Kanna ran past Guardian. She wasn't concerned about leaving Jesper behind, knowing that he could just re-appear in the blink of an eye somewhere else.

Kanna passed Ruriko's portal, running to the entrance of the alley. She began to reduce her gravity, jumping over the toppled trash can and kicked off from the wall, flying through the alley in the air. It was more like floating with forward momentum, since Kanna couldnt change her direction at will, but it had the same sensation as flight. As if on cue, Guardian appeared in front of the runner, with Ruriko appearing behind them.

Kanna reached out and grabbed onto the railing of the fire escape that was on the side of the building, swinging herself over it and restored herself to regular gravity, her feet resting on the landing. With her arms resting on the railing, Kanna leaned over and looked down at their target.

He was boxed in.

"For your sake, I suggest going along with the first option. You dont want to find out what the second option entails."

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Alexander S. Hidalgo
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
South District

Another day, another problem. Alex swore it’s been like this since he was brought in to the Phoenixes, but the amount on his plate now has increased by at least by two magnitudes since reaching veteran. Even so, he was bestowed rank, and while it gave some power, it also took away some of his freedom, a thing Alex would complain about if not for the fact that if he held on, someday he’d be able to set the rules and lessen the iron fists around his fellow gang members. Speaking of his fellow gang members, when Alex was given the mission details, he messaged the two phoenix veterans he trusted the most: Hide Ishida and Nina Parlex. He sent them both the address of a restaurant close to the docks, then after another thought, sent a message to his fellow jr leadership Hector Moses, the Ace of the Phoenixes to meet Alex about their potential pest problem and finally a message to Lyric to send anyone else to the restaurant should they want in on the mission.

With messages sent out Alex went into the restaurant, got a large table, ordered a milkshake, a cherry drink, a lemonade, and a soda. He had done his own snooping around already, but the mission wasn’t to just kill them, even though it was a real possibility. If possible Alex wanted to take these guys in alive. As a last-minute thought, Alex sent a message to the three he already asked along to message anyone else that they thought might be useful to the mission. When the drinks made it to the table Alex made a generous bribe tip to the waitress for any info she might have on top of what Alex possessed about those asking about the Phoenixes. After that more waiting.

“Damn it, I should have just grabbed them on the way! I hate waiting.” Alex’s verbal complaint grabbed the attention of some dinners at the restaurant, but that was the nature of public places. Alex had taken a nap before coming out so after giving the report for the mission he could stake out a potential burglary, as long as Lyric was happy with the report. Finishing off his milkshake he ordered another and watched the door, waiting for everyone to pile in.

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Akane Miyazaki

Why was she put on this job again? There wasn't a well-known person who needed to disappear. It's not like her skills of staying hidden to observe her mark and finding a way to get close to someone without raising suspicions would help them find out who exactly was skulking around the South District. ... okay, maybe they would be particularly useful for this mission. Unlike her usual missions though, Akane wasn't happy to be carrying this one out. ... okay, she was never happy to carry out a mission. But one thing that certainly was different though was this time she wouldn't be alone. Usually she worked solo, only really coming into contact with colleagues if some Phoenixes were sent to clean up the body after she was finished.

Her missions were perfect as one woman jobs, yet this time, she would apparently be working with others. Unfortunately, she wasn't a fan of most of her associates. This wouldn't be like one of her usual jobs, but Akane just hoped they would stay out of her way and they could get this done quickly.

Lyric had instructed her to meet up with the rest of her team at a restaurant near the docks. An apt meeting place, since apparently their targets have been seen skulking around the ships. As luck would have it, she wasn't too far from its location, and upon seeing only one of her colleagues in the building when arriving, it was evident the others weren't.

She eyed Alex, the Ace, for a moment before taking a seat in one of the chairs without a drink in front of them. She scanned the beverages, trying to see if she could discern who else would be coming based on the choices. It was then she remembered she didn't care to know about her colleagues' tastes.

Akane then turned to Alex once the silence started becoming awkward. The kimono-clad woman opened her mouth, but before words came out, she felt her phone go off. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled it out to see she had a new message from Lyric.

"Shit..." she muttered. They now had a time limit of only about three hours. "Well, hopefully the others get here soon so we can start." The sooner they started, the sooner they could leave. the black-haired woman said, once again looking to the others. "What do you know about these 'suspicious individuals'?" Aside from them, of course.

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Interactions: Alex ( Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne ), Hide ( Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed ), Hector ( WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten ), Helva ( Peckinou Peckinou ), Nina ( Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider )
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Helva Ezie Linxal
Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
Restraunt, South District
Hide, Alex, Hector, Nina, Akane
A Gathering Storm
Helva drove towards the set location in her Lamborghini one of her favorite cars to do missions in, even though it wasn't really good for carrying multiple people, but such is the cost of driving in style. She had been given a mission by Lyric, one that she was more than happy to accept since it seemed like fun to her, though the main problem was that she would have to work with a team that she wasn't given information on. All she could really do was hope they would pull their weight last thing she wanted was to be set into a group that would slow her down, babysitting was hardly something she enjoyed after all. A notification on her phone distracted her a bit as she was driving, luckily Zulin was in the passenger seat of her car and grabbed her phone from the cup holder next to her in order to read the text. With a mischievous smile he simply said "Seems you got a meeting at Phoenix base at 11:00 p.m." a sigh Helva as she noted to him "Fine, also once we get to the meeting location, don't cause any trouble." Zulin gave her a shocked reaction putting his hand over his heart as he looked offended towards her, "Me? Trouble? Why i would never cause any trouble." A glare from Helva though was enough to make him falter and burst into a fit of giggles. "You know, your so less fun when you get serious and all that."

Helva didn't respond at all instead she stopped the car and parked in front of the entrance to the location they were given. "We're here." "Ooooo, a restaurant, glad we get to eat before we Murder.... Heheh." Helva opened the door to her car, the car door moving up as she proceeded to exit her vehicle, with Zulin closely following her lead. When she got inside she was quickly able to find the table that they were apparently support to go to, and let out a sigh when she saw the two people she was suppose to be working with Alex and Akane Just perfect those being the only words to describe her upon first seeing the two, they weren't dead weight, but they were going to be a pain to work with.

Phoenixes Arc 1: Scene 2 [A Gathering Storm]
Restraunt, South District
A Gathering Storm
As Zulin entered the restaurant he quickly looked over to see the location Helva was staring at, quickly figuring out the problem she was having. Alex the Ace of the Scarlet Phoenix, one of the people within the gang Helva had little respect for and Akane another person Helva wasn't exactly quite fond of either. Zulin couldn't help but laugh for a moment before regaining his composure Well this should be fun , he then began to advance towards the table and sit across from Akane blowing her a raspberry and as he winked at her. She could take it anyway she wanted to, and he would likely still be amused in the end, but once Helva finally gathered the nerve to sit next to him at the table, she remained rather blank faced likely trying to maintain her professionalism. A amusing thing indeed, especially since she wasn't usually like this when it came to activities involving her peers, though he supposed her mood could be a bit unpredictable at times. Either way Zulin figured a bit of food and a few drinks would be a lovely idea at the moment, so put his hand in the air in order to signal to the waitress saying "Yoo huu!" as a means of grabbing her attention. When she finally came over he gave her a warm smile, which made her smile back towards him, Heh, some people are just like mirrors smile at them and they will smile back. such a fun little thing, though their was also the possibility that she was smiling just cause it was her job to greet customers and hopefully get a big tip for service. Either way it didn't matter to him as he began to ask "Can i get a sprite please." with a nod she wrote his order down and scurried away in order to get his drink. Turning his attention back to the table Helva began to ask Alex "So i suppose you are either going to brief us now or wait till the others get here." her voice revealed no true emotion. Though Zulin could detect the hint of annoyance within her, mainly cause they had that sorta connection with each other he supposed. Deciding to greet everyone he spoke in a cheerful voice "Hellllooooo Alex and Akane, nice to see you guys again! And I'm sure we will have so much fun working together." a lie that made him chuckle. He knew that this was likely going to be a chaotic mission, especially with Helva in the mood she is in, but Zulin was certainly going to enjoy this entertaining spectacle.

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Phoenix HQ, South District
Lyric, Yong-Yut, Matteo
"Sweep sweep, sweep sweep!" Ziz sang a tuneless, repetitive song to herself as she swung the broom she'd been handed. She sang because singing was fun, and it helped her not forget what she was supposed to be doing. Miss Lyric had handed her the broom and told her to sweep, and Ziz'z old man had told Ziz to listen to what Miss Lyric said. Ziz had to always think of Lyric as Miss Lyric, otherwise she forgot that the King of the Phoenixes was a woman, and Ziz had already made that mistake far too many times. This time she was aiming for making it a whole week before messing up again! Ziz looked around... She'd forgotten the words to the song she'd been singing. Thankfully she was still holding the broom. Sweeping, right! Ziz got back to sweeping the dust and dirt into a neat little pile.

When Ziz had managed to pile up a whole lot of dirt... why was she piling up dirt? Ziz wondered if she should ask Lyric why she was sweeping up dirt when there was so much of it everywhere. No, Ziz'z old man had told her she needed to be more independent and think for herself. Ziz thought. When humans sweep things up, it's to get rid of it. So she was supposed to get rid of the dirt after sweeping it up! Two large white feathered wings sprouted out of the diminutive woman's back, looking far too large for the body they were stuck to. A powerful flap of her wings scattered the piled-up dirt to the winds, no doubt to resettle somewhere else nearby. Ziz had swept up the dirt and gotten rid of it all. Lyric would be so happy!

The winged girl scampered lightly over dirt and rubble, wings appearing across her body with each jump and disappearing back below her silvery skin so quick one might think they'd imagined the sight if not for the girl landing lightly after effortlessly hopping dozens of feet. Ziz spotted Lyric far before the leader of the Phoenixes spotted her, but instead of closing the distance to tackle Miss Lyric, as was Ziz'z customary way of greeting anyone she managed to remember clear enough to consider close, Ziz stopped atop the pile of rubble she'd landed on and watched Miss Lyric from a distance, her feathered head tilted in confusion. What was Miss Lyric doing? Breaking up and moving the big pieces of rubble? Why?

Ziz rolled back down the far side of the rubble pile, wings sprouting around her body so that she was protected until she came to rest at the bottom of the pile. Ziz was thinking, trying to at least. Ziz'z brain lacked something that most people had by default, and that something missing made thinking a rather difficult task for Ziz. "Sweep sweep... sweeping dirt... make the dirt go away... cleaning up!" Ziz jumped high into the air and fell back tot he ground. She'd managed to figure out what Miss Lyric wanted without needing Miss Lyric to tell her. Ziz felt proud, smart and proud.

Miss Lyric wanted everything cleaned up, so she was making the big rubble into littler rubble so Ziz could sweep it up and blow it away! Miss Lyric was so smart, but Ziz was even smarter! Ziz could sweep up the big pieces without needing Miss Lyric to work so hard to make them little. Ziz dropped the broom she'd been given to sweep with. She didn't need it. Ziz'z silvery skin looked like it lifted away from itself as white wings emerged from wherever they were impossibly kept hidden inside of her too-small body. Wings emerged from flesh and even larger wings emerged from those wings like some impossible living origami crane. The wings erupted out of Ziz'z body with enough force to knock back the closest piles of rubble, and pushed aside even larger debris as they fully unfolded. "Sweep sweep, sweep sweep!" Ziz sang her remembering song as she pushed aside ruins of buildings and structures in the same careless way she'd swung around the broom to push around dirt.

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(On my tablet so using my finger to setup code is really difficult. Ill do it in the morning on my computer.)
Character: Nina Parlex
Scene: Phoenixes Gathering Storm Arc:1 Scene 2
Location: Resturant, South
Involving: Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne Peckinou Peckinou WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Anne Boolean Anne Boolean

It didn’t take Nina long to make the trip to the restaurant, it did however take Nina a few minutes to buy a large sack from a local store before arriving. Seeing that two others had arrived before her she stared at the cars, taking in the sheen of the vehicles before mentally willing herself to pass up the hood ornaments on each. Walking over to the front of the restaurant she starred in, looking directly at Alex with a posture he knew spoke volumes as to what she was about to do. Her talons erupted out from her fingers and she raised a finger up. It was impossible for anyone else to tell from her eyes what she was thinking, the blue glow obscuring any visible indicator of her mindset.

Pressing the talon against the glass she felt something echo up from the depths of her mind. “Don’t break the property of shop owners in the south.” The voice of Alex and of Lyric came up. Visibly hesitating she withdrew the talon and seemed to freeze up as if unsure of how to proceed. She looked over towards the door then back to the window, then back to the door and repeated this for a solid minute as if trying to win a war her mind was trying to force in the other direction. After processing it out she stepped away from the window she was looming in front of and made her way into the restaurant itself.

Folding her wings into her back as tightly as she could she still had to work to get them through the door. With a grunt of both annoyance and effort she managed to get inside while only knocking over a few things on the front counter with her wings. Making her way over to the group she glanced at Akane, then to Helva before settling her gaze on Alex. She stared down at him for a long second before holding up the bag “I did what you always tell me to do. I thought about what I was going to do before I did it. So I didn’t go through the window…. and I brought a bag for everything I am going to take.” Nina said with the subtlety of a pink elephant.

Without skipping a beat she turned on her heel just as a server was coming past and blocked them. “I want food to go.” Nina blurted out. “Six potatoes and a big cheese.” she continued to say. The server’s body language was filled with anxiety but he pulled himself together “Uhm… what?” he asked. “Six Potatoes and big cheese.” she returned a little annoyed. “Okay, Six potatoes and uhm.. a big cheese.” he spoke back. Nina nodded and finally let the man past her. With and sigh of relief at the realization of food she turned back to Alex and just stood there, unable to actually sit down due to her wings.

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