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Futuristic Fly High!

Rin smiled. "Yay! Car washing!" She said. She was more excited about the fan service part. She smiled to herself. Len punched her arm and returned to his food, picking up his now full plate. Rin rolled her eyes and walked back with him. They walked and sat down, Rin and Len sitting down next to each other and started eating.
"Sounds like a good idea anyways, raise public moral for the troops." He said as he followed orders getting his meal, He sat down opposite to Rin and Len. Eating his meal he contemplated the two leaders arguing, it seemed all in good fun, but they did butt heads considerably. The car wash was a good idea anyway, for they could use a break off this ship, plus the car wash would be a good place for Blake to let down some of his bearing.
The ship begins to land and jarvis stands up and dust his shirt off "you all need to change into some clothing that doesn't mean a lot to you we are getting wet after all" He said going to his room and coming out in shades and black swim trunks I gave the children some suits and seen what they were doing I watched and set down there clothes and simply walked away I walked by Holland and pushed my glasses up.

Holland snapped and looked at Jarvis "what the hell you doing that for?" I got up and ran to my room "DAMN BRATSSSSSS!" I yelled chasing the kids into the kitchen as they carried all my white shirts they wrote on. one fell and I picked it up as they passed out my white shirts with Team Brink on them I hold one up sadly "AHH YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" holland said pointing at daisy she sticks her tongue out and he grabs for her as Jarvis steps on his head pressing it against the ground "come on there cute shirts Holland the kids had fun making them you and everyone else should sign them the orphans would love them actually and we could sell some to those snobby well off people. trying to get all the money to rebuild some stupid part of town anyway...Hmmm I wonder if your size fit all with your broad shoulders and slim frame your like a confused girl" Jarvis said

Rin giggled at the two fighting. She came out it a white crop top with a sports bra underneath and some swim shorts on. Len came out in a t-shirt and some swim shorts. Rin smiled at the both of them. "Ready to was car's!" She said, raising a hand. She loved doing things like this. She could get out and stretch her legs for once.
Blake took his turn and went to his room, allowing himself to exit in a tight athletic t-shirt and blue swimming shorts. With a smug look on his face he looked to the twins, and then his leader, giving him a nod indicating he is ready. It would be good, and if it was hot enough, he would let his tattoo breathe a little, maybe attract a few locals.
jarvis released Holland and chuckled "Blake would you do me the favor of rounding our mechas in the left wing just incase something happens we cant be to careful" he said dodging hollands punches and hitting him ontop of the head with a wrench "oh dear me forgot I had this in my hand he will come through later lets go wash some cars shall we?" he walk off the ship and people cheer "oh look at the signs people made us we love you blake! Ren and Len Forever!! Holland Sweet heart! September is Power! Jarvis is marvelous! "I love my sign already" he said as he smiled and walked to the kids with the shirts they all were happy that they received them he patted ones head they all dressed up to resemble us Jarvis got a little teary eyed at the sight he turned to my team "were gonna win this challenge! if we don't your all on cleaning duty!" he said "and I don't mean just the household the mechas, the ships dirtiest areas, and your gonna scrub toilets and floors with your toothbrushes yes...this is how serious I am" he said

Holland wakes up and walked outside after changing into black jogging pants with 2 white stripes on the side and a black headscarf tied around his hair and no shirt he ran outside and punched Jarvis but Jarvis blocked it "NEXT TIME YOU DO THAT YOUR GOIN...-" he looks at the kids scared faces and stops "going to have fun! LETS DO THIS ALRIGHT?" he said giving a thumbs up "alright what's first bring it on! WE GOT THIS!" he said as children cheered
Dameon was calmly standing in the kitchen of their ship. He sighed to himself and started to cook a bit.
Blake took his order and began to use the industrial sized forklift to maneuver the mechas into the east wing, be extra careful with the "rare and special ones". The cheers could be heard from even the innards of the plane, echoing off the walls and bouncing into his ears. He smiled as he finished his job, returning to the hatch door that was wide open. Viewing the various signs he gave a couple of smug looks and winks to the crowds, taking his position next to Holland and Jarvis.
Rin laughed at Blake and stood next to him. She smiled and saluted at the crowd, making them scream louder. She gave a smug look to him and looked back at the crowd. Len walked up and stood next to his sister, doing the same. He smiled and waved at the crowd. Rin looked at her brothers appearance to the crowd. She smiled at the wonder in his eyes. "Let's go wash!"
Holland grabs the hose "Alright Blake your quick so you wax and ill join in to help. jarvis you wash the wheels your precise and accurate Len Ren You use your twin power to wash the car! The kids will help making us ten times faster" he pushes the children into separate groups and armed them eith the equipment and as the bell sounded holland and his helpers wet the car quickly
Blake looked down at Rin, who had joined his side, he gave her a smile before Holland could bark orders. "Yes sir." He took the wax and began rubbing down the car, wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off. He was right on the point that he was fast, but it would still take time. This competition would mean absolute teamwork.
Dameon had made a pretty big dinner for everybody. He had put it up for when they got back. His eyes looked around the area.
Rin picked up a hose and Len picked up the sponge. Rin smiled and hosed down the car. Len passed her a sponge and they both started scrubbing down the car. She giggled and started singing. Len joined in soon after. They laughed and kept singing. They were the dynamic duo, they were known as the best working tag team in the nation.

(The song[media]

We already in the lead 6 cars to 4 holland smirked and flicked off one of the other team who was talking shit about the kids we finished our last car and won the tournament "WHOO!" holland said jumping in the air throwing his fist in the air "Good luck next time!" I said lifting some of the kids two on each shoulder we got lead to the winning circle and the trophy was huge with all tge money in it I smiled as the orphanage owner walked up but she started crying "Hey hey hey! WE WON DAMMIT STOP CRYING!" he said shaking her a little she just laughs and I let go crossing my arms blushing a little in embarrassment... "what a drag" as I said that the kids copied I was going to say something but I just laughed i looked up at the sunset this was a good idea.. after all..

Jarvis looked at holland finally that idiot was smiling. I looked at ren and Len "what was that song? It was very catchy and in fact sped everyone up its a very good song" I said "blake very good with the waxing yiur gonna have to help me with my mecha sometime" I said chuckling "Holland..you suck." He then ran after me and I tripped him and the kids who dressed up as me stepped on his head pushing up there glasses causing me to laugh
Rin burst out laughing at Jarvis. She walked up to the kids on his head and gave each of them a high five. Smiling, she walked back to stand next to Holland. "He looks funny like that. Oh, and the song was Remote Control." She said, crossing her arms. Len was being mobbed by fangirls from the orphanage. "RIN! HELP ME!" He screamed over the girls. "Not now Len~" She said, watching him be tortured by little girls.
Blake was surrounded by a couple fans, asking questions and mostly trying to cop-a-feel. "I'm just happy to be out of that ship." "Yea yea the one yelling is Len." "Uh, I don't think showing you my tattoos is very unprofessional." "No I'm not in a relationship... what does that have to do with anything!?". He walked away from the crowd to join Rin and Holland, "Didn't know we had such a fan base." He chuckled as he took a pose near the two.

I stood up acting hurt for the kids "yeah" I said chuckling as more fans surrounded me calling me sweet I rolled my eyes "Just take the damn picture!"
Rin laughed and jumped on his back. Being a lot shorter than him, it took some effort but it was worth it. Swinging her feet over his shoulders, she smiled, laughing. She covered his eyes and began to pull him around. "This is fun!" She said, giggling.
(I have not had one single notification! -.-")

September walked out in bikini top plus a bottom with short sport shorts. Everybody had already started cleaning. September wanted to go out, but without a crowd. Stepping out of the ship people started whistling and asking for kisses, September just put up a smile even though she was very close to shove a grenade or dynamite in their filthy mouths and blow them up.

She quickly shuffled over to Jarvis. "Please tell me why we are doing this." She snarled through gritted teeth and a smile. "I'm very close to losing it here!' She hissed. "Can we please go do something else somewhere else?" September almost never said please, but she was getting really uncomfortable when people took pictures of her, especially the ones with the leader. Who knew what perverted thoughts people had.

(I'll write again when I wake up. Good thing I checked this before going to bed -.-)
Blake turned around to see their neighborhood hot mess, September, coming out of the plane. She was of course wearing something revealing, which cause Blake to turn around swiftly, not wanting her to see the awestruck look on his face. He heard all the guys yelling and screaming all sorts of off-putting words, which he immediately glared at. This led to the desired effect of all the guys quieting at the thought of Blake, the special operations, pilot of the panther, to be angry.

"You could join me for some coffee," He gave September a sincere invitation, of course in that outfit who knows how it sounded. With that he gave a friendly smile and walked away from the group. When the ground began to roar at the movement of another member he gave a couple final waves before entering the plane's bay. Maybe September would accept the off, maybe not, either way she was unlikely to have any more fun out there then with him.
September quickly headed back in with Blake. She didn't wave to the crowd or anything. She closed the door to the ship and leaned against the cold surface. It wasn't like September had stage fright, she just didn't like crowds. She'd rather be in her own little bubble then in the outside world. She'd rather be around mechs then humans.

"This is so not what I signed up from." She mumbled as she grabbed an extra large coffee cup and took a seat next to Blake. "We're supposed to find that last Orb, not to be some kind of billboard or whatever." She clicked her tongue and shook her head, taking a drink of her coffee. "The only good thing about this so far is the free mechanical stuff and nice looking guys walking around." She mumbled in her cup before taking another sip.
"Our popularity is what keeps all of that mechanical stuff coming in, which is why we have to make appearances." Blake ripped the top off the two sugar packets, pouring the contents into the cup. He began to stir his cup in a nonchalant way, knowing this conversation would go into further discussion. With a curios glint in his eyes he looked towards September, leaving the stirring to his coordinated hand.

"We will find the orb, it's just a matter of time. Plus we need to be careful with it anyways, others are looking for it too." His voice was very serious, but lost its edge on the next question. "And I couldn't help but hear, nice looking guys walking around?" This was met with a smug look, but quickly faded into a smile at the could be compliment.
September clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes with a tiny smile before taking another sip from her coffee. "I think something's wrong with you ears." She mumbled into the mug and placed it down on the table. "A girl can always look." She smirked. "And besides, just because you guys have good looks doesn't mean you can let your loose hands off the leach. I'll kick your ass." September shot Blake a glare before drowning the rest of her coffee. "Either the fans took the others or they are enjoying the crowd a bit too much. What the hell is taking them so long?"

September wanted to get the others, but had no intention of going outside with all the cameras and people. She just wanted to leave.
Blake didn't match her glare, but gave her a smug smile instead, "Girls can look, but their hands can become loose too.". He got a little more relaxed in his chair, taking his first sip of coffee. "And if I didn't know any better you just said I have good looks a second time." He gave a half chuckle, but was genuinely pleased that he could be so relaxed. The morning antics washed away his bearing, letting his more friendly side out. He quickly regained his collected composure, "I'm sure they are just enjoying the lime light.".
"Just shut the fuck up and drink your coffee." September mumbled and watched the door, maybe the others were enjoying the lime light just a bit too much. She sighed and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. "I just want them to hurry up, but I might as well head back toward my mech. I still need to fix it." She stood up and looked down at her chest. She was still in her bikini top. "Maybe I should put on some clothes before I head back to work."

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