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Futuristic Fly High!


New Member
Story/extra info

Its the year 6014 and a evil dictator came into rule he outlawed everything that dosent help his establishment aka the world succeed in further advancement for instance

-if you do not work for the military you are not allowed a mecha. if you are caught flying in a restricted zone (which are everywhere) you will be shot down and your mecha destryoed. and you yourself will be eradicated.

-Hes removing everyones rights as a free individual were all slaves to him

-No one is allowed to have more than 3 children and if you have more than that the last one or few will be killed on the spot.

-If you were to make a fleet against the military personel you and your family will be eraticated.

-They also took every single person who can create mechas and forced them into the fleet as to which they are forced to serve the military willing or not. well the ones they could catch.

What were trying to do as the Fleet known as Brink This name was given by the goverment and we went with it just to toy with him. What we are trying to do is get the Potentia illimitata Our fleet calls it P.I. there are shards around the world that take the form of radioactive marbles if we were to find one it can power all our mechas for a full 100 years. there Extremely hard to find due to them being able to tear the fabric of time Transport itself to different regions it does this every 20 days it also sends off a radio active pulse that attracts many beast. The beast uses the Orbs as a heat supply many animals that are around have adapted to be able to withstand the heat of said orb us humans cannot. once three pulses send out It overheats and quickens the process for it to teleport itself there is never 2 on the same plane./universe

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-contains the power source that can be used to destroy the world

-Extremely Rare thats why it took from 2014 to 6014 to gather enough to get the things we have today.

-The goverment has exactly 5

-They show up every 800 years.

-No one knows why they started showing up or how they came to be.

-Holding these in your bare hands will kill you and anyone you've touched in the past 10 years. due to you now having that pulse fusing into your skin

-The pulses are so strong they can repel any element say if its raining it wont rain within a 100 mile raidius around the orb

the pulses will burn and singe human flesh to the bone

"but how will we get it then!?"

Easy you miss the pullses. many have died getting into the pulses way.

Special gloves that you use to handle the orbs

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-These gloves redirect the pulse straight into your mecha over charging it creating an all new mecha and whatever you meha server is connected to it over charges those mechas also. if you were to pick the orb up with your mecha it would shatter the orb and less and less will show up. Thats why there showing up less and less. also when it shatters it causes a natural disaster/Ill will/malice to a person alive and there anchestor has walked where the orb once was. Ever wonder why a whole family that seemed so happy ended up hating eahother? How Banks get robbed and a child ends up dying? How someone just goes out and hurts someone for no reason it also gives a twisted sense of reality which we called 'Mental illness' we all know it was from the crushing of the orb.

Your probably wondering "if thats true how were there mechas back then and how come we didnt see them?"


the goverment for years have hidden that from the public japan was the only one who set out to show the world what the goverment could do by creating there singing robots they hoped it could raise question But other countries blew it off "oh thats just japan they do stuff like that all the time." now in the future now that all this is happening everyones regretting how there ancestors did not pay attention to the signs.

The world is in a post apoctolicptic state due to the goverment and our team is setting out to stop it even if it mean to be on the Brink to get things done. Were setting out to find the New Orb that has tooken place in What was China. The trip wont take long its finding it before the goverment thats the problem.

if we do not find it. There is a big chance that the world could be dominated forever by the goverment creating the ultimate mecha. he is placing the orbs into five sections of the mecha

the head

the arms

the palms

the legs

the feet.

the stomach

with this much power this mecha could easily destroy life as we know it and give infinate power to the user. the last place he need to get is the head peice.

Roleplay Playlist

Everyone Loves Music Right? Get even more submerged into the roleplay and Pick a song in the situation your in and listen and you will put more emotion into your post. Who knows you might get a new song you like check them out to get a better feel!!

Warning: if you are offended by profanity/Blood Gore i suggest you do

not join.

if you do not want to hear profanity when you view a song please look up the clean version. if there isnt a clean version i suggest you do not listen what so ever.

Overall Theme song of the Role-Play

Haruka Kanata(Far And Beyond)-Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Last Cross-Mitsuoka Masami

preperation moments:


Dark Horse-Katy Perry

If Today Was Your Last Day- Nickle Back

All About the Power-Jim Jhonson

All this could be yours-cold war kids

Inventing Moment:

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites-Skrillex

I cant Stop-Flux Pavilion

Feel Good Inc.-Gorrillaz

Fun moments:

Dive into the world-Cherry Blossom

I wanna Be- Stance Punks

Calm/days end/Encouraging/susnset watching Moments:

Sleepy Head-Passion Pit

La Da Dee- Cody Simpson

Am I Wrong-Nico&Vinz

Keep It Real- One Ok Rock

Show Goes On-lupe Fiasco

Break Down/Crazy Moments:

iNSaNiTY-miki and Kaito


Eyes On Fire-Blue Foundation(Zeds Dead Remix)

Before I Forget- SlipKnot

Given Up-Lincoln Park

Am I a Pshyco- Tech n9ne,B.O.B, Hopsin

Depressing/sad moments:

Mr Speaker-One Ok Rock

Crawling- Lincoln Park

Nobodys Home-One Ok Rock

Ill Be Back- Da Ice

SomeWhere I Belong- Lincoln Park

Been a while-Staind

All or Nothing Moment:

One Shot-BAP

Shake It Down- One Ok Rock

RadoActive-Imagine Dragons

Gangsters Paradise-Coolio

Action moments:

Black Paper Moon-


Carry On-Advenged sevenFold

Jibun Rock-One Ok Rock

Romance moments:

Love Chase-Yamashita Tomohisa

Noctrne-Yamashita Tomohisa

What you Know-Two Door cinema Club

Rejected love/Break up Moment:

Just Be friends-Megurine Luka

Please Dont Go-Mike Posner

Problem- Ariana Grande Ft. Iggy

Black Dahlia-Hollywood Undead

You Give Love a Bad Name- Bon Jovi

Angry moments:


One Step Closer- Lincoln Park

No More Sorrow- Lincoln Park

Denial moments:

Almost Easy-Advenged SevenFold


Never Let this go- One Ok Rock

Runaway-Lincoln Park

I Dont Wanna Be-Gavin DeGraw

Majestic- Wax Fang


No auto Hitting

No Love at first sight

Follow my lead

please have respect to others and do not control there character

No God Modding

No Mary Seus or Stews everyone gets hurt your not special.

No Overpowering things for your mecha they all can fly and fight so thats out the question.

Have Fun

Make this a Fun experence

Rock on

and Have a nice Roleplay
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I slept in this morning, I trained all day yesterday and im tired also not in the mood to be awoken..


"Holland's asleep, lets draw on his face!" She said hold on up the marker smiling


"Daisy your gonna get in trouble!" I said looking at her she coverd my mouth then we looked at dense climbing on to the bed we run after her and Holland moves


I climb on the bed and lay down by Holland sucking my thumb and falling asleep


I noticed the kids were in Holland's room I seen daisy with a marker and cleared my throat she looked at me and I puahed my glasses I had on up she dropped the marker running down the hall I watched her run and sighed as I seen Holland still asleep I walked into the dining room of the ship
{{ WARNING: Curing up ahead! }}

"Holy, motherfu-!"
There was a big explosion. Smoke coming out of a room and a girl, covered in soot stumbled out, coughing out her dear lunges as she removed her glasses. She stood up growling and dusted herself off stomping back into the room. "That no good motherfucking, bastard cheating, son of a second hand whore, is going to get fixed wether it wants it or not!" September strolled up her invisible sleeve, snarling and growling as she did so. She was very close to wanting to throw her beautiful mech out of the ship. It just didn't want to get fixed and she would have had it if she had another mech. "You, piece of shit eating metal," She pointed at the mech, now half covered in soot. "Are going to listen to me or so help me I will transform you into tinfoil! I should have asked for an upgrade when I had the chance." September mumbled talking to her mech as she continued tinkering on it. She hadn't had much sleep for the last two days, wanting to fix/upgrade her mech.

He walked in behind the yelling female. "Having trouble are we?" He asked her looking at her soot covered frame."how troublesome a woman shouldn't speak like that" he said grabbing a wrench and fixing a pipe "besides ita your lucky day." He said pulling out a new power source its an upgrade from the last one he designed for them its in a pyramid like cylinder shape he placed it in her hand. "That will help your mecha" I said patting it "it really is a splendid model." He said walking off pushing his glasses up as the mecha shot soot directly into her face from him leaving a slight hole in the robots pipe on purpose.

"Keep working" I said leaving
"Having trouble are we?"

September looked up before glaring at the guy. "No." She snarled. "And I can talk how ever I want, ya prick."

She wanted to slam her hammer into his scull when he touched her mech but then he handed her an upgrade.

"It really is a splendid model."

"Does it look like I want you shit?" September asked tossing the power source onto on of her working tables filled with junk. She was about to snap at him again, but then her mech shot out more sooth. She walked through the smoke and out the room, noticing the guy from before. With a growl she threw her hammer at him. Once the item was out of her hand, she moved her weight on one foot, sticking out her hip and moving the soot from her face. She wanted to kick this guy's ass! Who the hell did he think he was?!

He dodged the flying object "ill have you know I still am the leader of this vessel Or have you forgotten? "its your fault your mechas in terrible condition. You dont take care of it. And what I handed you is mandatory put ut in your mecha or fall behind!" I said walking down the hallway to my work space


He heard heard yelling and stormed put his room "how about both od you shut the FUCK UP! Me and the kid are trying to get some Damn sleep! " I said


She stumbled out the room sleepy and walked over to the lady and held my arms up to be picked up I liked this lady she was funny.
"I don't care who you are!" September snapped after him. "And I would be able to take care of my mech if it wasn't a first generation prototype." She pronounced the word prototype she turned around to throw a wrench at the guy the shouted to be quiet. Then on top of that this small girl came walking up to her, begging to be picked up. Now September either wanted to blow herself up or bury her head in the sand, if there was any. September cursed herself and picked up the girl against her will, after all she was a sucker for puppy eyes. "Good thing I have enough spare tools. Now I just need the right parts." She mumbled and headed back into her room. "I'll blow that guy to bits once my mech is fixed."
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what the Fuck is your problem!? Thats our damn boss and you should respect him he didnt have to accept your sorry ass on this vessel in the first place!" he said as his door slid closed


She looked at the woman "why are you angry at jar jar?" She asked yawning and laying her head on the lady's shoulder "you throw all your toys you won't have any more" she added
"I'm angry because he is being a prick and an asshole." September said, putting the girl down in a big chair that was made out of wire and useless mech metal. "A woman can never have enough tool, I got enough." She said and placed her glasses on the girl's eyes, incase her mech decided to blow up again.

"Alright, let's see what we got." September mumbled and got her mech up on a fairly clean table with a harness device she had made up. She pulled out the power source and put it under a giant magnifying glass. Over used, of course! She thought and tossed it over her shoulder, just past the little girl. Looking around, September searched for another G1 power source, she knew she had it somewhere. "Where is it?"She mumbled to herself and started moving through her stuff. She climbed in a giant bin she had, only her legs and bum sticking out of the the edge as tossed everything over her shoulder that wasn't the G1 power source, making a lot of noise as every item fell to the floor. I'm getting to old for this. She thought as she groaned, trying to push a heavy bolt out. Sometimes she wondered why she had all this stuff.

He walked out my room again about to yell until he saw her bent over I chuckled "Can even be mad with this view" he said leaning in the door way in just my sleeping pants "Wanna see something cool bumble bee?" He said talking to dede "now this is what a G1 should look like considering there rare." He started polishing his mecha "how about we go for a ride "bee"


She clapped "won't jar jar be mad?" She added he gave her a look


"Dont be a goody goody sweetie" holland said as Jarvis walked in


"Dede I told you to stay out of the mechanics room!" He said as she said bye to September and holland "holland Never ask any of the children to fly with you its too dangerous for them!" He said as holland leaned against his mecha


"They have to get the feel at some point I said shaking my head and walking out "besides there not going to be your little ones forever. I understand there young but this is war. They need to experience this while they can who knows the direction this world's going Into..." I said looking at him he pushed his glasses up "what a drag" he was then thrown out the side of the ship falling his mecha powerd up and went to catch him.
September pushed herself up to look out the bin and saw all the people. "What? Does this look like a place we can all get together?" She snarled. Then this guy started showing of his first generation. "Mine is rarer." She said sticking out her tongue and jumping out of the bin, the power source in her hand. "Mine is one of the first failed prototypes. It's only working because I fixed it." She placed the power source in her mech, making it light up. September managed to get it up straight and dusted it off. "I guess the upgrade on those solar panels have to wait, buddy." She said patting her mech. "We still have a long way to go." She said to it and oiled the fingers.

Getting back on the ship

"How does that make it rare just cause it was a failed prototype big whoop mine is legendary...it was used by Mortis Bloom. My mom found it all screwed up and I made him into what it is today


"Mortis was a wave rider Not a legend....he was a arrogant joke a lunatic!" he said looking away at the other mechas


"My mother got this got this for me jarvis and Mortis lost his life saving you and the rest of that mecha cluster fuck you called a team Dont EVER disrespect me or my mecha this has hand made circuits he built this from scratch and I plan to be able to do what he did one day and ride the waves too!" I snapped back "now stay off my back" I said covering it up. And pushing past him walking out


I sighed and went to a mecha "this is what I get for recruiting hormonal children" I said working on a mecha "and this is the mecha area not just your room September I suggest you fix that attitude twoards authority you dont have to like what I say but you have to follow them...from this day forward I refuse to be talked to like im one of you." I said "im your leader an will be talked to with respect understand? " I said calmly
"Fine." September sighed, "But just because you're leader doesn't mean that you're holy." She mumbled. "How about I just make this my room?" She suggested before jokingly adding. "Oh great leader." With a smiled and a mocking bow, she fished some chalk from between her mess and drew a circle that held her mech and her junk before placing the left over chalk behind her ear. "It's not like I use my room or anything. I need to get this guy," She gestured to her mech. "Fixed. I've had this one for a couple of years, but this prototype is really fucked up. It's one alert after the other. I don't know what I'm doing wrong." She mumbled and took a seat against her mech's leg. "So how did you get your mech, cap? Sorry, suck at names." She gave him a small smile in apology. Some peace might not be that bad.

"Its fine... and yes make this your room ill just move the mechas to another space." He said to her "I got it when I was 5 at the time I had a hover board and Mortis came along and showed me a recked mecha kt was sleeker like Holland's but after the accident I combined all my fallen 'cluster fuck' of a team buts and peices to it" he said. The only peices I haven't added was the one I let holly have Holland's mother shes was desperate to find her little boy a mecha so I gave her mortis's mecha because everyday when I speak to Holland's mother id see him in the back yard not to far playing by himself or riding his overboard perfecting tricks." He said standing up
"I found this one on the scrapyard." September said and tapped her mech knee, smiling that this was now her room. Now she could get her other junk and scrap from her bedroom. "He was orange in rust and I basically had to rebuild him from scratch. He's not perfect, but he'll get there… Eventually." She added in a grumble. "I just can't find the heavy metal it needs, this is the same metal as those old tanks.. I have better chances of finding those kind of metals at home then here. The military just tells you lies… and I can't believe I fell for it." She stood up, making her knees pop before she grabbed a wrench and tightened the knee bolt.

{{ OOC: Gonna write without bold… is easier X3 }}

"Me and you both" I said stabding up "ill take care of the scrap but lets take five right now from the mechas. Breakfast ready" I said leaving "I expect to see you eating Mrs. September youll finish the mecha in due time.. haste makes waste" I said walking away twoards the kitchen
"Just September is fine." September said and followed after him, first noticing now how hungry she was. She looked at her mech over her shoulder and sighed, she did not like to leave it alone. "The more waste the better." She said in a matter of fact. "It's what I have to rebuild him with. The army didn't quite give me the good stuff… Well that's not true, they have the good stuff just the wrong stuff." She scoffed, she wasn't a big fan of the army, but still here she was.
Rin heard the explosion and jumped out of her room. "It's to early." She said, rubbing her eyes. Her blond hair was messy and kind of flopping all over the place. Her brother came out shortly after, in the same condition as her. They both blinked at the new person in the room. They both did a three finger salute to the other people. "Hello!" They said in sync.
Blake exited his room, for everybody by now would be up. Examining himself in the mirror, his blue eyes a cold stare, but a friendly tint in them. His hair was still messy, but that is what it usually seems to be, a uniform mess. The slender tone of his body was lined with rigid muscles, his tattoo lining the shoulders, paws almost gripping him from behind. He left his pjs on, but let a white t-shirt become a new addition. With everyone in the mess hall he joined the, giving his team a greeting, "Good morning.". A smile was on his face, but didn't express any emotion besides curiosity of the newly found group.
Rin smiled and waved at Blake, her hair still real messy. Len was to focused on getting food to pay attention. Rin looked at him, her face bright and alive. She looked at the tattoo on her arm with curiosity. She and Len got matching tattoos when then entered the idol business. She sighed a bit and saluted him, smiling.
Blake gave her a more personal smile, a salute following. The two were similar, but it seemed Rin made more of an attempt at social functions then Len. The room was quite full, but it didn't falter Blake, he was fond enough of social meals and conversing at such. He awaited the rest of the people to get food, wanting orders before stuffing his face.
September looked at the twins. Great. She thought and looked at Jarvis then back towards the twins. "I'm seeing double." She mumbled and went to grab some food. She was not going to wait for an order because it was FOOD for crying out loud, she was not going to ask permission for that. She dusted off her ass before grabbing a plate, she was still covered in soot partly.
Rin and Len both laughed and got up to get food. They walked in sync, both right then left foot. "Your not seeing double." Rin pointed out. "Were twins." Len said. They both smiled and grabbed a plate. They were so alike it wasn't even funny. They both blinked a few times before smiling at the girl covered in soot.
Blake leaned back in his seat, wanting to at least wanting to talk to these people before they got assignments anyway. He couldn't gather much from their short interjections, but the twins were just that, twins. Even taking the extra time to finish each others sentences and walk in step. The girl on the other hand was covered in soot, and to match her appearance she seemed to carry herself in an outgoing way. They would be hard to get used to, but Blake liked being social, so they were just different personalities to meet.

"Morning All Eat up and well go land on Civilian territory." he said taking another sip "were going to wash cars as fan service." he said


I spit out my drink "FAN SERVICE YOU OUT YOUR MIND OLD MAN!?" he yelled looking over at him waving his cup in the air.


"Its all for the children who need money. Calm down you twit besides we could all use the fresh air and exercise we haven't been off this ship for weeks. Plus theres a prize of 1 million Hartz (Harz is what they call there money lol) and well off people against a bunch of helpless orphan children do you really want to let them down?" he said crossing his arms


"you gotta do it holly! for the orpahan kids just like me daisy and dede you wouldn't let us down would you?" the little boy asked looking up at Holland with teary eyes


He tried avoiding eye contact with the kids but looks down anyway "Dammit you win alright alright go away runt." he said looking at Kio he just clapped and ran off "tch...What a drag." I said looking off then laying my head on the table..

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