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Colosseum Flipside: World Of Battles, Brawls, and Split Personalities

@Flip Jester Boy

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Zeke.jpg.3762ae42da9a4163bfcf77de8fc994b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Zeke.jpg.3762ae42da9a4163bfcf77de8fc994b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    "Life is merely the battle of your greed and your humanity." -Kelva

    Name: Kelva Aristani

    Age: 19

    Sex: He's male.

    Appearance: Kelva stands at 6'2" tall and is fairly light at 156 pounds.

    Real World Profession: Kelva currently works at a blood bank.

    Personality and Goals: Kelva is a very reserved young man that puts on a smile for everyone he meets. He comes off as genuine, kind, polite and ultimately a nice guy. He can be found painting out in the parks and countryside on most weekends. His talent is apparent and yet lacks the flare that many aspiring painters have. He merely says that it's the lack of a spark in his life. He spends days sitting in front of the TV hoping that something will call to him and set his passion for painting alight once more. However, with nothing but depressing information on the news, it doesn't work out to well. Kelva will daydream many times throughout the day while looking at the veins in his arm, wondering where inside his blood is the key to his artwork. Kelva is also irritated by the level of greed and selfishness that people have shown, treating him no better than a rug for most of his life and wishes that someone would just take care of these people, though he knows nobody can.

Character Theme(s)[opt.]:



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Name: Revo

Age: 28

Sex: Female


Her hair is a pencil black. Some grey hairs are somewhere in the unbrushed mess of hair. Under a slightly undersized grey cardigan is a white t-shirt. She wears blue denim jeans, and is usually seen in baby blue slippers. ...She wears doofy green dinosaur socks. Has slightly poor posture, her neck cranes forward a bit. Her skin tone is somewhat pale. She is Asian-American.

Real World Profession: She does commissioned drawings for people. It pays okay.

Personality and Goals: Revo is a boring person. She likes what everyone else likes to fit in. She enjoys bland, easy to make food. She has problems sleeping, for no particular reason. Revo wants to get through each day without any surprises, good or bad. Revo feels she cannot appreciate a good surprise, or deal with a bad one. Revo hates bright sunny days, and loves dim, cloudy days.

She is seen most happy on a morning where the sun doesn't come out. Her hobby is drawing. Her favorite thing to draw is buff, compassionate men. Although she loves pop music, her secret guilty pleasure is listening to profane, loud, otherwise violent rap in the silence of her home.

Flipside Name: 「The Dear Hunter」

Flipside Personality and Goals: 「The Dear Hunter」feels superior over everyone...except Revo. She will say anything to defend her image.「The Dear Hunter」

has their ultimate goal of making Revo a better person. 「The Dear Hunter」is even a better artist than Revo, and will take over to fix mistakes--using one of her powers to reverse her memory of it happening, so she doesn't get mad. 「The Dear Hunter」has taste in music with a story, or music with a mood.

Flipside Appearance Changes: Revo's posture shifts to a promiscuous, impressive stance, even taking cool poses during conversations at random. Revo also gains a more Asian accent. Revo seems to automatically neaten her hair, without touching it!

Flipside Powers: 「Remembered 」: The Dear Hunter uses an attack used by another Flipside. This can only work if she or Revo have been hit/afflicted with a power...this is telegraphed by 「The Dear Hunter」mimicking the pose/stance of either the opponent or their Flipside as they use their power. To balance this, 「Remembered」can only be used once before having to be impacted with that power again.

「What Time Taught Us」: 「The Dear Hunter」 creates an idol of a clock tower...It spends 3 seconds winding up as 「The Dear Hunter」and Revo say something cool in sync--and time stops for eight seconds. This is interrupt-able if either 「The Dear Hunter」 or Revo are hit.

Unlockable (Much) Later:

「Rebirth」: Time begins reversing on Revo, healing her wounds, but removing her memory of events transpiring after or during the wounds, leaving her open to some attack--「The Dear Hunter」can however remind her.

「Bring You Down」: A field of distorted time occurs from both Revo and 「The Dear Hunter」's locations, causing a shockwave that blasts people off their feet.

「Progress」: 「The Dear Hunter」 speeds up time slightly in Revo's area, allowing her to run, even think faster.

Character Theme(s)[opt.]:

Revo's Theme: [media]

「The Dear Hunter」's Theme: [media]

@Flip Jester Boy

  • "If all we have is time then we'll be alright

    It's not much but it's better than nothing."
    - EDEN, Fumes

    Name: Iseni Hirheiz

    Age: 24

    Sex:Male<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6ab02024_IseniHirheiz.jpg.410a4211e97e12539b814490966aa5a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6ab02024_IseniHirheiz.jpg.410a4211e97e12539b814490966aa5a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Appearance: Iseni is about 5'8" tall, and weighs about 53 kg.

    Real World Profession: Iseni works as the administrator of a hotel, and has a hobby as a music producer, which makes him a little money.

    Personality and Goals: Iseni is a relatively quiet, formal person. the most unusual thing about him is that he loves the rain, and dislikes going outside otherwise and that he's a great believer in snappy dressing at all times. He loves music, particular electronic stuff, and, although very polite, often comes off as a bit cold. He's apathetic towards most things, although he hates the topic of the World Wars, as he's German, and in his opinion people tend to blame the civilians of Germany for the things done by the leaders.

Character Theme(s)[opt.]: (I may change them later.)

Iseni Hirheiz

Destination OST - Negative Space


Isegrin Regensturm

Destination OST - Broken Symmetry





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