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Colosseum Flipside: World Of Battles, Brawls, and Split Personalities

Name: Steven Belmont

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Appearance: He is a 5” 11’ man, While not boasting an impressive physique he is fairly athletic. He has a messy blond hair and the stare of a demon.


(without the scars)

Real World Profession: Student at college, likes to slack off a lot.

Personality and Goals: Steven is a rude, badmouthed person who is often labeled as some kind of delinquent. Deep inside though he is a nice person, due to certain event in his life he took that attitude. He has no real goal in life, perhaps the closest one would be defined as atonishment.

Flipside Name: Shana Belmont

Flipside Personality and Goals: Pick Steven personality and this time make it the real deal. To put it simple, she is a complete monster. Her goal? Let’s keep that one as a secret

Flipside Appearance Changes: Hair grows larger and the body changes to a feminine one, shortening in size as well. Her stare becomes a kinder, tender one.

Flipside Powers:

Shah: The control over bonds. It allows Shana to split a structure into separate parts and rejoin it into a different shape, it was a wide range of uses as well as limitations. To put it simply it breaks something and reconstructs it.

1) She can't break the bonds of structures physically superior to a certain level. Limit is probably around a car. Shana can however break and rejoin small portions of a bigger structure if said portions are of a different construct.

2) She can't break items in the posession of another living being. However that only if: The being is strong (kinda around Shana's level), and if the being have an idea of "strenght" within the item, this meaning, if the person consider said item to be something powerful or strong on its own. A weak person may have a gun that he could break, however if it's a strong person who trusts his weapon as something strong, She will be unnable to break it.

3) She can't target living beings, neither parts of living beings. She can't target non organics sentient or pseudo sentient beings as well. She can however target her own organic matter to a certain limit

4) Range is around 1,75 mts and she can't rebuild into a structure of a very complex mechanic.


(may change it)
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"Crazy? Why that's not very nice I prefer eccentric"
Musically obsessed

Lavender Ricardio



Age: 18 years old

Sex: Female

Attire: Leather jacket, white t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

Height: 5'3''

Build: Slim

Eye Color: Green/Emerald Eyes

Hair Color: Charcoal Black

Complexion: Pale Pearl

Real World Profession: Composer, Pianist, Freelance musician.

Personality and Goals: Lavenders appearance; a quiet pretty girl at first glance is quite a contradiction to her personality. She is harsh, cold and isn't afraid to speak her mind. However does not know how to read situations well. Killjoy is her middle name. Her love of music causes her to be misunderstood. Her social skills are somewhat lacking making her aloof and difficult for others to talk to her. Her harshness is not loud though, preferring to calmly state her opinion. She isn't one to jump into a fight.

When it comes to music her demeanor changes. She becomes somewhat more enthusiastic. In this state she can spend hours immersing herself in the piano. An occasional string of phrases with come out of her, as she plays. If anyone tries to approach during this mood prepare to be fully ignored. The outside world will be blocked from her sight and hearing. Even if a person manages to gain her attention she'll revert back to her aloof self, forever making the them feel the most uncomfortable.

She has no real goals in her heart, but only wishes for a lifetime of music.

Likes and Dislikes

+Chords, Strings, Harmony, Melody, Dynamics


+ All genres of music except






no slide

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Name: Freyalise Rithis Blackwood

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Appearance: Height: 5'2


Real World Profession: Librarian

Personality and Goals: Freyalise is a silent and timid person. She mostly like to keep to herself and stay away from others if she can help it. However, despite this,she is idealistic and if she ever spots someone in need and she will overcome her timidity and act. She'd like to someday own a bookstore and possibly even more. She likes to read and bake, eat pastries. She hates being in the spotlight.

Flipside Name: Prisma

Flipside Personality and Goals: Prisma is manipulative and secretive. She either says nothing of says something twisted. She is the manifestation of all of Freya's violent urges and brave tendencies to do more than act out to help others. Her goal is to break Freya's idealistic view, break her out of her shell and make her more violent and cruel.

Flipside Appearance Changes:


Flipside Powers: Laser Grid - She can fire lasers with different effects from anywhere in front of her, behind her, and beside her. The lasers are homing but dissipate after a while.

Character Theme(s)[opt.]:


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Alex Raymond


6' 5"


175 lbs


"None of your business" (18-20)





Real World Profession:

Gang enforcer

Personality and Goals: What does your character act like on average? What does your character want to do in life? Include things such as hobbies, likes, and dislikes here.


Alex likes fighting. It's what he's good at. He will talk to people but hates it when they don't know when to shut up, especially if they show an excess of energy. Keeps a leaf collection.


Survive rival gangs. Rise in the ranks of his gang.


Fighting, fighting, umm...fighting. Did I mention fighting yet? Listening to rock music


Being told what to do. Being told not to fight

Flipside Name:

Tax Collector

Flipside Personality and Goals:


Tax Collector puts on a facade of a happy, easy going joker. Underneath, he's a scheming son of a dog that's trying to get the upper hand of everyone


Fight. Win. Repeat


Fighting, winning



Flipside Appearance Changes:

Hair goes from black to white. A tattoo appears on his right forearm and a mask materializes on his face. Regardless of what clothing he is wearing, any jacket/sweater/etc will be replaced by a black jacket







Flipside Powers:

Chase: Speed is increased. Tax Collector moves faster, jumps higher, and has a raised reaction speed. He will not disappear or anything but will be a blur to any untrained eye. Strength and defense are dropped. Summons a pair of daggers.

Daggers: Weak damage but a fast wielding speed allows Tax to quickly connect attacks together. Retractable chains are attached to the handles to retrieve them if thrown. Can also be used as grappling hooks. Chain length of 50 ft each. These blades are too light to effectively block anything.


Capture: Tax becomes like a mountain. Unmovable, withstanding great damage. However, he also has the attack and speed of a mountain; they don't move much, do they. Strength is effective only for defense purposes (blocking giant hammers, etc.). Summons a shield

Shield: What attacks Tax can't take, his shield will. It can withstand most if not all heavy attacks. It does next to no damage but can be used to push things away.


Execute: Tax gains the strength of a behemoth at the cost of defense and speed. This is most likely the most dangerous mode to take for him because he doesn't have enough defense to take on a lot of damage while his lack of speed keeps him from dodging out of the way. However, if he does survive, his opponent probably won't. Summons a large axe.

Axe: This giant weapon splits mountains. A 40 ft weapon with a 20 ft blade. On the downside, the axe is cumbersome and attempting to block attacks will shatter the weapon.


Character Theme(s):


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Name- Tabitha Creed

Age- 18

Sex- Female

Appearance- Your basic long brown hair and with a slight quirky appearance.

Real World Profession- She's a senor in High School and works with special needs kids after school and on the weekends. It doesn't pay anything but seeing the happy kids is good enough payment for her.

Personality and Goals- Tabitha is very down to earth and sweet. She likes to see the good in everyone, blindly trusting almost everyone. She always worries about others before she worries about herself. She put all of her time and energy into helping those in need. Some friends swear that she had to be some sort of saint in a past life. With her very kind nature, Tabitha can easily be a pushover. If she knows that someone wants something that she does too, she will go without. It's not all that hard to convince Tabitha that you need something more than she does, even if you know full well that you don't need it, you just want it.

Tabitha's goals are to make sure all the lost and forgotten children have some place that they can come to, to feel safe. Once she's done with school, she wants to buy a motel and turn it into a safe housing where homeless or abandoned children of all ages can come to get off the streets. Where they can come get out of the cold and get a nice warm meal. It's something like a homeless shelter but for children and teenagers.


Cooking: This person is a great cook.Patience: This person can wait a long time with nothing but her imagination to keep her company.Steady Disposition: This person is good at keeping cool even under heavy physical, mental, or emotional pressuresSocial: This person has advanced social skills, and has no issues with interacting with new people and/or befriending them.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Flipside Name- Linx Sanguine

Flipside Personality and Goals- Linx is absolutely the total opposite of Tabitha.

Linx is very harsh and abrasive. She doesn't care who's feelings she hurts. She's blunt and to the point. If you're in her way she won't hesitate to remove you. She looks out for one person and that one person is her. She doesn't bother making friends, she feels that they will only bring her down or slow her down. If she seems like she wants to be friends with you, it's only because she wants to use you in her little game.

Linx's only goal is to be on top. She will push herself to the brink of passing out in order to obtain the goal of being the best. She will push her body way past it's breaking point just to prove that she can do it. Her goal is to be the best. Taking down anyone in her way to do so.

Flipside Appearance Changes- A big difference between them is instead of Tabitha's cutesy smile, Linx is seen pretty much always scowling or frowning. She gives off an air of uneasy and always has her arms crossed over her chest. Making her seem unapproachable, which she prefers.

Flipside Powers- Battle Euphoria- Linx is a fighter through and through. The thrill of the fight is like a drug to her. So the longer she fights, the more powerful she becomes. Her stamina and skills improving with each passing minute. However, there is a draw back. If Linx pushes herself past her limit, she will crash. Her stamina will drop increasingly fast. It will be as if she's hit a wall. Her muscles will lock up, fatigue will hit her. She will be, for lack of a better word, useless. She'll completely shut down.

Rank- 1

Points- 0

Sanity Threshold- -
Ah. Seems like no matter what I do, I run into you @Flip Jester Boy . I guess it can't be helped then can it? I'll join this whether or not you remember me, even though all I need to do is copy and paste a character sheet of mine and you'll know exactly who I am. If that doesn't help then I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience.

- Name: Panthea Koren

- Age: 23

- Sex: Female

- Appearance:


- Real World Profession: Panthea works as a sort of "Tech Guru" that helps people solve issues and fix errors with electronic devices.

- Personality and Goals: Panthea is a talkative and helpful person that enjoys solving people's problems. She also enjoys reading, playing computer games and basically is the definition of work ethic. Her goals consist of starting up a technological support company, becoming a game designer and possibly building a robot. If any of these were to fall short, she is perfectly content with being a couch potato or a gamer.

- Skills:

  • Data Encryption: Knowledge of how to encrypt messages and data.
  • Hacking: Knowledge of how to hack most systems and tamper with how some technology works.
  • Programming: Knowledge of how to create programs that for use in everyday life.
  • MLG Pro: An avid gamer, considered by friends and rivals to be one of the best.

- Flipside Name: Terry

- Flipside Personality and Goals: Terry is erratic, rash, and does not think twice about any decision that she makes. She also is easily bored by many things, but can and will tolerate them if she has to. She is a demented strategist of sorts, luring her enemies into devious traps and entanglements, whether they be physical, emotional or mental. Terry has no goals, but does often have little games that she will play with her allies as well as enemies.

- Flipside Appearance Changes: When Terry takes control of Panthea, her hair begins to "burn away" with electronic data up to Panthea's scrunchie. Her eyes become a vibrant cyan and her hair becomes black with cyan highlights. Terry has a slight "aura" of zeroes, ones and other random electronic symbols floating around her when she is in control. Panthea's hair will regenerate when she is not in control and all extra data will be terminated.

- Flipside Powers:

  • Data Brandishing V 2.3 [bUILD]: The ability to program a tangible weapon, trap or item out of electronic data to be formed in the real world. The weapon must be small and no larger than a 1/2 meter cube. A trap must be slightly smaller than a weapon and can be thrown at a target or surface, exploding in a shower of data after 10 seconds if not activated. Items have no monetary value, and must be inanimate. The amount of traps that can be placed are inversely proportional to one's sanity threshold.

- Rank: 1

- Points: 0

- Sanity Threshold: -3

And yes, if you remember me, this is my way of signing up.
Ey, Techno! Nice to see you again.To let you know, I reverted to using the first iteration of Flipside, where we don't have the sanity points and skills and all those other things. Just edit those out and put them in a real post and you should be good. @ThePricklyPear
- Name: Panthea Koren

- Age: 23

- Sex: Female

- Appearance:


- Real World Profession: Panthea works as a sort of "Tech Guru" that helps people solve issues and fix errors with electronic devices.

- Personality and Goals: Panthea is a talkative and helpful person that enjoys solving people's problems. She also enjoys reading, playing computer games and basically is the definition of work ethic. Her goals consist of starting up a technological support company, becoming a game designer and possibly building a robot. If any of these were to fall short, she is perfectly content with being a couch potato or a gamer.

- Skills:

  • Data Encryption: Knowledge of how to encrypt messages and data.
  • Hacking: Knowledge of how to hack most systems and tamper with how some technology works.
  • Programming: Knowledge of how to create programs that for use in everyday life.
  • MLG Pro: An avid gamer, considered by friends and rivals to be one of the best.

- Flipside Name: Terry

- Flipside Personality and Goals: Terry is erratic, rash, and does not think twice about any decision that she makes. She also is easily bored by many things, but can and will tolerate them if she has to. She is a demented strategist of sorts, luring her enemies into devious traps and entanglements, whether they be physical, emotional or mental. Terry has no goals, but does often have little games that she will play with her allies as well as enemies.

- Flipside Appearance Changes: When Terry takes control of Panthea, her hair begins to "burn away" with electronic data up to Panthea's scrunchie. Her eyes become a vibrant cyan and her hair becomes black with cyan highlights. Terry has a slight "aura" of zeroes, ones and other random electronic symbols floating around her when she is in control. Panthea's hair will regenerate when she is in control and all extra data will be terminated.

- Flipside Powers:

  • Data Brandishing V 2.3 [bUILD]: The ability to program a tangible weapon, trap or item out of electronic data to be formed in the real world. The weapon must be small and no larger than a meter cube. A trap must be slightly smaller than a weapon and can be thrown at a target or surface, exploding in a shower of harmless data after 10 seconds if not activated. If activated, the trap ensnares the victim in a net of electronic symbols that are easily broken as long as traps are not overlying. Each trap made has a chance to create a bug, meaning that when they dissipate they may release a small cluster of corrupt data where the trap was placed. These clusters seek out and stick to the closest trap to them, effectively making them a bomb. Traps can be thrown indefinitely, but the more there are in an area the higher the chance a bug will appear and detonate all placed traps. ((I'll do bugs by posts and relative proximity. Just needed a new cap for the power since there are no more skills/points.))

@Flip Jester Boy
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Name: Paul Assistin

Age: 22



[use Photo as basis] Just change hair color to blonde, with a streak of black. Reason for this is because he wants to.


Real World Profession: Paul teaches at a school; by this description, he's a teacher. He teaches AP(It's the Filipino Civics or History) at the High School Department. Hired for 1 year already.

Personality and Goals: Paul is a the funny man, also known as his school's slacker back at his day. though lazy, he wears this, 'kind and hard working' persona back when he's collage and still carries on unto this day. On school, he's a teacher. Doing what his job commands him to do. Afterwards, he hangs around at a mini mart bear his school. He usually enjoys video games, anime, and the like. After all, his dream is to become a great cartoonist.He is thinking of making a book whose setting's around his home country. Nevertheless, he finds the time to complete his duties. He is also the one who manages the technical field and hosts them during their school's events.

Flipside Name: Phantom Who

Flipside Personality and Goals: Phantom who's attitude is like that of a gentleman and when with an audience, he feels like a star...A host, if one shall call it. His goal? Not only to become strong, but also to steal for fun~

Flipside Appearance Changes:

Flipside Powers: Mirror Mirror- Also known as 'Shapeshifting'. Aside from the obvious, he can also use this ability to conjure glass clones or 'Shadows' as the Phantom wants to call them. This ability only revolves around physical form. Meaning he can only copy whatever is with the person he's changing into. This ability allows him to pass through glass objects. However, it takes most of his stamina, and only uses it when necessary or when escaping. Because of this, he arms himself with a Pistol and a couple of different daggers

Character Theme(s)[opt.]:[media]

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Name: Terra

Age: 21

Sex: Female


Wieght- 125 pounds

Height- 5'6

Eye shape: More like flipside's eyes

Real World Profession: A student

Personality and Goals: She is a loner, she sees the world and its people as a thing outside of herself, one that she does not need to be bothered with. Highly mature, doesn't trust easily, she can seem a bit aloof and depressed at times. Sometimes, she wears a disguise and visits places enjoying the feeling of being unrecognizable, this gives her confidence

-cautious, slow to trust.

-Curtious, disregard of self desires.

-Slow to understand sarcasm

-Night person

-Grown up/ has life together

-Dislikes being the best, nervous, so she hides her talents. /modesty

-Escape artist/ Loves peace so avoids unnecessary conflict

Goals: To become successful in her career, possibly business/journalism or whatever shefinds herself good at

// but you could be so much more //

[more to be added in course of rp]

Flipside Name: Elizabeth Iris "Call me whatever,"

Flipside Personality and Goals: very energetic, very childlike and innocent, immature. She is a bit of a prankster, she is unafraid of what others might think and can be an open flirt. Very outgoing sort of person, and a taste for wondering around boundless of rules. Dislikes sadness, and loves freedom.

Enjoys showing herself to the world (attention lover/ hog) They need a bit more of me"

-Doesn't hide how she feels, but chooses not to be sad or depressed.

-A bit selfish in certain circumstances, but knows how to show people compassion in the right moments, not in the most mature way. "I just don't like people crying alright? It gives me bad vibes,"

-headfast and has a taste for a fun fight

Flipside Appearance Changes: Her hair gets longer and her outfit changes, her eyes have a strange glint to them. The eyes turn to blue and a shimmer moves with her. As well as what is seen

Flipside Powers: Amazing speed and stamina [more coming soon]

Blunt outlash? [?] The power to make a powerful jump from one spot, and sends her like a shooting rocket speedily and powerfully forward. Human bullet.

She has a more powerful version which is powerfully jumping off of multiple targets.



- Blue aura, the aura of innocence, or of youthfulness. Since the flip is of a youthful spirit, maybe not the most good, but does bad things of innocent intent.

Her aura is either seen as a dust, or a fire to people. One or the other.

To those who have the opposite aura to hers, the one of pure maturity, it will seem as a weak dust, only to make her faster and has no significance, lessly effective.

Those with the aura that lacks innocence, will find that this blue aura as a strong fire. That burns and cuts them easily, being strongly effective.

And those with similar aura, find this neutral.

She has a power jump that she doesn't need the aura for, but when she has the aura it makes her extremely light wieght, and she can practically fly if she wishes.

She has the aura spin, meaning she stands on one hand and like a windmill spins very quickly.

aura sword. She can condense the aura into a sword.

There are many uses for this. Such as the bubble ability, that can create a blue mist, or something solid to jump on.

Her aura becomes stronger based on her emotions, how strong they are, and the more determined.

Character Theme(s)[opt.]: [officially undicided]


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Name: Tsukiko

Age: 15

Sex: Female



Real World Profession: Student

Personality and Goals:

Tsukiko is considerate. She is very kind but is lonely. She doesn't have many friends. Her parents have been traveling a lot, so she doesn't get the chance to make friends. She is reckless and fun-loving. She makes decisions quickly and recklessly. She tries her best to have some fun in life. Tsukikois very creative. She wants to be a writer or an artist someday. She doesn't have many goals other than that, and she hasn't even decided which she likes better yet.

Flipside Name: Haruka

Flipside Personality and Goals:

Haruka is rude and inconsiderate. She pushes people away, for fear that she would have to fight them in the arena.

Flipside Appearance Changes:


Flipside Powers: Song of the Sun

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Flip Jester Boy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23469-thepotatogod/ said:
@Thepotatogod[/URL]: I'm sorry, but we already have another shadow user.
edited it~

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