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Crooked Compass

New Member
"We must all do our part."
Welcome to this Fire Emblem: Three Houses group roleplay. I'm planning on sticking to the canon and allowing pre- and post-time skip scenes simultaneously (with separate threads for clarity, but all rules listed will still apply). If we want to expand the plot beyond canon, we can brainstorm it as a group and I'll run a small poll to see who wants what.

Here's a quick list of rules (may be altered at a later date if needed and all RPers will be told if so):

1. Original characters and other Fire Emblem series characters are allowed.
They will be sorted into existing houses if they're small in number, and they can be organized into separate houses later if there are enough to warrant it. You will be asked to audition for all characters, however. The rules for that will be in the audition thread. I will ask that you keep it to two canon characters and one OC to start (that may change later).

2. No drama.
That means no lengthy sob stories, no turning conversation to be about you, no ship wars, etc. The simple rule is if you wouldn't want it done to you, don't do it.

3. Combat will be user-decided or based on canon stats.
That means RPers will usually sort it out among themselves who wins what fight. If you can't decide, we'll lean on canon stats. If you have an OC and there aren't any canon stats, it'll be decided by comparable class stats in Fire Emblem. Weapons will not be factored in unless there's a rare, justifiable exception. You're not going to draw the Sword of the Creator on a random classmate for no reason, after all.

4. Activity and Lit Requirements
Post at least two lines and try to keep it below 1k words (approximately, nobody's counting). Write to match the scene/your RP partner(s), not the length, and you'll be fine. And as long as you post once a week, you're good. At one week from your partner's response, I'll post in OOC and tag you. If you don't answer in two days with an ETA, you'll be kicked from your role and if someone claims it while you're away, you can't have it back. If you are going to be absent and you know it, you'll be expected to let us know and wrap up any scenes you're in before you go (unless your partner doesn't mind waiting, then that's golden). If you do leave and your partner wanted to finish up before then but you didn't get to it, they'll be freed from the scene and you can return to it later if you'd both like.​
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