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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Angelita finished unpacking when her stomach groweld she smiled." Lets go see what they have to eat in this place. " she rushed out her room closing the door with her foot and started looking for the place they serve food.
Angelita was lost she sighed and pouted to herself because she was really hungry. Naps did that too her. She keep walking not looking to where she was going an bumped into Jerhico with a loud 'oomph' she fell on her butt. She looked up between the two boys and cooed. " You guys are so cute together." She said giggling to her self.
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As shoou walks through the park he discoveres a whole line up of everything from hot dogs to burger stands. He is about to go all titan on the stands but discovers he is a bit short on money when buying a hot dog.

Shoou asks a random stranger for directions for his apartment and starts to head out of the park eating his one single hot dog
"Well, not even ten minutes at this place and its spread horrible." Jerhico said, he brushed his shoulder and walked into class
Shoou arrives at his appartment after a 5 minute walk. When arriving he drops off his bags and hurries to his first class. "it starts in 10 minutes so i will hopefully make it"
Aqua jumped through the window Aero opened, recklessly sitting on the desk, looking tired. She breathed heavily and said weakly,"Hi hi....."
Shoou finally arrives at the school and is about to open the door, he then realizes that the door is lockes for some reason. "God dammit" Shoou shouts to himself. He closes his eyes and focuses on his pointer finger. He tries to imagine in his head a key of slime. He opens his eyes and sees a messy green goop ball of slime. " didnt work... Well plan b then" he streches his hand trough the keyhole and opens the inside lock. He runs toward his class.
Aero waves at Aqua, throws her out of the window and slams it shut "Man. There are alot of weird people here ahahah."
Aqua was thrown, but landed on a high tree branch. She was swinging a bit as she held on tight. She was struggling to get up and yell,"H-help!?"

Aqua sniffles as her ear was leaning forward.
Shoou enter the building but is intereupted by someone yelling help. He looks outside the door and sees aqua dangeling from a branch.
Aqua just hangs there as her tail swings, slowly a blue flame form slowly crawling up. Aqua started swinging herself risking a move. She swinged up to the sky and let go, before harshly landing on the tree branch. Aqua a quiet squeak as laid limp. A few minutes later she lifted her head and smile as she coughed,"Eh. I'm alive..."

Her ears laid flat against her head as she stared at the window she was thrown out of,"Rejected."

She mumbled and laid there waiting for the pain to go away.
All Shoou can do is gaze. You dont see something like that every day. "Ok what kind of school is this?" He says to himself. He opens the door and peeks outside. He yells to aqua "HEY YOU OK?"
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Aqua sighs and flinches when she sat up. She made sure nothing was twisted or broken and climbed down, quickly running back to the classroom.
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