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Fantasy Fantasy High

Ella sighed. "I had a nightmare two nights ago." Ella asked. Kitty smiled a little in Ella's head good talk to Bee she can cheer you up. Ella smiled as Kitty complimented her.
"Do you mind telling me what it is about or is it to sad or painful to tell?" Lady asks with concern.
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Nagamine quietly sat in the seat and stared out the window not even paying attention to her surroundings anymore while she hold her bag tightly close to her chest.
Skipp sighed and began to inspect his blade to make sure it was in pristine condition.
"You and I getting into a fight and I burned you and well I ended up in a scientist lab being experimented on and Kitty disappeared." Ella said tearing up.
Ella smiled and felt that Kitty was happy to sure Kitty didn't like having to switch but she loved Ella and didn't want scientists to experiment on them. "Kitty sweetie it's okay Bee is not going to let scientists touch us." Ella told Kitty in her normal voice. I trust you both Ella and Bee sweet hearts. Kitty replied.
Skipp put his sword away and looked out the window, " I just hope the queen is still there when I get back" he thought anxiously, he shook the thought off, "she can handle herself skip, everything you know is something she taught you" the other side of his brain reasoned, he agreed with that half of his brain and looked back at the seat in front of him.

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