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Fantasy Fantasy High

Lady Bee

Leader of the Bee Army
You look up from what you are doing as a black bus with extremely tinted windows rolls up to the bus stop and you see words on the side in crimson red, The side of the bus reads

Fantasy High, bus #115"

You look around and see a lot of other kids at the bus stop but only a few notice the black bus with crimson writing. You get on the bus with the few kids that noticed the bus and pick a seat

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"common sis!" Lady yells to Ella as she gets up and walks towards the bus. "I don't wan't to be the last one on!" she yells over her shoulder.
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Ella sighed and paused her music. Then ran up to Bee. "I'm here... Should I put my gloves on sis?" She asked looking at her dear sister. She worried she would burn the bus. Or accidentally burn someone even her sister.

Celestia sighed a little as she prepared her classes for the day. Hoping to get Twilight in one of the classes she taught. She also prayed that Luna was taking good care of Equestria.
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*I don't know sis, but just to be on the safe side put them on." she replies to Ella and helps he sister put her gloves on.
Ella smiled as Bee helped her. "Bee I'm nervous Kitty will come out at a bad time with a teacher that will make Kitty angrier." She said. Kitty Fire had always been what the normals (humans without a care of the fantasy world) an Alternate Ego of hers. Just a matter of time Ella before I come out again and I will. Kitty thought to Ella as she often did. "Bee Kitty thought to me again." Ella informed her sister.
"If that happens I will subdue her like I always have okay?" she say to Ella. "Kitty leave Ella alone" she says to Kitty.
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"Okay. Sis I'm glad we are staying together." Ella replied. Fine I'll leave Ella be for you Bee. Kitty replied.
I get on the bus with Ella and I pick the back seat "are you going to sit by me?"
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Ella looked at Bee saying. Like you don't know. With her eyes as she sat with her sister humming a song she had in her head. Kitty was getting annoyed but stayed silent not wanting to get yelled at by Bee again.

Celestia waited for the bus wanting to see Twilight again. A few tears fell down her cheeks she wiped them and re-did her makeup again.
Ryan: He got into the bus, listening to some heavy metal. He sat down by the back of the small size bus, not interested in talking to people at the moment, unless directly spoken to.
"ugh, why are people so slow at getting on the bus?" Lady says talking to no one in paticular
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Nagamine get on the bus setting near the window in the back while pulling out her headphones and plugging them into her phone while pressing play to her music and let a quiet, small sigh. "Ok new school do not mess this up nagamine." Nagamine then turned her head toward the window and placed her bag on her lap quietly.
Skipp also drifted onto the bus and sat down, he looked at the creatures and races and then back at his blade... "Just do it for the queen skipper" he said to himself, he looked around the bus for another fairy, he did see someone one seat upresembling one, but was more like a human bee, regardless he called over "hello" he smiled
Bee was looking out the window when she heard someone say hello, she looks around for the face the voice belongs to and sees somebody looking at her. "Hi" she says shyly.
" my name is shadowskipper, i am a fairy guard... What's your name?" He said not being able to think of anything more original
"My name is Lady Bee or just Lady or Bee" she says blushing just a bit but not noticable
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"Cool" skipp laughed, he turned his head and quickly noticed almost everyone was wearing normal clothes and he was still wearing the royal guards armor, he quickly changed the subject, " not to be rude, mrs Bee..." He began smiling, "but umm... Are you a fairy..." He finished less confident.
"No I'm not a fairy just part bee, and how is that rude?" she asks confused. She turns to her sister "sis you doing fine so far?"
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Skipp nodded and , "well I am just glad you don't think it's rude, I have offended one two many humanoid bugs... Have you eve been slapped by a praying mantis lady... It's not much fun" he laughed.
Skipp laughed, " it did at first... Luckily the queen had been teaching me healing magics... So it turned out alright."
"I hope I'll be room mates with my sister" she wonders out loud. Realizing she said t out loud she blushes
Ella sat by her sister thinking. Tears fell as she thought of a nightmare she had two nights ago. Kitty felt her sadness but didn't know what to do.
She looks at Ella feeling her sadness "whats wrong sis?" she asks concerned for her sister.

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