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Fantasy Fantasy Crusade ( Open )


One Thousand Club

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Fantasy Crusade

Millions of years ago, the mundane first met the extraordinary. As if out of thin air, creatures of whimsical and monsterous nature began to appear. Faries, dragons, elves, angels, demons, and creatures of the like came to the human world. While they were odd and unsightly at first, human kind soon adjusted. In due time, the occasional monster became just as normal as anything else. They became a part of everyday life.

For years, humans and beasts walked hand in hand as sisters and brothers. They looked upon one another with accepting eyes. For the sake of peace and happiness, they over looked each other's differences and focused only on the nature of the hearts they all bore. It was a time of peace and love, but all good things must come to an end.

Six months ago, a plague struck Europe. It was a truly horrid disease. The illness began with minor pains in the chest and a low fever. Come the next day however, the sickened would take a turn for the worse. Thier fever would rise, and those minor pains became unbearable. They would vomit blood. Then, to end it they would lose control of thier breathing and suffocate.

People began dying off at terrifying rates. Scared and weak, the human race was vulnerable and one man chose to take advantage of that: the King of England. He was a man who truly hated all that was extraordinary, and so he turned his sword to the mythical creatures of the land. He blamed the plague on them. He said they caused it with thier Magic, and the people believed him. The mundane betrayed the extraordinary.

England declared war on all monster kind, and Europe followed in thier footsteps. Monsters fled to the Middle East, and sought refuge. They promised protection, and magic to the land, claiming that they could help battle the plague. The people were uncertain, but the military allowed it. Monsters formed an alliance with the Middle East and took it up as thier stronghold.

They prepared for war. Monsters came together and crowned a king, then that king selected his generals. They esablished forts and villages, taking advantage of thier magical abilities to manufacture water routes and artificial oasises. Now, they stood a chance.

The time had come to wage war. The extraordinary against the mundane. Who may win, and what role may you play in this war?



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