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Fandom Fairy Academy OOC {No Longer Active}



The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Welcome to Fairy Academy!
At Our Wonderful Academy...

Fairy Academy is home to quite a few weirdoes, teacher and student alike, but it is indeed a prestigious institution. Some of the best young minds graduate from here. Yes, we have our fair share of delinquents, but that's beside the point.

Our rivals, Phantom Academy, absolutely insist on starting fights and harassing the students. The competition between us has switched from academic to physical. It's gotten quite out of hand. Thankfully, the principals of both schools have made a truce, though tensions certainly still run high!

What kind of adventures will our students encounter?

Classes and Teachers

You can be a student from Fairy Academy or from Phantom Academy. Each school has three classes for each of the three years (i.e. all first years are in the same class), each with a class rep/president. The teachers and staff are the members of the zodiac, and each has their own field of instruction. At most, I want to see at least three students per class not counting the rep. And yes, you can be multiple characters.

Capricorn (Assistant Principal)~Open
Aquarius (Science/Chemistry)~Open
Pisces (Swim Instructor/Coaches)~Open
Aries (Guidance Counselor)~Open
Taurus (Janitor)~Open
Gemini (Office Secretaries)~Open
Cancer (History)~Open
Leo (Sports Coach)~ AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Virgo (Math)~ @AKKaleb
Libra (Nurse)~ revalia revalia
Scorpio (English)~Open
Sagittarius (Physical Education)~Open

Classes: Fairy Academy
Class 1~First Years
Class Rep/President~ @AKKaleb
animegirl20 animegirl20
@Davin washington
Class 2~Seconds Years
Class Rep/President~ AiAi AiAi
revalia revalia
. D O V E . D O V E
Achiived Achiived
Class 3~Third Years
Class Rep/President~ AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
FireFlare FireFlare

Classes: Phantom Academy
Class 1~First Years
Class Rep/President~ AiAi AiAi
GreenSea GreenSea
Class 2~Seconds Years
Class Rep/President~ . D O V E . D O V E
Achiived Achiived
. D O V E . D O V E
Class 3~Third Years
Class Rep/President~ deer deer
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
AiAi AiAi
revalia revalia

Other Information

~Be courteous to others and respect them as well as their characters
(i.e. No bunnying/ask before you do something)
~Romance is allowed and encouraged, but keep it PG
(No one needs to see a couple making out in the hallway)
~If you have a problem, talk to me
~No one-liners! AT ALL! This will be semi-detailed.
~Please let me know in case of extended absence or if you're leaving.
~This is mostly slice-of-life, but there will occasionally be some sort of episode or arc to get the creative juices flowing. ;)

This is based off the Fairy Tail OVA taking place in a high school, so there will be no magic whatsoever. Face claims will be anime, and there will be no FCs from the Fairy Tail series.
My good friend deer deer will be my co-GM, though I may try to recruit someone down the road.
(Thank you again, Twink!)

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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when is the deadline Gen?
why do i get the feeling that my char has a 100% chance of being that "someone"

wasn't aware of the ooc thread whoopsie
it's okay dearie.

Gen just made the OOC!

anddd, if she messes with people she cares about, definitely.
however, they're both in the same academy, so i'm sure she has biasness towards her own classmates
it's okay dearie.

Gen just made the OOC!

anddd, if she messes with people she cares about, definitely.
however, they're both in the same academy, so i'm sure she has biasness towards her own classmates

let us hope haha because she would probably write a hundred paragraph thesis about her pretty face getting rekt
let us hope haha because she would probably write a hundred paragraph thesis about her pretty face getting rekt
but i think chances of her fighting a girl is hella low.
a guy on the other hand, you got it.
deer deer One last question ^^" For the character sheet, do we have to use the given bbc format or can we have our own as long as we have the correct labels and information?
deer deer One last question ^^" For the character sheet, do we have to use the given bbc format or can we have our own as long as we have the correct labels and information?
You're free to use your own as long as the information is there! (:

Edit: since I made my own and some others hwhehe

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