Ekkeen "Reckoner" Traksa​
Status: OK​
Actions: Batting off the Gnomes​
Throughout the entire event, the skirmisher didn't utter a word.
When she was sent here, Traksa remained silent. She had no questions for Ford, no nothing. She had yet to utter a single word, even in the face of the wildlife suddenly growing bigger. Or she was growing smaller. Whatever the cause, the ex-ADVENT trooper saw no cause in speaking.
Until now.
"...what the?"
Despite the helmet over Traksa's head, it was very clear that she was not expecting gnomes to launch an attack. Traksa was clearly not expecting... this. The Skirmisher wasn't interested in killing any of them, however, so rather than blasting the lawn gnomes with her magnetic bullpup Traksa opted to simply kick any gnome that got close to her.
"What in the name of... of all foes I have brought down, gnomes were not one of them."
Nightwisher Nightwisher (thanks for letting me hop in the event!)​

Morgana jumped a bit in shock as he heard a crash behind him. He turned to see that Fulgore fell over and hit the ground. Morgana tilted his head slightly cashing Slugcat to start to slide off of his head. Luckily Morgana caught him before he fell. “Whoops! Almost forgot you were up there.” Morgana then ran over as fast as his little legs could carry him. “Where’s the on button on this thing...?” He looked around the now ginormous robot pressing any button he could find. Although it was quite difficult to press a button at this height.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude

Orbeck of Vinheim
Status: Currently angry at doom guy and also fighting gnomes.

All hopes of maintaining any sort of tranquility were dashed when the heavy armored figure (Doomguy) kicked one of the gnomes right across the woods. And with that, the fight commences. So what does a Sorcerer without sorceries do in a situation like so? Kick and punch any hostile Gnome in any way possible. Yes, he has a dagger, but to kill even one of those Gnomes would only end in consequence. So for the time, he will just make do with what he has.

yet it was becoming more apparent that simply punching and kicking will do no good against the growing army of gnomes. Is it posable for him to grab at the leader of the Gnomes? Regardless he decides to fallow the wolf girls lead, climbing one of the trees in an attempt to divert their attention.

He makes a note to berate doomguy for his overblown behavior alongside the squid girl when this is over.

( Crow Crow ), ( BoltBeam BoltBeam ), ( Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara ), ( Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind ), ( DapperDogman DapperDogman ), ( archur archur ), ( SheepKing SheepKing ), ( Topless Topless ), ( SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 ), ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ), ( Ineptitude Ineptitude ), ( DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ),( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ), ( marc122 marc122 ), ( Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock ), ( Nightwisher Nightwisher ), ( CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ), ( 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B ).
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Damafaud Damafaud thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Shadman, the Controversy Artist
"You know what? You're right." Shad whispered, giving the woman's plan approval as he gave her a quick nod before focusing his attention towards the Leaderaur to see what he has to say. He still thinks that they should just say 'We just want his claws' and be done with it but the others in Dipper's crew might not like that idea so he's just going to do whatever the crew tells him because why should they listen to him? He's just an ordinary artist that draws way too much porn and shock factor comics, it's pretty much what defines him as a person in the internet but he does a little bit of SFW art here and there but he's mostly just draws shock factor comics and let's hope that none of the manotaurs heard what he said and just ignored him and if they heard what The Artist blurted out? Oh well, guess he'll have to tell the truth this time instead of just bullshitting them. He wonders if the Manotaurs are dumb enough to get fooled by the Asian guys lies, he wouldn't be surprised if they did, to be honest.​
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[div class=wrapperDiv][div class=bigHeader]CHRONOLOGY SERIES[/div]
[div class=header]DELSIN ROWE[/div]
[div class="avatarImage"][/div]LOCATION: Manotaur Cave
EMOTIONAL CONDITION: Totally not scared (maybe just a lil' bit)

[div style="font-size:9px; font-style: italic; text-align:center"]Code by QizPizza[/div]​
[div class=tabWrapper][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px;"]POST[/div][/div][div class="tabsContent tabsPost"]
INTERACTIONS: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Hiryu) Samevi Samevi (Kazuma) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Leaderaur)
MENTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Dipper) Birb Birb (Epsilo Gamman) @Chipdog16 (Sans) Sleek Sleek (Sergeant Johnson)

Delsin just made a weird face when he heard what the multibear was. Literally a bear with multiple heads. Somehow he didn't expect anything to be named as literal as that. After he found out what water bears and red pandas actually looked like, he no longer trusted what any animal was named. Why would someone ever name the invincible creature that would outlive all of humanity and the the nuclear holocaust water bears? It's just so misleading. Why do some people have to be unreasonable like that?

Well, whatever thoughts that Delsin had about the multibear were soon forgotten when the group got deep into the cave to find the manotaurs. Delsin thought that they were just saying Minotaur wrong all this time, but apparently, manotaur about as good of a description as one could get. A bunch of hulking. musclebound, bearded Minotaurs were chanting and doing everything that one would expect your standard college jock to do. Fighting, flexing, and emitting several times more testosterone than Delsin had in his body. Seeing this, gnomes and grow-shrink crystals almost seemed like a half way decent way to go. Almost. The choice between tiny people and mythological college jocks was a difficult.

Amidst the grunts of the manotaurs and the murmuring of the others in the group, a Military Man whispered, or rather, tried to whisper for everyone to be silent. That kinda did the opposite of what the man intended, so Delsin was a bit worried about what would happen. Well, it was just as weird as anything else he'd seen earlier today. The inspected the Military Man and determined that he was a man of men before encircling him, flexing and shouting for a really long amount of time before finally deciding to bring the whole group to the Leaderaur, whatever kind of name that was, and talk about fighting the multibear. Finally, they were getting somewhere.

But of course, that wasn't weird enough was it. Nothing ever is in this place. A SKELETON of all people decided to try and flex in front of the manotaurs. And it wasn't just a skeleton, but an emo-looking troll that started to flex. The latter of them actually had something to flex, unlike the skeleton. Still, it was only adding to the flex fest and honestly making Delsin a bit insecure about his lack of muscles and testosterone. Some madlad decided to say what everyone was probably thinking., "Idiots". Delsin, immediately turned towards the sound to find a teenager who made the thousand-IQ play standing as far back as possible and insulting everyone participating in the flex fest. He was an idiot, but at least he had the intelligence to stay away, but... "Hey, coward! Don't make us be your meat shields just because you want to be a smart a$$!"

The thousand-IQ madlad got more than what was coming for him as a manotaur came to humiliate him. Delsin could hear the bones cracking in his head and cringed. That was going to leave a mark on the kid, physically and maybe even emotionally. Luckily, before anymore stupid decisions could be made by the members of the group, Dipper get the manotaurs to turn the flex fest into a pec parade so they could see the Leaderaur.

When Delsin first saw the frail old manotaur, he thought, "Oh cool, they actually respect their leaders and have a wise old sage as their leader." But that thought was soon replaced by "HOLY S###, WHAT IS THAT THING?" as a manotaur the size of a large building chomped the frail manotaur up like a piece of stale beef jerky. Delsin fought his fair share of Conduits, but nothing was ever as crazy as this. All the young man could do was stare blankly as the Normal Guy from early attempted to speak their language. A pretty good attempt. Delsin could've done better, but that was pretty good. Only shame was that Normal Guy wasn't exactly the manliest of the group. It wasn't anything against him, but he was scrawny and a bit of a pretty boy. Delsin added to the dude's words, "Fighting the multibear by itself is pretty damn cool too. i mean, come on, who wouldn't want to fight a seven headed bear?"
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Tenshi Hinanawi|Weren't Supposed to Happen


Tenshi finally looked back after recovering from initial shock, only to see the gnomes circling everyone. She sighed, drew her sword, and proceeded to slash any gnomes out of her way that dared come close, seeming pretty angry. "You know, this was my first time to even see a gnome, no less suddenly find out I'd be fighting them! Would have hoped we could avoid this, but oh well! Your loss, freaks!" Tenshi proceeded to rush to where most of the gnomes in the battle were and begin slashing them away - one by one by one. Not killing them, just slashing them the heck away from the others. She's guided by rage and disgust at the moment - should be understandable as to why, but why is she banding into the fight? She was just hoping they could get what they came for and left, but it seems someone mentioning the crystals didn't bode too well...

In group: @TheSweaterSquad
Mentioned: ^Anyone in this, SheepKing SheepKing , Nightwisher Nightwisher

It seemed that her attempt at negotiation had failed. Her teammates were just a bit too trigger happy for the gnomes’ tastes and the situation quickly developed into a full on fight. Maybe if they hadn’t acted so erratically the two sides could have solved this peacefully. Too late now, she supposed. Isabelle would just have to hope that in any future encounters the group would learn some proper problem solving skills that didn’t involve punting gnomes like footballs, Shaking any of the remaining Ink off of her sunshine yellow fur, Isabelle the made sure there was distance between Pichu and the gnomes. The yellow Pokémon was her current priority. There was no way she’d ever let one of the gremlins hurt him.

From her pocket Isabelle pulled an item out. Despite disobeying all laws of physics, the puppy had somehow managed to fit an entire bug net in there. Of course she wouldn’t be able to use it like how she did in the tournament but it was much better than nothing. Whenever a gnome got too close to Pichu she’d simply swoop the gnome up into the net before flinging him farther away. This wouldn’t do much for attacking them. She could only make sure that there was enough distance between them.

In between the swings of her net, Isabelle asked quite the important question concerning their current status.

“What the heckie should we do now!?”

( Crow Crow ), ( BoltBeam BoltBeam ), ( Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara ), ( Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind ), ( DapperDogman DapperDogman ), ( archur archur ), ( Laix_Lake Laix_Lake ), ( Topless Topless ), ( SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 ), ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ), ( Ineptitude Ineptitude ), ( DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ),( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ), ( marc122 marc122 ), ( Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock ), ( Nightwisher Nightwisher ), ( CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ), ( 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B ).

Even though they stopped him to try and talk it out with the gnomes, it had (predictably) failed, and everything had devolved into a slugfest. The second that Doomguy decided to punt a gnome into the stratosphere, Achilles decided that he would do the same. Not quite take it to full power, but enough so that he would have fun too. With that, as more of the fiendish creatures poured in, Achilles leaped into battle.

You see, in Greece, wrestling was one of the sports performed at the olympics, alongside the discus, foot races, and many more things. Achilles was a man of great accomplishments, leading hunting groups, leading armies, a formidable combatant in both strength and mind, so wrestling would no doubt be within his purview of activities he had conquered.

He made note of what his teammates were up to. Two were in the trees, four were getting into the thick of it, and two were staying back at the edges of the fight. He had led battles before, and even if they didn't speak the same language, he would have to take charge. He remembered fighting the persians, the endless waves of well-disciplined soldiers and waves of arrows. This wouldn't be any different.

"Ράλλυ εδώ!" (Rally here!) {Rálly edó!} He shouted, unsheathing his xiphos and pointing it to the sky dramatically to get everyone's attention as he crashed into the wave of gnomes. If he could get everyone to group up, then the team as a whole wouldn't have to worry about falling to the numbers one by one.


Sergeant Johnson
Johnson shot the group whispering among themselves an angry look. In this situation, the truth wouldn't set him off. For god's sakes, they're about being the manliest things they can, so why the hell would they not say "yeah, we're here to kill the bear and become a man."? It seemed counter intuitive to think otherwise, considering most guys don't like being lied to. The Elites acted fairly similar, and the elites hated deception.

"Yeah. We're here to kill the Multi-bear. We need a few claws."

He said. They were surrounded by Manotaurs, but considering it was manly to fight, he didn't think they'd disapprove of that answer.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Chungchangching Chungchangching Damafaud Damafaud Zamasu Zamasu Birb Birb
Tenshi Hinanawi|Group Up!


Tenshi stopped for a moment as she heard the roaring Achilles boom to the team. She turned back, and recounted the words - although they had just flew along and through the airs of the woods.
"Ράλλυ εδώ!" (Rally here!) {Rálly edó!}
Tenshi heard and nodded, backing up with her sword in hand and yet ready to fight. "Everyone! Stick together!" She called out, hoping to draw the others in to her and Achilles. "We'll get swamped if we don't! Strength in numbers! Come on, people!" She reinforced, her energy for adventure pulling her into willing teamwork with others. It's best that she does - they either leave with everyone still around, or don't leave at all. "...Batter up." She remarked as she swung her sword before and around her, whacking more gnomes away dare they get close. "Come on! Get over here!"

In group: @TheSweaterSquad
Mentioned: ^Anyone in this, archur archur , Nightwisher Nightwisher
588833 “Coming!”

Yelling as he picked Kanna up after swapping the submachine gun for his revolver,Prompto fired at several more gnomes trying to lunge onto him and Kanna as he made his way towards the two giving the "Regroup" command. Awfully like Iggy's instruction,but never mind that now!

archur archur BoltBeam BoltBeam Topless Topless @therepairingsweatersquad
--Whisper the Wolf--
Nightwisher Nightwisher BoltBeam BoltBeam archur archur

As Whisper is swatting gnomes off into the distance, she hears the voice of the blonde man who stopped her before, raising a sword as if signaling to her. Just then, she hears the voice of Tenshi, telling everyone to group up.

"Roger." Whisper muttered to herself as she rushed over to the blonde guy and Tenshi slapping a few couple of gnomes away in the process as she got near the small group, positioning herself in behind both the blonde guy and Tenshi, swatting off the attackers on the left side of the front.
Sleek Sleek thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Shadman, the Controversy Artist

The Controversy Artist heard what Johnson said and immediately brightened up, he knew that The Sergeant was a cool dude like him because they had no real reason to lie other than fear and Shadman is not a person that lets fear control him. He gave Johnson a cheery thumbs up. "Yes, what he said!" The Artist exclaimed, hoping that the Manotaurs aren't going to disapprove of their intentions, I mean, he sees no reason why they should turn hostile against the group. They're only trying to snatch the Multi-Bears claws and just get on with what they're doing, if anything, they'd be doing them a favor because Shadman thinks that the Multi-Bear and Manotaurs hate each other. Shad doesn't really hate the Multi-Bear himself, he thinks that he's just trying to live in peace but he needs those claws for the machine and there's no way that The Bear would just give them his claws without a fight but Shaddai also has the Luger with him, if he dares attack The Artist, he's going to have a bullet right between the eyes because he's not afraid to use his ammunition despite having a scarce amount.​
The Doom Marine
Doomguy and co vs Gnomes Battle Theme

Surprisingly the gnomes proved rather durable and their numbers provided a level of threat. Beyond that, they fell faster than an Imp trying to topple a Baron. Their teeth gnawed on my armor yet were unable to break through. It did tickle in more lightly armored areas though. But their dogpiling upon me did weigh upon me. The more that came the more tired I grew and panted harder.

How? I could tear through demon after demon without breaking a sweat so how come these gnomes tired me out?

A thought crossed my mind. There were mentioned of losing power. To what extent I didn’t know, but I was forced to put in effort in carrying both the hotheaded blonde and Fool to the shack earlier. Now this. Could it have affected my own abilities? If so, I darn fucked up in rushing the enemy without taking stock of how I’ve been affected by this dimension hop.

Even if my powers were nullified, the others had jumped in though several appeared hesitant in fighting them. Were they pacifists? These gnomes threatened us with large numbers. Retreat was never an option either since we needed those crystals to return home. Negotiations were rendered null the moment Fool shot one. More appeared afterward. Large numbers enforced stupidity and foolhardiness. Given the tensions, it was only a matter of time before a fool triggered conflict. After all, I’ve learned to beware idiots in large groups so I might as well be that fool.

I would later learn that it may have been possible to actually make a deal with them. Eh.

I spotted a number of gnomes surrounded the child Mabel. I shook off, punched, and punted what gnomes I could off before rushing over to her knocking down more gnomes which cut open a path straight to her. I picked her up and hoisted her over my shoulders. I used one hand to keep her steady while the other kept any gnomes off her. Besides, I now had additional limbs to fight off gnomes.

Nightwisher Nightwisher Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind DapperDogman DapperDogman archur archur SheepKing SheepKing Topless Topless Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Ineptitude Ineptitude Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @SweaterSquad

It seemed the gnomes, now weary of her Strength, have decided to fight in numbers. Sure, she could handle this, but then she realized multiple groups of them were going after the others. She quickly tuned around to try and stop them, but one of them sneaky bastards had been quick enough to get behind her and chomp on one of her legs.


That was what she said, however she felt unable to change to her Goddess form. If she became Iris Heart, things might have gotten better, at the cost of scaring the sh*t out of her companions.

Plutia quickly pulled the Gnome off her leg, before throwing it at the leader. He was in her sights. Perhaps if she knocked him out, it could cause the Gnomes to retreat. It was a long shot, but she threw the raging gnome in hand at the leader, the former screaming and waving his arms.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
archur archur
Sweater Gang

Zenos stared at the being in a mixture of derision and confusion as it spoke. "The Warriors of Light have been bested at every turn - the liberation of Doma means they shall soon be coming to me directly." His hand dropped to the grip of Ame-No-Habakiri, gauntlet shifting slightly as he held it firm. "What are you, such that you were defeated by the one they call..." He smirked. "The Warrior of light?" The being may have looked familiar, but nevertheless it could still very well be a threat to Garlemand - the Warrior slew eikons, too - which, although a horrible waste of potential, was nevertheless one of Garlemand's driving goals. "It is as you have said, creature - I am Zenos Yae Galvus, Legatus of the 12th, Crown Prince and High General of Garlemand, Viceroy of Ala Mhigo!" As he spoke he moved his free hand across his chest in a vague, lazy approximation of the Imperial Salute.

Turning his attention back to the one speaking for the moment - who, Zenos noted, seemed to have six fingers - the Crown Prince listened to him explain what they'd need to repair the portal. Crystals, of some kind, and... a bear claw? This man intended for them to obtain his materials? Foolish. But- the prince chided himself mentally - if it meant he returned to Eorzea faster, then... better that. Besides, it seemed both routes would involve combat of some kind - beautiful, delightful combat! Goodbye monotony. These... gnomes were not anything Zenos had heard of before, but a bear... well, that was foolish. Anybody could defeat a bear easily enough - all it took was a single weapon, a single handcannon. No, Zenos decided - he would face the gnomes - perhaps they could bring something interesting to the Hunt.

Silently, he followed the small, brown-haired Hyur girl - or rather the crowd following her - making no comment at the neverending meaningless drivel some of these savages spouted. Soon, they reached a clearing with several... disappointingly small creatures. These were the gnomes? It was all Zenos could do not to sigh in disappointment. He had expected something... more. Tuning out of the conversation, he looked away until a strange squid-creature (some strange kind of Namazo, perhaps...?) fired a gun into the air, causing a rain of orange ink to fall. A few drops splotched onto Zenos' red armour, and he glared at her in obvious seething anger - yet did not move. The time for that would come... later. Suddenly, a man in some strange, deep green armour hit the gnome, sending him soaring through the air.

At this, the strange, small creatures attacked, opening their mouths to reveal viscious gnashing teeth. Well, it was better than nothing. As the savages around him flurried into movement, the cylinder at Zenos' waist hummed into life, spinning until a green-handled blade was at the top. Taking the hilt into his right hand, he drew it in a long, smooth metallic sssshhhing, the blade etched with green markings. Still, there was something... not quite right. The crown prince span the blade so it was vertical, before his face, and prepared himself... for... nothing. Nothing happened. No explosion of wind-aspected aether, no burst of speed... Clearly, something in this world was very, very wrong. Very well, then. He could adjust. The red-armoured man span his blade again, the tip now pointing down at the ground. A breath, as the air around him stilled into what was practically silence - even the gnomes nearby pausing in their attack before they leapt at him.

Then, an almost blinding flurry of movement as his armour pumped ceruleum, blonde hair flying and fabric whipping in a sudden wind as the blade cleaved two, three, four gnomes, before continuing on into a weaving swipe, the lightweight sword practically singing as it flashed through the air. Good. Let these simple savages watch, witness. He did not need aether in his blade to deal with this. Another slash at a gnome, into reverse-grip, hilt of The Swell spinning in his gauntleted hand to bring it back and around into yet another gnome. The horde showed no signs of thinning, and with an exasperated breath of annoyance, the Crown Prince slowly made his way closer to the other figure with the sword and armour, katana flashing out into any gnomes that dared approach.
Miguel saw that avoiding a fight was now out of the question as the gnomes went in for the attack, piling onto the giant robot-like being that had begun punting the little men across the forest. They also seemed to target the young girl Mabel, the leader of the so called “Sweater Squad” as well as jumping onto and gnawing at the group as a whole. As much as he wanted to be peaceful with these tiny, bearded, men, he also realized that they were now under attack and he couldn’t just allow their team to be devoured by these little monsters. So he decided it was time to fight back. He braced himself and began to punch and kick at the gnomes surrounding him, trying defend himself and the team. He had succeeded in receiving some bites that would definitely leave a mark from the little monsters. As he fought on, it was hard to keep them away as more and more kept coming. He also managed to notice that the giant, robot-like being had picked up Mabel and brought her to safety upon his shoulders which was a relief to the blonde Spaniard.

He then heard the Greek- looking man shout something in another language and a blue-haired girl was translating for him and asking them all to gather and fight as one. Managing to make a path towards them through the army of gnomes, he decided that this would be the best course of action as he approached them, ready to defend himself and the group as the gnomes continued their attack.

Nightwisher Nightwisher Crow Crow BoltBeam BoltBeam Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind DapperDogman DapperDogman archur archur SheepKing SheepKing Topless Topless Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Ineptitude Ineptitude Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @SweaterSquad
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"Aw, that's too bad..."

Valentine was ready to hold her needles as she noticed that they weren't harmful. They were being masculine men, also known as, being dumb. She flipped her hair as she expected combat, "Seriously? I thought I was gonna get some action or at least a reason to use my needles." She said to herself in a disappointed but loud voice. She was willing to study them for their strength. She went near them and asked, "May I have a go at your little arm-wrestling challenge there?" Valentine prepared her arm as she waited for one of them to respond. If they were going to laugh, she wouldn't bat an eyelash. Besides, she doesn't really care if it hurts or not. She just wants to know how strong they were and take notes afterwards.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @CaveDivers
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

As Benedict kept shooting at the gnomes, Josh started barreling through them, honking like a maniac, “Josh, how rude...we’re not savages.” They progressed further when they finally made it towards the group, as he kept shooting, he spoke, “Ah, yes, hello everyone, I’m sorry if I never properly introduced myself...Ah, anyways, if we’ll be here for a while I might as well get to know you...”People”.” He said as Josh threw himself towards more gnomes.​

  • Whilst she had been relatively quiet throughout this journey so far, Darkness was squirming and screaming in excitement within her mind. Things just kept getting more and more exciting, the sexual frustration building up inside her, the sight of the manotaurs, the pure testosterone flowing through their body. It was all becoming too much for her.

    After Kazuma became the laughing stock of the manotaurs, she knew this was a situation she could avoid no longer. "Kazuma, Kazuma, they even verbally abuse others for their own enjoyment!" She told him, almost like he hadn't heard what had happened and was completely unaware of the entire situation. "Kazuma, I think I'm going to stay with these manotaurs for a while... They seem like very fun, friendly and nice people to be around..." She informed him, blatantly lying. He probably knew exactly what she was thinking.

    They met the leader- or so they had thought before he was consumed by a much larger creature.

    She was shocked for a good few seconds once that happened.

    "K-Kazuma!?! What do we do?!"


    @Sir Skrubbins Samevi Samevi DapperDogman DapperDogman thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Epsilo Gamman


You snap out of your dazed state of happiness when the others in your group begin asking him about the multibear..

“H-huh? Oh. Yeah. We require the claws of the multibear... oh.... STRONG one...”

You looked about ready to flip your shit, in joy. You seemed to be the ONLY person out of the group to be basking in his MUSCULAR glory. Just standing there made you grin with unbelievable joy!! Your voice even sounded more... formal. As if you were talking to a ‘higher up’.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Jeremiah Jeremiah Crow Crow QizPizza QizPizza Centurion_ Centurion_ thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Zamasu Zamasu Samevi Samevi Veradana Veradana Sleek Sleek Chungchangching Chungchangching @Sir Skrubbins @CaveGangYeet
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She had expected an attempt to get convinced back, already preparing herself to counter-argument whatever kind of goodie altruistic nonsense the Equine might have been about to throw back. No, Julie was a hundred percent strict on her decision to not dirty herself or deal with odd ocidental magic she was not acquainted with. Really, messing with forces one did not comprehend normally ended in tragedy, or worse, and there were hundreds of Japanese myths to back her up on that. If anything, she was just being cautious.

There had been no need for that, however, as the robot member seemed to agree with her, though raising more scientifical points. To be honest, the Nekomata didn't think her body would be that frail, giving her ability to shapeshift, though with her powers gone there was always the chance her youkai-like resistance had gotten restrained as well. Still, an option that kept her from doing any manual, low-class work was a good idea in her book.

So, she sat down. Intending on simply observing and coordinating things for a distance, the cat-youkai had taken a few steps back and poised herself as the fancy, noble lady that she acted as. Easier impossible, until of course, it wasn't.

As their robot ally had tried stepping into the light, the blue beam had run away from it. A spot in the clearing had darkened, prompting the Siamese to look up at the sky and access what was wrong. Oh, the clouds themselves seemed to be conspiring against their plans. fantastic. To make matters worse, despite her wishes to not be dealing with any unknown occidental magic, the blue beam had ended up choosing her. Or well, her beautiful split brownish tail, enlarging it to ridiculous anatomically unprecedented proportions.

Julie was not pleased, right ears twitching in irritation as she hissed at the others:

"And this is what I was trying to avoid!", her tail hitting against the floor in anger.

The ground shook and in feedback, the cat-youkai's pupils had gone full at the realization of something. Big tail meant earthquake.


A low, self-muttered laughter erupted from the back of her throat, at first in amusement and delight, but as it grew in tone, it was tainted in ill-intentions and malice.

Oh yes! Julie, humanity's messiah and saviour was back, in part of her full glory~~!!!!


And then she had completely lost it, demonstrating her newfound power by shaking the ground once more, then aiming the tail at a couple of trees. Ohhhh yes, this felt GLORIOUS! DIVINE!! ALL SHALL NOW WITNESS THE POWER OF THE MIGHTY CAT!!!! She was just missing some fire now and it would be just like old times~

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Morgana was relieved to see that he managed to turn Fulgore back on. He stood there triumphantly. His ego quickly left him once he felt the ground shake. He saw the other cat hit her tail against the floor and was about to aim for some trees. He sprinted as fast as he could to her. “H-Hey! What are you doing!? You’re going to give away our spot to the gnomes!”
He was hoping that he wasn’t too small to be inaudible.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude Nightwisher Nightwisher
Fulgore watches as the Siamese cat goes on a rampage, and sighs. This was not how today was suppose to go. Actually, considering how much today has utterly SUCKED, it seems that this is exactly how today was suppose to go.
"I hate this place. And I think my emotional suppressant chip broke."
Fulgore picks up Morgana and Slugcat and makes a quick dash for the Blue Light. Screw what the weirdness wanted, Fulgore wanted to get out of this place!

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Ineptitude Ineptitude Nightwisher Nightwisher

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