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Realistic or Modern Dust and Diesel


A post-apocolyptic vehicle based RP.

The world has become a desolate place; civilization is but a long gone memory and what little people remain struggle to survive everyday. Basics have become rarities; food, water, fuel, other people. Only two kinds of people remain: the strong and the mad.

Somewhere in the desert-like outback, a remote settlement has managed to hold onto a little bit of civilisation. They have food, water, fuel and other people. However, others obviously want to get their hands on such commodities. For example, a gang of vicious and insane marauders, attacking the township everyday. Naturally the townsfolk are better prepared and more organized, so they have been able to hold off the marauders for quite some time. However, they have started to grow weak. In a desperate last ditch effort the town's leader uses his radio to call for help, hopefully attracting drifters who may help.

Players will be able to play as a drifter, a towns person or a marauder. Everyone would get their own vehicle. In this world things like ammo are scarce, so bullets should be used scarcely. As some may have guessed this will be taking inspiration from Mad Max, particularly Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. Please show interest and thanks!
Kaz said:
Any specific limitations, like, weapon wise?
Yeah there would be. For example, most characters won't be waking around with customized machineguns or katanna swords. You'd be allowed to use weapons such as shotguns, non military rifles, maybe a pistol here and there, common melee weapons. You'd also be encouraged to get a little creative; for example, in Mad Max 2 due to the scarcity of ammo some people resorted to using bows if they had them, or making their own. Any other questions? :)
Evergreen98 said:
I am interested!... will a Bo-staff be ok? And knives ??
Knives are fine. Bow staff I'm not sure on. It'd probably just be a big stick. Maybe a couple of nails for good measure :)
A nice strong stick... hehe... maybe tie a knife to the end to turn it into a sphere.

*grin* thanks! I am very creative and resourceful xD I guess my charecter is gonna be like that

Okay I decided to put up a basic CS for you guys to draft on. If you want you can post it here for me to critique. More stuff may be added in the final version :)





Bio: (bit of info about life before the global fuel crisis, bit of info about now)

Equipment: (max of 4)

Vehicle: (image and name, bit of info like if it's fast, armored, etc.)

Other: (other stuff you may or may not want to add that didn't fit anywhere else)
Name: Klein Cartwright

Appearance: 5'7, Brown hair and green eyes, his face looking more worn and weathered than someone of similar age. Medium build, athletic when needing to be, though, has a history of back issues.

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Bio: Used to be a paramedic before the global energy crisis, was very straight to the point and still is; especially concerning patient care. Now, he roves around, trying to provide as much care to as many people as possible.

Hates the thought of not being able to help, has experience with some general surgery, (after much trial and error). Dislikes conflict, seeing it as a barrier towards rebuilding civilization.

Equipment: (On Klein): Hunting Knife, Medical Go Bag. (Inside Dying Light): Full Trauma Kit, 9mm Handgun.

Vehicle: Lightly armored ambulance, the tires improved as to be able to drive over nearly anything. Forfeits most armor for speed and mobility. Klein affectionately refers to it as: Dying Light.

Other: Small locket around his neck; a picture of his only child. Only a couple months old when the world went to shit; he's very protective of it.

Pic of the vehicle:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/1922264_1398281830448141_1660220633_a.jpg.00b04d7e9f972fe77e905b434b362773.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/1922264_1398281830448141_1660220633_a.jpg.00b04d7e9f972fe77e905b434b362773.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Kaz that's all good!

Anyway it doesn't look like we'll get much more people, which means we have to

a) cancel it


b) do a more scaled down version

I'm gonna need both of you if you're still interested. So @Kaz and @Evergreen98 you guys still in? And if you know some people who would like this sort of RP let them know :)
I was thinking that when I make the thread I put it in the Sci-Fi section. I know it's not really Sci-Fi, but it's close enough and may attract more attention. Thoughts @Kaz and @Evergreen98 ?
Evergreen98 said:
Oh... what about slice of life??
Slice of life falls under Realistic. Post Apocalyptic can be either Realistic or Sci Fi depending on the creator. I think we'll get more interested if we make it Sci Fi, but then people might come in expecting robots and lasers. Thoughts?

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