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Fantasy Duality [Interest Check] [Open]

I wouldn't mind discussing at all! I have to step outside for a few, but I'm here! Shall I PM you or do you want to PM me while I'm gone?
PM me when you get back. I've been trying to work on Xerxe for a while now but his personality was tough for me to come up with, so I've started working on a bio and go from there, but I'm not so sure how this will fit or if it'll work. So that's where I'm at.


Britt-21 :)


ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret



Dylan Truss






She's 5'5, 140lbs.

Personality: Please give a full picture of your character. This can include but is not limited to their likes/dislikes, average reactions, interesting quirks, etc. Remember that your character's personality is different from their 'Brief Bio'. Of course, events from their past can affect their current personality, but focus more on who they are, not what happened to them.

Home Town:


Brief Bio:
This will give a full picture of what made your character into the person he or she is today.

Destined Soulmate:
What is the name of your character's Partner? If you don't have a name yet then just leave it blank.

Weapon: This part is optional. If you choose to give your character a weapon, it must be noted somewhere in the 'Brief Bio', as it would not make sense for your character to randomly own a dangerous weapon right out of the blue.
Dormant Power(s): You may pick up to three powers that align with your character's respective pairing.




And? Just her look is so cute. And if she's trust, holy crap I'm expecting some cool stuff. I hope people won't be offended by my dark view of time. I haven't exactly ever had any reason to believe that time heals all wounds or any of those happy things.
And? Just her look is so cute. And if she's trust, holy crap I'm expecting some cool stuff. I hope people won't be offended by my dark view of time. I haven't exactly ever had any reason to believe that time heals all wounds or any of those happy things.
She's going to be adorbs, but she will have a backbone for someone as trust

the only thing im going to have a problem with is her powers. Wtf could a power be on trust? XD
She's going to be adorbs, but she will have a backbone for someone as trust

the only thing im going to have a problem with is her powers. Wtf could a power be on trust? XD
Something along the lines of persuasion. Like her trusting nature infects those she talks with so that they feel strongly compelled to be honest with her? Much like the farm kid in Bung Stray Dogs.
Obviously lie detecting, and maybe like forced trust, where people really feel like trusting you.

Power enhancement/dampening is good too
I'm interested in this. Problem is I don't know what to pick...*flails arms around*

Yeah, the becomes quite the problem.

Now how would that work though? Would he be dampening Trust's power?
I think more along the lines of inhibiting the abilities of those that oppose him. Or something like that. It may just be a small AoE that effects everyone as I doubt he'd trust anyone save for MAYBE his Partner, trust.
Yeah, the becomes quite the problem.

I think more along the lines of inhibiting the abilities of those that oppose him. Or something like that. It may just be a small AoE that effects everyone as I doubt he'd trust anyone save for MAYBE his Partner, trust.
Hopefully Doubt is never asked:
"Do you trust me?"
No one would like his answer. XD

I like all the power suggestions! :)

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