Dreams of the Second Age

It seemed the most likely thing for you to do, with your crafting skills. Its like being a kid in a candy shop, so much to fix!
If it's alright with the rest of you guys, Aredin's going to try and make a push for mitigating FAFL's BS. He trusts you all to be perfectly capable of playing Exalted Kickball with Filial's skull, so might as well keep digging for more info to feed the war machine.
As far as I know, the charms have the same limitations on traits, so from a mechanics standpoint not really much point in it. The only thing I think that is different for Abyssal war is that it either only works on undead, or slowly makes them so.

All in all, not worth.
As much as it would disgust Rine to help the Fair Folk, he'd rather Filial not get control of the tower.
You do know from Relza that there are other airships on that Tower, similar to what you have on yours. Letting the Goblin King get his hands on an air force can't be a good thing.
However you want to do it is good with me. You have lots of options on your hands.
If I wasn't willing to bet that Filial had the war charms to negate fear, I'd probably use mental shenanigans to force a route. As it stands, the best I could probably do is take pot shots at Filial's army and hope I was able to chunk down their magnitude and kill his Dragon-Blooded (Jontom I think it was?)
Let's hope that we don't go into the rules hell that is Mass Combat. I really don't like it and I don't have the necessary charms to be effective in Mass Combat.
One cast of Sharp Light of Judgement Stance and that entire army dies man. You have the one-shot charm against armies. Also, I'm attaching a file a friend made to consolidate mass combat rules. For the most part, we should be able to handle it as solo units and let the Dragon Kings continue their training. That is, if we decide to engage.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c247d3f28_ExaltedMassCombatSimplified_pdf.7b04d8ad9918db8c2873c841e5868433" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c247d3f28_ExaltedMassCombatSimplified_pdf.7b04d8ad9918db8c2873c841e5868433" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Exalted Mass Combat Simplified.pdf


  • Exalted Mass Combat Simplified.pdf
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Correction, sharp light of judgement amplified with my axe's natural double attack enchantment and golden destruction cut

I was referring to the technical charms like avoiding rout, the stuff that doesn't directly involve me killing things.
Will any of the Dragon-Kings take my offer on the use of power armor? L'rons's reaction to the fire dust repeater implies they don't really like technology aka fancy stuff that much.
L'ron's initial reluctance to accept the fire dust repeater was due to his not knowing if he could trust you. He didn't want to be in your debt in any way until you proved yourselves to him. So, yes, there will be some takers to the idea of using powered armor.
Yes. Between your supplies and the stores of Leeayta, there are plenty to do so.

Also, keep in mid that there is usually one of the three Abyssals hanging around (unless you don't want them to), and they are willing to aid you in what you are doing, as their Mistress wishes. Do you try to enlist their aid?
I'm not sure I'd be of much help in trying to deal with the whole army, but if anyone sees anything on my sheet that would, feel free to remind me of it lol.
Definitely a possibility. And I have been spying on them, so if there's anybody that really stands out I'd know. At the very least I could possibly handle the Dragonblood.
On a side note, as some of you may know, I have been running a Robotech game for about 3 years on this site. It is set in the REF saga, fighting against the Invid. There have been some divergence from the traditional storyline, but we have enjoyed it a lot. The problem is, one of our core players has vanished, and I am very concerned that the game is about to sputter out and die without a fresh infusion of blood. Everyone here strikes me as quality player material, and before opening up the game to just anyone, I was thinking of seeing if anyone here would like to jump into a different game of mine. Right now, the core players are Captain Hesperus and Mrs Hesperus, and Teh Frix is an occasional poster, when we hit her in the butt with a cattle prod. I joke. But, we don't want this game to fizzle. Anyone interested?

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