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Realistic or Modern Drafted (One Spot Open - Not Too Late)

She twiddled her thumbs in between her legs as she began to shake her leg up and down, nervousness was overtaking her. For what cause, why am I shaking? She pressed down on her forefinger hard as she heard the gas bubble in the joint pop. What on earth is even going on now? What does he mean, 'continuous analysis of our body's functions'? I was just told it'd be an experiment, not a project, would the government withhold information from us? No, they couldn't could they. Wait!? Protect the country? What the hell did I sign up for? The tapping from her heel became more repetitive, a constant rapping on the floor as she fumbled her fingers.

After some point she was certain she had stopped. But her delayed movements were quickly occupied by her hand running gingerly through her hair, taking in a deep airing of the moment. She was currently undergoing a great deal of stress, she wanted to be home, wanted to be in the gym, wanted to be with Edward, with anyone, rather than these people.
Whether or not the men or women in this room are apart of this whole thing or not, I don't trust them... Something eerie is coming, isn't it? Dread began flooding her, beneath her icy-eyes, she was delving into pain. She felt as though her moments in this chair were the last of her humanity. Wait, why am I being so melodramatic, snap out of it! She battered her eyes several times, nothing, she couldn't shake the superstition.

People had been sitting down next to her, she looked at them, they all looked far braver and more adequate for this experiment than she did, she stuck out like a sore thumb among them, sure, maybe she was a fighter, but they all seemed to have something about them that she didn't.
It's probably family, isn't it? Are you really gonna be like that and blame yourself for something so periodically irrelevant. Calm down, you're not in any immediate danger, and if you will be, there are others around you that'll probably have to go through the same thing. Just co-operate, you don't wanna end up like those two guys. And in truth, she didn't the aggressive method from which they entered had left her detesting any sort of forceful hand upon her. I'll co-operate... I'll co-operate, I'll co-operate, I'll co-operate... Her repetitiveness became so gradual and mind-detaching, she found herself whispering it aloud before pursing her lips. She didn't want to speak, too late, she'd have drawn attention to herself, she had to have remained silent, she failed that bit of her own personal agenda. "I'll co-operate."

She shut her eyes, sliding her tongue in between her lips, whetting them as she swallowed a lump, looking upwards at the scientist who stood before them, he was imposing, and she was much like a figurine, small and weak. He had control over her, he had support, credibility,
Oh shit... Shut up, give yourself something to calm yourself down, hum a tune. Hey, that's not a bad idea.

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head

Just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed

Nothing seems to fit

Oh, raindrops keep fallin' on my head

Keep a-fallin'

Cause I just done me some talking to the sun

And I said I didn't like the way he got things done

Sleeping on the job

Oh, raindrops keep fallin' on my head

Keep a-fallin'

But there's one thing I know

The blues they send to meet me

Won't defeat me

It won't be long till happiness

Comes up to greet me

To greet greet greet greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head

But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red

Crying's not for me

Cause I ain't gonna stop the rain by complaining

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head

But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red

Crying's not for me

Cause I ain't gonna stop the rain by complaining

Because I'm free

Nothing's bothering me

Because I'm free

Nothing's bothering me

Because I'm free

Nothing's bothering me

Because I'm free

Nothing's bothering me

'Atta girl...
She felt her body slip into a slight form of relaxation as the lyrics played loud in her mind, but played soft upon her lips as she hummed from the back of her throat.


Everyone, please consider that I will be time-skipping to our first mission. If you are a Squad Lieutenant, then I will be pming ONE of you later today with what the mission is. Those missions will be "given out" (through the role play) as if a higher ranked officer has told the lieutenants earlier. Then once the role play gets back up, one squad lieutenant that I designate will announce this in a post to everyone's characters! =-) I posted this here because it is important.
The battle hardened girl made her way towards the barracks where her squad slept. It was late, the orange tinge of the sky cast her hair upon her head like golden fire. No longer was she the frail little terror filled child that had been injected with her first serum several months ago. She had been tested, tempered, and turned into a well oiled killing machine, much like her peers.

Her hair which was once long and voluminous, was now shorter, easier to manage. It barely fell down to the back of her neck, finding the much more rugged style suiting to the new person she'd became. She didn't have room for sympathy anymore, training had taken that leisure from her, it was both an ancient emotion she missed dearly, and one she loathed.
Too damn long. We've been inactive for three weeks now. She ran her thumb along her shoulder, testing for any sort of soreness that may later prove some sort of mental obstacle.

She looked up at the clouds, a firm line set upon her lips, her mind was still attached to the recent meeting to which she had been summoned. A dark room, several chairs, eyes glinting behind their spectacles, greedy men, cowards. Men who would call the shots for their pawns rather then get down and dirty themselves.
As if I ever had a life to begin with... The second they gave me that shot, I signed a contract with the devil.

She ran her fingers along her brow thinking back, hard.
What was I thinking then, what could I smell, what could I hear? What could I feel? Her combat boots squeaked on the ground as she stood in attention, right arm poised to her brow, an unwavering hook to her elbow. The middle man spoke, quick and brief, "You're finally climbing out of this rat infested hole." Another man appeared from the shadows of the darkened room. His uniform had said enough to her, she was saluting respectfully as he dismissed her of her formal attitude. "Relax Lieutenant, I am the one who should be saluting you. You and every other one of your kind who were brave enough to undertake this sort of hellish nature to protect your country. You gave far more than a crippled veteran could have." His words stung in a sense.

It made her questions as to why others weren't what they were,
monsters, and instead, civilians were torn from their normal lives to become guinea pigs for the government's greedy and logical purpose. Branches and a bunch of legalistic mumbo jumbo... She let her hand drop to her side. He took her out of the room, walking with her. "Within the last few months, this facility has seen some severe hardships, undertaking you all. First, it was the adaptation to your environment, then the grueling training, and then, there's your personal lives. We had to inform anyone you knew that you were dead." He was a bold man to be speaking words like this, "With all due respect sir," He furrowed his brows as he looked at her, the two figures leaving the comfort of the internal compound, "It's better if no one knows, and the training, it's made warriors out of infants." He laughed a little. "Surely you don't view yourselves as the reapers of this world merely because, of some forceful situation you were pressed into." Christina stopped, looking at him, "You're absolutely right sir, we are the reapers of this world, hunters, collectors of the souls that would dare harm our country. After all, you officials need us at our peak, hungry, vicious, smart, and willing to die within a moment's notice."

He was completely shocked, his gaze grazed across her's as he looked out onto the open area of the other eight soldiers training, each in their own specialized category, or, with each other. Each of them, refined, unique, powerful, and mature, no one who had entered there a boy or girl, had left the same way, they were all men and women now, warriors of their country.
"That's exactly what I've managed to name my squad sir, The Crimson Reapers." He hushed a small gasp, she was frightening him, good, the more likely these people would be to leave them alone. He cleared his throat, "Pressing matters have come up Mrs. Dunois. This is precisely the reason I have come here personally. There has been a major blackout in New York." The soldier leaned on the guardrails overlooking the courtyard, her eyes desolate and cold, "So? Fix it. Just a blackout." He replied sharply, "It's not that simple. There's more to it, a small blackout would make sense, sure, but this has gone state-wide. Every circuit was shut down quickly, causes unknown, the weather has been fine, not a cloud in the sky, no earthquakes, no change in weather pattern, nothing. Ms. Dunois, we have reasons to believe the United States is under attack. We managed to decode someone hacking into our economics network, a mass stock failure could be catastrophic, and the worst bit is, we have no idea who we're dealing with." She perked up, brows tense, "Sounds like we have a problem." The Colonel nodded, "That we do."

He reached into his uniform and removed a vanilla folder,
"Congratulations, you're finally going to get to crawl out of your hole, after eight long months. Multiple tactics are provided inside, you are to round up the rest of your... Reapers, and the other Lieutenants, and debrief them. But be warned, you most remain completely incognito to the public. We have transportation ready for you at the launch room, you'll need to be ready within the hour, all gear requested by the soldiers during their training will be granted once more once you're all aboard your planes. Remember, quiet as a mouse." The two saluted each other, and the Colonel took his leave. Christina had taken her time looking over the documents, running strategies through her head.

Well, this is gonna be a bitch.

A total blackout had indeed occurred only minutes before the Colonel left his all protective office to deliver her the documents.
Why me though? I'm not the most adequate in handling situations... No, that'd best be left to Miguel, or maybe Zeke... For Christ's sake, the only thing I could do right in training was close combat. Ugh, I really need to get these documents to Zeke and have him look over them with me, of course, I'll need everyone there honestly... It's not like many of them even respect me that much. So what? I have exceptional skill and that automatically makes me a leader?! She slammed her fist against the wall, "Dammit, no time for sympathy Christina, it's time for you to shape up, you've been battle hardened, and it's time that they're pulling you out of the sheathe, strike quick, strike effectively."

She masked up her emotions and stepped out into the courtyard, which, by now, was entirely empty. She strode along the cement, making her way towards the barracks where they were kept. She continued on past the stone-colored buildings until finally arriving to a rather beaten looking one, which looked as though it could house twenty men or women, just not comfortably. She took pause,
Are they really ready for something like this? Yes, of course they are. She moved the door open quickly exclaiming with a dominant voice, "Everyone round up, Christmas came early this year!" She folded the documents out on the table where they ate, relaying every detail upwards for the others to view as they'd gather around.









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Ellis Walker

“Mr…Walker?” The mid-forties, red-faced doctor glanced over his clipboard to seize Ellis up with his eyes. Dr. Wayland, as his name tag read, was obviously struggling to gulp down his surprise at seeing a five-foot-something march straight towards the reception. Just because the experiment allowed, no, needed such young souls didn’t mean he approved of pumping chemicals into some kid’s wiry arms. Most startling however was the air of confidence with which Walker junior had entered, like a gust of fresh air on an otherwise scorching hot day. “Hmm,” Wayland cleared his throat, “you have no known medical conditions?”

“No Sir.” Ellis stood a feet from the futuristic glass-and-carbon desk, hands folded behind his back. The facility was even better than he’d dared to dream. It smelled of new, like freshly unpacked plastic toys. There were some kick-ass vents on the top of the building that didn’t make so much as a whisper. He’d have to ask one of the engineers about it, if there was enough time.

“I see you have attended San Marcos Military Academy, is that correct?” Dr. Wayland’s heart sank as the words rolled of his lips. Convincing this kid to go home would be about as impossible as convincing his wife to quit smoking.

Ellis gave a curt nod.

“And you have parental approval?” Wayland sighed. Truthfully, it was a last-ditch effort. Parental approval or not, the military enlisted whoever the hell it wanted. Still, if the boy had come in crying and all, there would have been some chance to sway the higher-ups. He wondered how long it would be until he’d have to file this one’s death form.

Ellis fished a neatly folded scrap of paper from his pocket and slid it over to the tired old fella. The man sure took his sweet time.

“Right. Everything seems to be in order. Take the door to the left and walk straight to the end of the corridor, there will be an escort for you there to take you to medical assessment. He- hey!” Wayland stood up, his voice echoing through the spacious entry hall. The boy had already marched off with a slight skip in his step. Wayland rolled his eyes. “Don’t you want to know who your officer will be...?” he muttered quietly as he plonked back down. Kids these days.


As cool as the facility was, Ellis couldn’t help but feel a sting of disappointment as he was led into the heart of the facility. The room was large, brightly lit, and full of white-coats doing god-knows-what. A chemical scent impregnated the air, like gummy bears only less sweet and more plastic-ish smelling. It wasn’t the doctors that disappointed him however. He’d expected proud sons and daughters of America, honored to be allowed into the facility, to greet him. Instead he could only see bumbling fools and maniacs. He gritted his teeth. All of them were older yet they were crying like babies over a few syringes. “Pansies, he muttered under his breath as he rolled up his sleeve and awaited his turn.


Eight months later...

Eight freaking months. Eight. They had been sitting around doing nothing of real use. There were the drills, the occasional check-ups, and of course the supplements. The monkeys up at HQ had sent the most demonic drill sergeants in the country to harden them, prepare them for what was out there. He’d shouldered his way through training with gritted teeth. It wasn’t the physical or mental exertion that tortured him at night. It was the gaping hole of uselessness that kept him awake. By now he imagined Christina was dead-tired of his whining to please be deployed in some hot zone. Heck, he seemed to be the only one in his squad who wanted to be in the military at all.

His bunk creaked as he turned to his other side. Vale sunlight beamed onto his back as dawn broke. At least I am stronger now he sighed mentally. Today was probably going to be the same old again.

That was when Christina’s voice boomed through the barracks.

Tossing his blankets aside, Ellis jumped up, not even bothering to salute or slip into his uniform first. “Where is it? When will we be deployed?” He stormed towards the table and began scanning the classified files as soon as Christina dropped them.

“Power outage?” he mused aloud as he listened to Christina’s explanations. “What’s that got to do with us? They think someone cut it? Sounds more like something for Spec-ops, not us Crimson Reapers,” he grinned. Fuck, it didn’t matter. Anything was better than sitting still in a bunk.



A small light was lit in a corner of the room, in that corner a small table with some parts laid across. Sitting with his back arched over was Alphonse working on his weapons, keeping them in good condition and checking to make sure everything was to the right adjustments. His work is something to behold as he breaks down the individual pieces to the fine detailed pieces, he then lubricates, brushes off dust, etc and puts back together a rifle he has been working on. A rifle to gift to Ellis, unsure as to weather or not Ellis would accept it was beyond him. I hope he likes it but he does seemed attached to his M1 Garand, I am a fan of the classics but it won't cut it against regular armor. On top of that the enemy won't be regular either if worst comes to it, man I really gotta keep some notes during the missions for future reference. I did try to keep the rifle as similar as possible whilst trying to add the more advanced modern gear for better performance, fingers crossed and hope he doesn't wine to much. Crystals seemed a little off since she was selected to be lieutenant, I just have to help when she needs it but I think she would get pissed if I interfered. I always did like woman that could kick my ass. He puts the finishing polish on the rifle as he sets it to the side of the table.

Springfield M1A, Stock Variation of McMillan M1A


An Arizona-based custom manufacturer, McMillan is primarily known for its distinctive fiberglass stocks and for its Phoenix training center where law enforcement and military officers learn about precision rifle operations. But the company is also known for its M1A, a .308-chambered AR that is among the most accurate at close and medium distances in its caliber category. Among its other features is a pistol grip with finger groove and a Weaver-style rail, red dot laser sighting, tripod, mag clip of 20, adjustable stock for comfort, flash light and the Troy BattleRail with all types of optics, including this EOTech EXPS3 holosight with 3X magnifier just on the side.

Advantages: Accurate, ultra-reliable AR compact enough to wield in quick-shooting, mobile environments, but powerful enough to drop deer and other big game. At 11 pounds and 31 1/2-inches long, the McMillan M1A is idea for use in a stand or while still-hunting.

He hears the doors open when he sees Christina enter the barracks he stands at attention and salutes her, as she calls out in a dominant voice she throws down some documents on the table they ate at explaining some of the different details. Alphonse notices how quick Ellis is to ask Christina about every detail, excited to be on his first mission. But Alphonse did not feel comfortable with the idea of bringing a kid on to a battle field, even if he was chosen to replace Cynthia. He remembers how he argued with Richard for hours about adding him to the squads, no matter what he said or did Richard wouldn't listen. Damn fool. Just the thought that Richard had the gore to add him to his team really messed with him, he just didn't want that kid to go through what he went through when he was younger.

I hope your satisfied with bringing a kid to the battle field Richard and I hope you rot in hell, nothing is worth bringing a kid into a war zone. He steps forward and puts a hand on Ellis's head with a smirk on his face, "Easy Zips, there is no need to be in a rush, we've got plenty of time before we need to leave. I'm sure everyone's curious about the mission and Lieutenant Dunois here will be more than willing to brief us on the rest of the mission as soon as everyone's gathered." He looks at Christina with a concerned look on his face hoping she would understand his frustration, he then looks back at Ellis and smile's. "You know what zips, I think I might have something you might like to take with you on the mission...." He tries to convince Ellis to follow him to the corner of the room to gift him a new gun whilst everyone seemed nervous or just down right annoyed. Sigh, maybe it won't be so bad... For now.
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Normally, Ellis would’ve pulled away from Alphs hand and rolled his eyes at the big guy. But not now. His eyes were glued to the documents as he soaked up all the information. There wasn’t much really. Power was out, cause unknown and now, finally, they were being dropped in to search and destroy whoever was responsible. It can’t possibly just be us, he thought. If it’s state-wide, it will take more than just us to stand even a chance at finding the culprit.

Mind whirring, he hardly heard Alphs talking to him. “We don’t have plenty of time,” he snorted, dark eyes shooting up at Alphs. He looked like the hulk, luckily he was much more friendly…and not kiwi green, that would’ve been hella freaky. Not one to protest much however, he closed the folder and slid it back over to Christina. “And stop calling me zips, alphs,” he sniggered as he stood and slipped into his uniform. It wasn’t until every strap was exactly how he liked it that he looked up at Alphs again. He smelled of oil and dust.

“Just a second Lieutenant,” he apologized to Christina as he followed after Alphonse with a slight skip in his step. At times Alph’s need to pamper to him was annoying, but he was in a forgiving mood today. The excitement of what was to come had washed all other emotions away.

Stepping into the dim light, Ellis soon found the custom Springfield laying on a table. The oil-and-metal scent stung his nostrils as he shot a confused look at Alphs. Slowly, he realized why Alphs had beckoned to follow him. “No way…” he breathed. “Is that? Is that for me…?”

With trembling hands he reached out, feeling the weight in his arms, checking the adjustments Alphs had made. It’s perfect. “Thanks. It’s pretty badass,” he grinned from ear to ear. “I’ve been wanting one of these for age really, it’s got much better handling and…” he yapped on for a while about the difference in grip and weight compared to his trusty Garand, only pausing to take breathes in-between as they marched back to where they’d left Christina. “Look what I got,” he presented his new rifle, “can we start gearing up now?”


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Eight months have passed, eight months full of boring and unnecessary military trainings. Alex felt like she could die out of complete boredom anytime now. It was funny to remember that all of this started for her just because she wanted a place to stay and she's hungry. What a stupid reason to be experimented at. Until now, she still kinda regretted not reading through the papers she have signed eight months before. If she didn't signed it, what could have happened? Surely something not like this, a more normal one for her taste. Maybe she could have been cooking or doing jobs right now instead of learning how to shoot their victims and how to I don't know, plant bombs? Like what are they even going to do? She groaned as she finished her food, she drank some of the water in her cup before spitting it all out accidentally when someone entered.

It was that Christina girl, if she got it right. Anyways she was talking a bout Christmas came early this year blah blah and put down some documents on the table. Alex raised a single eyebrow at it, "What they finally gave us some sort of assignments? Yeah right." she said sarcastically before smirking at the thought. All they've been doing until now was push-ups, practicing using guns, hand to hand combat in which she completely suck at. The amount of time she have loses in that genre is disappointing. Well let's just say it's not her cup of tea, but instead she's rather skilled in using the light weapons such a as pistols and SMGs.

Once she saw some soldiers gathering around the table she put her hands up in the air in defeat and groaned silently. Alright, might as well check on what's this all about. She approached the files as she tried to squeeze herself on the piling number of soldiers around it. She got a hold of one paper and read it, the other papers came next. "What? Alright, so what's this all about?" she asked the others as she waved the paper in front of their faces like some sort of a dork. Okay let's be honest here, reading and that sort of stuffs aren't also her cup of tea. But of course, she's not that dumb so she can also get what the paper means, they're giving them a mission about black outs. Alex wasn't sure whether if she should be happy that they finally got something to do or nah because they might die in the middle of this said mission. She preferred the first one though.

"So black outs? That's the thing we gotta handle?" she smirked before putting the documents down finally. She shook her head in disbelief, "We trained eight solid months to fix this? Okay I had enough of this." she shrugged. She was kinda disappointed in this, she was actually expecting something like terrorist attack, nation under some sort of war and other nation trying to dominate them and blah, blah, blah, blah all that stuff.​

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