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Realistic or Modern Dons Pan-Dimensional Diner [reboot] (closed)


Two Thousand Club
Yo 'sup. My names Don and welcome to my Diner. It's sorta in an eternal testing phase so lemme know whatcha think and tell me what needs improved.

Now, This place ain't called "Pan-dimensional" cause I thought it would sound fancy. The diner is it's own, tiny little nexus world and we serve folks of all shapes an genres. You could be a normal schmuck, or a Space Cowboy, a Level 15 Night-Elf Warlock, or hell, a Lycanthropic Care-Bear from Mars for all I care. Read over the rules, post a CS, checkout your weapons at the door, and come on in. ( alla you Werecarebear's, we got a support group at 6.)

The Staff

I'll properly introduce you to the the crew as they appear on stage. But there's at least one you need to know about off the bat....

Don: As in Me, Myself and I. I'm the guy in the white t-shirt behind the bar. And yeah, those ram horns stick'n outta my head: they're real. And no, ya can't touch 'em.

Boomer: See those kitchen doors behind me? The ones have "Beware of the Cook" and "Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here" smeared on 'em in red paint? Yeah. Betcha thought that was pretty funny.

Yahlie: Half waitress, half mascot. You'll see what I mean.


Rules and Punishment

To put it simply, I am the all powerful god of this diner. I point or snap my fingers and POOF! Something happens.

Pull any crap, and I'll "poof" you.

What exactly a poof'n does mostly depends on the infraction and/or how cheesed I am. Typically involves your instant translocation to another room or getting turned into something humiliatingly cute, but I usually give a fair warn'n first. Usually.

  1. Believe it or not, I like a good bar fight, and considering the crowd I deal with, I'd be shooting myself in the foot not to allow one now and then. But if it gets outa hand, I'm gonna poof people to the Timout Room in the back. That way, we don't have to deal with you. Come back when you've cooled off.
  2. If I catch you with a lethal weapon drawn (and I will catch you), I'll poof that weapon away. Come and get it when you leave.
  3. FOR ALL YA HOCUS-POCUS TYPES: If I see any lethal magics being flung around, that falls under #2. And if you think I can't confiscate your powers, WATCH ME.
  4. Mind control is strictly forbidden. And if you're actually read'n this crap, type "banana at the bottom of your CS.
  6. Pets? Familiars? Sure. but they better not piss on anything if they know what's good for them.
  7. If'n you're just be'n a downright snot and won't take a hint, I'll poof you out the door and ban you from return'n.

Now, if you're dumb enough to irk ME personally, but ain't actually souring the RP, I'll just mess with ya. Maybe poof you into a bunny for a few minuets.

By the way, I don't care how powerful you think you are. NO ONE out poofs me.


The Lounge Corner

For you fellas who've been here before, the diners got a new feature. See, I've knocked down the back-left wall for a section with a more pub-like feel to it. It's got a fireplace, some comfy chairs, a dart board, a piano, the works. Just watch out. There was apparently a good amount of magic in that corner, cause now the furniture all seem to think they got a sense of humor.

Your CS

Your submitted character sheet should include the bare minimum of a physical description, a list of powers or special talents, and a general what and who the hell are you. But come on people, have an imagination.

Oh, and here's where ya do it. https://www.rpnation.com/threads/dons-pan-dimensional-diner.330791/

Downstairs is were keep the interesting stuff. And I'm not referring to the gajillion arcade games we got stashed in the main area, but rather the two rooms to the side.


The Timeout Room

When a bar brawl get out of hand, this is where I poof it to.

The Interior of the Timeout Room changes from time to time. Could be anything from a dark dungeon to junior high classroom, and is often filled neck-high with stuff like styrofoam peanuts or balloons or something. And it's not like you're locked in there or anything, but the room likes to make the exit tricky to get to, making a puzzle out of it or sticking it in creative places like on the ceiling or at the bottom of a deep swimming pool.

The point of this room is to not simply to contain troublesome brawlers, but to halt and defuse the aggression by keeping the occupants too busy or too disoriented to fight. In addition, the Timeout Room will steal any lethal weapons and teleport them to the weapons rack back in the Diner. The more OP detainees will also be robbed of one or two powers of the rooms choice and won't get them back for a few hours.

So here's the important bullet points:

•you're weapons disappear.

•one or two specific powers may go bye-bye

•you won't get those powers back for a few in game hours.


The Arena

You wanna really duke it out? Here's where ya really do it.

The Arena, like the Timeout room, is a shifting room. 'Cept times a million. The interior of the Arena can be anything from small dojo to an expansive rain forest, depending on what the fighters request before hand. And unlike the Diner, weapons and lethal magic are ABSOLUTELY ALLOWED. Death doesn't really exist in the Arena, so you can stab and shoot each other all you want, and anyone who gets killed will pop up alive and well outside the door.

Remember, the arena room can do and generate WORLDS within it, but it pretty much has a mind of it own. If you got some specific accommodations in mind and you don't want them picked for you at random, you'll need to talk to Xalier, our official "Room-Whisperer". He's gonna look like a winged snake with a gem in his forehead, and you can usually find him loafing around the basement somewhere. Just tell him what you need, and he'll have a chat with the Arena.

So. In short:

•Go down to the basement

•Tell Xalier what you want the rules and setting of the battle to be.

•go through the door

•have at it

•Loser pops up on the bench outside

There's also a TV hooked up, so as people outside can watch the battle.



Dontcha hate it when yer havin this nice, engaging conversation with the chick a' yer dreams, and yer just asking her what she's doing after work and suddenly SORRY. BUSY DAY. LOL! ILL POST TOMORROW. And then leaves ya stuck with yer mouth open for eternity.

If this is you (BWAHAHAHAHA!), sorry, but I think your fake life sucks worse than your real one. But to point: YES, sudden inactivity happens. NO, you cannot reasonably expect a warning. But good news is YES, the show can still go on!

If you get stood up by inactive character, just figure that the Diners magicalness has a glitch or two, and if your buddy don't respond within a 1-2 days, they just spontaneously disappeared back to their home dimension.

However, if the MIA player DOES turn up later, well, I'm sure we'll find a creative explanation.
Hey there! Is it possible to have a character who's a powerful extra-dimensional deity perma-poofed by Don into a talking cat with limited psychic abilities?
Hmmmmm... Possibly... possibly... Don would generally go for an animal that couldn't get revenge with claws and teeth, but then mishaps do happen with his magic.

Yeah! I think that could work!

But what kinda god are we talking about? And why the psychic powers?
Kinda like Don, with his reality altering powers and such, though weaker and younger. He picked a fight with Don in the Diner itself, stupid mistake, and was poofed into a cat! And yeah, the mishap may have happened because my character's own power interfered with Don's. As for the psychic power, I dunno, it just seemed interesting. I'm keeping it to telekinesis and telepathy. Maybe he's stronger in the Arena? A portikn of his powers leaking out?
Heh, yeah. I can totally see Don snorting something about, "stupid kids" after proofing him.

Well, him having telekinesis and telepathy is a.o.k as long as mindcontrol isnt included in the package. As for how his powers work in Arena, well honestly, I don't care. That's the one area in the entire game I won't be supervising, so that's up to you and your opponent(s) to work out. (Just so you know, I'll probably be too busy to have Don fight in there.)

Alright, is there anything else you feel we need to discuss? I don't mean to seem detached, I just want to avoid spoiling the game with too much pre-coordination . Rps like this are always more fun if there's room to improvise .
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