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Fantasy Demon x Demon Hunter Romance-Adventure


Creative. Nerdy. Fashionista.
Hello, everyone! 😊
My name is Kami and I am searching for a very specific Romance-Adventure RP: Demon x Demon Hunter

I have a favored character named Char. She's half-light faerie and half-demon of darkness. (Yes, it's totally cliche, I know! 😜 What can I say? I love opposing forces together). Due to her upbringing with a witch who used her skills for personal gain, she only knows the dark side of her power. By trade, she's a dealer of magic materials and will do nearly anything to support her comfortable lifestyle. She's a lil' bougie tbh.

Here's a little blurb about her:

She's rather blunt and short when talking to others. Her people skills need some work but hey, that's what happens when you grow up isolated, only socializing with your pseudo-parental figure! She's mischievous by nature (duh) and enjoys causing trouble. Her sense of humor is definitely darker, and she enjoys laughing. She can be calculating, always thinking of future possibilities and how situations might turn out. Her guard is up, but, rarely, she will let someone in.

Fun Fact: While light and dark both reside in her, she doesn't know how to use the light and sticks with using darkness.

Powers: Char can control and manipulate darkness. She can make it into a tangible substance, like tendrils of darkness that can shoot out and grab people. She can send shadow daggers out to pierce the skin. She can also control the amount of darkness in places and almost vanish into the shadows​

My character is a girl, and I am open to the possibility of being with a guy, lady, or nonbinary person! I don't discriminate when it comes to the gender of the other character, and neither does Char! She is firmly in the pansexual camp!

Me and the RP
  • Detailed posts are super important to me! I enjoy writing and writing a LOT. I am known to sometimes write a novel in response 😅 I'd love someone to match energy with me! However, I think 2-3 paragraphs is good too!
  • I am totally flexible with timing. I work part-time and am a full-time student in grad school, so don't stress! Respond whenever you have time, and I will do the same!
  • Discord is a great place to chat OOC, and I am totally open to chat, plot, plan, and make friends! 😄
  • 18+ Only. I'm a self-proclaimed dinosaur (nearly 29) 🦖
Fun Facts about me!
  • Captain America is my favorite superhero! (MCU over DC)
  • I love piercings and tattoos!
  • I graduate in a year and hope to go into therapy!
  • ATLA and LOK are my fave animated shows! (Steven Universe and Invincible are up there too!)
Send me a PM if you're interested!

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