Deadly Academy- Roxel and Yullen

Rox looked sad, "I'm sorry, that must have been tough, handling school and a job, you won't be forced to work here, I can promise that."
Rox smiled sweetly back at her, "I am glad it does, no problem." He held open the gym door, "Lets go play a game I guess." Dr. Z got out a ball. She bounced it a few times as Nix zoomed around the gym, and Rue stood awkwardly in the middle of the gym.
Dr. Z shook her head, "No. An exercise of getting to know everyone better in the group, the head seems to think you three are very disconnected, even from the others," Rox let out a snort Not by his choice! "And Nichole, you are just new here, so it will be good for you, alright stand like a square, four corners." Rue edged over to follow directions, Nix bounced in place, but did as well. Rox move his arm from around Nichole and gave her a shrug and a smile before moving in place just a bit away form Nichole to make a decent square.
Dr. Z bounced the ball again, than tossed it to Rox who caught it, "Okay here is the direction, pick a topic ask a question, pass the ball, to make it trickery I suppose, you can move it around, start." Rox looked at Nichole than bounced it to her, "Favorite color?"
Nix caught it bouncing it vigorously, his brown eyes wide, "Suggggarrrr" he than bounced it widely to Rue, "Favorite number?!" Rue epped and moved, but went after it. "Easy, Nixton, continue." Dr. Z said as Rue got the ball. Rue gripped the ball before saying, "Two." than rolled it to Rox, "Favorite animal?" Rox smiled softly leaning down to get it, "A fox." Rox looked at Nichole, "Your best subject?" He tossed it this time.
Rox smiled at that, biology, it was a good subject, "Mine is English" Rox grinned at Nichole. Nix caught the ball and laughed, "Book I don't read! Hey you favorite book?!" Rue managed to catch the ball, "Enm...anything by Lemony Snicket, um, Rox least favorite subject?" Rox thought for a moment, "Hmm, I guess math....I don't get all that complex stuff." Rox bounced the ball a few more times, "Nichole, what is your favorite dessert? Mine is apple pie."
Rox and Nix both said "Yom." Rue aimed a shy smile at Nichole, "Strawbeeries are my favorite." Her voice was soft like a tweet. Nix caught the ball bouncing it in a circle, "Oh, oh a cheetah fastest animal evvvveerrrr! what is yours Nichole?" He asked before passing it to Rue, "Favorite kinds of movies?" Rue blushed, "Romance, like the notebook." Rue bounced the ball thinking. nix grinned, "I love action lots of it!" rox grinned, "I enjoy a good mystery."

Dr. Z watch the game progress writing on her clipboard, good they were starting to converse more.
A light laughter came from the three, but it was not mean or mocking it was nice, just playful. Rox jogged over and offered a hand, "Yeah, murder mysterious are amazing." Dr. Z clapped her hands, "Okay times up, the rest of the day is yours." She than walked out without another word.
Rox squeezed her hand in a friendly way, "No problem, hehe, your face sort of looks like a strawberry." Rox teased lightly before looking around, "Hmm, got any ideas on what you want to do newbie?"
Rox beamed at this, "Sure miss. Strawberry, I usually work on my workout. Exersise keeps me less stressed out." Rox waved goodbye to the others, "Oh I wanted to tell you, my fav color is red, the shade maroon, to be exact."
Rox held open the door like the gentleman that he was hand grinned, "Alright, but you have to lead the way, a little test to see if you were paying attention to what I said and not just me." Rox blushed gently at his bold for him flirty joke.
Rox grinned happily following after her and clapped his hands as he walked through the door, "Bravo, good job, this place is not huge, but most don't have a good memory." Rox than slipped off his blue hoodie folding it neatly before setting it aside, under it, was a white tank tone, his muscles were much more visible now, they were not big, but not tiny, they contrasted well with his lean tall frame going long his chest and arms.
Nichole blushed then went to change into her leotard. She dusted her hands with chalk and flipped across the floor. She launched herself and swung from the rings smiling. She looked very gracefol.
Rox watched with an amazed expression, Nichole was very flexible and graceful in her movements. Gong over to the weighs, Rox wiped them off before picking two up and started lifting weighs, he looked pretty hot doing it.

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