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Fandom [Dawn of Justice] A Hero's Start

Chiyo Oda & The Ghost
Interaction: NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Garbage Pail Kid Garbage Pail Kid

Chiyo's body tenses up as she felt someone touch her arm, as a reaction she shot her gaze to the side looking low to make sure to not make any eye contact. This tactic usually worked well unless for some reason it was a kid who was trying to get her attention. Luckily for her no one in this class was that short, even the literal rat was tall enough to avoid that scenario. From the clothing and height of the person next from her, she could tell it was the teacher. After that realization she relaxed a bit, but was still notably tense.

A frown appeared on Chiyo's face as Junji offered his perspective on the situation, but not because any part of her agreed. Instead it was a frown of annoyance, one that appeared anytime someone thought they could understand the ghost. No one could understand the ghost. It wasn't human, it couldn't feel pain, it was never lonely, and it didn't act out in any sense of lack of connection. Even Chiyo didn't fully understand the ghost, but what she did know was how there relationship had started. The ghost had always been the same, a static force of chaos that did what it wanted, when ever it wanted. The only thing keeping it away from others was Chiyo.

Her eyes twitched and she looked back to the fight between the Ghost and Solaris. Whenever her eyes twitched like that it meant time was almost up. Soon Ghost would disappear from Solaris's view, and would be like he was never there in the first place. Ghost for his part smiled wickedly as the metal giant recolied from his strike. His guess had been right, he had found a sensative spot. However his opponents words caused him to pause, that sounded like something a vi-..... in a sudden explosiuon the attack that Solaris launched was dodged as ghost moved his body left to side step the punch. What Ghost did not expect was the spin.

The explosion sent a wave of heat covering his body as the sudden slam of the metal leg hit him in the side. Ghost was sent spinning alongside the body of Solaris as the pair spun. He only found escape when the spin slowed down and he was spit out from it's grasp. Recovering himself, he looked down to see the purple mass of his right side slowly reshaping itself. Had he had a true human form there definitely would have been several broken bones. Instead the Ghost looked mostly the same, only it's right side slightly caved in and reforming.

A light pulling sensation wracked his body, he was starting to fade back to normal. "Looks like time's almost up, but it was fun. The ghost who haunts the witch, and the dragon who burns who he wants. Quite a trio we make." He chuckled staring at his opponent, his body slowly starting to become less and less visible to Solaris.

Rowan Thorn
Reevaluating as she was fighting, Rowan quickly put down the barriers she deemed to be taking too much energy, leaving the ones that would do damage using the smallest amount of Quirk possible- keeping the barriers around her fists. This was a showcase of abilities. Teamwork could only happen if everyone knew how to utilize each other's abilities to as much advantage as possible.

Rowan side-eyed Ko as they decided to do....nothing- not helping at all to help, backing away until they disappeared from view. Well, if the boss decided to pair Rowan with Ko, it wouldn't end very well. Ko's actions rubbed her the wrong way- like Ko was just here for fame and nothing else. As if in the real world, it wouldn't do well for their mission or for Ko's reputation if she ditched he team without a team without it being a pre-approved strategy. No matter. She didn't need Ko to defeat the rest of these robots.

Using the negative emotions to her advantage, she swung at the robots, using her fists to keep pummeling the robots, focusing on one-and-done shots while conserving what she had left. Whatever holes Hiko, Tsukasa, and Kenshi left in their defense she would be there, picking up the slack as much as possible. She almost ran out of time- but she stopped beforehand, pretending she had nothing left. First rule of fighting- never show them everything until you had to. Either way, it was best to pretend she had no time left instead of waste precious Quirk time all in one place.

Rowan found herself near Hiko, answering the question she had forgotten to answer, as she had been distracted by the robots. "In terms of cooperation, I can buff you and your I can use my barriers to make you and your bots strongers. I can also make a ramp to make your robots all-terrrain. Make transport for everyone easier. Stuff like that. I try to be creative with my abilities. Making a plain wall is boring. if that was the only thing I could do." Evidently, she considered Hiko a teammate, as their abilities would mesh quite well together. Though, Rowan's ability meshed well with many other Quirks.
NebulaBlossom NebulaBlossom Lulidew Lulidew
It was going to take time for him to completely break out his shell when it came to teaching proper, but training throughout the day and getting accustomed to what his students could do, something clicked. He started to treasure the children and budding heroes as they were all quite interesting, vastly different, and some would be quite the challenge to wrangle. He felt up to such a task. The rest of the day being dedicated to their training and quirk explanation; Junji spending the later half seated on a bleacher and writing down additions and changes that would need to be made for his syllabus. He didn't show it on his face, but the burns underneath his shirt were chafing rather harshly and, like they always did, made him dwell on their tumultuous origin.

The final bell of the day ringing and declaring the end of the school day; Junji nearly jumping out of his skin as he had been so focused on his task. A sizable stack of notes jotted down next to him. It looked like it was time to take them to the dorms! Junji was quite excited about this since it was going to be the first year Marigold implemented this plan. He suspected there was more to this plan than " a much needed growth of synergy and togetherness' as The Principle put it, and was eager to find out. Junji prompting them all to follow him as he escorted them all out of The Crucible and returned it to it's original "Gym' form.
"Won't this be fun! I know you are tired from your exercise and training so this will be just the rest and relaxation you need; Your home during your tenure here!

𝘏𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘈𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦

Junji stood before the rather robust building, untouched, until today. Marigold had spent sleepless nights making sure that it was done in time for the school year, and outdid himself with the amount of forethought and work put into a space that would be important to the budding heroes. Junji lead all of his wonderful, and tired students to the front doors, turning heel and facing them with a bright smile.

Welcome to Height's Alliance! The Dorm you will be calling home. I am so excited for you all. There is going to be plenty of time for a tour, and there will be more teachers that pop their heads in to say hi, but for now. You all need your rest and a chance to get used to your new rooms!"

Junji pushed open one set of the double doors and introduced them to a cozy atrium that acted as a communal lounge fit with TV's and couches; plentiful amenities providing them with a full kitchen and dining area. Their bedrooms being all the floors above; assigned to them and ready to be furnished with all of the belongings they had shipped (or rather, their parents) early this morning. It was an exciting new prospect and gave them the space they needed to grow and get to know their fellow classmates.

I am so glad to be your teacher this year and will do everything I can to impart everything I've ever learned about being a hero, and maybe, figure out the hero you want to be."


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