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Just cause I read worse don't mean it ain't cursed
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
So—My little Pony, but taking those small, dark corners they gave us and turning them into black fucking holes. Being honest, I don't have much planned, but, I have a base premise. Feel free to add to it.

Take everything you know about MLP and toss it out the window because we're renovating canon.

Ponies make up about 70% of the population, and, naturally, are the dominant species. They've colonized quite a bit of the world, driving many of the other species to other parts of the world. Racism runs rampant like some sick disease, spreading from pony to pony as the generations progress until it festers.

And then the Twined Queens of the ponies, Queen Skylark of the Hippogryphs, King Garata of the gryphons, the three changeling hive queens Mandible, Compound, and Elytra, Chief of the Yaks Irma, and Lord Sear; the Dragonlord all congregated in neutral territory to create the document that has been the subject of fierce debate since its creation 3 years ago: The Blood Red Treaty, a homage to how many lives were lost in the previous wars.

And with that, the small, idyllic-seeming town called Ponyville earned its first 10 non-pony visitors in... somewhere close to three-hundred years.

That treaty is going to be broken very quickly... probably.

So, yeah. Basic premise.

I want the non-pony charries to be balanced with the pony characters, so we're only allowed 10, and if people start casting non-ponies in a lopsided way, well, I'll start forcing it to be balanced; you're more likely to be accepted if you have something not-already selected.

aNyWaY, on with the rules:

‣Do NOT join if you are going to leave a week in! This is going to drag on LONG.

‣ This roleplay with NOT be first come first serve, everyone must apply in order to be accepted into the roleplay.

‣ Face-claims or art are not required, but if you do not have them, be prepared to describe your character in detail.

‣ I currently have no limit on characters, HOWEVER, you must make sure to be able to play them.

‣ I will allow characters only if they're over the age of 13 (mentally, at least); no tiny children, please.

‣If you read these, please hide "Fuck" in your interest post, somewhere.

‣ If your character is accepted you will receive a PM from me which will invite you to the discord server of this roleplay (Only for OOC).

‣You can play heroes or villains; either are fine, but I do prefer you have a hero character... that's not to say it doesn't lower your chances, only that villains will not be a really main point in the story, unless they're part of the characters' every day life coughstalkercough.

‣ Character deaths are allowed, just consult with me first so I can write it into the plot.

‣ This is an ADVANCED roleplay and needs to be treated as such. I'm expecting at least two paragraphs per in-character response.

‣Similarly, do not use this roleplay to shitpost and make a crackfic. I hope this can be handled with the slightest sense of maturity, at the very least, though that doesn't mean you have to make characters with cardboard for personality.

‣I will put of a character sheet thread once I have at least 3 people interested (including me).

‣If you're creepy OOC, I'm booting you; no questions asked.

So, yeah.




Lore Thread: Fandom - [Lore] Dark MLP
Character sheets: Fandom - Nightmare; Character sheets
Last edited:
Lore thread with universe changes will be up later; this is going to be a tad more realistic than normal MLP

Charrie sheets
you know what, I’ve accepted that I take deep dives into old fandoms when I’m stressed and apparently this is the one for the month of March and April. So I guess it’ll be ponies this time, have any changeling spots left?
you know what, I’ve accepted that I take deep dives into old fandoms when I’m stressed and apparently this is the one for the month of March and April. So I guess it’ll be ponies this time, have any changeling spots left?

Yup, though I would take a skim through the rules real quick

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