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D&D - Crisis in Espen


Level 20 Mizard

Crisis in Espen

As a note this game occurs in the same world as

D&D Ithos Archipelago.​


It is the Five Hundredth and Seventy-Third year since Asor's Passing (573 After Asor the Conqueror) and the situation within the Urian Empire is bleak.

The War of Four Emperors

For six years, the informal "War of Four Emperors" has been raging. Sparked from the disagreement over Imperial Succession between members of the Urian Imperial House, the war has subsequently divided Uria into four regions each run by their own head of state.

Brief wars between presumptive heirs are commonplace within Uria, but never has such a conflict between four heir lasted so long. This is somewhat due to the wars not being constantly fought and the strategic politics between Emperors (and Empress) in their game to gain the patronage of electing nobles. In the past, when nobles have picked two or three different emperors in Imperial election, agreements were made for Co-rule but none of the Four Emperors appear wishful to bend.

Being a feudalistic country, the past two years have been relatively calm. Many have forgotten about the conflict, living and serving their own local nobles lords (and whoever they claim to support for Emperor). Yet trouble seems to be brewing once again...

Crisis in Espen

Prince Kaegan Asorin of Sorsa, after supposedly witnessing horrible crimes by Emperor Wymon IV's forces (Emperor of Central Uria), has apparently switched sides and now supports Wymon's rival, Emperor Asordin VIII (Emperor of Southern Uria). With rumors circulating about Emperor Wymon immoral behavior, tensions have grown heated with many nobles defecting to Prince Kaegan's aid. Seeing a rebellion, the Emperor Wymon has asked the powerful Dukes and Counts supporting his succession to come to his aid.

One such duke is Adelar Wendrake II, the Duke of Espen, who is desired by both Wymon and Kaegan for his military tactics and his loyal armies. Yet the Duke has, for many reasons, attempted to stay out of the crisis and has delayed most actions on his part. Torn between his loyalty and his morality, the Duke has given notice to his bannermen to raise an army, but he has yet to pick a side to support.

However even Duke Adelar cannot escape the political disaster unfolding in his part of Uria. The Duke has received many death threats, with some so credible that his Spymaster, Enzo Guismar, has taken matters into his own hand. Secretly hiding the Duke away in his Summer Palace with only a few of the most trusted retainers, servants and guards, the Duke's Court is now desperate to protect the Duke, keep the Espenian Army under its control and prevent a full-on civil war within the Duchy.


This is a private D&D Fifth Edition game that will focus on Intrigue and Politics. Its goal is to be short-term and to have a plot that is dynamic.The game will be played on TeamSpeak.

Each of the four characters has been hired by Enzo Guismar to help protect the Duke. However their success is not guaranteed. Failure at certain missions, even protecting the Duke from assassination, have consequences for the larger region as a whole. To gain what each character is seeking though, they must succeed in at least preventing Espen from falling into civil war.

Mainland of Ithos - This game is taking place in the same world as Pineapple's D&D Ithos but within the mainland country of the Urian Empire. Thus certain mechanics, lore and rules will also be taken from D&D Ithos and applied into this game.

Invited Players
- Because the game is supposed to be short-term there will only be a small selection of players. If the game is fun and successful though, when I have more time I may do another small campaign within the same world (or same country).










More Setting Information will be posted as time goes on.

All side stories and character letters and notes here.
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