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Curse of the Killer


Romantical Mage
Golden Ivy Along with Neshimo are going to rp about a Man & Young Woman's' romance filled with Drama & Ninja's OqO! Hope you enjoy

Dear Diary,

It's been three days since the death of my father.. I haven't even step out of my room since the news. I can't move, think or even talk. I don't want to even try. My tutor been coming in every hour on the dot, checking on me. Cornation day is coming up. I don't want to be queen, not yet. I'm afraid. I'm truly afraid of being queen... My tutor keeps telling me to stop being a child but I can't take this in. I never met my mother, just only a grave stone.. Now my father joined her. I'm alone.


I took a deep breath as I locked my diary in a small musical box, which was once my mothers, or so I have been told. I slowly start to walk towards my closet and stared at my dresses. Why do I have so many stupid colorful dresses? I ripped off the dresses out of my closet and left them on the floor. I glanced at the only dark red and black dress, sitting along on the rack. I decided to put it up and walk back towards my desk. I picked up my small silver bell and shook it. The maid burst into my room and stared in horror as she sees the mess with my dresses. She started babbling about how lovely and lively the dresses are. I didn't pay attention, I just replied. "The colors are childish. I want only dark colors dresses.." She Nodded her head like a billion times and left the room, holding the pile of dresses.

I walked to my balcony and stared at my kingdom. This is all mine now... I don't want to rule.. But it's my duty..
Tied, Reserved in the common/changing rooms for those of his wealth, his particular area would be tidy, laced with nothing but the smell of the olden air in the basements. He'd not be staying to long. No point, as being already dressed too serve, walked out saying his farewells too those fortunate enough to have a uninhibited day, so the castle air filed his nostrils once again, his duties reminding him that today he was supposed to prepare her tea. 'Poison it? Lace the outside? No, too soon.' The tea he'd made, after making his way through the bright grand hallways that would seem almost god-like too anyone who'd walk through them, made a series of tea. Peony with a loving affection, rose pedals floating in the first kettle, & a Flowering bud made from a local herb the people here seem to love.

His stationing was supposed to be that of a guard, though he chose butler. Why? In his lump of imagination, he'd always wanted a princess. So now, seeing his coworker running out with dresses & all, all but terrified, he'd take his tray, & make his way too her room.
I heard whispering between two people, probably my two personal guards talking. I curiously walk over to my room door and over heard their conversation about me. "Her highness has been the total opposite of her normal self lately. I'm worried about her. " "She's still mourning.. Just like the rest of the kingdom but obviously she's very hurt. Her father was her only parent and her best friend. She always has her tutor, Giles but their relationship is not like how it is with her father. I'm hoping that she get back to normal. "

Annoyed by the fact all my guards are talking about me, I stomped my way to my desk again. I felt like crying again but I decided to hold it in till I go to bed.

One of my guards knocked on my door and announced that my tea was prepared. "I don't want tea.." He replied back that it was Giles orders since I refused to have breakfast today. The guard opened the door for him an I looked away stubbornly with my arms crossed. " I still don't want tea.." I murmured under my breath.
He'd walk into the room, plate steady as they closed the door behind him. A small royale table, The kingdoms crest in the center with a fine wood too keep it sturdy. He'd plate the set on the table, & began to prepare her cup, occasionally looking up to see her distant gaze in her eyes staring at the wall as if the world's secrets were inscribed upon it. As he poured, a scent of flowers filled the room, aroma hard to escape. Not that he'd have a problem with it, though she may, so a small waft towards the window was all he felt to do. "Your tea is served, Queen Moonlock."
I glared at him. " don't call me Queen.." My eyes slowly went to look at the tea. I turned away and walked over to my bed and laid down. "Don't want tea.. " I look at my watching and its almost noon. I sigh, knowing Giles will come into my room and yell at me to drink the tea.

The smell of the tea was overwhelming. Tempted to get up and take it, I hold my breath. "Take it away! I'm not in the mood for tea today-..." I looked at him and stared, trying to remember his name but since I'm so bad at names, I mumbled. "Name?"
"Madam Moonlock, we've worked extremely diligently to prepare your tea, please don't let those who care for you think we are inferior." The glare was met with an unsatisfied look of disapproval & the small hint of sarcasm in his voice wouldn't lead any normal person to believe he actually didn't care. "Though if thats truly how you wish it, I will take the drinks away." Waiting at the table, hands behind his back, 'Poisoning the tea wouldn't have done anything if this is how she's acting.' "My Given name is Lasting, Madam."
"Take it away then. I never asked for tea anyways. " I sat up as he said his name. "What kind of of name is that? Did you made it up? It sounds fake. Did your parents-" I stopped, I felt my tears filling my eyes again and I lay back down on my bed, hiding my face. "Is Giles here yet?"
"He'd be here when he gets here I suppose, so though if you wish it..." The plate would be easily picked back up ",I'd might as well keep this encase of any guests who would come." Truly the tea was for, yet she's so in distraught would it really matter? The tea would help keep the castle's people refreshed, even if she wouldn't have it. With that, he'd take his way to bow, & head out to set the tea up for the servants use.
I nodded my head and went into the sheets. I started to regret it for not having the tea when my stomach growled. I let myself cry onto my pillow and just then, Giles walked into my room. "Your highness?"

I put the covers over my head, "go away.. Why do you have to come see me every hour?" Giles sighed and crossed his arms. "Because you need to get together and start ruling your kingdom. You are queen now, Cornation is coming up in two days and you are in no condition to face your people. "
"She's going to be treating all of us this way for a while. We're servants, nothing we can do about it..." They'd all suggest small things too help her feel better, though it was more now a session of pity than one too force the queen out of her slump. The tea fueled positive thoughts, work being done & the place cleans as nothing's really happened at all since the funeral. All he could think of was when the right time too kill her would be. 'The day of coronation to end the legacy, or the day after? waiting a week before?' He'd miss these people, but his home, his brother, his sisters were more important.
Giles sat on the edge of my bed and pulled the covers that was covering my head. I tried to cover my head again but Giles grabbed both of my wrist and forced me to stay laying down. "Let go of me! What are you doing?!" I tried to free myself but Giles was much stronger than me.

"Giselle! Stop acting like a child and be an adult! You are queen. You have to prepare for Cornation day. Now stop acting like a brat and get up. "

I stopped, shocked that he was yelling at me. I stared at him in the eyes and I notice that he was really mad at me. I looked away and murmured. "Fine.."
"Ah, well we still have to prepare for her coronation. Lets get decor out of the way." Clapping our hands, we start to go for the massive amount of ale, decorations, design plans, everything for this one day will take a while, & just after we've cleaned up after the funeral. "I guess we'll help with the royale dining room, & the ball room. You prepare & was the food for tomorrow, & tell the butchers to prepare the meat." Directed towards the chefs, this would be a very long few days for their new queen.
I watched my tutor stand up and walks over to the door. He looked back at me, waiting as if he wants me to get out if my room since I been in here for three days. I sigh and walked over to the door with him. "I hate you.. I hate everything and am everyone" he ignored me and walked down stairs, I followed. "Are you actually ignoring me?" He said nothing and I felt like my blood was boiling right now won't anger. Once we got to ghe bottom of the stairs, I wonder off somewhere else.

I realized that everything was perfect. It looks as if my father nevered passed away. The guards and maids was staring at me happily since I was out of my room. As I walked passed them, they all started bowing. I looked down in embarrassment. One of the maids ran up to me and bowed as she asked if I want anything to eat. "Uh... Sure.. Just some fruit.." Her face lit up as if i made her whole day and she ran to the kitchen. I slowly walked around my castle, it still feels empty.. And lonely..
"Love it, though sparkles. Memorable sparkles will help probably..." Giving my impressions on the decorative chandelier while moving the big barrels of ale into the kitchen, I see the maids preparing a fruit basket, & think not much of it for now. Probably another way to try & cheer her up, so hopefully to no avail. 'Her depression could make the death all to natural...'
I walked over to the dinning hall and sigh. I stared at the seat where my father always sat on. I began to get flashbacks to when I was a toddler, sitting on my father's lap during every meal.

I bit my lower lip, trying not to cry anymore today. Giles was mad at my attitude earlier and crying won't help at all. I walked over to the seat where my father used to sit. I slowly sat on it and hugged my knees waiting for the fruit to be delivered to me.
"...and prepared." A cute basket with floral decor would be placed in front of the princess with such a tender care as too not seem too overly pushing about the wishing of her maids 'Please Old king, give her, her freedom back.' This wishing would continue on through the years, for her to gain her strength as the Queen, & overcome even the death of her beloved father.
I sigh and then look at the maid who gave me the fruit basket. I attempted a smile but the corners of my lips didn't quite curve, it stayed flat. "Thank you..." I slowly ate an apple and I then realized how starving I was. I continued to eat the fruit, somewhat feeling a little better.

((Sorry I was grounded for going out with my friends on a day that I was supposed to stay home))
((Oh your fine.))

"No, Thank you." The maid slowly backs away after watching her eat the fruit in content. Though only for a few minutes does she realize her work is no over, she excuses herself before giving the tutor his food as well, & exiting to preform her maidenly duties.

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