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Fandom Colliding Timelines 2 ( A HP Multi-timeline RP)

(coding to come - eventually I'll be able to stop saying that. interacting with Fable, Arryn, Calaena and Somnus ( wolfstar wolfstar Talathel Talathel ) )

Fred laughed at Fable's defense. Though, in truth, he did know she was a good flier. Actually, he'd been kind of trying to compliment her flying while still teasing her. Not that Fable was as good as he was. But she was good. But his expression grew mock-serious when Fable asked if they were ready to have their butts kicked. Fred took competition very seriously and he asked, "Which fantasy land are you living in? Is it nice?"

"If it's got less homework and rules, more dragons and chaos - we might join you there," George joked, seeming slightly less stressed than his brother but not for a second actually entertaining losing. The Gryffindor Quidditch team had the worst luck ever but this year was going to be their year.

"With us losing at Quidditch?" Fred scoffed. "Speak for yourself." It wasn't often that the twins actually expressed dissent from one another, especially in front of other people. But they were both only joking so it seemed harmless enough. Sometimes it was fun just to banter with each other, it let them build their jokes off one another.

Fred and George nodded as Fable said she needed to get on the train. George considered asking if they could join her - after all, they hadn't found Lee yet and they couldn't get a compartment just the two of them. But he decided against it. Fable would have invited them if she'd wanted their company. She probably had friends in her own year that she was eager to find.

Even if they weren't joining her, though, Fable was right - it was time to get on the train before it left. Fred and George might not be the most stressed about punctuality around their responsibilities but they could time things perfectly when they had a mind to. And they had no interest in being left behind and not being able to go to Hogwarts. There was far too much fun to be had there! There was chaos to instigate, magic to make, friends to celebrate with. So they both climbed onto the train, starting back down the corridor towards where they'd left their trunks.

But they didn't get far before they heard the screams. Which, of course, only drew both boys like a magnet. Anything that could cause this much chaos was golden in their books. All the more so when they saw the giant, vibrantly colored snake slithering down the corridor. Fred and George had always loved collecting critters and hiding them in their siblings' beds as kids. Spiders and snakes had always been their favorites, but toads and other lizards were great too. Really, whatever they could find. But this snake... this snake was a thing of pure, unadulterated beauty.

The twins didn't need to so much as exchange a glance to know that they were on the same page. If the corridor had been any more empty, they'd have caught it, both were sure of that. They could have spread out and flanked it. As it was, they had few choices but to chase the snake down the corridor, pushing other students out of their way in their haste as the snake slithered between everyone's feet. When it crawled under the door to a compartment, Fred (slightly in the lead) pulled it open without a moment's hesitation. Whoever was in there was just going to have to deal with it - there was a mother fucking massive, beautiful snake in there, so all manners were forfeit!

The twins barreled into the compartment, George now a half-step in the lead. They came skidding to a halt when they saw the snake on the neck of an older student, Fred bumping into George. Fred sighed heavily in evident, heart-wrenching disappointment and said, "Ah, well."

"I guess it was too much to hope a snake like that didn't have an owner who had brought it here," George agreed miserably. It clearly wasn't native and how would a big old snake like that have gotten on the train anyways? But they hadn't really had a chance to think - just to chase. Though, if they'd caught it and then realized it was a pet, would they have cared? To be perfectly honest... George wasn't sure. He might have considered returning it. Maybe. But Fred wouldn't have for a heartbeat. Finders keepers, especially with something as good as that.

Draco Malfoy

"Mr. Malfoy, it's time to wake up."

A ragged voice and a tiny bony hand roused Draco from his restful sleep. The boy opened his eyes to see his family’s house elf , Dobby looking at him with concern far too evident in his face. Draco took a moment to gather himself and sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"It's the 1st, today, isn't it?" Draco asked, voice still heavy from sleep. Running a hand through his platinum locks to make sure He looked absolutely presentable as always for the train. Malfoys always must look the best after all.

"Yes , you will go to Hogwarts today." Dobby knew that this would be a reprieve for the youngest Malfoy, as the manor had become a place where a lot of death eater gatherings had started to happen. Which gave him an internal sense of uneasiness which He could honestly never place . "Mrs. Malfoy expects you at breakfast." He explained as he watched Draco walk to his wardrobe to pick out his clothes. Pulling on a pristine black crisp shirt and pants.

Draco sighed, he couldn't stomach anything today; he had a big day ahead of him. A secret he had been holding close to his heart. Father had made it clear that he was to join The Dark Lord once he was old enough - and who knows how long that would be with how fast the timelines had been moving lately. He was surrounded by the pureblood fanatics and he knew, deep in his heart, that it was utter insanity. Well as far as He could tell in this moment. He knew where both of his parents loyalties seemed to lie at the moment.

Once he was dressed, he went down to join his parents for breakfast. It was a painfully quiet and awkward affair, no words of encouragement for the upcoming year, no questions about if he was excited for his classes, to see his friends, or if he was looking forward to Quidditch practice - they never even said that they were proud that he made the team as Seeker. He was being groomed to be the Malfoy heir, and he couldn't be coddled anymore, therefore what little affection his parents had ever shown was gone to a degree. Well mostly just from his father. Lucius had never been the most affectionate father. But Narcissa was always such a great mother to him and for that He was most grateful.

Though his father did accompany him to King's Cross Station. It was just a short apparition from Malfoy Manor, plus his father had business in London so it made sense for him to accompany his son. Lucius placed a hand on Draco’'s shoulder when the reached the station and told him that he would see him at Christmas and a small silent look of warning.

Draco made his way into the bustling station, scanning the crowds for his so called selected friends by his parents before meeting up with them and slowly made their way onto the train scanning the endless rows for a proper compartment for a Malfoy and his lackies.

mood here

outfit here


º º code by ditto º º
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(Coding to come. Interactions: Marauders ( wolfstar wolfstar ))
Young Peter Pettigrew
"PRONGS!!" Peter cheered happily as James caught up to them. Though James was nodding for them to get on the train he didn't move straight away, instead throwing his arms happily around James Potter, quite possibly his favorite person in the whole wide world. Some people thought it was Remus, because they often wound up paired together while Sirius and James were - the perils of the person you liked best in the world having a different best friend. And Remus was often the one who helped Peter with his homework or to master a particularly difficult spell. But it was James who had first befriended Peter and gave him a place to belong. It was James who protected Peter when another kid decided to pick on the 'weakest link' of the Marauders, and James who never failed to make him laugh, and James who seemed to understand him best and never failed to be kind to him. Peter was so excited to see him that he was practically jumping up and down for joy as he released him from his hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you," Peter gushed happily. "Wait until I tell you about this wild thing that happened last week!"

Then Peter remembered they were supposed to be going on the train and looked around for his trunk. Which, of course, he'd abandoned to get to Sirius and Remus. "Uh, I need to grab my things first, though. I'll catch up to you all in a minute," Peter said apologetically, feeling like an idiot. That was okay, though - he often felt like an idiot. He waved to his friends and darted off into the crowd. Peter was not terribly athletic or agile and, the same as earlier, he kept bumping into people and barely avoiding falling over. But he managed to make it to where he'd left his trolley and pushed it over to the train. He carried his trunk on board, struggling under the weight of it. His Mum and him had to buy most things second hand and he didn't have as much as some. But the needed books alone made the thing far heavier than he would like. Then Peter started off down the corridor, trying to find his friends again.
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Young Severus Snape
Severus had turned seventeen last January, which meant for the first time he legally hadn't had to go home for the summer. So... he hadn't. In the months leading up to the summer holidays, Severus had secured a job at a potions shop in Knockturn Alley for the summer and a place to stay at the cheapest place he could find. It hadn't exactly been enjoyable - one of his friends had seen him working and teased him mercilessly, he'd had to make himself a potion to deal with the bedbugs, and he'd had to work long hours only to barely make ends meet. But it had still been better than going home.

And as for Lily... well, the lack of reminders everywhere he looked had made this summer marginally less painful than the last. Marginally. Because Severus didn't need a reminder to think of Lily - he did that of his own accord, constantly. He wondered if he would ever meet anyone as smart and talented and strong and genuinely kind as Lily Evans. He didn't think so. He wondered if he would ever find a true friend again. He wasn't so sure about that, either. But surely, one day, she would see. Right? He hoped so because the idea of never being Lily's friend again was unbearably painful.

Severus had woken himself up early, eager to return to Hogwarts. It would mean three solid meals a day if nothing else. But there was also always the hope that it would mean making amends with Lily. Severus had packed all of his belongings into his trunk and apparated onto Platform 9 3/4, wearing his normal ragged black robes with his hair lank and greasy and his skin oily and pimply. He didn't pause to take in the crowd but he couldn't help but glance around for a glimpse of Lily as he made his way onto the train. He missed her so much it was like a constant physical pain in his chest. She was the only one who had ever got him, the only one who had ever truly cared for him, the only one he had truly cared for in return. But he didn't see her vivid red hair from where he was on the platform, so he went ahead and boarded the train. He found a compartment with some of his friends - well, he called them friends, but they were really more like tentative allies - and stored his trunk up above before sitting down with them and joining in their conversation about the recent developments in the war.
ERA: Golden Trio

HOUSE: Ravenclaw

LOCATION: The Hogwarts Express

TLDR: She parted ways with her brother, Draven, before bumping into her old friend group. She gave them a 'polite' warning, though it almost sounded like a threat. She entered the closest cabin she could find and stumbled upon Fable, immediately recognising her as being on a Quidditch team.
violet vatore
The Vampire.
Violet wasn’t surprised that her brother parted ways with her as soon as they stepped onto the train. She wouldn't have wanted to sit in a compartment with him as long as his friends were there anyway, which they were, but it didn’t change the fact that she had no one else to sit with. On the last day of school before the summer holidays she could’ve sworn she had a decent sized group of friends, but a lot had changed in the last six weeks and now she knew otherwise. She was beginning to think that the right friends just weren’t going to come around before graduation.

Walking down the aisles of the Hogwarts Express in search of a place to sit, it didn’t take long for Violet to be met with an obstacle in the road. Ahead of her, a group of girls who had already noticed her and stopped talking for that reason stood motionless in the corridor, none of them appearing to know what to say. Violet’s face lit up almost instantaneously, meeting them with a bright and cheery smile despite each of them looking like they’d seen a ghost. Perhaps they had. She brought one of her hands up and gave the group a wave.

“I heard there’s a killer on the loose. You should watch your backs,” Violet said in a rather lackadaisical tone, only partially sounding like she meant well. Everyone that stood before her knew that she didn’t mean well at all—in fact, a few of the girls questioned whether it had been a threat considering what they had done to her. To Violet, it was more of a polite warning—but not about Sirius Black. Before the witches could respond, Violet entered the compartment door to her side and slid it closed. It was only when she sat down that she saw who she had barged in on, which distracted her from the people that were in the corridor almost at once.

“I know you,” she said after a moment, looking at the girl on the opposite side of the compartment very curiously. She made a mental note to herself how much she liked this person’s hair, no doubt because it was far more colourful than any other students’ hair she’d seen. It made her all the more memorable. “Hufflepuff Beater, right?” Violet asked, pleasantly surprised that the person she happened upon was actually someone interesting. She couldn’t quite put a name to the face, but she was certain she’d seen her compete against one of her brother’s best friends in a Quidditch match before.
code by valen t.
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ERA: Golden Trio

HOUSE: Both Slytherin

LOCATION: The Hogwarts Express

(Open - two seats are vacant)
TL;DR Draven teases Max slightly by inferring that he's scared, but Max doesn't drop the topic. Tension rises after Max continues to talk about Sebastian's uncle, so Draven tries to get Levi's aid in diffusing the tension.
Sebastian Black & Draven Vatore
The Prodigy & The Prince
That morning, Draven and his sister had parted ways quite literally as soon as they stepped onto the train. He knew there was no point in asking her to join him since she’d probably only end up saying something sarcastic and starting an argument with one of his friends, but part of him had been hesitant to leave her. As bright and cheery as she appeared to be that morning, she hadn’t exactly had the best summer.

He was impressed by how little things seemed to bother Violet after she had gotten over them, regardless of how bothered she was at the time. Draven was used to hiding his problems in public and dealing with them on his own in private, but he knew that his sister wasn’t usually one to hide what she was feeling. If what happened was still deeply bothering her, it'd be obvious—and not just because they were twins.

"Doesn't matter much for us, though, does it?" he heard one of his friends point out. Draven had claimed one of the compartments of the Hogwarts Express with three of his friends—Levi Lestrange, Sebastian Black and Max Rosier. Almost everyone knew these names in the halls of Hogwarts, and the majority of people that didn’t know them on a first name basis at least knew them on a last name basis. The males in that compartment had two things in common: they were Slytherins, and they were heirs to families of proud purebloods.

“Exactly, Max. No need to be scared. He’ll have no interest in the likes of you.” Draven 'consoled', seeing the opportunity to tease a friend subtly and taking it. He tried his best to fight a smirk as he waited for a response from the male, his inky black irises scanning Max’s face for any glimpse of a reaction as he did so. “Scared? I’m not scared,” Max snapped back, defending his masculinity as if his life depended on it.

Draven’s smirk grew when he heard exactly what he'd been expecting, and Sebastian finally looked amused for the first time all morning. “I’m just saying,” Max continued, “In the event that he is.. Well, mad enough to risk his freedom on some petty revenge," he quoted, "Who’s to say he won’t wanna say hi to his nephew after he does the job? You know, like a family reunion?” he suggested, still failing to drop the topic. Draven’s expression slowly transitioned from amused to curious, his eyes switching from Max’s face to Sebastian’s face—which now looked eerily calm.

Sebastian had to make a conscious effort to hide the look he really wanted to give Max after hearing the absurdity of the question. The male clearly hadn't gotten any smarter over the summer, which was unsurprising to him. “Like I said: I don't know him. He probably doesn’t remember my name, let alone think of me—but I envy your imagination, Max. Pity you ended up in Slytherin and not Ravenclaw,” he responded firmly, his gaze lingering on the blond after he finished speaking.

He probably could’ve done with leaving the last part unsaid, but he was growing tired of the conversation topic, even if Levi’s presence had been making it a lot more bearable. “Pity I- what’s that supposed to mean?” Max asked, unable to decipher whether the statement had been a compliment or an insult. What Sebastian really meant to say was ‘it's a pity I’m in the same House as you’ or ‘it’s a pity I have to put up with you for one more year’. He thought about saying it.

When four long seconds went by and Sebastian still hadn’t cared to elaborate, Draven glanced at Levi for a moment to see if the other Slytherin had been hit by the same wave of tension before giving Max a hefty pat on the shoulder and grinning. “As much as I hate to admit it, Ravenclaws are the smartest theorists. Right, Levi?” Draven interjected before glancing at Levi again, this time giving him a look as if to say ‘help me out here’. In truth, the only reason Draven thought to de-escalate the situation was because they were about to spend the next 9+ hours in a confined space together. As entertained as he was, he knew it would soon get old if things got awkward.
code by valen t.
archie finnegan
Maurader's era / Seer
Platform 9 3/4


7th year! Finally the finale to Hogwarts! Archie unfortunately didn’t share the excitement as some of the other students had about it. He didn’t want to be away from the folks He had shared the past 6 years , well the ones He called his friends and were close at least. That was the thing that He wasn’t really looking forward too. Nope not one bit. But He was sure that that would soon forgotten once He got on the train. Yeah, being in a compartment with those He holds most dear. He glanced over at his sister, Felicity- well adoptive sister. You could obviously tell these two are not related. But that truly didn’t matter as they were close! Walking the three of them into King’s Cross Station. Neither Archie’s nor Felicity’s mother had come to see them off for their last year. But that was okay! Archie got to see his mother, Mokosh, about a week prior.

He was going through everything that He had packed in his trunk for Hogwarts……Clothing, Meds, First Aid kit, wand, Cicero’s food and things, yup everything! He shook himself out of his thoughts when His father spoke. “I am so proud of both of you! Do me and Your Mother proud alright?!” Ollie spoke with warmth in his voice. After a nice family hug, Archie walked through the hidden entrance to the platform with his sister before the two went their separate ways!

Archie looked up at the dark and rainy sky with a sigh. Rain….Rain would mess up his outfit…..Not to mention his hair. That was quite a bummer as He spent way too much time getting ready that morning. Must always look your best at this moment. He pulled his trunk behind him checking on his beloved feline, the black cat named Cicero. Glancing down at him through the carrier. “I know the weather sucks Cicero! I am sorry….” He murmured softly to the cat moving them both to a more covered area.

Standing under the covered area. Keeping himself and Cicero out of the rain. He liked the sound of the rain and the beauty behind it but nope no uh nope getting wet for him or his feline friends. He knew He had an umbrella in his trunk, but He was not going to unpack it simply to get to it. No ruining his carefully planned organization today! He waited till the platform was mostly clear before running towards the train with his trunk.Archie ran a hand through his hair having let it not be pulled up for the sake of the train ride this year. Making sure it laid just right and looked it’s best! He had worn a white poet style shirt with a lace detailing all over it. A black and gold floral type vest and well black flowy pants. Nope nothing tight fitting here. Archie was not that comfortable enough yet for that type of thing. No dysphoria here! He let out an easy smile as He quietly admired his own appearance. Yes….He knew he looked good. He made sure that accessorize well after all. Finishing everything off with some simple black loafers. A fancy outfit for a good-looking guy! He always had to look his best after all!

“ Hope the rain stops soon….” He sighed. As He finally boarded the train and looked around for a compartment.

coded by natasha.
magnus zabini
mauraders era

6th year…..The second to last year of Hogwarts. Magnus was just rolling along with school at this point…..Still not sure what He wanted to do! He still had this year and next to think that over with though! He had plently of time to decide after all! Magnus was a Gryffindor somehow! All of his family had been sorted into either Ravenclaw or Slytherin beforehand but hah not Mags! Nope! The hat hadn’t even touched his head before shouting Gryffindor. It was one of the few things that probably annoyed his mother but He learned to just ignore most of her minor qualms over the years. Most of them!

Magnus did not mind the rainy weather, it was actually quite soothing. Plus having very coily curly hair that was always frizzy anyways not like it was messing up his do! He honestly didn’t really do much with his hair…..He had never learned how…. He had gotten a pretty early start to the day! Packing his bags the night before was always his way to go! The Gryffindor liked to be prepared! Carrot, his hedgehog was sitting nightly on his shoulder. Always one to wear soft comfy clothing. Nothing that could hurt Carrot! Also a sensory thing but he’d never mention that out loud.

The Gryffindor had walked into the train station with both of his parents in tow! His step father didn't really speak to him as they walked. His mother……. Amber, was also with them. An uptight pureblooded witch from a very prestigious wizarding family. Only think she had done against the grain was fall for that man really. She had been trying for years to get Magnus to share her values but that was not going to happen! Not one bit!

But Magnus was quick to say goodbye to his parents once arriving on the platform. Huddling Carrot close to him and letting out a breath of relief the further he got away from his folks. Quickly making his way onto the train and plopping his trunk in head of the nearest less populated compartment and without a work to anyone else in it. He sat down in silence. Cuddling the hedgehog close. Just ready to get on the way to Hogwarts.

coded by natasha.
somnus prince
hogwarts expressed
annoyed by the twins
in post

Somnus had been resting his eyes closed for a moment and opened them when He heard the compartment door open. Glancing over and noticing that Cel was still leaning against his shoulder. He calmly slid his wand out of his jacket and turned his gaze to see who the merlin was disturbing them during this train ride. This was highly unnecessary and extremely stupid. Moving his hand to grip the handle of his wand properly, He pointed it directly at the intruders and turned his blue gaze upon the ones who foolishly entered their quiet compartment.

His expression was calm and cold as always, bit a slight gleam of annoyance and pure irritation was clear in his gaze. He didn’t change his expression one bit as He deftly moved his wand to point at the twins with a quiet glance, a glance of warning and annoyance. “ If you two would be so kind as to quiet your tone….She is trying to sleep and I won’t dare lift a finger to help you fools if you do dare to do so” He replied calmly but clear warning was very clear in his hushed tone.

He knew quiet well what would happen if his companion was awoken from her slumber and He had absolutely no intention in being the one, to do so. He did not care for why they were in this compartment so much as too being clearly very annoyed at them barging in to their small paradise. “ Now I advise you both do what is good for you and close your traps and just go about your business or I won’t be too fussed to shut your mouths myself” He added with a glance between the two. Still pointing his wand at the twins.

coded by natasha.

Lady Lyrei







  • home (filler tab)

Beth Crowley

I'll Find A Way

A soft voice wove through the dreams of Celaena, her eyes flickering under her lids lightly as she tensed. Her body shifted slightly closer to Somnus subconsciously. Ebony black hair shone as the sun played across the strands while a younger Celaena held tightly to an elegant hand as Azalea led her through the bush. Eucalyptus trees rise high into the air, while Australian Fur Seals play in the ocean surrounding the island. Azalea's accented voice was singing softly as she showed her daughter the wonders of the island, her piercing eyes matching her daughter's in every shade before she broke off, coughing violently as she doubled over - the young Celaena watching in fear as her father rushed over when they returned to the mansion they lived in.

Arryn tightened her coils around her mistress carefully, rising from her position where she was soaking up the warmth of her witch. Fangs bared as she gave a threatening hiss. Her body wove from side to side dangerously, she was not happy in the least. Her mistress was trying to sleep!
"Ssssstupid malessss. Sssshe is trying to ssssleep! I will bite you ssshould you come any clossser!!"
Her protective nature reared its head dangerously. The viperess was protective of Celaena and she also was protective of Somnus too - he was there for Cel when she needed and she much rather preferred the calm wizard.
"Arryn, ssstop frightening sstudentsss pleasse."
Celaena's murmured parseltongue got her viper's attention, the sunset-colored reptile pausing in her display as piercing mercury-dipped blue eyes opened slowly.

"Somnus? What's happening?"
Celaena asked cooly, her eyes flashing to the two boys at the entrance of their compartment. Her annoyance was clear in every tense line of her body as she felt her wand drop into her hand. Her body pressed a bit closer to Somnus, wariness, and cautiousness overriding her gaze. Feeling the tenseness of her viper, Cel gently stroked her fingers down the scales reassuringly.
"It'sss alright Arryn. SSomnusss wouldn't let anything happen to usss. He is protecting ussss. Relax."
Her soft hisses soothed the annoyance of the venomous reptile. Her fangs slowly disappeared as she hissed acceptance before laying back across the tanned skin.

Celaena turned cool orbs to Fred & George, her eyes narrowing as silky strands of ebony black inky tresses fell over her shoulder.
"Why are you here and what do you want?"
Her tone was not amused as she fought back the fear she could faintly feel running through her veins at the memory/nightmare she had ended up having just before awakening. The sixth-year witch gently set a hand on Somnus's shoulder, grounding herself as well as reassuring Somnus she was alright. The witch raised an eyebrow as she waited for an answer, resisting the urge to tap her foot in annoyance and distaste. The Australian pureblood wasn't amused and she was not a fan of being awoken in such a manner - but Arryn's protectiveness had also played a part in waking her... good thing too. The memories she had to deal with were not the best ones at all.

♡coded by uxie♡
Phoenix Doyle and Callie Simpson
Marauders Era
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Callie didn't much mind saying goodbye to her mother for school, but she was sad to say goodbye to her little brother. They were just far enough away in age that they wouldn't be able to attend Hogwarts at the same time for even a year. Well, Callie supposed they would have if she hadn't skipped first year. But, as it was, Callie was going into her last year at Hogwarts and Jamie wouldn't start his first until next year. Callie had run farther behind than she would have liked, their goodbye getting drawn out. But she was still quite early in arriving at the train station. Callie hated to be anything other than early for anything.

Callie wasn't old enough to apparate - skipping a year didn't give her the right to apparate a year early. So she instead took the Knight Bus. She sat there reading a textbook on healing magic, glad that it was so hard for her to get motion sickness. Some of the others on the bus gave her looks of either admiration or bewilderment at her ability to read in such conditions. When they arrived, the conductor had to come get her before she realized it was her stop. She apologized, grabbed her trunk, and hopped off the bus. She grabbed a trolley and made her way onto Platform 9 3/4 and then made a beeline for the train. She didn't bother looking around for her friends yet. She didn't have that many - really just Phoenix and Lily - so the odds of spotting them in this crowd seemed pretty slim.

So Callie simply levitated her trunk to load it onto the train and found the first empty compartment she could - at the time she arrived, that wasn't hard. She levitated her trunk into the overhead compartment and then sat down cross-legged on one of the seats, book open on her lap.


Phoenix had to work hard to convince their parents to let them go to Hogwarts after his last Uncle's death at the end of the prior school year. Honestly, at first, they hadn't been sure they'd wanted to. Not for the reasons their parents gave - that Phoenix might be hurt at school. No, Phoenix was quite sure they were safer under Dumbledore's watch than anywhere else. But rather, they were scared that after they left they would wind up losing their parents, the only family they had left. But they knew that was foolish. It wasn't like they'd be able to do anything if they were with their parents. They were still only a student, after all. And their parents were as well protected as they and their mom combined could make them. Still, even once they'd decided they wanted to come, they'd had to convince their parents that it was safe to do so. In the end, they'd prevailed.

Still, when Phoenix had left their room with their trunk that morning their mum had been waiting in the sitting room and asked doubtfully, "Are you sure you want to go this year? You're seventeen now, anyways, you don't really have to."

"I do if I want a decent job," Phoenix reminded her. "Besides, there's still so much to learn."

Their mum sighed heavily, but it was a resigned sort of sigh - she'd known exactly what they were going to say. "Alright, if you're sure. And you're sure you don't want me to go with you to the train?" she asked.

Phoenix shook their head quickly, the very idea filling them with fear. "No, you should stay here," they said insistently. They didn't want to risk their mum leaving what little safety they'd managed to construct. They couldn't lose her, too. He went to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then went into the kitchen where their dad was making breakfast and went through essentially the whole conversation again.

But, in the end, Phoenix ate a quick breakfast, said goodbye to his parents, and then apparated to Platform 9 3/4. They went onto the train and walked along the corridors, hoping to find Callie or Lily. Like Callie, they didn't have that many friends. They were a little too blunt for most people. But, to their delight, they found Callie pretty quickly. She was absorbed in her book and didn't even look up as they entered. So Phoenix decided to let her read in peace - she would take a break eventually and they could catch up. So they opened their trunk and pulled out a history book - not the one for class, it was one that actually sounded interesting. Then they put their trunk up above and sat down across from Callie. They crossed their legs neatly and propped their elbow on their knee to hold the book up at face level.
(interactions: Draven & Sebastian ( Zombie. Zombie. ))
Levi Lestrange
Golden Trio Era
Levi's gaze followed the conversation, eyes flickering between the other three ask they spoke. He smirked slightly when Max jumped to his own defense. Honestly, he was so fun to rile up it might be the only reason they were friends - he was fun to tease. But then Levi remembered just how tedious Max was as he utterly failed to take the hint to let the subject drop. It didn't help when he continued to make wild theories. Honestly, what an idiot. If Levi were granting him grace, he might have thought that maybe Max meant that Sirius would seek revenge on first Harry, who had gotten his leader destroyed, and then on Sebastian, the only heir to the family that has disinherited him as a child. After all, it hadn't exactly been a secret that the Blacks had disinherited both Sirius and Andromeda in rapid succession - Levi had heard the stories. But he rather thought that Max actually believed Sirius would waste his freedom on literally visiting a nephew whom he'd probably never even met. Either way, it was stupid. He stood by his opinion that Sirius wasn't going to waste his hard-won freedom on petty revenge. Maybe he was mad, but he was also smart enough to escape Azkaban, a feat that no-one had ever accomplished before.

Levi resisted another smirk at Sebastian's words, knowing - or at least suspecting - exactly what he meant. He seemed more amused than anything by the tension. And when Draven looked to him for support in comforting Max, Levi did not join in. He was willing to puff up someone's ego for a few hours' peace, sure. But he was not willing to encourage Max to keep making up preposterous theories. Not when it was clearly upsetting Sebastian so much.... Not that Levi would admit to caring to anyone else. And he'd certainly been making an effort not to show his annoyance at Max too openly. Fortunately, Levi was well-practiced and naturally talented at hiding his feelings.

Instead of backing Draven up Levi said drily, "Or maybe it's that Ravenclaws know when they're making a fool of themselves." Levi sincerely hoped this would prompt Max to stop making a fool of himself (if such a thing were even possible) and not to double-down and defend his theories. It was also entirely possible that his words would upset Max who would spend the rest of the ride whining. But Levi had a hard time bringing himself to care.
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(Interactions: Somnus and Celaena ( wolfstar wolfstar Talathel Talathel ))
Fred and George Weasley
Golden Trio Era
The situation had changed rapidly from one of fun and amusement, if some disappointment, to one in which wands were being pointed at Fred and George. But both of them were quite adaptive and they reacted quickly. The instant a wand was pulled on them, they pulled their own in near perfect synchrony. Both were pointed at Somnus, not caring that he looked to be older than them. They weren't going to let themselves be jinxed without fighting back.

Neither Fred nor George took kindly to being threatened - be it by the implication of a wand pointed at them or the explicit words. It generally made them more defiant than ever. But especially when they were being threatened for no good reason. Honestly, what had they even done? Spoken? That was hardly worth threatening someone over! They were less upset with the girl as she didn't seem to be trying to threaten them. Mostly, she just seemed annoyed and perhaps to be reacting to the tension in the room that she had woken to. George glanced at her when she spoke but Fred never took his gaze off Somnus and the wand on them.

Him.... Him, they were both pissed at, though especially Fred, who's temper tended to run a little hotter. George's gaze returned to Somnus pretty quickly as well. Neither bothered to answer Celaena, not when they had a wand pointed at them. Somnus had left them few options. They were Gryffindors through and through, they couldn't bring themselves to leave with their tails between their legs. So, all that was left was to stand and fight. Well, that and do the opposite of what they'd been told to do because that was how they always reacted to instructions but especially threats. So they all but yelled their jinxes, both of which were aimed at Somnus and not Celaena. She had her wand in hand but she wasn't threatening them with it though neither doubted that she would likely join the fight.

"FODIS" Fred yelled all but at the top of his lungs, launching a stinging hex at Somnus.

"FURNUNCULUS," George cried out at the same time, sending a pimple jinx at him as well.
( forgoing a code this once just to get these boys posted // sorry its a little brief!))

Sirius was very happy to be able to hug Remus even for a brief moment before Peter decided to make it a group hug. He let out a sigh for a brief second before laughing a bit. It wasn't bad at all to have a group hug, though it was still very awkward when you are trying to hug your significant other and a friend of yours decides to join in. But Sirius ended up just brushing it off letting out at the same time Remus did. Giving a quick nod over to Mrs. Lupin. “ Hello ma’am” He replied quickly. He turned his gaze back into Remus when He heard Remus speak again and nodded in agreement. “ Yes, let's go!” He replied but that was short lived before James had finally joined the group and Sirius gave a quick wave when James hurried on over.

“ Finally made it aye , Potter?” He teased knowing they sorta arrived together. James just chuckled a bit nodded. “ Yeah sorry I had to say goodbye to the folks” He replied.

James was just about to turn to head onto the train himself before Peter hugged him. “ Hey Pete” He chuckled softly, giving his shorter friend a gentle pat on the back. As much as He was excited to get on the train and find a compartment so they wouldn’t be late to Hogwarts. But He’d always make time for his friends, especially his three closest friends, that was for absolute sure. He was a little bit amused with how excited Peter seemed to be today and he was just happy to see that everyone seemed to be in relatively good spirits, well everyone He could read. Remus was harder to read for him than the other two. But He was sure this would be a great last year of Hogwarts. Full of fun memories and hopefully a lasting reputation. “ Always good to see you too” He replied in a happy friendly tone as always. James had always been warm and friendly in a sunny way to most people. Not always all the time. He had a slight vendetta against a certain someone but this year wasn’t the time, He planned on focusing on that too much. He wanted to make good memories for the last year and as long as that person left him alone He would do the absolute same.

“‘ Can’t wait to hear the story bud”

Sirius took the moment of James being distracted by Peter to gently tug on Remus’ arms
lightly looking up at him with a big grin. “ What do you say about the two of us going to grab the compartment while they catch up?” He asked softly looking up at the werewolf with a warm happy smile. He was just vying for some private time with his boyfriend and this honestly seemed like the perfect opportunity for that to happen. He wrapped his arms around Remus’ arm and gave the world’s best puppy dog face. You get it, cause he’s a dog animagus. Haha, anyways! Without waiting for the other to answer, He let go of his arm and grabbed his trunk and scurried onto the train constantly checking behind him to see if Remus followed him with a big grin on his face.

James was willing to stay and wait for Peter, so He did as Sirius ran off onto the train and with Remus more than likely following him. He would wait for Peter no problem. “ I will wait here for you Pete!” He called out after him picking up his own trunk and waited for his smaller friend to go grab his own trunk so the pair could join their other friend’s onto the train. He was patiently waiting, greeting other students as they passed him and trying to keep up the friendly atmosphere. While, He was waiting for the other to return, His mind wandered to the upcoming quidditch season which James was so excited for this year. His mind wandering to the fact that He was the captain this year and He had to get the team back in shape to win the cup that year.
fable dupont

Fable has finally settled down into her compartment, staring out the window sort of in her own little world. Not realizing the flicking of her hair flipping through different colors. Of course, she can do more than just change her hair color, she is a metamorphmagus after all! But she hadn’t really adapted to more than just hair and eyes yet. She knew one day that just like her mother. She would pick it up too. She was a Hufflepuff after all, and Hufflepuffs were known for their patience and determination among many other things. She had been lost in thought thinking about the upcoming Quidditch season fiddling with her hands on her laps as She continued to stare out the window being lost in thought.

Fable was lost in her own little world, till she heard the compartment door open. Blinking slowly as She watched the other girl waltz into the compartment and shut the door before sitting across from her. She didn’t truly mind if others joined her in the compartment, so she was entirely unbothered by this and gave a polite smile and nod before glancing back out the window for a brief second. But her attention was drawn again to the girl speaking. She was a bit confused by the first statement, tilting her head slightly in confusion. Not sure exactly what she was meaning by that. Before the next question was asked, then she understood that question giving a simple nod with a grin. “ Yes indeed!” She replied in a chipper tone.

Which in all honestly was pretty normal for her!

She tended to be a pretty chipper gal!

She had sat in silence before realizing, she didn’t use her manners. Holding out her hand politely,. “ Fable Dupont….Pleasure to meet you!” She replied as she didn’t know the other girl’s name either but being polite and kind was important and it was the best way to make good first impressions with others of course! She shifted in the seat to properly face the other and politely awaited a handshake if the other wanted. But she definitely wouldn’t be offended if she decided against it either.

coded by natasha.
( Last uncoded dual post)
Alexei had gotten onto the train rather early after having a long chase of his toad around the platform. That silly little toad was always escaping his grasp. But now He was settled into a compartment and was a bit content with lonely.It wasn’t often that He felt such a thing but when you couldn’t always be around your significant other for something simple as your blood status and well plently of other things, He didn’t entirely understand and most of your friends having graduated already left Alexei in a compartment by himself.

When He realized no one else was going to be joining him, He laid down on the bench and dozed off into a long nap for the long boring ride to Hogwarts. Though Alexei was always a very light sleeper, so there was absolutely no guarantee on how long He could nap for. But he’d cherish what he could do to get the nap in. The Gryffindor was very sad about his final year at Hogwarts. He wouldn’t probably get to see many other people he knew again, knowing that more than likely his parents would probably want him to go to a muggle university and take some catch up classes over the summer as Hogwarts didn’t exactly prepare you for university.

But he’d deal with it when He would get to it. It was only a short nap before He was woke up by some noise in the halls,He sat up rubbing his eyes and glanced out the compartment window and saw the snake slithering by. He blinked slowly a bit confused why such a venomous snake was out in about in the compartment but as soon as He thought about it. He was completely distracted by another thought. He knew He had to try to get the letter he had written to his boyfriend as soon as He was able. And as much as He wanted to send it in that moment, He knew enough about the situation to know to wait.

But that didn’t stop him from getting out his notebook and pen to write the letter now anyways. He would only use the quill and parchment if he absolutely have too.

Azalea was standing on the compartment after saying a very quiet goodbye to her folks. Looking up at the big scary train slowly taking a few steps towards it before immediately stepping back to where she started again. Her mother was a wonderful women and decide to walk her daughter onto the train and sat her down in a compartment near the front, so she could get off quickly and gave her daughter a big tight squeeze. “ You will do amazing Azalea . I promise” Her mother reassured her before getting off the train.

Azalea gave a small nod and little wave before quietly putting away her trunk and settled down with her smaller bag in her lap letting out a sigh and working through all her breathing exercises and counting on her fingers to keep herself calm. Social anxiety was always hard but she was mangaging. Fortunately most people where already on the train so hopefully she wouldn’t have to worry too much about being joined in the compartment. Not that she didn’t want to make friends or anything. It was just much harder for her. She let out a breath and decided to focus on the friendship bracelet kit that she brought with her. She fished the kit out of her bag with a happy hum and placed it on her lap getting herself started.

She knew the train was going to be leaving the station soon, so keeping herself busy was the best thing to currently do.
Young Remus Lupin and Young Peter Pettigrew
Marauders Era
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"Hey," Remus greeted James with a broad grin, happy to see his friend again. But he was quickly distracted by Sirius wrapping his arms around his own and giving him puppy dog eyes, an expression that was all too familiar to him but still made his heart flip every time. Remus wasn't sure that there was anything he wouldn't give Sirius when he looked at him like that. It had gotten him to set down a book he was really enjoying more times than he could count, as well as enticed him into trouble on the rare occasion that he'd been reluctant to get into it. But this request was one he was actually inclined to agree to even if Sirius hadn't been giving him that darned look. A little bit of alone time with his boyfriend sounded nice, however brief. He was about to agree but Sirius was already darting off. Remus chuckled as he watched Sirius a moment as his boyfriend hurried to the train, glancing over his shoulder as he went. There was something half-way seductive about the gesture. Or perhaps Remus was just caught up with how handsome his boyfriend was in that moment. Regardless, he felt a wave of gratitude wash over him. He felt like the luckiest guy on the planet and there was still a large part of him that wasn't sure how on earth someone like Sirius had gone for someone like him. But he wasn't about to question it right now.

"See you guys in a bit," Remus told James hurriedly as he pulled himself out of his own thoughts, picking up his trunk and hurrying after Sirius. He caught up to his boyfriend as he was climbing onto the train. He would have taken his hand but they were both busy carrying their trunks. It took them a surprisingly short time to find an empty compartment, though. Remus tried not to think about why. But he knew that, with a war raging, more and more parents were choosing to keep their kids home. Remus tried not to think about the others, the ones who weren't returning because their homes had been attacked over the summer.

Remus nudged the door open with his foot and stepped inside to put his trunk up in the overhead compartment. He waited for Sirius to do the same before wrapping his arms around him in a proper hug since the one earlier had been so quickly interrupted. He gave Sirius a gentle but lingering kiss before saying softly, "It's really good to see you." They'd seen each other some over the summer, of course, and exchanged plenty of letters. But Remus had spent the bulk of his time with his parents, and occasional visits to the Potters' was different than spending every day together like he was used to doing at school. He'd missed Sirius whenever he was home, even if he did see him every other week.


Peter glanced back when he heard James yell after him that he would wait for him. He gave a grin and a wave, grateful. See, this was why he loved James so much. He would always make sure Peter felt a part of the group, never let him feel left out or alone. Peter would never cease being grateful for this. He felt so lucky to have wound up with such amazing friends, James especially. Peter managed to locate his trolley without too much difficulty - he hadn't left it too far away - and pushed it back to the train.

Peter glanced at the clock on the wall of the platform as he rejoined James - they really were cutting it close. "Ready?" Peter asked, hoisting his trunk into his arms with a huff, struggling a little under the weight of it. But he managed to carry it onto the train. He banged it off the walls a little by accident, though, as he started down the corridor, looking for their friends. Spotting Remus and Sirius he stepped into the compartment. Once again, Peter seemed completely oblivious to the tender moment he was interrupting. "Hey," he greeted, going over to hoist his trunk into the overhead compartment. He was clearly struggling a little with it, being short enough that he had to lift it well over his head and not really strong enough to manage it.

Remus had broken the embrace with Sirius as soon as the other two entered the room, feeling faintly embarrassed. He wasn't entirely sure why. It wasn't like Peter and James didn't already know full well that he and Sirius were together, and they both supported them whole-heartedly. Remus was pretty sure Peter was just oblivious, not intentionally trying to continually interrupt their moments alone. But Remus wasn't used to public displays of affection. Or really affection at all, he supposed - he'd never dated anyone before Sirius and that had only started at the end of the previous school year. And there was still a part of Remus that felt so incredibly selfish for dating him. He knew his friends weren't about to judge him but Remus judged himself and he felt ashamed. But he felt too much love for that to completely overwhelm him and he still held Sirius' hand as he released him and his gaze was soft and loving as he continued to look at Sirius, not quite willing to give Peter his attention yet.

Until, that is, he processed how much Peter was struggling with his trunk behind Sirius. Remus shook his head with faint amusement and gave Sirius a small smile before releasing his hand and going over to help Peter put his trunk up. Technically they did it together but Remus really took most of the weight off Peter. Peter let out a gasp of relief and said, "Thanks."

"No problem," Remus assured him, going back over to take Sirius' hand and sitting down in a window seat, pulling Sirius down to sit next to him. Peter rather dramatically flopped down into a seat across from them, catching his breath after carrying his trunk through the train.
HOUSE: Gryffindor

ERA: Golden Trio

LOCATION: A train compartment
Hermione, Ron, Sirius, Remus

Hermione and Ron
TLDR: Harry catches up with Hermione and Ron and sees an adult man asleep in the same compartment. After sitting down, he tells his friends that Sirius Black might be after him and suggests that they distance themselves from him for safety until he is caught.
harry potter
The Boy Who Lived.
There may have been an escaped prisoner who was potentially out to get him and everything, but at least it didn't take long for Harry to be reunited with his friends after getting on the train. The gods of luck were at least somewhat in his favour that morning—or at least, that's what he thought when he heard Hermione's voice calling out for him. When he caught up to the pair, he was pleased to find that they'd already secured a compartment.

"I'm glad you found me," Harry remarked gratefully as he approached where Hermione had been waiting for him. "There's something I need to tell you both.." he added, the tone of his voice and lack of smile on his face indicating the seriousness of the information he was about to share. The dark haired boy entered the compartment with the intention of finishing what he was saying to his friends in private. The only issue with that was, upon entering, Harry saw that they weren't alone.

Harry had never seen an adult on the Hogwarts Express before besides the witch that pushes the food cart, so the sight of the stranger that was fast asleep in one of the window seats took him by surprise. There was a moment after he sat down that he hesitated to finish what he'd been saying, but he eventually came to the conclusion that if he said what he needed to say quietly enough then the stranger was less likely to wake up and hear it. Besides, this man didn't look anything like the man in the newspapers.

Harry waited until both of his friends had settled down into the compartment completely and said anything they might have had to say before he said anything else, glancing at the sleeping adult on the opposite side of the compartment one more time to check he hadn't woken up before looking back at his friends. "Last night at the Leaky Cauldron, I overheard your parents talking," he finally detailed to Ron and Hermione, speaking in a hushed tone, "..About me," he added. "They said Sirius Black might be after me," he announced, assuming that the two had heard the name before. "This morning, your dad told me I should be careful."

After a second, he thought to say one last thing. "I won't be mad if you two want to keep your distance from me for a while," he spoke with honesty. Even if he felt like he was going to be relatively safe at Hogwarts under the protection of Dumbledore—at least, as safe as he could be—he couldn't deny the fact that he'd still be putting whoever he hung out with in danger of coming across a murderer. He much preferred the idea of self-isolating to the idea of putting his friends' lives at risk, so he wanted to let them know that they shouldn't feel obliged to protect him.
code by valen t.
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( one final code-less post)

Sirius had given a big pleased smile, when He saw Remus finally following. Holding his trunk carefully happy to see the other, when He finally caught up to him with a big grin. Climbing aboard the train and went about the isle to find a compartment that they could call theirs for the train ride to Hogwarts. It was a bit weird seeing how generally empty the train seemed to be with the war happening. He was hopeful that somehow once they graduated they would be able to help somehow. The sooner this was over, the safer it would be for all of them. And He cared about all his friends enough for wanting things to be safe for all of them as well. But He knew very well they couldn’t do anything as students. So that was not his main focus at the moment. He just wanted to spend time with his Moony currently. Yeah That was a pleasant thing to focus on in the moment. Just spending time with his friends and make lasting memories at Hogwarts. And especially spending time with his boyfriend.

James gave both of them a smile and wave. “ We’ll catch up later” He called after Sirius and Remus as He waited for Peter to return. He waved back when Peter waved to him and nodded. “ Yes let’s go” He replied cheerfully and steadied his own trunk and tried his help Peter with his when he could even though his own hands were pretty full at the moment as well. Following close behind Peter as the pair of friends finally made their way onto the train. He nodded casually at folks He knew when they passed by them as they got on the train.Easily placing his trunk in the overhead but was going to help Peter but before He could Remus had stepped in. He was thankful that everyone seemed rather keen to help one another. That was a nice thought. He moved to scooch passed all of his friends and settled down into a seat in relief. Ready to go.

When the pair finally got into the compartment, Sirius easily got the trunk put away and happily returned the embrace with a happy smile. Before eagerly returning the kiss with a small hum. It was absolutely really wonderful to have such a soft moment like this without their friends being around. “ It really always is good to see you too “ He whispered softly enjoying every moment that He did get to spend with Remus. He gave a sheepish smile at their friends when the embrace broke as soon as their friends caught up with them. But He was understanding of Remus’ differing opinion of public affection unlike he was. But the other two were aware, it was pretty obvious to see but He wasn’t going to push the issue. Happily enjoying the time of holding Remus’ hand with a big smile. Glancing up at him with a happy flush on his cheeks. It was hard not to notice how sappy and happy these two were. Leaning up to brush their noses together in a fond happy manner. But not pushing it further for the moment. He gave Remus a nod of understanding when He went to go help Peter but waited for Remus and happily intertwined their fingers together once their hands met once more and happily sat down beside him. Leaning his head happily against his shoulder..

One moment, students were talking to their friends in their compartments, running in the corridors, changing in the bathrooms as the train started on its day-long trek towards Hogwarts. Then, in a fraction of a second, mid-word and mid-step, their surroundings and companions dissolved, the ground disappearing out from under them and the walls from around them. A blur of colors and shapes rushed past each student, giving the impression that they were flying forward very fast. Each student found their ears pounding in an otherwise oppressive silence that even their own voices could not penetrate.

As soon as it had come, it ended. There was solid ground beneath their feet and everything came into focus once more. No-one was where they had been moments before and many had been separated from their companions. But everyone was surrounded by the comfortingly familiar furnishings of the Hogwarts Express – the large compartments with black benches and sliding doors and trunks in the overhead compartments. The sound of disturbed owls hooting and cats hissing could be heard from all around along with the sound of voices. For students were everywhere you looked, crowding the compartments and halls alike, some in their Hogwarts robes and some not yet changed. In fact… it seemed far more crowded than it had a moment ago, perhaps twice as crowded if not more. Outside the windows, students could see that the drizzle from a moment ago had been replaced by a hard rain that looked to have been falling for some time judging by both the force and the puddles.


It was just a normal ride to Hogwarts, though the air was abuzz with excitement and gossip about Sirius Black, Azkaban’s first and only escapee. As the train left the station, the rain outside the windows was growing thicker, the skies darker, and the wind stronger. Still, English weather will do as it will, and nothing seemed strange. Right up until the instant that people – a whole lot of people, all at once and completely out of the blue - appeared. It happened in the fraction of an instant and, unlike apparition, it didn’t happen in a swirl of cloaks. Rather all at once there were simply people occupying spaces that had been previously holding nothing but air. Suddenly, students had strangers sitting on their laps, or blocking their way by simply standing in the middle of the corridor, mid-way through changing into their robes.

There were people everywhere. If the Hogwarts Express had been full before it was nothing to what it was now, bursting with people. The population must have at least doubled. The newcomers looked to be Hogwarts aged and many were wearing Hogwarts uniforms, but none were recognizable as their peers.
Young Severus Snape

Severus had just settled into a compartment with a few pureblood Slytherins when the world disappeared from around him only to be replaced by a blur of colors and shapes. His wand was out in an instant, convinced someone had cast a spell on him. He was far too used to being jinxed, after all, and his first thought was of Potter and his cronies. Severus hadn't used verbal spells for a year now, so when he cast 'finite incantatem' it was silent. But nothing happened. But all that proved was that this spell, whatever it was, was too powerful for the counter-spell to work. Severus racked his brain for something else to try. But before he had a chance, the world solidified around him again all at once.

Severus found himself standing right in front of a boy who had his wand pointed straight at him. There was a girl next to him with a wand in hand, too. The sight only heightened Severus' certainty that he was being attacked. His heart had begun to pound, sending adrenaline coursing through him. But Severus didn't have a chance to really take the pair in let alone to react before two spells hit him in the back in rapid succession. The first was a stinging hex that made Severus hiss in pain. He didn't have a chance to fully register the welt he could feel forming on his back before the second one hit him, making his whole face break out in pimples. He was barely recognizable anymore, his face covered in welts. But his trademark hooked nose and black eyes shown through, and his general bat-like air remained.

Now aware that there were enemies behind him as well, Severus launched himself away from the boy he'd appeared in front of and over to the window. He put his back firmly against it, wand raised and rotating between the four occupants of the compartment as he braced himself for whatever spells they launched at him next. Severus couldn't identify any of them which was weird in and of itself. Sure, Severus wasn't the most social student in the world, but he could still recognize most of his classmates and at least two of them looked pretty close in age to himself. However, the boys in the compartment were all identifiable even if Severus didn't recognize them. The identical twins who were on their feet by the door of the compartment - the ones who had just jinxed him - were unmistakably Weasleys with their flaming red hair and freckles and worn clothes (not that Severus was judging, his own clothes were in worse shape). And the boy Severus had appeared in front of, who'd had his wand pointed straight at him when the world had suddenly reappeared... well, he looked an awful lot like Severus himself, which made him think that he was a Prince. But Severus didn't go to school with any other Princes - he would certainly have taken notice if he had. The last remaining occupant of the compartment Severus was less sure about. She was beautiful and held herself with the poise of a pureblood - which made sense, if she was indeed sitting with a Prince - and had a brilliant orange and purple snake around her neck. Surely, he would have taken notice of someone like her, or at least of her vibrant and unusual pet? But she didn't look familiar.

Severus did not speak at first. He had no idea what was happening and he wanted answers, but he was also convinced that he had appeared in the middle of a duel and he wasn't about to have a civilized conversation until he was certain that no more jinxes were coming his way.

( Talathel Talathel wolfstar wolfstar )
Young Peter Pettigrew and Regulus Black
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When the compartment and all his friends vanished, Peter panicked. "James?!" He called out, looking to where his friend had been sitting next to him a second ago. But he couldn't hear his own voice, just a silence more powerful than anything he'd ever heard before. "HELP!" Peter tried yelling, truly getting scared now, but his voice was lost before it ever left his mouth. What if he was caught in this whirl of shapes and colors forever? He was already getting a little queasy. This was why he would never be a good flier. With yelling doing him no good, Peter decided to try running. Perhaps whatever was happening was only in his compartment and he could run out and then things would return to normal. It was just as he started running that the world suddenly reappeared, between one instant and the next. Peter didn't have a chance to take in his surroundings before he ran headlong into another boy and they both collapsed to the floor in a tangle of limbs. Peter tried to get up but it really only got them tangled together all the more.

Regulus, on the other hand, was calm and collected. Or at least trying to be. He'd managed to find a compartment to himself and had been reading a book. But he wasn't so absorbed that he didn't notice when the whole world fucking disappeared. He dropped his book and pulled out his wand. "Finite incantatem!" he cried, thinking it was some sort of spell - what else could it be? Anyways, he tried to cry it but either his voice had no sound or he'd gone suddenly and instantly deaf. Fortunately, Regulus had already started teaching himself how to do incantations silently and he tried again. By pure coincidence, it looked like it worked because in that moment the world rematerialized. And, quite promptly, someone ran headlong into him, knocking them both to the ground. Regulus tried to get up but so did the other person, who managed only to make their situation worse. "Would you please stop moving?" Regulus asked rather impatiently. The other person did and Regulus managed to disentangle from him and get to his feet. He started brushing himself off, trying to get the wrinkles out of his robes.

Peter got to his feet as well and gaped when he saw who he'd run into. "Regulus?"

Regulus' eyes widened as he looked up at him. "Pettigrew?" Regulus all but spat the name. He demanded, "What did you do this time, you absolute morons?!" He didn't know what on earth had happened or why he was suddenly out in the corridor. But, since Peter was here, he suspected one of the pranks of his brother's friend group.

"Do?" Peter asked, blinking slowly with a perfectly innocent expression on his face. For once, it wasn't for show - he truly hadn't done anything. He was just as mystified as Regulus seemed to be. "I didn't do anything!" Peter insisted. He almost asked if Regulus knew what had happened before processing that clearly Regulus didn't know either - he was trying to ask Peter the same thing.

Regulus considered Peter for a long minute, squinting at him slightly as he tried to determine if he was telling the truth or not. In the end, he decided that whatever had happened was beyond Peter. From what he understood, Peter wasn't the most talented, magically speaking. Without a word, Regulus turned on his heel and started off down the corridor.

Peter continued to give Regulus his best innocent look - something he quite excelled at even when he was thoroughly guilty - hoping to convey that whatever had happened, he hadn't done it. He was caught entirely by surprise when Regulus suddenly turned around and walked off. It took him a second to recover but when he did he scurried off after Regulus.

Regulus was making slow progress in a very crowded corridor. He glanced back over his shoulder and frowned when he spotted Peter right behind him. "Are you following me, Pettigrew?" he asked accusingly.

Peter blinked innocently at him again, a little surprised that Regulus sounded so upset by the notion. He answered honestly and simply, "Yes."

"Why?" Regulus grated out through gritted teeth. He needed to figure out what had happened! And maybe appearing with Pettigrew was a clue, maybe not. But, either way, he didn't want him around. He could use an ally in figuring out what was going on but not from him, not this thief who had stolen his brother away from him.

"Because I don't know what's happening and if I left you in a dangerous situation, Sirius would never forgive me," Peter answered, still all innocence and honesty. He wasn't about to abandon the little brother of one of his best friends in an unknown situation. There was a war going on, it could be dangerous! And if something happened to Regulus, Sirius would never forgive him. Hell, Peter would never forgive himself. Regulus was a better wizard than Peter, even though he was a year younger. Peter knew that - he'd heard people talking, saying Regulus was the best in his year. But still, Peter had to try to help if he could.

Regulus scoffed at that obvious lie. "Sirius wouldn't give a damn if I died," Regulus retorted with utter confidence. Sirius had seemed to stop caring over the years, but this past summer solidified it - Sirius had left, he didn't care about Regulus.

Peter stared at Regulus as if he'd gone mad. He was silent for a long minute, processing his words. Did Regulus really believe that? How could he believe that? "You don't really know Sirius at all, do you?" Peter finally returned.

"Perhaps not," Regulus admitted under his breath. That was the whole point, though, wasn't it? They didn't know each other; they'd grown too distant. Still, Regulus was sure he was right. Sirius wouldn't have just abandoned him if he'd cared. Regulus groaned and said, "This isn't getting us anywhere." They'd barely made any progress in the crowded corridors. But, more than that, they hadn't found any clues. All they'd done was bicker and Regulus would much rather work out what had happened. So, he slid open the door to the nearest compartment and stepped inside. They could take a moment to sort through what they knew and come up with some theories. And maybe the people inside would have some clues they could work off of.

Peter smiled brightly when Regulus used the word 'us'. Perhaps he was starting to see them as a team! Or, at the very least, he'd accepted that Peter wasn't going anywhere. Peter did wonder about his friends. Had the same thing happened to them? Were they somewhere on the train, too? But for now, he knew he had to stick with Regulus. So he followed him into the compartment.
Young Remus Lupin


Remus had been about to release Sirius' hand in favor of wrapping his arm around him, instead. But just as he'd been about to do so, things got.... weird, to put it mildly. Everything vanished from around Remus, except for Sirius, who's hand he redoubled his grip on. "Sirius, are you -" Remus started to ask, but his voice didn't even make it to his own ears. Remus gulped, feeling a wave of fear. What was happening?! Where had their other friends gone? Suddenly terrified that Sirius would disappear as well, Remus wrapped his free arm around him in an embrace, holding on for dear life. He didn't know what he would do if he lost Sirius, too.

And then, suddenly, it was over. They were in the middle of the very crowded train corridor. Remus released Sirius from the embrace but still held tightly to his hand lest it happen again, or they otherwise get separated. That was the last thing they needed right now. Remus looked around, trying to get his bearings. Some of the students around them he recognized as his classmates, though Remus didn't see James or Peter anywhere. Which was... concerning, to say the least. Others around them were complete strangers. Which was odd - Remus didn't exactly know everyone in the school, but he thought he had a good enough sense of those around him to at least recognize their faces. No, he was pretty sure he'd never seen some of these people around Hogwarts, including some of the ones who looked to be around his own age. Remus glanced up and down the corridor, taking in the people and the decor. Then he glanced through the nearest compartment and out the window - the weather had completely changed. What could possibly have happened to cause all this? The weird sensations earlier when the world had disappeared, their displacement to a different part of the train, the abundant newcomers, the change in weather?

Remus turned his attention back to Sirius. He still wasn't moving - if other people wanted to walk down the corridor right now, they'd just have to move around him. Soon, Remus was going to join the throng of people trying to maneuver the crowded corridor to find his other friends. But one thing at a time - he had his priorities. He took a half step back without releasing Sirius' hand and glanced his boyfriend slowly over, head to toe. He looked like he was evaluating him for damage. Which... he was. He was making sure that Sirius was uninjured but also that he wasn't in any way changed. He had no idea what had happened but, whatever it was, it had thrown everything into chaos and manipulated things that shouldn't be able to be changed. Remus wanted to make sure it hadn't done anything to Sirius. He still looked the same as a minute ago, at least. "Sirius, are you alright?" Remus asked worriedly as his gaze went back up to meet his boyfriend's eyes.
James f potter
mauraders era- Gryffindor- prongs

James had finally settled down into the bench and turned to finally chat with his friends, But as soon as He opened his mouth to say something, the whole room went dark and everything seemed to be spinning before suddenly slowing to a halt. He blinked slowly trying to slowly regain his bearings around him. The fuzziness of the room slowly went back to a steady image as his eyes adjusted. What the heck could have just happened? Why did things fade away and fade back. He knew whatever it was, for once it wasn’t his and his friends doing. One minute, He had been sitting down on a bench in a compartment about to chat with his best, closest friends. But the next thing He knew. He was on the floor of a compartment. Glancing around to see exactly where He ended up and see if anything had any sense of familiarity at all.

The compartments seemed to look the same but the first several people, He saw didn’t look familiar in the slightest. He wanted to call out for his friends, but he didn’t see any of them in sight and had for once in his life decided that not speaking was probably the absolute best course of action. Well for the moment. He carefully backed himself up against the compartment door, knowing his wand was in his back pocket and it would be a relatively easy reach. Slowly standing up shakily as his glasses tumbled down his face. “ merlin” He grumbled under his breath feeling around on the floor feeling around till he grabbed his glasses and fully stood up placing the round frames back on his face.. Doing one final glance over everyone in that compartment. Two people for sure, He was most certain that He absolutely didn’t recognize.

It was still weird that absolutely none of his friends were in sight. Where did they all go? Where was He? He had so many questions and didn’t know if he was safe enough to ask them. What in merlin’s beard was going on?! But He continued looking to see whomever else was in the compartment. Reaching behind himself to grasp his wand in case out of his back pocket but not pulling it out. He wasn’t going to preemptively pull it out just in case. Cause lately you never truly knew who was friend of foe. Especially with the ongoing war. But James was one of those I’ll trust you till you do something that shows me you are on the wrong side, so He wasn’t about to jump to any conclusions. But as His gaze slowly trailed to the next person, he froze a bit in shock. The young kid looked eerily similar to him and that was a little crazy wasn’t it. But He didn’t dwell on that for long. Semi-brushing that to the side for now. Moving to glance towards the last individual in that compartment. Not only it was weird that it was an adult but even weirder how similar that man looked to Remus but He figured he must be seeing things or something so He kept quiet and tried to keep his composure even fully backed up against the compartment.
coded by natasha.
Hermione Granger and Adult Remus Lupin
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Cameo of Adult Peter Pettigrew (aka Scabbers)

Hermione clapped a hand over her mouth at what Harry was telling her about Sirius Black, her eyes going wide with horror. She was, truth be told, terrified. She may not have grown up in the wizarding world dreading the name 'Azkaban', but she'd done her research. She knew that Sirius Black was the first person to ever escape Azkaban. He must be an incredibly powerful wizard to manage what countless dark wizards before him had failed. And this incredibly powerful wizard was after Harry?! Of course, sure, he'd faced Voldemort, who had to be worse. But that didn't exactly mean he was invincible. It didn't work like that - surviving three times didn't guarantee your survival another time. If you thought about it statistically, the odds of achieving the near impossible stayed the same no matter how many times you did it. And she knew Harry - he was constantly getting into trouble. Okay, so she was too, ever since she befriended him, but that didn't make it any better!

Hermione slowly lowered her hand to speak, to emphasize how important it was that he be really, really careful this year, when Harry spoke again. She rolled her eyes before she could stop herself. Honestly, it was like Harry didn't even know them! She would have been more offended, but she thought it was likely that his uncertainty had more to do with his upbringing than with Ron or herself. He wasn't used to having people who would stand by him. But she always would. She and Ron both, she knew. Sooner or later, Harry had to realize that. "Oh, honestly, Harry, don't be so ridicu-" Hermione started to say just a tad impatiently.

But she cut off with a soft yelp as someone appeared on the floor of their compartment out of absolutely nowhere. A someone who looked.... incredibly familiar. Hermione had seen his pictures in books before, but she'd also seen his likeness in Harry Potter every single day of school. She watched him get to his feet with wide eyes. "You're... you're James Potter...." she said in a very quiet voice. It wasn't a question - she knew that face. But that didn't mean she understood what was happening. James Potter was dead. He also wasn't school-aged. And, from the sounds out in the corridor, something was going on out there as well. She wanted to peak outside to get more information but James was blocking the door and he looked like a deer in headlights at the moment. He was clearly gripping his wand with the hand reached behind his back and she thought it best not to startle him. Hermione glanced briefly at Harry, worried about how he was taking this, but her attention quickly went back to James. Judging by his expression she kind of doubted he had answers. But might as well at least try. "How... how are you here?" It was evident from Hermione's sharp gaze that she was thinking intently, trying to work this out.


At the words 'you're James Potter' a little rat face poked out of Ron's pocket. Just for an instant, barely long enough to glance around, before disappearing again. Was he finally going mad from spending so much time as a rat? Wormtail wasn't sure. All he knew was that he felt a sense of immense relief, like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders. James was alive. Wormtail hadn't killed him. But no, James was definitely dead and he wasn't seventeen, either. And then the relief started to ebb. If this was James, he would instantly recognize Wormtail. He might even know that Wormtail had been the Secret Keeper, though he looked too young to know that. Wormtail would be sent to Azkaban for life, given over to the dementors. Wormtail shivered a little at the thought. Even in rat form, it was terrifying. So, Wormtail resisted the urge to jump up out of the pocket to embrace James. On the contrary, he burrowed down deeper into the pocket to make sure he wasn't seen. But his ears were perked up, listening to every word.


Remus woke to the sound of a scream in the hallway. Years of war made it instinct for Remus to reach for his wand even as he woke from sleep, even all these years later. By the time his eyes opened, his wand was already in his hand and he was halfway to his feet. He would have gone into the hall to see what was happening but when he looked to the door of the compartment - James. There stood James Potter, looking to be about seventeen years old. And that was shock enough to stop Remus cold. He just stood there; hearing Hermione speak as if through a long tunnel. James. James, his best friend. James, who he'd lost twelve years ago. James, who his own fiancé had betrayed to Lord Voldemort. James, who he still dreamt about.

And then his brain finally kicked into gear. He had reason to believe that this was not, in fact, James. Because James was dead. And also not seventeen. And he knew what to do when he thought someone was impersonating a friend. The war had taught him that much, at least. Remus stepped into the small walk space between the two benches, positioning himself so that he was between James and the three students in the compartment - who, Remus was just now realizing, included Harry. He wanted to take a moment to process that. He hadn't seen Harry since he was a toddler, and he was so big now! And Remus had missed so much of his life. And also - who was impersonating James in front of Harry?! That pissed him off, that someone would mess with the Harry's head like that. But Remus didn't have the time to process any of that right now.

Remus threw his left arm out to try and shield the kids from view and raised his wand to point at James. He didn't care that James had his hand on his own wand. In fact, that made it all the more pressing that Remus be able to block any spells the likely imposter shot at him. For an instant he tried to think of a question and then he settled on, "What's your favorite kind of chocolate?" Remus hadn't used that question much during the war - he felt it was too predictable for him. But he was still a little - okay, a lot - in shock, and it was the first thing that came to mind.

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