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I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.

Character A is a popular girl at her school that is going out with the starring quarterback of the school. Boys want to date her and girls want to be her. One day, as she's making her way home, she hears music coming from one of the alleys along with lots of talking and laughing. So, curiously, the girl inspects the alley to find several boys hanging out with each other.

The boys were listening to some strange-sounding music and were wearing old-looking clothing, almost like it was straight out of 2001. The girl calls out the boy for what they're wearing and what they're listening to, which gets a rise out of a couple of them. But one boy (Character B), seeing some irony in the girl's insults, retorts by calling
her out on how modern her clothes are and inquires that she probably listens to mainstream music.

In-short, the girl and the boy become friends and the boy introduces the girl to "his world", so-to-say. However, the girl's boyfriend becomes jealous and begins to believe that the girl is cheating on him with the boy. Drama soon ensues.

So to summarize, a popular girl meets a boy and he ends up introducing her to what he likes and her boyfriend gets jealous. Of course, more will be added to the story later, but this is what I have for right now.

I would like it if you could post a 2-paragraph minimum. I will try not to enforce this as there have been times where I don't post that much, but I would seriously advise it if you want to RP with me. I also seriously recommend letting me know when you've lost interest in the RP, I would hate to jut be left sitting there in front of my computer waiting for a reply that never comes. I will also let you know when I'm losing interest so we can try to re-do stuff.

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