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Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

Alekin returned to his trailer, a little sore and tired. "So, how did the performance go, did someone die?" Flame said, lying down on his bed. He looked really bored. He's randomly starting fires, then extinguishing it after a few seconds. "Why must you be so morbid? You didn't need to ask if some one died. How did it go, did they like it?" Frost ask, the feminine and motherly figure between the two. Unlike Flame, who was brash and impatient, Frost is always cool and collected, the more responsible of the two. "It was fine, same old performance, same old reaction." He said, petting the two. "You can come with me now. Let's go to the main tent to celebrate." He said, knowing that most, if not all, visitors have gone home. The two stood up, following him to the tent.
Buras took the cotton candy, and the root beer and followed Ignis to a table. Gingerly sitting down, so he wouldn't break anything and trying to look as human as possible, he took a big bite out of the cotton candy. Immediately, he shoved the rest of it in his mouth. He obviously liked it, and it seemed he liked the root beer float as well, downing it ice cream and all in no time. He was enjoying himself, which could clearly be seen on his face. Or maybe that was the sugar rush, either one.
Fiona prepared for her own debut. Unlike her brothers and sisters, who chose to enter the stage from the left or right, Fiona would enter from above, where she felt most comfortable. Her time for this evening was coming up and she knew it. Commanding her spiders to disappear in Transylvanian, she waited for her curtain call. "Spirits be with me and my comrades tonight, protect me from the evils of those that wish to destroy and separate us." She prayed with a sigh. "Keep them all safe." She looked down, fifty feet to the ground. It was perfect.
Aoife bites her lip as he asks her to stick around, figuring it was better for her to keep him occupied than Paul, who was liable to make the man disappear, though she wouldn't mind that a missing detective would only bring more; or a performer who was much less human than she was. She spots Buras and Ignis and inhales sharply, not good. She just hoped Ignis could keep up the illusion before looking back at Alan with a charming smile. "Of course. Maybe you could win me the stuffed wolf, seems only fitting" She chuckles. "Because of my act of course" She leads him towards the dart game which was thankfully not in the direction of where Buras or Ignis were at.
A joyous laugh rang out from Ignis. Something that didn't happen all that often. "You may want to slow down there big guy! You'll give yourself a stomach ache." He teased and then to amuse the troll, made more cotton candy and another root beer appear from behind his back. "I couldn't get any chocolate, buuut I put chocolate ice cream in the root beer for you."
Bluff called, he thought with a slight twitch of annoyance however he could do nothing but play along. It was a standard one balloon, three darts meaning three chances. He paid the game cost and picked up a dart.

"Here goes.."He said lifting the dart so it aligned with his eye and aimed. After moving the dart back and forth several times, he throw. Miss.
Gladly taking the magically appeared treats, Buras quickly stuffs those in his mouth to. Being a troll, he had a rather large stomach. It was nice to be out, and he would gladly follow Ignis around and do what he said.
Aoife tosses the empty cone in the trash after finishing the last of the cotton candy and leans against the counter of the dart game. She looks at the board as he throws before back at him. "Perhaps you need a pint or two in you to hit correctly" She says with a chuckle. "I know I'm better at pool that way. I don't know why I just am"
"The aiming in these darts are skew."He made an excuse, with a slight growl. He tried again and missed but got closer."No comment please, i have one more try. Comment after that."He preempted Aoife, before taking one last aim. He took longer than before before throwing. The ballon popped.
With a smile he made a few more appear, several for Buras and one for himself this time. The vendors shouldn't mind too much that a few of their goods were missing and he was at least leaving money in their place. "We should probably avoid the most crowded areas, for precautionary reasons, but other than that we can go wherever you like."
Aoife just smiles when he says not to comment, being polite and waiting until he was finished. "Third times a charm" She states with a chuckle. "Good job" She points at the small plush wolf when the vendor asked which prize he wanted. "I'd show you how it's done but I wouldn't want to embarrass you" She says teasingly taking the wolf from the vendor.
Buras gave him a blank stare. He could choose where to go? That changed everything. But where to begin? There was some bright colors over that way, maybe there was something interesting that way. So, wordlessly getting up, he marches in that direction.
"Maybe you should, i could use the humility."He said smirking, finding himself enjoying the teasing. It reminded him of his sister, he mood saddened slightly."Well...I have saddled you with me enough. I won't keep you if your needed somewhere else."
Ignis finished his float as quickly as possible without getting an ice cream headache and rushed after him. Standing at a mere 5' 9" he was by far shorter then the troll and practically had to jog to keep up with his large strides. "So...where are we headed to?" He panted, heart pounding wildly against his chest.
Finally, she was ready. The lights dimmed and most of the crowd below fell silent, though a lot of them were confused. "What's going on?" She heard one person ask, though she couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. The lights changed to red. "You must all be wondering why there is no one on stage. That is because spiders tend to hide where you least expect them." Her voice echoed across the circus tent as she lowered herself with her webs. When she got to the ground, she smiled and bowed, noticing that the faces that stared at her were all surprised. A cage waited with a red blanket thrown over it. "Welcome to Transylvania. I have a very special friend that you'd like to meet, and that would like to meet you." She giggled as her fingers danced over the blanket that hid whatever was inside. "Now, mothers, hush your children. These friends can be very, very hostile." She giggled. "It might PROVOKE THEM!" As she said this, the blanket was lifted, by her webs, to unveil her spindly legged friends, just two this time. Their pincers clicked in anger.
"Pretty lights." Was all he said, determination written all over his face. He was going to see those lights, even if he had to go through an angry Paul. Well, maybe not that, but still, he was going to see it.
"I'm finished for the night but I'm needed by my wolves. I'm sure they need dinner if they haven't found anything themselves." She uses her hip to push herself off the counter to stand straight. She turns and starts her way towards the patch of woods to check on her wolves, listening to see if the detective was following or not.
"Aaaaah alright." He smiled up at the troll as best as he could while trying to keep up. The big guy was certainly determined to head towards them. "I'll follow you wherever you go tonight and don't worry about Paul. I'll deal with that if we happen to run into him tonight." Seeing as it was his doing that Buras was out of his cage to begin with Ignis was fully prepared to take all of the blame.
Hearing gasps from the audience, she pressed her finger to her lips. "Do not be alarmed. They're really very sweet. Do not move, for their smaller cousins are even angrier." A second cage was revealed, but there was nothing in it. "Oh, dear. I seem to be a spider short." Looking at the audience, she asks them. "Have any of you seen my little girl?" Her voice sounded like one of worry. There was a shriek. "Th-There was something on my leg!" The boy panicked. Fiona recognized the boy that tortured Buras. "Should I help him?" She asked herself. "Fine, I guess I will." All at once, she disappeared, then reappeared next to the cowering child. "Pardon me, but can I have my little one back?" She stifled a giggle as the boy nodded. The spider on his shoulder crawled over to her mistress and up her arm as if this was a daily occurrence. "Thank you. I do hope I didn't scare you like you did my friend." She hissed and walked back to the stage, silent. "Now that we're all present, let the web begin." She tossed the smallest into the air, one of the bigger ones caught it and they used the threads to begin spelling out something. Meanwhile, the second gargantuan beast formed a web of his own, to catch the Spiderwoman if she fell while performing acrobatic stunts. Soon the name was spelled out and Fiona was being wrapped in a cocoon and then set on fire by a torch nearby. The thread broke, and the catching web had also caught on fire, seemingly out of nowhere. Fiona fell from her cocoon and came out completely safe. "Thank you! Thank you!" She bowed and left the stage, her spiders disappeared in the rafters.
Zali watched Fiona's act in awe. She always had a fondness for spiders, and she thought Fiona was cool, not creepy. She turned into a small blue dragon, flew up to the top, and clung to one of the poles supporting the tent, like a gecko. she grinned as fiona took the red cloth off of the cage and giggled a bit when she saw the boy with the spider on him. She ahhed and ooohed over Fiona's act, following every flip and spin with her eyes. When Fiona was done, she knew it was her turn.

She Flew down to the center of the ring (being small, no one could see her) and puffed out a large amount of smoke. Under the cover of her smoke, she turned into herself, in a beautiful red and yellow costume. She flipped backwards and blew a beautiful aqua fire plume, which turned into an aqua colored rose. She tossed the rose in to the audience, and everybody scrambled to catch it. Another plume of fire, this one black, produced a bat, which flew around the audience and then out of the tent into the night. "Who would like to be my volunteer?" There were many shouts from the crowd and Zali saw one little girl raise her hand. "Yes, you there, third row, pink pants. Come on down!" The little girl grinned and made her way down to the ring. "I'm going to need your help. See, I can't hold fire on my own, most of the time i need a helping hand." The little girl's eyes widened. "Now when I blow the fire, i need you to reach up and grab it, ok?" The small child nodded. "Ready? Here goes!" Zali inhaled deeply and blew a pink plume of fire this time, and the little girl tentatively reached up and grabbed the base of the flame. The fire turned into a pink, fluffy teddybear and zali smiled as the little girl Hugged it tight. "What's your name, sweetie?" Zali got down on one knee, holding the girl by the shoulders gently. The little girl whispered in her ear. "Give it up for Leslie, everyone!" The audience cheered and Zali bowed as Leslie made her way back up to her parents. Zali blew another puff of smoke, transformed into her pygmy dragon self, and flew offstage.

As soon as she landed she turned into a human again and sighed. She loved making people happy like that. She looked around for Fiona. "Fiona?" She searched backstage. "FIona, are you there?" 
Zali turned into a dragon, eyes glowing, and began to look for fiona, her one friend in this entire place.
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Fiona was in a corner, putting her spiders away until it was safe to let them out. Of course, they were upset about not being able to roam freely and without bars. "I'm sorry, we'll need to be careful just a little longer. I promise we'll work this out. Paul and the others are just as upset about this as you are." She threw the blanket over them with a sigh. "I just hope that's soon." Hearing her name, she looked up and turned on her heel. "Zali, what do you need, hon?" She asked in a motherly way. "I saw you. That girl was so excited."
"I like making people happy. Especially little kids. Seeing them light up like that is one of my favorite things ever." Zali looked at Fiona and smiled. She looked at the spiders and she frowned. "Here you go guys." She held out her hand and in it was a dead mouse. She put it through the bars of the cage. She turned back to fiona. "Hey, was that the boy who was mean to Buras?" She didn't like anyone to be mean about anything, especially to her family. It didn't matter that most of them didn't even speak to her, she cared for them all the same. There was something about Paul though....
One of the bigger ones gently took the mouse with his two front legs. "You might want to step back. This could get messy." Fiona warned, taking her friend's hand and moving away to give the little one her own meal, a frog, and watching her rip into it. "I'm certain that it was the very same child. I'll probably get into trouble for frightening the boy, but, I don't care. Whatever the others can think of doing to me if I'm punished can't be worse than what Buras went through." Fiona was close to tears. "I wanted to hurt him. I was so close to letting him get bitten and slowly watching him perish right there. She could have done it and I would have laughed." Fiona indicated her spider. "I guess that makes me the monster that people set out to prove that I am."
"No, Fiona. You're not a monster. You had a right to be angry. No one should have done that to Buras, and it's ok that you were mad." She Squeezed her hand. "You had the better judgement and will to NOT do that to the boy, and that takes strength." Zali looked up into Fiona's eyes. "Never, EVER let anyone tell you that you're a monster. They don't know the real you like I do." She smiled in a comforting way. She looked at Fiona's spiders disemboweling the mouse and the frog. She smiled and winked at the small spider. "I would have done that too."
Paul figured since there wasn't a large crowd yelling and screaming about a 10ft troll. He sighed at the fact that the troll was missing. Someone was going to pay for this. He walked around talking to people about the various acts. He was sure things were going fine in the tent. Right now he was keeping his eye out for a 10ft thing that should not be. He spotted Red talking to the investigator, he watched as she walked off he decided to make sure the investigator did not follow her. He walked up to the man.

"Hello sir, are you enjoying the night so far?"

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