• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Fantasy -choozen oUo7 moving to pm-

Magical Boys?!

  • Ha... No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll think about it...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Niiice :D

Okay, it's 3:30am here (GMT) but I'll see about putting together a list of details tomorrow :)

I like the sound of this, Magical college-boys sounds fantastic.
Actually, I don't think the two of us had discussed that yet actually. hahaha..... But if @dragnia agrees. I think we could be pretty lax with how often we post a week. I know Friday-Sunday I am busy with work, but me personally, I think two to three posts a week would be good. One minimum if life is hectic, since I know real life comes first instead of your online life, but lets see what nia thinks.
halp, I'm trying to do too many things at once

@radiochai u good with this?), as long as say, there was lots of OOC communication going on ovo7 As in like, on Discord or a conversation on here~
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We're not ignoring those who've posted the app stuffs...

We're just

taking a while to decide I guess 8'D

But as a heads up, if only what would be a total of say, 6-7 (ie, 4-5 others) are interested, then we're, by gosh, breaking our rule of "max of 5" x'D

Y'all are all beautiful peoples.

-adds this to the front-
What does your schedule look like? Time Zone?

I live in JST but I'm fairly active...though spring recess is just about to start for us, so I'm not sure how that will affect things. I do plan to take some short vacations (as I can afford them, lol), but I can always warn about those ahead of time.

Best means to communication?

I can go with PMs (we can do a group chat) or threads. Keeping up with notifications hasn't been a problem for me, yet. Well, as far as I know. . .

Though keeping any chat-like thing on-site would be most coolio. I don't trust myself not to be lazy if I have to check multiple places haha.

Do you like world-building?

Y e s

Are you a visual-artist?

N o...no you really don't want to see me draw. But my sister is a most excellent artist and sometimes I can get something out of her. (>u>)

(When she's not swamped with art school life...)

I have some design background, though! That has to count for something, right? Lol.

Best roleplay samples?

Jeepers I would have no idea about a 'best' post (No matter what I'm dissatisfied with everything I write minutes after typing lol, which I why I need RPs to push myself...;;;), but here are two very recent RP's with somewhat different characters (Quoted so much of the first one cause that RP also required a spirit companion type thing so you could see what that kind of interaction might look like).

Really my posting length / style would depend on the character / RP / and how I'm feeling haha I like to selfishly mess around with language ;;;

Apparently "Quoting" puts everything in Itallics ok might change that...

@Edric Yuma[/URL] )

"Couldn't have put it better myself, kiddo. Well, introductions. As for me, don't bother. As for you, you look like a bunch of a**holes, and that's all I really need to know. Now, let's find this Bloody Beard dude and kill him. Don't worry, I can handle that if you lot don't have the guts.” She paused here to accentuate her motivation by sending a quick punch into her gloved hand. “We've got two hours to live or something, so I'd like to get to it.” Pausing again with a wink, Feivel realized she couldn’t remember the last time she had spoken so much. Well, she always knew she had a loudmouth in her just waiting to be set free. Her altered voice was starting to get a bit raspy from the exertion, though. “Oh, but I have no idea where he is, so you idiots can show me."

There. She proudly looked around to see if anyone was even paying attention. Not that she really cared. It looked as if one jacko had already started to take off ( @FrontLine ), and if no one had the will to respond to her, well, she wouldn’t blame them, and she figured that running after the fleetfoot would be her best bet in getting to Bloody.

((@Affili , @babyjoker36610 , @DergTheDergon .......I think))
[B]Location:[/B] Inside Destirdere (Guard's body) [B]Company:[/B] Kehinde" data-source="Vienna?) Cadaver [B]Mood: 0" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
[B]Location:[/B] Inside Destirdere (Guard's body) [B]Company:[/B] Kehinde said:
@Edric Yuma[/URL]

As much as she was tempted to stick around and turn his tabula rasa into a black and blue work of art, she instead used the motion of the attack to propel her into kinsi finally going after the shadow girl.

Only to be stopped by a whistle, signifying some sort of hold up in a room deeper into the prison.

Is this it?

Every muscle in her body was already pulled taunt as a tightrope but she somehow managed to pull them even tighter, her fingers edging towards her utility belt as she slowed to a stealthy walk. Still, even with her lousy soul essence senses, she did notice a distinct lack of...well...anything interesting, despite the graduates whose essences were already becoming irritatingly more recognizable.

A corpse. The posse had stopped over a corpse.

While a few stood around talking about it Feivel could only tap her foot impatiently, arms crossed.

Why waste time? It’s just a damn cadaver. Even if he has gone to the afterlife I doubt he’s floating around this dump to see what happened to his meat sack.

She didn’t have time for this crap, she wanted to hurry up and release her pent-up energy before it exploded. Bringing her trouble, like those times in Council City. Kicking at nosy boy had only served to make the craving more intolerable. She needed a good old fashioned fight.

‘Come, now. You’re an assassin, aren’t you? You can do better than that. Show these other factions you’re not just about the kill.’

Feivel’s intellectuality couldn’t stand the challenge, so with a huff she pushed her way through to the dead guard. She wasn’t a crime scene investigator or anything, but she had poured through enough of her mother’s medical books to know a thing or two about human bodies. Without any hesitation (she was, as usual, wearing gloves, after all) she began poking around, more to give herself an excuse to clear her mind a bit than an actually giving a flying f**k about what had happened to him.

Hmm...that’s strange.

There wasn’t a single wound on the man’s body, well, as far as Feivel could tell, and she wasn’t in the mood to start stripping dead strangers. His eyes were brightly bloodshot, however, and there was a distinct pattern of bruising around his partially-opened mouth.

He suffocated...but there’s no signs of strangulation,” she murmured, more to herself than anyone who might be listening. Maybe that was Bloody’s power? The Council hadn’t been so hot on that part of the brief.

With a shrug she turned away. For all she knew or cared he’d choked on a chicken wing. She looked around expectantly waiting for some to start showing her the way to a body she’d have a lot more interest in.
Location: Inside Destirdere (outside room with Darious and Blood Beard) Company: Alone (?) Mood: Bloodlust
Name: Feivel Whitney Hobllordy Age: 23 Faction: Assassin Rank: Apprentice
Location: Inside Destirdere (outside room with Darious and Blood Beard) Company: Alone (?) Mood: Bloodlust
What kind of character and partner for your character are you thinking of?

This character would be suffering from a chronic case of 'jakikankei chuunibyou' (Evil Eye Type 2 Year Syndrome). As thus he has convinced himself that he is the Prince of Darkness, one day destined to take over the world in flames. However, having grown up greatly impacted by hero shows and the like, he has decided to fight this destiny in order to become the world’s first “Hero of Darkness.” Mostly due to his dedication to his costumed idols, he is ridiculously idealistic and naive, having willfully locked himself in a world where, no matter the stakes, “good” always has to triumph over “evil,” and no other variations of reality can enter without serious filtering. There is still much he does not know, or has purposefully blocked out, about the true darkness of man (potentially relating to why he's stuck in this 'chuunibyou' state in the first place, which I will figure out more in detail if it comes to an actual profile). However, despite these lofty aspirations, in fact he is a total loser with a quiet voice easily ignored and frightfully poor social skills, coming off as annoying at best, creepy at worst in his antics. He’s the type that wakes up every day determined to finally start a "Heroic exercise routine", but on the chance that he actually does make it to a gym, he’ll do 3 reps and tire out, finding some excuse about a Lord of Darkness having no need for muscles...fighting instead with their soul through the power of shadows...mutter mutter mutter

For his spirit I wanted to do something based off of the Japanese ‘kasha,’ a fiery cat-based demon who is said to come for souls to drag to Hell. In my musings I imagined that for some reason kasha would be hanging around some alleyway behind where the guy lives, where he goes to practice his “dark magic” and “hero chants.” Getting fed up at this kid thinking he is Master of Shadows and so on, finally the kasha has enough and attempts to lecture / interact with him (well 'origin story' would depend on what is decided as far as plot). Unlike this would-be Prince of Darkness, kasha has seen much of the world, and knows all about the true corruption, desperation, and darkness of man, being exposed to nothing but the worst sides of humanity. While at first kasha might try and temper the hero to give up his idealism, maybe at some point they work on breaking him out of his 'chuunibyou,' or start to rub off on one another, and the relationship develops from there...

So, basically a character who doesn't want to face reality and one who's seen too much of it.

(Well still a lot of holes buuut yea; sorry if it's too similar to someone else's at this point I mused for too long >,> <,< >,>>>

Though I could make slight alterations here and there and this sort of thing could go lots of ways, perhaps)

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1.) I'm unsure of my schedule, but after I post a cs I'm perfectly capable of posting on in a timely manner. I am on Pacific Standard Time.

2.) Whatever works best, I'm all for it, though you can probably reach me best from here.


4.) I'm decent at art (I hope), but I don't post it much. (Imma shy ^-^ )


I'm going to be outright and honest with you here, I've been out of the game for a little bit and I'm getting back into roleplay, so I don't have much really amazing recent stuff to show for.

The Great Collodian Empire began as Morandol, a land overrun with literal savages, they’d kill any who entered, that was until the people of the nation of Rodandor, a land sunken in a recent earthquake, came in with their advanced war powers and exterminated all but a single percentage of the Morandol natives, who were promptly blocked out by the construction of a wall as was present in Rodandor before it had fallen beneath the waves. Within the next century, the wall was erected nearly a mile into the sky, which is when fortifications began, and the wall was lined with defenses, with technology made to protect the inner lands, and within the walls the masses were constructing cities and fighting over land, a war between four ‘kingdoms’ took place, and only ended when an extreme winter took over and froze the war dead in it’s tracks.

By the spring ten years later, peace was made with the four sides with the help of a man named “Collodor Tabod” (For which the nation was named) and the land was again reunited, but the native species had been endangered and they were in war with another nation, for the next 1000 or so years it’s recorded that species were protected and over time war against Collodia eased and they focused on peace, though their war technology was beyond that of other nations, and they focused on the preservation of life within the walls.


Collodia is a land of extreme temperatures, it’s closeness to the arctic portion of the world has contributed to it’s near year round winter, and the only warming is in late spring, summer, and very early fall, and even in those times, lands closer to the arctic remain frozen well into summer and only heat slightly at the height of the solar season. Much like the temperature, the landscape of the empire is a mix of mighty mountains, sheer cliffs, deep valleys with small openings in the surface and entire cities underneath, and plains for months on foot. It should be noted that upon conquering the land, construction of a wall began, and after many hundreds upon thousands of years, there is a sturdy wall surrounding the perimeter of the land made of an unknown substance, with large guarded openings for both people and vehicles, not excluding ships and war machines. The easiest way to enter would be by plane, and upon arrival the large structures spread through the land are well visible.


Born into a family of four, this being his mother, father, older brother, and step-sister, and lived a lush life with his powerful family, growing to be feared for his tendency to execute without proper reason and the fact that the previous emperor had allowed it to be so. Over time, when a new emperor came along and began taxing the Collodian people left and right, taxes much too high for most to pay, he began to see the troubles of the low estates... Starving, diseased, cold, thirsty. They only wished for the basic necessities and were slaughtered relentlessly for their inability to pay the new emperor, and though he'd been much the same, he never knew how awful it looked, he simply sent people to their deaths.

It was about time the Collodians had a Revolution, and though no one wanted near Eirexandor after his many nights of bloodshed, he was determined to fight alongside the people. The young heir joined the secret and growing militia two years into the planning of the revolt at the age of sixteen, though avoided and ignored he trained like the rest, enthusiastic about the cause and headstrong about the fight, he slowly rose in the ranks of the militia, finding common ally Solivae, who joined him as he climbed the ladder of power, eventually reaching General at the age of 22, which would not have been so if the rest besides Solivae, who began plotting attack strategies, hadn't been low-class people with no education whatsoever, let alone the ability to lead.

With four different teams of attack, they went rampant through the streets, slaughtering guards and eventually making their way to the House, though their numbers dwindled. Their success resulted in the start of a Diarchial Imperialism, at this time he was 23, the war a success, he took over.


Born an only-child, Solivae was the sole focus of his loving mother and father, who pushed him to be strong despite being physically frail, he learned from his mother the art of machinery, and from his father was extensive knowledge of history, of chemicals, he grew to be a mentally capable man. At age 21 was when he joined the militia, and planned training, strategic maneuvers, and designed weapons for the forces of the Collodia, one of these times he met the Borrandov heir, who was at the time no younger than 18, possibly 19 years, but you could tell he wasn't quite 20, and he for some reason insisted upon being called by his first name, "Eirexander", possibly due to his wanting to be treated like everyone else. Whatever his age, whatever his reasoning, Solivae found him quite likeable, and they quickly became "allies", and as Eirex rose through the ranks, Solivae did as well, and they teamed up in the planning and executing of strategies, when he eventually became a general.

With the power team of Solivae and Eirexandor, they marched to victory and overthrew the emperor, and his guards, though the militia lost many, the revolt changed the course of Collodian history and it's government forever.

A Diarchial Imperialistic government was it's future, and in charge were two of the leaders of the Collodian Revolt, 23-year old Eirexandor Rovanne, and 27-year old Solivae Scovarre.

Marley isn't quite aware of it, but he lost his mother in a hunting accident at a very young age. She was mortally wounded, leaving him to be raised by those who had killed her.

They would be a small pack of werewolves, living in a remote village in the mountains.

He was raised, for the most part, alongside these wolves, though he lived mostly with a hesitant young warrior named "Finnius the Cold". He would become "Dad" to the orphaned fawn.

There, he learned to fight, how to defend himself, how to talk, basic academics, and from Finnius, music. He made many friends he had to leave behind when he left to go to middle school. Eventually he came to be a part of the band.

A month later, Finnius died of a terminal illness, leaving Marley with no reason to go back.

Casual - Jurassic Park: Troubled Coast -Open-

6.) A humble guy that doesn't know how to say "No" and lies to avoid complication partnered with a bombastic shapeshifting badger (mujina?) that constantly torments him throughout his daily life as a volunteer at the local zoo and as your typical college student. (This idea thing is fun :D )

I'd be glad to join ya but I won't take it personally if I don't meet expectations

I open myself to thy judging eye <( • ^ • )>

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@radiochai I RPed on Gaia years ago and it was a great community, so sorry to hear it's been corrupted. :,(

And @dragnia if you like pretty colors and such you should look into the accordions (my only complaint with tabs is they're not really customizable haha)
Me! Me! Do you have room?

...I even draw!

I can show you the things! See — samples—

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.279181e8808fe970a9fc2fe02da141f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.279181e8808fe970a9fc2fe02da141f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not anime, but it's something:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.86d8587c5bec969f651fa181be5954d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.86d8587c5bec969f651fa181be5954d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.1e57046044b4471fd4ed2db18d204bb9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.1e57046044b4471fd4ed2db18d204bb9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.29f6bfcf2d4d5af60a6eb7247846e58f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.29f6bfcf2d4d5af60a6eb7247846e58f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I am not applying, but I shall fully support @dragnia in their endeavors, should they need any BBcode help.
Okay, okay. So after some consideration, and I know this will probably be amazing fun, but I think I might be biting off more than I can chew RP wise just now, especially with my other hobbies and job searching thrown in. So regretably, I'm going to pass on this.
@radiochai and wait until Monday for the final decision 8'D Sorry for the wait!

hopefully it gets here sooner than later O-O -keeps y'all in suspense and keeps self from saying ANYTHING for the FINAL RESULTS- -dies-

@ Pretzel heart tho--

so many fancy looking things ohmygosh

I've still got a lot to learn in terms of the coding x'D


You've got some beautiful artwork right there!!

Of course we're still looking at people ovo7 I'd love to see what you've got for us!


And no problem, doode \o^o/ RL and all that fun stuff is vimportant

We gotta roleplay again together some day, tho/

some day

-stares at
@welian too-

@Pretzel Heart

the magic of it is overwhelming





If I knew more about the coding

I'd do it, too, don't worry eue...

goodness. I have to decide if I want to draw right now or... something


-rolls all over the thread-
@dragnia -Go draw! And post it here!-

But the coding is really not hard to do at all! (I just keep pestering people whenever I see a layout I like until they teach me haha). And there's some help forums which usually has something about BBC. But there are some who are really great with the BBC on here... (like welian who offered to assist you in that regard I believe -coughs-). There's a lot of ways you can manipulate the tags, which I'm still learning. But it's fun. (^.^)

Because I have no life
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We even have dedicated BBcode helpers on RPN now! They're actually a bit more stylish than me, but since I'm a super mod, I'm able to view the entire private workshop, which is where people usually need help.
I've been dicking around with the bbcodes a lot lately in my private workshop. My 1x1 search thread I think was my first attempt at a completed bbcode layout I came up with.


Pan-da Ne-ko///


@Pretzel Heart

It's just about starting, honestly xD I actually never really ever asked people about how to code back on Gaia...

My trick?

Quoting the post 8D and studying the coding x'D

I'm most likely going to do something similar here...




ohgoodness I have too much time on my hands right now x_x;;
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I Guess I can try and join

  1. I'm socially dead to a point. So...anytime?
  2. PM
  3. I do
  4. Nope. I use an avatar creator
  5. Show us one of your best roleplay samples. If you don't have any, go ahead and write something up! Remember, quality is better than quantity. ;>
  6. What kind of character and partner for your character are you thinking of? Bare in mind, it doesn't have to be detailed. It can be something like "Wimpy kid and his BA demon rabbit," ...... With a little more meat, but you get me xD
dragnia said:

Pan-da Ne-ko///


@Pretzel Heart

It's just about starting, honestly xD I actually never really ever asked people about how to code back on Gaia...

My trick?

Quoting the post 8D and studying the coding x'D

I'm most likely going to do something similar here...




ohgoodness I have too much time on my hands right now x_x;;
...that's scarily brilliant


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