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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]



It has been many years since the events of The Heroes Of Olympus. Percy and the seven have lived their lives and eventually passed on. Now it is time for the new generation of heroes. The Gods and Goddesses have brought forth more Demigods. These ones are quite possibly more powerful than the last.

Something has risen. A force so powerful none have even fathomed what it could do. The fates remain silent. The Gods of Olympus are unaware of the impending threat.

What will be in store for these new heroes?

What has been called forth?

Will they be able to handle the dangers that they are destined to face or will the flames of Western Civilization finally die for good?

GMs are @ShurikenPhoenix, so all queries and questions go to us.


2. Anastasia Mauori- @Joker880


Hephaestus-God of Blacksmiths and The Forge:

1.Seymour Anima- @Lurker


Hermes-God of Thieves, Messengers and Travellers:

1. Rèy Balestràde- @BeamMeUpScotty


Aphrodite Goddess of Love and Beauty:


Ajax Hyles -


Athena-Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy:

1. Allie Howlett- @Enigmaniac

2. Cassie Hugh-

Demeter-Goddess of Agriculture and Plants:

1. Brooklyn Walker- @ShadyAce


Hestia-Goddess of Home and Hearth:

1. Kimba Lyelle- @Quiet Is Violent


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