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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]


The Guardian and Protector
The two GMs in charge of this Roleplay are:

1. @ShurikenPhoenix
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I'm not Stalking Pheonix like what? So, I'd like to reserve two spots: a son of Aphrodite and a daughter of Zeus. If that's alright if I have two. If I can only have one then I'll have the son of Aphrodite
munchkincora said:
I'm not Stalking Pheonix like what? So, I'd like to reserve two spots: a son of Aphrodite and a daughter of Zeus. If that's alright if I have two. If I can only have one then I'll have the son of Aphrodite
Hehe not stalking me indeed :P
Hello! ^.^ I'm planning on making a character. I can see we can only have one, but is there a chance later on we can make two?
Can I have a son of hades? I know there is already someone reserved for the spot, but can there be two kids of the big three?
ShadyAce said:
Hello! ^.^ I'm planning on making a character. I can see we can only have one, but is there a chance later on we can make two?
Oh did you have an idea of which cabin you'd like your character to be?

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