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Fandom Children of Olympus [Percy Jackson Roleplay]


The Guardian and Protector

Son of Zeus


Location:The Big House//Scenario:Welcoming New Campers//With:No One

Jethro stood on the front porch of the Big House, looking out over the Strawberry Fields. On this particular day, he wore a black polo and tan cargo pants. The shirt was tucked into the pants. It seemed that no matter how long he was gone from Military school, he could never quite break the habits he had learned there. He also wore black combat boots and black finger-less gloves. His sword and shield were strapped onto his back. Even if there was no immediate threat, Jethro preferred to have his weapons with him. Otherwise, he felt exposed and that was not something that he liked.

Today was the first day of Summer and he knew a large amount of Campers would be arriving today. Some of the campers would be returners, those who chose to go back home for the winter. Others would be brand new campers, those who were coming to camp for the first time in their lives. Those were the ones that Chiron had asked Jethro to help.

Next to him, pinned in the grass was a large sign that said,

"New Campers, Line up here." It was meant to create more order. When things calmed down, it would be Jethro's job to direct the new campers. Already the camp was beginning to fill up and a group steadily formed in front of him.

A new year, A new Camp. Who knows what kind of quests and adventures the campers were in for that year?

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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Apollo Cabin//Scenario: New campers and old friends!//With: N/A//Mentions: N/A

After ten years of living at Camp Half-Blood, the thrill of watching campers arrive through the gates still managed to stay with her. Usually it was she who greeted everyone at the gates, not because she had any particular request to by Chiron or Mr D, but because she loved helping new campers to find their way around the place that she literally called home. This year, however, that honour went to the head of Zeus cabin, whom most would agree was de facto second in command to Chiron. Callie watched from the window of Apollo cabin, as campers began arriving; most of them familiar to the fair haired veteran. Not many campers stayed year round like her, and in all her time there, nothing particularly sinister like the days of the legendary Seven Demigods had ever happened. In all honesty, it was a rather utopian period.

Deciding she simply couldn't resist greeting campers, she left the empty cabin and joined the Zeus boy, Jethro at his post with a small smile and nod of greeting. "Woah, I swear there are way more campers than usual..." She mused, more to herself than anything.


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Seymour Anima

Location : The Forge | With : No one

The hammer came crashing down on the metal again, the blow ringing out. Seymour sighed and wiped a greasy arm across his sweaty forehead. The action left a smudge but he didn't seem to notice or care. The teen set the hammer down carefully, moving to check on his latest creation. Seymour was determined to make it work this time, he was on his third phone this month. The hulking teen was in the process of making an indestructible phone case. His hands were too big for most phones and he wasn't careful with them at all. This led to phones being dropped, smashed, or just crushed by his giant hands. It was not unknown for Seymour to clench his fist when he was frustrated, and if he had his phone in hand when he did that, it was crunch time. Seymour had been asked multiple times why he even had a cellphone. He had always thought it was a strange question and never bothered answering. He had never run into any monsters nor did he ever leave camp so he was allowed to keep it. Pleased that the case seemed to be coming along nicely, Seymour dug into the pockets of his blue jeans to retrieve the pieces he needed. Once retrieved, he placed the pieces on the workbench.

Seymour noticed that there was grease on the pieces and cursed. Due to his intense focus he had not even noticed that his hands were covered in grease. The blacksmith looked around for a towel and when he found none, shrugged and wiped his hands on his plain black t-shirt. Once his hands were 'clean' Seymour began fiddling with the pieces. The teen's hands worked with the pieces deftly even though they looked much too small for him. While he put the pieces together his eyes began to wander. Seymour looked over to the big house, noticing the long line outside. He squinted, trying to figure out why there were so many people gathered over there. The teen rarely kept track of important dates and had no idea that it was the first day of camp. He had always enjoyed the quiet months when campers went home, it left him alone in the forge even more. Seymour briefly hoped that none of the crowd would bother him while he worked before returning his focus to his project.

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Location: The Big House Scenario: New cuties and old cuties With: Jethro @ShurikenPhoenix Mentions: Seymour @Lurker


Morning was always the best time for going for a run. Specifically because nobody would bother him. Not that he minded when people talked to him, but once he got running he had to finish. Not stop in the middle or he wouldn't have the enthusiasm to keep going once he started talking. Now if whoever was talking decided to run with him, that was a different story. AJ loved having company on his runs, but he usually never got any, which was a little upsetting. This was about the only time of day the flirty blonde ever got to himself, but that wasn't something he disliked. He loved being around people. He was big on the whole, social butterfly thing. In fact he was usually the first one in Camp to suggest parties and such. Any excuse for a party and he'd take it. Birthday? Entire camp celebration. First day at camp? Of course you're going to meet everyone. Today especially because it was the start of summer. Technically, as a somewhat more minor Demigod, AJ could get away with going away from Camp for the winter. But honestly? He had nowhere to go. And he loved it here.

AJ passed The Forge on his way back to the Big House, noticing Seymour hard at work. He had to give the man credit, he had an incredibly amazing work ethic. Meaning he never stopped working. AJ was of the opinion that he just needed to take a break every now and again, though he'd tried before to get the guy to drop the hammer and needless to say, that hadn't worked out. His mother had told him to give up, considering that she was with Seymour's father, she knew how they could get. Slowing down to a jog as he came up to the Big House, spotting Jethro and Callie. Coming up next to them both he stretched slightly with a grin, "How are my some of my favorite year-rounders?" He asked, glancing down briefly at his dark grey T-Shirt, before draping an arm over Callie's shoulders.
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: Passing thtogh Half Blood hill+//Scenario: Arrival//With: N/A//Mentions: N/A


Anastasia stepped through the entrance archway of the camp and looked on at the camp ahead of it. Even at her second year, the sight of the camp ahead still brought on at her, it was unlike anything she had seen. Though to look her you wouldn't see her awe, a pair of think sunglasses covering her eyes and her mouth was still as if disinterested only opening to accommodate the cigarette she had on her left hand. She stopped in the top of the hill wondering were to go first as she finished her cigarette, remembering having along fight with Chiron about smoking in her first year. She figured she would drop of her things at the Cabin but she wanted to scout the new arrival, to see if there were any potential victims or friends. Stubbing out her cigarette, she walked on to the big house. Lighting another cigarette along the way.

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@ShurikenPhoenix and Ajax- @munchkincora //Mentions:N/A[/color][/size][/font]

"Yes, every year more and more come and every year it is up to us Senior campers to train them. I hope you are prepared, I have a feeling that you are going to have quite an archery class this year." Jethro replied to Callie. Every cabin was responsible for training that others in their skills. Of course, there was no way other cabins would become as

proficient. For example, no matter how long Callie trained a child of Demeter in Archery, that child would never be as good as she was. So was the way of the natural skills, Demigods possessed due to their parents. Anyone could become good but not nearly as great as those who were born into it.

Callie was in charge of training the archery class. The children of Ares trained in combat skills. The children of Hephaestus were to train campers in forging skills. It went on like that with each camper doing their part. Many new campers tended to ask Jethro what he trained the campers in being the son of the Zeus. Jethro's job was simple, he trained the campers in cohesion and team work. Many in his classes complained that it was too hard. However, Jethro did not care what they said. His job was to train these campers for the real monstrous world. Out there, everything would be unforgiving. So, it was up to him to be unforgiving too.

He looked up as Aj joined him and Callie, immediately putting his arm around Callie as he did so. Jethro rolled his eyes at this, Aj was much too touchy feely for Jethro's liking but instead of causing any issues, he ignore the son of Aphrodite. He had long since found that it was the best way to handle him and his flirtatious ways.


Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Big House//Scenario: Greeting people//With: Jethro @ModernRanger and Ajax @munchkincora //Mentions: Anastasia @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Callie wasn't really expecting that Jethro would respond to her musings and jumped slightly when he replied to her, talking about how many archers she'd have to teach. It was true for the most part. Besides her father Apollo was known for having one of the two biggest cabins at camp along with Hermes Cabin. It wasn't a surprise. Anyone who had met Apollo could tell you he acted a little like a Godly Mick Jagger. She wouldn't be surprised if Mick Jagger turned out to be her demigod half sibling! She hoped there'd be a few younger cabin members to teach. She had always had a soft spot for the younger ones. "Well, I won't be the only one teaching them. There's plenty of kids in my cabin to go round," she chuckled as she spotted AJ from Aphrodite jogging over to them. She offered him a sunny smile as he stopped beside her, declaring that they were some of his 'favourite year-rounders' as he placed an arm around her shoulder. The problem with Aphrodite kids was that they were charming without even trying. Even that simple gesture made her blush a little involuntarily. "Oh hi Aj. It looks like their may be a few new people in your cabin." She nodded over to a group of extremely glamorous looking girls who were talking animatedly about boys. It was an assumption, but she'd bet it was a correct one. They oozed Aphroditeness.

After a moment she noticed her half sister Anastasia entering camp with a deadpan expression. She wasn't sure how to greet her, as she never knew what to think of the girl. She was difficult to get to know and sometimes she could be an attention hog. She was her sister though and so she shot her a warm smile and greeting,
"Hey Anastasia, welcome back!" she said, trying not to wrinkle her nose at the smell of cigarettes.


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Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Big House//Scenario:Greeting the newbies //With: Jethro@ModernRanger and Ajax @ShurikenPhoenix


Anastasia heard Callie as she arrived the big house, however she didn't greet back looking at the crowd of newbies formed. They were quite afew out today. "Welcome to hell, newbies! You are here to be sacrificed for the gods pleasure!" She called out suddenly before chuckling at their reaction, some looked confused wondering whether to believe her while others looked genuinely frightened. She turned back to Callie."Might make this a yearly tradition. Maybe you join in the fun, huh sis?"


@ShurikenPhoenix //Mentions: Ajax- @munchkincora [/color][/size][/font]

"Don't worry, you have nothing to fear from her. She nor anyone else is going to sacrifice you to anything or anyone!" Jethro called to the new campers, calming their nerves slightly before his next words, which only made them anxious and nervous once again.

"You really should fear me though. I am Jethro, Head camper of the Zeus Cabin. I am one of your trainers and at the end of the day, I will be the one who observes your abilities and determines whether or not you are ready to face quests. I will be strict on you because the world out there is unforgiving. Many of you will grow to hate me over your time here, that is fine. I am not here to be your friend, I am here to prepare you for the many dangers that you are going to face in your lifetime. Most of your training will be spent with the other cabins. The time you spend training with me will be some of the most frustrating days of your lives. Understand that there is a purpose behind all of this. While you are here at camp, you will make many friends and probably a few enemies. You will be briefed on camp rules, given a tour of the camp and when your Olympian parent claims you, be sent to your assigned cabin. Try not to piss anyone off as you are still new here and if you start something it is on you."

Jethro looked over to where Callie and Aj were standing,

"This is Callie, daughter of Apollo, she is the head of the Apollo cabin. Is there anything you'd like to add Callie?"

He asked her.

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Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Big House//Scenario: Intros//With: Jethro @ModernRanger Ajax @munchkincora and Anastasia @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki //Mentions: N/A

Callie frowned slightly, both at the words of her sister and the rather gloomy pep talk from Jethro. Her idealistic nature made her prone to the more sunny side of things and cold, hard realism was not something she was a fan of most of the time, so when Jethro went on about how gruelling his teaching would be, it was sort of depressing, though also true. She was happy to lighten the mood once she was introduced, and waved slightly to the newcomers. "Hi everyone. Now that you've been terrified, I think it's time for a little optimism around here. It's not all gloom and doom. There are camp fire singalongs, parties, beach volleyball, oh and my archery lessons, not to mention pegasus riding with Aphrodite cabin," she then looked over at AJ at the mention of his cabin, "So most importantly, have fun whilst you're here. It is a summer camp after all."



Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

"Boooooooooooored....." Elijah groaned as he forced himself to walk around the beautiful green grass of the camp. "So bored...." Stuffing his hand into his pants he kept walking on his back to the big house where everyone was coming in as he wasn't really suppose to be close to the new guys.... Especially after last year where he gave a girl a panic attack and had a few kids already wanting to leave the camp. Though in his opinion it's not his fault that these kids were scared shitless of a few zombies/skeletons/ghost. He was just saying hi in his own amusing way...after all! He had been told to make friends in this place something he actually had very little of despite the fact he was a year rounder. Trying not to be so bored he looked around for anything to do and he soon laid eyes on the forge where he heard someone in there.

Now the forge was his least favorite place in the entire camp, with the fire all around, in his opinion it was asking for a disaster. But by the gods was he bored! So he decided to risk it this one time, with a sigh he walked over to the forge and peaked in seeing Seymour he thought about what to. In his mind he had a few options. A summon a ghost or something and scare the living shit out of him, or B have an actual conversation with the guy. After some consideration he went with plan B, after all he should try to avoid some trouble....at least for now. So walking over to a chair that was the furthest away from the fire he sat down and looked at the huge man. "....Beef man, what are you making?" he asked in curiously as he leaned on the chair hoping this guy would ride his boredom.


@ShurikenPhoenix //Mentions:[/color][/size][/font]

Jethro rolled his eyes at Callie's words. Yes, he was being a little dark minded but in his experience, the scared recruits tended to take training far more seriously. Better that he scare them now rather than what he tended to do to trainees who were not paying attention. Being as close to Chiron as he was, Jethro constantly looked over the Reported Death reports. He was tired of seeing his recruits names listed so he had resolved to train the best demigods the world had ever seen. Better even than the Seven of the Argo 2.



Seymour Anima

Location : The Forge | With : No one

Seymour groaned when his phone didn't fit in the case exactly how he wanted it to. Just a little adjustment and it'll fit perfectly. With that the teen took the metal frame of the case and began heating it up in the forge to make it more malleable. Some might assume Seymour used tongs or some other tool to do this, they would be wrong. Seymour had the ability to bend fire to his will and so he was immune to fire. The blacksmith now had his entire arm plunged into the forge, holding the metal framework. Once he was satisfied that it was hot enough, he pulled his arm back out and cursed. His shirt was now on fire. Blowing at the flames prove ineffective, so he just pat it out after a while. Seymour hardly noticed that half the sleeve was now burnt away. Placing the frame on the table, he picked up the hammer and began pounding away. Shards of metal flew in various directions each time the hammer came down. While he was hammering he looked up to notice the boy sitting at the table. He hardly even noticed the name calling, turning his attention back to his work. He gave Elijah a short answer, returning to focus on his work. "Phone case. Keep breaking mine."

Once Seymour was satisfied that the frame looked alright, he plunged it into the water nearby. This served to both cool and set the frame. The water hissed loudly for a moment before the red hot metal returned to it's silver color. Seymour pulled the frame out, placing it on the table. He reached into his back pocket, again forgetting his hands were dirty. Carefully, he placed the phone into the frame and was happy to see that it was now a perfect fit. Seymour reached into his pocket for the final pieces when he noticed he didn't have them. Grumbling, he moved over to the toolbox and saw that there were also none there. Where the pieces to finish his case should have been there was a note. He squinted at the letters, trying to make out what it said. If you want more parts you're going to have to teach blacksmithing this year Seymour. - Chiron Seymour groaned, and burned the note before looking up to the big house. He hadn't been at camp long, only about 2 years, but he had refused to teach anything even though he was one of the best builders in his cabin. The teen wondered if he could sneak in and steal the parts, ignoring the fact he was one of the tallest and burliest kids at camp. Shrugging his massive shoulders, Seymour began walking up the hill towards the house. It did not even cross his mind to say anything to Elijah as he left.

As Seymour approached the house, some of the new campers look worried. Before them was a giant with grease all over his face and half his shirt burnt. He payed the worried glances no mind, staring at the ground as he walked. Can't believe they're forcing me to do this. Maybe if I yell enough they'll just give the parts to me. Once he reached the house Seymour was face with a choice. There was a line in front of him serving as a wall between him and the steps. He could either walk around which would take way too much time, or just walk straight through. Seymour went with the latter, walking straight through some kids, nearly bowling them over. He said nothing, making his way to the steps. He looked over to the three gathered on the porch, asking them a quick question."Where's Chiron?"

@ShurikenPhoenix , @ModernRanger , @munchkincora
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Big House//Scenario:Greeting the newbies //With: Jethro@ModernRanger and Ajax @ShurikenPhoenix\[font\=Book Antiqua\]\[size\=5\]\[color\=\#ffff00\] \[/color\]\[/size\]\[/font\] , Jethro @ModernRanger


Anastasia smirked at the two contradicted each other as she walked over to the middle of the two of them. "Ahh.. Look at you two, your first lovers spat over how you raise the kiddos... It is almost cute." She said chuckling." Personally i prefer Mommies idea than daddies." She added." I hope you guys didnt forget the various monsters in the forest nearby. The Minotaurs, harpys, giants and cyclopes they have to face."

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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Status: Boooored/ Location: In front of the big house standing on the porch

Elijah let out a sigh as Beefman left the forge without a word. "Thanks! Just leave the defenseless and bored kid alone with fire and pointy stuff! What could possibly go wrong?" He said as he leaned back making sure to keep a fair distance from the fire. Looking around he thought about what he should do. "This is why I don't do conversations, had I scared him or pestered him he would have been more fun." He muttered as he got up and started to grab random things from Seymour's table and began to hide them all-around the forge. When he hid the tool box along with various other things he let out a yawn and walked into a shadow disappearing before coming out of a shadow in front of the big house. "Welp...... I thought about not getting trouble. Buuuuuuut I wanna have fun." He said with a smirk as he looked at the new kids ignoring Jethro and the others.​

Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and started to mutter under his breath as he began to summon a few ghost so he could scare the new guys shitless... Annnd probably land him in trouble, but hey! As long as it's fun!


@Everyone since I'm too lazy.​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.c6750c5526c45bdf933469e7151c9e00.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.c6750c5526c45bdf933469e7151c9e00.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Balthazar staggered out of the Gray Sisters cab shortly after a majority of the new campers had arrived, swearing under his breath and vowing to never use that mode of transportation again as he tossed the sisters a few drachmas through the cab window with his feet safely on the ground. He had just returned from a weekend with his mother and step-family slightly upset about the whole ordeal. Apparently he now has a baby sister that no one cared to tell him about. Was he really here so often that they had forgotten to mention such an important detail to him? he knew he couldn't leave camp for long periods without risking attracting monsters... actually he took that risk every time he left no matter how long he stayed away because he was a son of one of the big three but he couldn't not see his mother every now and then.

He had walked up to the Big House in time to hear the last bit of the conversation as he hug attacked Seymour, his favorite grumpy camper, from behind hoping that he didn't get thrown off like last time he had tried this which had resulted in having the wind knocked out of him for what seemed like a whole ten minutes- in reality it had only been a few seconds- but still it wasn't a pleasant feeling. "Hey!" he addressed Anastasia. "The cyclopes aren't all that bad... well they like me anyway." he said with a shrug still, for the moment, hanging around Seymour's neck. and that was true at least, he had managed to make peace with his giant half siblings... well some of them. "I could loan you one, Seymour. They're supposed to be really good at blacksmithing and making things.... would give you some company too." he offered while he continued to dangle and watched Elijah curiously, not saying anything to draw attention to the other boy. Balthazar was small for his age and next to Seymour he looked like a young child, a whole foot and a half shorter at the least, it seemed, than Seymour, and Jethro as well who was also much larger than him.




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Seymour Anima

Location : The Big House | With : Balthazar, Elijah, Jethro, Callie, Ajax

Seymour was still waiting for the location of Chiron when he felt something hit his back. The giant didn't even budge, it would have been like jumping against a brick wall. Seymour knew who it was without even looking. There was only one person who would try hugging him. The teen's first instinct was to shake Balthazar off like he did last time but apparently that didn't get the point across. Seymour reached a giant hand over his shoulder, gripping Balthazar by the shirt. He yanked the boy off of him, still holding on to his shirt which left him dangling there at Seymour's mercy. Seymour seemed like he was carrying a bag of groceries, as if the boy weighed almost nothing. Glaring at Balthazar, he spoke in the quick way he had that was straight to the point. "Really good isn't good enough for me."

After he spoke Seymour turned so that he was facing away from the house. The new kids were staring in terror at what Seymour was going to do next. Without any warning Seymour swung Balthazar back, then swung him forward and released his shirt, launching him away from the porch. The new kids gasped in shock, the easily scared shuffling away from Seymour some. The throw had no malicious intent, he wasn't trying to hurt Balthazar, he just wanted to get his point across. Without waiting to see if the boy landed on his feet, Seymour turned back to Jethro, Callie, and AJ, waiting on their answer. Seymour did not even acknowledge that he had just thrown someone about 10 feet away with very little effort. He still had business to settle with Chiron.

@Faction Before Blood
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Daughter of Apollo

Location: The Big House//Scenario: A great advert for Camp Half-Bloood...not//With: Anastasia, Jethro, Ajax, Elijah, Balthazar, Seymour//Mentions:

Callie simply ignored Anastasia's comment and turned her attention to the other year-round campers that were making their way over. It wasn't hard to tell from a distance that one of them was Seymour from Hephaestus cabin as he towered over nearly everyone and always had this disconnected look to him. She hardly ever even saw the guy since he stayed in the forges most of the time, so she was alarmed when he stopped in front of The Big House and asked them where Chiron was. Had she even heard him speak before? She honestly wasn't sure.

Following close by him was another person that she recognised but never talked to: Elijah from Hades cabin. Unlike most people from her cabin who had a natural aversion to children of Hades, Callie found them all fascinating, and while she wasn't friends with them by any means, she didn't avoid them either. Granted she wasn't about to engage in shadow travelling, but occasional conversations were harmless.

Before Callie or anyone else could answer Seymour's question, someone practically threw themselves at him and hung onto his neck like a spider monkey. The newbies all gasped in horror, wondering what the hulking guy was going to do to the perpetrator and even though she guessed he wouldn't do anything malicious, even she furrowed her brows in concern, about to intervene before he spontaneously tossed the boy hanging from his neck about ten feet. Blinking rapidly, Callie looked from Seymour to the Poseidon boy and back again incredulously. She decided that there was no way to salvage the situation for the new campers so just shook her head in an 'it happens around here' kind of way before turning her attention back to Seymour.

"I don't know where Chiron is. He's on some sort of official godly business, but he'll be back before the welcome campfire tonight...and by the way, can we not make a habit of throwing people like javelins everyone?" she asked, mostly directed at Seymour, not in an unkind way of course, "I mean these guys must think we're all crazy!" She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, about to give up on welcoming everyone and practice archery or make a few new arrows instead.


"I am good thanks, Balthy, to be honest I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole... unless to poke one's eye with a stick."Anastasia called back out to the man hung around the giants neck. It seemed her work was done so left the group in the chaos it was currently in, walking to the Apollo cabin. She paused just after she entered and clutched her side as she groaned in pained before placed her bag on her bed opposite Callie''s and ruffled through it. She eventually uncovered a bottle of water and one of pills. She took two pills with some water and hid the two back to her bah and unpacked everything else.

(sorry for the layout, using phone.)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.1d00303e0bb27d9900f6ddb9d66fc218.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/uijyhgtrf.png.1d00303e0bb27d9900f6ddb9d66fc218.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Balthazar couldn't help the grunt he made when Seymour pulled him of his back. He smiled innocently as the bigger boy held him up by the back of his shirt, one hand at the collar of his shirt so he wouldn't be hanged by his own clothing, and listened to the quick retort about cyclopes not being good enough... well he didn't exactly agree with that but he was in no position to argue with Seymour at the moment so he let it go. He was about to open his mouth to say something else instead when Seymour threw him a good ten feet away. Inwardly amazed at the others strength, Balthazar flipped mid air trying to correct his landing position and in a second his feet hit the ground. He had half a mind to take a bow when he felt the momentum of the throw continuing to carry him backward. Balthazar rolled backwards across the ground in another attempt to correct himself and found his feet once more just before he lost his balance and landed flat on his butt looking very disgruntled upon impact but imminently falling into laughter despite the dull throbbing pain in his backside. Balthazar could only imagine how he looked in that moment.

Balthazar stood and, still smarting from his landing, slowly made his way back to the group waiting in front of the house. once there the boy pulled some candy, a hand full of jolly ranchers and nudging Seymour in the arm, offered him some in a sort of peace offering. "Pocket candy?" he offered to the giant and then mused "We're Demigods. If they thought life here was going to be normal they are the crazy ones." he said referring to the new campers. Chiron had also threatened Balthazar into helping around the camp by saying he would cut off the boy's candy supply and he could not et that happen... but for the life of him he couldn't remember what he was asked to do. So he just hoped the centaur would forget he had asked anything of Balthazar and leave his candy supply alone.




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Kimba kissed her fathers cheek as a good by. She is excited for camp, or at least as excited as her calm nature lends her to be. She fixed her shirt and watched her father drive off. Time for camp then. Kimba turned on her heels and started up the hill. Her asymmetrical red skirt catches the breeze as she walks, flowing behind her like a cape. Another year at camp half blood. The children hear are endlessly entertaining, and there's always some type of drama to observe. Kimba knows that it is rude to think things like that, but she also doesn't really care. The others seem to not notice her, so if she judges them harshly they won't know.

As Kimba reaches the top of the hill, she looks around her and smiles. Camp half blood is often more home than home is. Kimba looks at the tree and runs her hand over a branch. The tree is a symbol of security for the camp. Without it, the campers would be under constant assault from monsters. For a moment, Kimba thinks that maybe it would be better for the campers to always fear for their lives. After all, when you rely on others to keep you alive, you are much less likely to pick fights with them. But no, that would be bad. Demigods need some kind of security, right?

Kimba strolls down the hill and silently heads towards the big house. There seems to be a crowd forming there. Not that Kimba wants to socialize. She just wants to listen to them interacting. Sometimes Kimba wants to be noticed, but most of the time she is totally content being alone by herself. This is not one of those times. She's a bit insecure since it's the first day of camp. Not attention seeking, just insecure. She offers a small smile to anyone who sees her.

@ShurikenPhoenix , Ajax- @munchkincora , Seymour- @Lurker ,

Balthazar- @Faction Before Blood //Mentions: Elijah- @Peaceswore [/color][/size][/font]

Jethro quietly observed the events unfolding around him. He did not react to the mass chaos because he felt something odd in the air. The air was starting to feel...cold....

Ahhh Damn it all Elijah

Turning, Jethro cast his glance around. He had to be close, he wouldn't be able to control the spirits as well from a distance. Spotting a shadowed section, Jethro had a good feeling that a bad kid was over there. Without so much as a word to the others, Jethro walked off, rounding the corner, he quickly found Elijah. Use a method known as the fireman's carry. Jethro picked Elijah up, effectively breaking his concentration. Walking back around to the front of the Big House, Jethro dumped Elijah on to the grass in front of the house before addressing him.

"Back to our old tricks Elijah? Congratulations, you've made it a whole five hours before getting on my nerves."

Jethro really didn't mind Elijah as a person. It was when he decided to play practical jokes that Jethro got a little irritated. Because Elijah's tricks almost always amounted to damage. Either to property or to one's mental state. So, every so often, Jethro had to man handle him to teach him a lesson.

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Elijah Lansen

Son of Hades

Elijah was in the middle of summoning his second skeleton when he noticed something move around his waist and his feet leave the ground. Opening his eyes and losing his concentration on his second summon he looked around. 'Huh? Ohhh it's zappy son....' He thought before he was dumped to the ground laying on his back. Listening to Jethro he smirked as he remained on the ground. "Five hours? Nice! A new record... Honestly I was aiming for six...but my boredom wouldn't let me wait." He said with a smile as he put his hands on the back of his head. "Anyway.... Why don't we have some fun? In about.." He looked at his wrist watch and hummed a bit. "3. 2. annnd 1." With that nothing happened for a bit, however Elijah had been able to summon one creature to come from below ground at the top of the hour.

At this time a skeleton pushed out of the ground in the middle of some of the new campers. It wasn't noticed at first, but soon people took noticed of the bony skeleton that snarled at the new campers. Making some of them go wide eyed as they moved away from the thing. "Don't worry~ I simple swipe from clesital bronze will take it out, and I told it not to hurt anyone... Just scare them." At this the skeleton lunged toward a tweleve year old and made some creepy faces you would see in a show, but this was enough to fightened the girl. Who let out a loud scream and soon caused a panic. Resulting in many new campers screaming and running while the older ones just looked a bit confused as they tried to figure what was going on. "Pfff Hahahahahah! Oh by the gods this is funny! It's only one and they are screaming bloody murder!" he shouted happily as he watched before getting up and moving away form Jethro just in case. "Heheh This is far more hilarious than last year!"

@ModernRanger @everyone else at the big house....let a little chaos ensue~

Son of Zeus


Location:The Big House//Scenario:Dealing with an idiot//With:The idiot, er I mean Elijah- @Peaceswore //Mentions:

With a single fluid motion, Jethro drew the sword from his back and sent it flying. The sword rotated a view times in the air before it pierced the skeleton's torso. The second the blade hit, the entire skeleton blew apart, electricity crackling the air as it did so. Walking over, Jethro picked up his sword and replaced it where it belonged. Then, gathering some breath, he shouted in a voice that would make any drill sergeant proud,

"New Campers! Fall back into Line!"

Part of Jethro's time at the military school had taught him how to project his voice. No matter where he was, on the battlefield or in an everyday situation, Jethro could without a doubt make himself heard. It tended to work better on those who weren't used to the yelling because they often were thrown off guard by it.



Seymour Anima

Location : The Big House | With : Balthazar, Elijah, Jethro, Callie, Ajax

Seymour grunted when he was told Chiron wasn't here. Without the parts he couldn't fix his phone case and he didn't have any other projects at the time. He thought about just walking into the house and finding the parts himself but he didn't want to get yelled at. Nodding his thanks to Callie, he turned back to see how Balthazar was doing. The giant was amused at how much Balthazar rolled before regaining his footing. Seymour watched as Balthazar walked back up to him, offering him candy. The teen only nodded, taking about 4 pieces and sliding them into his pocket. He knew that Balthazar was going to pull another stunt like that but if he got to throw him around and get candy out of it, Seymour would be okay. Pulling out a cherry jolly rancher, Seymour threw the wrapped on the ground and popped the candy into his mouth. He knew some of the kids would probably be upset about him littering but, there wasn't a trash can nearby.

Seymour didn't have anything else to do so he decided to wait for Chiron to get back. Where would he wait? Seymour had no better idea than to wait right here. With that, the giant let his legs fall out from under him and he came crashing to a sit on the steps. The action caused the wood to groan and the porch actually shook. Only after he sat down did he notice the skeleton terrorizing the new kids. Seymour hardly reacted, just watching as he sucked on his jolly rancher. The skeleton didn't seem to be harming anyone but Seymour yanked the molten rock from his necklace all the same. He didn't turn it into Blazeguard but he would do so in a moments notice. He blinked when the skeleton exploded, shrugging and tying the necklace back around his neck. The giant wondered if he should shoot a fireball at the troublemaker just to put him in his place.

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