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Chase Crosby


(TW: Just a little trigger warning before hand because I don’t want to upset anyone and this RP is on a public forum. The following post may or may not contain language or insults that are sensitive to some. Please know I don’t condone calling anyone these words or phrases and as someone mentally ill myself, I also do not condone insulting people with mental disabilities. If you do happen to be an outsider reading this RP, please do keep in mind when I use these phrases, I am writing a villain character. It does not reflect my own personal views. Thank you.)


Chase couldn’t be any more excited it seemed. His huge smile, bouncy body language, and inability to keep still were the sure signs that the Gryffindor boy was elated to be the new team captain. He just had to share the great news with his girlfriend. Chase’s heart fluttered as Grace have him a quick peck on the lips and expressed how proud of him she was. He was overwhelmed with joy. The young Gryffindor boy couldn’t stay still as he bounced a little on his feet eagerly as he stood there in front of Grace. His eyebrows raised at the prospect of Grace treating him to a nice little dinner in honor of his promotion.

“Oh boy! A nice dinner? Like- like a date?” Chase asked happily. “Thank you so much Grace! I’m so happy you’re proud! I’m so glad I made captain!” he said cheerfully. “And a dinner to celebrate sounds perfect!” said Chase with a grin. He was happy, his girlfriend was proud- he could only imagine how his parents, specially his father, would react to the news. Surely they’d be proud! Chase was following in Andrew’s footsteps! This had to make Chase a worthy Crosby now, he thought. Maybe Thomas was wrong- Chase WAS amounting to something. In this moment though, it truly seemed that the smile was virtually impossible to wipe off of Chase’s face. As he stood there excitedly celebrating with Grace, the one person who could wipe the smile clean off Chase’s face at any time approached….

Unbeknownst to Chase, as his back was towards them as he faced Grace, his older brother Thomas Crosby and a group of his Slytherin gang (consisting of mostly a few fellow Slytherin Quidditch teammates) were walking to the Great Hall to get something to eat. But they stopped as their leader Thomas stopped, Tom noticing something near the entrance that gave him some pause. Tom raised and eyebrow as he saw an excited looking brown haired boy dressed in Gryffindor Quidditch robes. That was a bit odd, as usually players didn’t just wear their Quidditch uniform around the school. But Thomas immediately recognized the back of the brown headed hair and the height of the boy. That soft brown hair that looked near identical to his own. It was his little brother- Chase Crosby. After his few second pause, Thomas got an idea as he smirked and motioned for his Slytherin posse to follow him, approaching his brother from behind.

Chase was happily celebrating and looking at his girlfriend, grinning from ear to ear and it seemed like nothing could ever dampen his great mood. All of a sudden, Chase heard a familiar voice from behind that made his blood run cold.
“I’d take those Quidditch robes off, Chase, you look like a bloody fool,” said the arrogant voice of Thomas. Chase immediately froze, his body tending up as his eyes widened and he turned around to see his older brother and his group of Slytherin friends behind him. Great, just what he needed- his asshole brother to ruin the mood. The smile was wiped right off of Chase’s face in that moment. Thomas sneered and raised his nose up like he was full of himself and superior as he smirked, only encouraged further by the snickers coming from behind him from the members of his posse.

“Is this some sort of fashion statement?” Thomas asked sarcastically, “Or are you so full of yourself that you think wearing your Quidditch robes around the school is ‘cool,’ eh?” spat Tom. This garnered a few more supporting snickers from his posse behind him. Thomas crossed his arms and stood confidently in front of Chase. Chase, the slightly smaller boy, didn’t look so happy and confident anymore. He looked almost cowardly in the presence of his arrogant and taller older brother. “If I were you, I wouldn’t so proudly wear the robes of a team that’s been shit for years and one that has a sped for a seeker,” said Thomas harshly with a sneer. Chase’s eyes widened as his mouth opened a bit, stunned, as his blushed with embarrassment from Thomas’ insult. He was also particularly embarrassed he was getting berated like this in front of his own girlfriend.

Thomas then seemed to pause as the smirk faded from his face and he raised an eyebrow, looking at Chase’s chest. It was then that he saw Chase was dawning the captain’s “C” on his Quidditch robes. They had made Chase captain of the Gryffindor team, just like their father was many years ago! It made Thomas’ blood boil as he seethed in jealousy. He was good at hiding it but he was secretly very envious, and felt a twinge of rage inside of him. Now, Thomas didn’t have this over Chase anymore- that being the fact that Tom was the captain of his team and Chase wasn’t. That Thomas had followed in their father’s footsteps and Chase hadn’t. Now, his little brother had finally achieved his goal and now rivaled his older brother and father. Thomas didn’t even care about all of the championships he had won over his brother. Now, Chase had essentially reached his and their father’s level.

What made this all worse was the fact that Chase had done this in the house of Gryffindor- their father’s very house back when he went to Hogwarts. The very house Andrew Crosby became the seeker, captain, and multi-title Quidditch champion for. Sure, Thomas had the captaincy, the seeker position, and even many championships to rival his own father, but it was all done as a Slytherin. Thomas was no doubt a proud Slytherin, but secretly deep down inside of himself, he was disappointed that he was different from the rest of his family. That he hadn’t been sorted into Gryffindor like most of not all Crosby’s in the past- including his mother and father. When Chase achieved what he couldn’t and was sorted into Gryffindor his first year, Thomas’ precious love for his brother turned into a sudden resentment out of jealousy. To him, Chase was just a stain on him and would make him look bad. He had always feared and known one day, his brother would be good enough to become seeker and even captain. Now- that day was here, and Thomas hated it. He knew what was next- a championship run for Chase and the Gryffindor team. That would be a final blow to Thomas’ ego. But, Tom was determined to hide these feelings of envy deep down as he had been for many years.

At the end of the day, yes, Thomas still felt some degree of love for the little baby brother he had loved so dearly for about 11 years. But those feelings of love were buried so deep inside of his heart and hidden away, covered by feelings of jealousy towards Chase that presented themselves in the form of outward resentment towards the youngest Crosby. Thomas would never admit or make it known though that he was secretly jealous of his brother and why. Somewhere deep inside of Tom though, he wished he were a Gryffindor and he was incredibly jealous that Chase was sorted into their father’s house. In order to hide his jealousy of not being a Gryffindor, he became the quintessential definition of a pure blooded Slytherin. Thomas became particularly proud to be Slytherin and viewed him and his Slytherin housemates as superior to all the other three houses at Hogwarts. He often outwardly expressed his pride that he was a Slytherin and only spoke highly of the house of the serpent, and only insulting the other 3 houses- especially Gryffindor. But it was all to compensate for his bitter envy deep down inside of him. Thomas analyzed the captain’s “C” on Chase’s chest for a brief moment, his face stone cold as he hid his anger. Thomas then scrunched his face up with disgust and smirked arrogantly, returning back to his usual cocky bully self.

“Oh look!” said Thomas sarcastically, smirking, “It appears they’ve made the little bugger their captain!” Tom pointed out, a devious grin on his face as his Slytherin posse took notice and whispered among themselves, some goons chuckling in support of their leader. “I didn’t know they were giving spastic monkeys the captaincy in Gryffindor these days!” Thomas said, smirking and grinning, pleased with his insult as his Slytherin posse broke out in laughter at his little brother. Chase looked demoralized and hurt now, his stomach sinking and his heart feeling heavy as well. His brother’s insults had really got to him. The poor Gryffindor boy felt like he was just punched in the gut. Words certainly hurt. “Don’t let it get to your head, Chase,” spat Tom, “They probably only promoted you because they felt bad for you because you’re clearly a retard,” he said. Of course, this got some more sniggering from the Slytherin gang behind him.

Thomas stood there with his arms crossed, smirking arrogantly as he looked down at his little brother, who he could tell he deeply hurt- as was his goal. It made Thomas feel better about himself.
“What’s the matter? Not gonna speak up Chase? Can’t defend yourself because you know it’s all true?” Thomas asked in a mocking tone that faked pity for Chase. Chase’s brow furrowed as his face got red and he felt a lump form in his throat as he tried his hardest to hold back tears. “Just piss off, Tom!” Chase yelled, his voice cracking, “What’s your deal? I haven’t done anything to you!” he shouted to his older brother. Thomas just smirked again and rolled his eyes, “Oh come on Chasey, don’t CRY,” sneered Tom. “You clearly can’t handle something like being the captain of a Quidditch team,” he said. “It’s a bloody good thing the rest of your team are a bunch of incompetent clowns just like you!” Thomas chirped. Again, his Slytherin posse laughed wildly at this.

Thomas’ smirk then faded as it turned to a look of disgust and disdain down at Chase.
“Come on!” commanded Tom gritting his teeth, motioning for his Slytherin posse to follow him. “He’s not worth our time,” said Thomas, glaring at Chase. “He’ll never amount to anything and he knows it,” spat Tom before he left, “He’ll ALWAYS be a sorry excuse for a Crosby and a stain on this family…” said Thomas as he turned away from Chase and motioned for his gang to follow him. His Slytherin friends obliged, following Thomas into the Great Hall as he led them away. With Thomas and his posse of Slytherin goons gone, it was now just Chase and Grace standing there just outside the entrance to the Great Hall.

Chase looked utterly crushed, defeated, and demoralized. His older brother’s harsh insults and words for him broke his heart and his great mood was dampened, his achievement over shadowed by his encounter with Thomas. Chase didn’t turn back to face Grace yet, mostly because he was embarrassed of himself and how his brother had insulted him, and how sad he looked now because the insults hurled at him indeed did get to him. He was deeply affected and clearly hurt now. Chase just frowned, gulping as he felt the lump in his throat and held back tears. He wanted to cry so badly but knew he couldn’t- especially not in front of Grace. That would be pathetic, he thought.
Grace Walsh
(TW: This post contains threats. Please note that this is just a character and doesn't reflect me or my personality irl)

That was just out of line. How could Thomas even think of doing that? To his little brother no less! Looking at Chase as the insults just kept coming, it hurt her as much as it hurt him. Anyone could see how much he was hurt by those comments. It also pained her after, when he couldn't look her in the eye. She could tell it was from the fear of breaking a specific image that she had of him in her head.

She let Thomas walk away, but not for long. She turned to Chase and cradled his face in both of her hands. She moved his face to look at her. A gentle smile came across her face before she hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Chase. You don't deserve that." She said comfortingly. Soon she let him go of the hug but still kept her arms wrapped around his neck loosely. "Trust me ok? I'll take care of this." She said before letting him go completely and walking after Thomas into the Great Hall.

Taking her wand out of her robes, she cast Aqua Eructo. The tip of her wand sprouted out a stream of water, dousing Thomas in water. As she approached him, she wore a blank but intimidating expression on her face. She cast the dangling jinx on him. Thomas was now soaked in water and was hanging upside down with his feet in the air and his face mere inches away from Grace.

She gave him a smile, but he could tell it wasn't a friendly one. It was more of a sinister smile. Grace knew exactly what to say, and boy was she going to enjoy it. No one messes with the people she cares about. If you do that, you're messing with a Walsh. She couldn't imagine what Thomas was feeling in this moment. But Grace could be sure of one thing... all eyes were on them.

Grace got close to his face. But she moved slightly so that she could whisper in his ear. "I suggest that you don't do that again, Tommy." She gave him a nickname. "To Chase or to anyone ever again. You know why?" She paused before annunciating every word. "Because. I. Can. Ruin. You." She put emphasis on the word ruin. "I'm a Walsh. The purest status of pure-blood you can get. You? Sure you're pure-blood... from a Gryffindor family. You may think that your name carries some weight around with the house of the serpent. But I'll shatter your reality. Your name only holds weight because of your face, not your actions." She paused again before saying. "I could make your last years here hell, Tommy. So get your act together before I have to deal with you properly." She threatened him. She was about to pull back but she said one more thing. "Never. Ever. Get on a Walsh's bad side, Tommy. I hope you don't have to learn that the hard way."

With that Grace stepped back from him and walked away. Releasing the dangling jinx, Thomas fell onto the floor as he could only watch as Grace walked out of the Great Hall. Leaving him and his posse all alone.

Thomas Crosby


After his verbal berating of his younger brother, Thomas didn’t expect much else. To him, he had achieved his goal, and that was to embarrass and crush his little brother’s spirits. Of course, his ego was built up by the support of his cackling Slytherin posse behind him who seemed to jeer and laugh at Chase with every insult he hurled towards the new Gryffindor captain. Outside, Grace comforted her boyfriend with a hug and some loving words, giving the sad and demoralized boy a hug. But Chase was deflated, frowning as he she brought him into a hug. He didn’t feel excited or happy any more, that was for sure. He did raise his eyebrows though as Grace stated that she’d “take care of the issue.” What that meant, Chase didn’t know, but both he and especially Thomas were about to find out.

Thomas wore his typical smirk, clearly pleased with himself as he arrogantly strutted into the Great Hall with his Slytherin friends following close behind. He raised his nose and chin up slightly to exude a sense of superiority and pride. As Thomas was finding a place to sit with his gang at the Slytherin table, he didn’t notice a certain fourth year red headed Slytherin girl fast approaching him from behind, drawing her wand from out of her robe. Meanwhile outside, as Chase saw Grace rush into the Great Hall after hugging him and comforting him, his curiosity got the best of him as he ran but stopped just outside the doors of the Great Hall, peering on. He could see Grace drawing her wand and approaching Thomas. What did she have planned?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Thomas felt himself become absolutely drenched with water.
“What the-?” he yelped as suddenly, his whole body, robes, and hair became soaked. The members of Tom’s Slytherin posse seemed stunned as they all widened their eyes and turned around. Thomas turned around, utterly shocked and angered as he looked to see who had done this. Many other students went silent and turned around, seeing one of the most popular kids in school getting doused with water. Many wondered who had the nerve to do such a thing to THE Thomas Crosby of all people. It was none other than Grace Walsh.

Thomas then saw a younger red haired girl fast approaching him with her wand drawn. He was too stunned to react and Grace acted too quickly, as suddenly, Grace cast another spell- this time, dangling Thomas suspended up in the air using a jinx. He was now hanging upside down, his wet robes and hair a mess as his wand dropped to the floor and out of his pocket. The Slytherin posse couldn’t believe it as they all widened their eyes, some putting their hands over their mouths in shock, and stood there in disbelief, stunned, as their leader was now hanging from the air, his arms dangling. All of this at the hands of a fellow housemate, a Slytherin girl who looked a bit younger than Tom.

Thomas made a little grunt as he was suddenly jinxed by Grace and sent hanging upside down, dangling right in front of her. His eyes widened with surprise and his mouth opened, shocked and honestly slightly terrified as he took a look at the girl’s face. She looked familiar- this was the Walsh girl- Chase’s girlfriend. You could spot that red hair from kilometers away. By now, everyone in the Great Hall had turned their heads and directed their attention to Grace and Thomas, many shocked and stunned into silence at the sight of the Slytherin captain being dangled and humiliated by one of their own. Of course, a few Gryffindors snickered quietly amongst themselves, as most of them highly disliked Thomas (for obvious reasons). Chase just stood outside the entrance to the Great Hall, his eyes as wide as saucers as his jaw practically dropped to the floor. He couldn’t believe Grace was doing this, let alone CAPABLE of something like this.

Tom’s eyes widened as Grace got up close to his now dangling upside down face. He was admittedly scared as to what she’d do next, as he didn’t know. He was completely humiliated in front of everyone in the Great Hall right now. He then saw Grace move her face slightly to whisper something in his ear. He was still stunned in silence as he listened to her words. Thomas couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He was the captain of Slytherin! The most beloved and popular Slytherin! This couldn’t be happening to HIM! He felt his blood run cold as Grace used a nickname with him, one that he wasn’t too fond of- ESPECIALLY coming out of her mouth now- “Tommy.” He couldn’t believe such a usually mild-mannered girl was being so harsh and intimidating right now.

Grace’s next words whispered into his ears sent shivers down Thomas’ spine- and not at ALL the good kind. It terrified him. Thomas gulped nervously as Grace threatened him, warning him not to mess with Chase or anyone like that again, or else she’d ruin his name. Was she bluffing, or could she REALLY do all that? Thomas sure as hell didn’t want to find out. Her words were like driving a sharp dagger into Thomas’ hearts as she played into his secret insecurities. The fact that he hailed from a Gryffindor family. The fact that he was probably not seen at the same level by the other strictly Slytherin and pure blooded families, that his pure blood status wasn’t enough. Even being in Slytherin house wasn’t enough he feared, and hearing Grace say all of these things were true shook Thomas to the core. She had played into his fears and insecurities, and he was very shaken and fearful now.

Now it felt like a punch in Thomas’ gut as the younger Slytherin girl threatened him, warning that she could absolutely ruin his life. In reality, she probably could do just that due to her very high status and last name. To add further insult to injury, she once again used the mocking nickname of “Tommy” with him. He couldn’t believe he was getting insulted by not only a younger member of his own house, but a GIRL of all people. It was embarrassing and he felt pathetic as everyone in the Great Hall, including his own Slytherin posse, just watched on. But Grace paused to say one more thing, something that caused Thomas to gulp and widen his eyes a bit more. He felt his stomach leap with fear as she warned him never to mess with a Walsh. And that was it.

After that, Grace suddenly released Thomas, putting off the dangling jinx. As Thomas was no longer in the jinx, he suddenly fell to the floor on his butt, letting out an audible “Oof!” grunt as he blushed bright red, utterly humiliated. He just watched as Grace turned around and walked out of the Great Hall, seemingly satisfied with what she came here to do. Chase had been standing outside of the Great Hall front doors, peering his little head in and seeing EVERYTHING. His eyes were wide and mouth open with shock. He didn’t know how to react. But it felt oh so good seeing his brother be publicly humiliated in front of everyone and served justice by Grace Walsh, out of anyone. He took a little step back, still processing what had just happen as Grace made her way to leave the Hall.

Meanwhile in the Great Hall with Grace now having left, Thomas remained on the floor, shocked that all this had happened. Oh and not to mention he was also still soaked with water, his robes and hair all drenched. Thomas’ face was red with anger and embarrassment as his posse just stared down at him, stunned and nervous. They were speechless. All eyes were on him and there were a few scattered jeers and chuckles from the Gryffindor table. Soon, Thomas slowly rose to his feet and dusted himself off, his brows furrowed his anger as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, quickly taking his wand and picking it up. He then looked over at his surprised Slytherin gang, standing there silently.

“Well? What the bloody hell are you doing?!” Thomas yelled at them angrily, waving his arms around, “Don’t just stand there! Do something! Bloody help me out will ya?!” barked Tom angrily. His Slytherin posse all widened their eyes and gulped nervously, jumping into action to assist their leader. “R- right! S- sorry Tom,” one of his friends and teammates his age said as he cast a few spells to dry Thomas off quickly with his wand. Thomas was pissed off, seething in anger as his friends helped dry him off. Thomas shoved his wand into his robe pockets and raised his index finger, angrily pointing towards no one in particular and waving it around.

“You mark my words! I’ll fucking get you for this!” Thomas shouted, “You’re bloody fucking DEAD Chase! You hear me?!” he threatened loudly. But Chase didn’t hear him as he was busy catching back up with Grace after she had served his brother in front of everyone. His Slytherin friends attempted to comfort and calm down their leader, but Thomas was red hot with anger and slapped away their comforting hands and shoulder pats. “He’s fucking dead! Dead, I tell you!” Thomas hissed. His teammate friend just nodded and smiled nervously, gently placing a hand on Tom’s back and sitting down with him for dinner. “R- right, yea. W- we can do all that let’s just err- how about we eat?” the boy suggested nervously, gulping a bit before going on, “Can’t plot all this on an empty stomach, eh?” he asked with a nervous chuckle. Thomas just scoffed and rolled his eyes, in no mood for jokes. He was embarrassed, angry, damp, and hungry. He was miserable, in short.

Chase Crosby


Chase couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed. It was pure gold! Chase’s brown eyes were as wide as the full moon and his mouth still opened with shock as he met back up with Grace outside of the Great Hall. “Grace!” he said quickly, running up to her. “Grace that was- that was- just wow!” he said with a smile, at a loss for words. “I- I didn’t even know you could get like that!” he said, overwhelmed with emotions. “You didn’t have to do all that for me!” he said.

“But thank you!” Chase said to her gratefully, “You bloody SCHOOLED him! You showed him who was boss!” Chase laughed, his better mood slowly returning. “Thank you Grace. Thank you for sticking up for me like that,” he said softly, looking into her eyes passionately and gratefully, smiling bashfully. “My girlfriend is the best! She’s a bloody bad ass!” snickered Chase, grinning once again from ear to ear, feeling good once more. His great mood had returned, all thanks to Grace and her heroic actions sticking up for him like that in the face of his bully older brother. Thomas was humiliated and Chase was elated now. And hopefully that warning would stick in Thomas’ head and he would take it seriously, finally laying off of Chase. Hopefully, no longer would Thomas and his Slytherin gang bully and insult him. Chase was so thankful to have Grace and very appreciative of her actions against Tom in the Great Hall.
Grace Walsh
Grace couldn't help but smile. Sure Thomas's threats were faintly heard but she paid them no mind. She could hold herself in a duel if worse comes to worse. Her father was a champion duelist after all. And Grace herself has quite an extensive knowledge of... let's say defensive spells. But back to the moment, Chase was not only proud of her but also just ecstatic. She was happy that she could do this for him.

And honestly, she couldn't help but blush when he said that she was the best and that she was 'bloody badass'. Grace did feel like a badass. In reality, that was her first time sticking up to a bully who was also an upperclassman... but also was her boyfriend's older brother. There is always a first time for everything she supposed. "It was my pleasure, Chase. It was time someone gave him a talking too." She admitted after Chase calmed down a bit.

"Now, with that aside. Let's celebrate your recent promotion to captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team." Grace looped her arm around his as she led him towards the Slytherin common rooms. "C'mon, I have a picnic basket full of your favorites saved just for an occasion like this. Let's grab it and find a nice cozy spot." She enticed him with his favorite sweets she could bake and the couple walked off together.

Chase Crosby


Chase was pretty much in awe with his girlfriend’s actions. In that moment, she she was practically like a superhero to him! The boy nodded and smiled. She was right- it was about time somebody actually stood up to Thomas. And even better- it was more humiliating that the one to stand up to him was not only younger than him, but from his own same house! It took guts to stand up to an upperclassman, especially one as popular and well-known as Thomas was.

Chase raised his eyebrows a little and grinned as Grace pushed the encounter with Tom aside and decided to focus on more positive things- celebrating the great news on Chase’s promotion to Gryffindor team captain!
“Woah,” said Chase softly with a little chuckle as Grace quickly took his arm and wrapped hers around it, taking him towards the common rooms. “Oooo! You do? I can’t wait! You always know how to spoil me,” said Chase with an eager smile as they walked off together. And he was right- she did know exactly what he liked, spoiling him with all of his favorite treats.

Grace Walsh
Professor Slughorn, head of Slytherin House, decided to call an early meeting for the entire house. So getting up bright and early, Grace made her way down to the common room to see what the big news was all about. Both young and old students were scattered around whispering and talking amongst themselves. Overhearing some conversations, she made her own theory about what was going on. Everyone knew about the news that both the Head Girl and Head Boy of Slytherin graduated this year. So it only made sense for this meeting to be about choosing a new Head Girl and Head Boy for the new year.

Grace waited so long for this moment. She knew her parents were Head Boy and Girl during their school year at Hogwarts. She wanted to carry on that legacy. The low chatter of the students was hushed as they heard the big old metal door of the dungeons creak open. Professor Slughorn walked in with two pins in hand. Those pins may weigh as light as a feather literally. But the responsibility it holds amongst the Slytherin students was as heavy as you could imagine. All the students practically held their breath as they waited for the announcement of the new Head Boy and Girl to be said.

Clasping her hands together, Grace desperately hoped he would say her name. She had the perfect grades, the legacy, and was basically the perfect image for the Head Girl of Slytherin. Surely, she would get that title. All that wishing would be put on hold as Professor Slughorn finally spoke. "As you all know, Carrington and Calvin have both graduated this year. This leaves the position of Head Boy and Head Girl up for grabs. And I have the joy and pleasure to tell you all who I've picked to fill these roles." With a pause that felt too long, he finally announced the names of the boy and girl who'd be honored to have the title that every Slytherin wanted. "Your new Head Boy will be Maxwell Woodrow. And your new Head Girl will be Grace Walsh."

Hearing her name, a massive smile was plastered on Grace's face. Head Girl. She was the new Head Girl of Slytherin. As she and Maxwell walked up to receive their new pins, some cheers could be heard among the students, from their friends no doubt. Professor Slughorn pinned the new pins on their robes and swiftly dismissed all the students so they wouldn't be late for class. She couldn't wait to show this off to Chase!


It was Grace's free period now. She memorized Chase's schedule so she knew that he was free as well. And no doubt he would be at the Great Hall eating something. Making her way there, she spotted him sitting down at the Gryffindor table alone about to dig in. Grace happily called to him. "Chase! Chase! Guess what!" She ran over to him and sat beside him. "The best thing ever just happened!" She said with a smile on her face.

Chase knew how much and for how long she'd been eyeing that Head Girl position. If he looked closely, he see the pin on her Slytherin robes that she'd wanted since forever.

Chase Crosby


It was an average and typical day in his fourth year at Hogwarts. Finally, Chase had some time to relax in his busy day of classes with his free period. He usually headed down to the Great Hall to eat during his free periods, since he was always hungry around that time of the day. Today was no different, as the Gryffindor boy made his way to the Great Hall and sat down at his house’s table. He’d sat down alone, which was fine by him, since if he wasn’t with Grace, he didn’t really sit with anyone usually anyways.

The Quidditch season was going quite well and Chase was having an excellent debut year as the Gryffindor team’s captain. It was definitely looking like Gryffindor was going to make a serious run for the Cup this year. Chase was proving himself to be a great choice for captain- a natural born leader. It also helped that Chase was an excellent seeker and flew on his broom fast. But now, he felt his stomach growl as Chase sat down for lunch during his free period.

Just as Chase was about to dig in to his lunch and get started with eating, his eyebrows raised as his head perked up, hearing a voice calling his name. Chase then looked in the direction of the voice, the voice a familiar one- the sweet voice of Grace. Chase widened his eyes and looked at Grace a little confused as she ran over to him and sat down. After an initial stunned confusion, Chase chuckled at the excitement of his girlfriend. Clearly, something great had happened.

“Goodness Grace, this is the most worked up I’ve ever seen a Walsh!” he joked, poking a bit of fun at her and her family’s typical serious demeanor. “What is it Grace? Tell me!” Chase replied eagerly with a smile. “Did you just realize how amazing your boyfriend is?” Chase asked with a little smirk as he joked around. What he didn’t yet notice though was the shiny little head prefect pin for the Slytherin house that Professor Slughorn had given her. He was aware of how much Grace had wanted to become the Head Girl of Slytherin. It wasn’t a secret to him or anyone who knew her, that was for sure. “Or perhaps you received a good mark on an exam?” Chase asked, throwing a more serious guess out there as to why Grace might be so happy.
Grace Walsh
"I always knew my boyfriend was amazing. Maybe you're just doubting yourself." Grace joked back as she playfully ruffled Chase's hair. "And when do I not get a good score on my exam?" She denied his other guess. I guess that Chase didn't have as much of a detailed eye as Grace does. So she decided to just come out and say what was making her so happy today.

"I got Head Girl. You're officially looking at the Head Girl of the Slytherin!" Grace said excitedly. She was barely able to stay seated. She wanted to jump with joy again at just saying the exciting news. A massive smile appeared on her face. She wondered how Chase would respond to the news.

Chase Crosby


Chase smiled sheepishly and chuckled a bit as Grace ruffled his brown hair and praised him. He couldn’t help but blush ever so slightly as he went to fix his hair a little bit. Chase grinned and rolled his eyes playfully as Grace subtly bragged about her good grades. But he was curious as to what had Grace in a particularly good mood. She usually didn’t get super excited like this- that was more of a Chase thing. Grace looked as if she wanted to bounce up with joy, hardly able to contain herself. It was very infrequent she got like this and expressed her emotions so strongly in this fashion.

Of course, he didn’t notice the small Slytherin Head Girl pin on her robes, as he was too busy being amused with Grace’s excitement while also being confused as to what it was all about. Walsh’s were usually very subdued and formal but Grace was acting excited- normal for any other girl her age when receiving great news! Grace then revealed what had her head in the clouds, and Chase widened his eyes, pausing as he processed the good news.

A smile gradually began to form on Chase’s face so that now he was matching her excitement. “Wow! Grace Walsh, Slytherin Head Girl?” he asked, like he was trying out the new title on his tongue. He then laughed with joy and scooted over in the blink of an eye so he was now practically squeezed tightly next to her. “Merlin, Grace! This is amazing!”’he exclaimed joyfully. “Congratulations!” Chase said as he quickly wrapped both of his arms around her and squeezed her in a quick but tight hug. He smiled and closed his eyes, hugging her for a little bit before he let go. Now it seemed that Chase was as eager as Grace- and it wasn’t even him that the good news had happened to!

“Wow! Do you know what this means?” asked Chase eagerly with wide eyes and an ambitious look in his eyes. “We’re practically like the power couple of this school!” he pointed out, grinning widely. “Just think- me, Chase Crosby- Gryffindor captain. And you! Grace Walsh- Head Girl of Slytherin!” he said happily with a laugh. “We’ll pretty much run the school!” Chase joked, laughing at his own ideas. “But seriously, this is amazing for you Grace. One hundred percent deserved!” Chase told her. He then paused and furrowed his brows inquisitively. “So I guess that means I should address you formally as like Ms. Walsh or something….. Oh! Or Slytherin Head Girl Ms. Walsh!” he went on with a smile.
Grace Walsh
Grace laughed as Chase proclaimed them as the power couple of the school. Their credentials made them stand out for sure, but Grace knew that they were exactly the actual power couple of the school. But she let Chase have this one. "Thanks! I've worked really hard for this. I'm sure my parents will be immensely proud. They were Head Boy and Girl when they were in Hogwarts." She said happily once more but a bit more calm than before.

"You don't have to address me any differently. You aren't even in Slytherin, Chase. But you know who is. Tommy. I get to boss him around. Imagine how fun that would be." She said jokingly as all the funny things she could make Thomas do run through her mind. "Let's celebrate shall we, I'll eat with you here. That's celebration enough!" She declared as she fully sat beside Chase and grabbed a nearby plate for her.

Chase Crosby


The Gryffindor grinned as Grace stated how hard she’d worked for this and how proud her parents would be of her. No doubt they’d love that their daughter was carrying on their legacy. Chase couldn’t help but laugh at his own stupid question as Grace told him he didn’t need to address her any differently- especially because he wasn’t actually in the house of Slytherin. But his eyes widened as Grace stated a certain someone who would have to listen to her- his older brother Thomas.

Chase paused, thinking over the fact that Thomas was now below Grace and he had to follow her rules. The possibilities were endless. Maybe they’d be able to put an end to Thomas’ relentless bullying of him. Little did Chase know though, what bullying Thomas couldn’t do elsewhere he’d most likely make up for on the Quidditch pitch. The Quidditch season wasn’t over after all. Thomas’ Slytherin team and Chase’s Gryffindor team would meet again a few times during this season.

“Now just wait a minute!” said Chase, a mischievous grin forming on his face. “Ho ho boy!” laughed the boy, smirking. “Grace, do you realize what this means?” he asked her. “The possibilities are ENDLESS!” he stayed with a huge and eager grin. “Why, you could make my brother walk around the school in his underwear sucking his thumb like a baby!” Chase proposed, snickering at his own idea. In reality, Grace’s powers couldn’t stretch THAT far- but it was a fun thought for the younger brother for sure.

Chase nodded and grinned,
“Yea! I do think a celebration is in order,” he said. “But we should seriously set aside some time to plan ways to boss around my brother and get back at him,” smirked Chase, a longing look for vengeance clearly on his eyes. Good thing Chase wasn’t the Head Boy of Gryffindor because he’d certainly get a little carried away with those powers. Grace probably couldn’t boss around Thomas to the point of that kind of utter humiliation with her Head Girl Slytherin powers, unbeknownst to Chase, but it was fun to think of the ways he could potentially get back at Thomas.
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Grace Walsh


Grace laughed at Chase's suggestion of what she could make Thomas do first. But thinking of the scene of humiliation that Thomas would get from their entire house made her seriously consider doing it. "I'm not sure if my power stretches that far, but that is definitely an amusing thought." She replied as she moved to put some food on her own plate.

As the pair started eating to kick off their little celebration, Grace replied to Chase. "We should definitely set aside time for that. The possibilities seem like they are indeed endless." She replied as she herself thought about the things she could do. With her new position as Slytherin's Head Girl, her threat about being able to ruin Thomas seemed to closer to reality than it was when she made the threat.

Chase Crosby


Chase couldn’t help but laugh as he ran through all the wacky and quite frankly, over the top and humiliating ways Grace could potentially use her power to embarrass his older brother and get back at him. Luckily for Thomas though, not only were most if not all of Chase’s ideas highly impractical and a total over reach of the powers of the Head Prefect, but Grace didn’t have the dictatorial powers that Chase seemed to believe she had- or at least that he’d like to believe she possessed.

Despite not being able to use his girlfriend as a despot to torment his older brother in Slytherin, having Grace as Head Girl did have its perks. For starters, there was a noticeable change in Thomas’ behavior, or at least the frequency of his unpleasant encounters with his younger brother in Gryffindor. Grace, being the Head Girl of Thomas’ house, held some degree of authority and power over each Slytherin. That included the top student, star seeker and captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team too- Thomas was not exempt. While Thomas wasn’t utterly humiliated in the goofiest ways possible in front of everyone as Chase had plotted and hoped, he did seem to decrease the amount of times he went out of his way to harass his brother.

Since Grace was practically around Chase 24/7, Thomas barely had any time that he could bully him with his friends without being seen or scolded by the Head Girl. As Head Girl, she had every right to put a stop to any engagement and would be able to report it right to the head of the Slytherin House. Because of this, Chase was mostly left alone by Tom and his posse. The only time Thomas would get to sneak in his jabs at the expense of his little brother was on the Quidditch field whenever Gryffindor played Slytherin. There on the pitch and up in the air, Grace couldn’t dictate the terms.

But Chase was certainly thankful that his girlfriend was there for him, and it was a breath of fresh air not being insulted and humiliated by his big brother in front of a gang of Slytherin kids what seemed to be every other day at times. When Grace was around Chase, which was very often, Thomas would bite his tongue and go off elsewhere, seething with rage and disdain for Chase. With Thomas essentially no longer being able to bully Chase to inflate his own ego and cover up his own insecurities, the animosity between the two only grew stronger. Thomas began to loathe Chase even more now than ever- if that was even possible! His burning envy also grew, but of course Thomas did a good job of hiding the fact he was jealous of his little brother. It seemed Chase would be spared from Tom for the rest of his fourth and fifth year for now, but it would become clear that an occasional verbal assault on the Quidditch pitch during games was not sufficient enough for Thomas to take out his anger on Chase.


Despite the growing tensions and strains in his relationship with his older brother, Chase’s fourth year went great. Of course, he had been promoted to Gryffindor’s Quidditch team’s captain and proudly led Gryffindor onto the field for games and practices. His better half, Grace, had been given the honor and responsibility of being Head Girl in Slytherin. It seemed that the fourth year could not get any better for the two! While Tom and Chase’s relationship only grew further apart, Chase and Grace’s relationship became closer and closer. The two were pretty much inseparable!

In terms of his final marks for the fourth year, Chase had done quite satisfactory- by Chase Crosby standards. Sure he wasn’t the top of his class like Tom or even Grace, but being in the average or even a little bit above average was a success in his eyes. Luckily for him, his parents thought so too. His final grades for the semester were sufficient enough to please his parents, and of course that meant he still got to play Quidditch- his passion. Chase owed a lot to Grace though, as having her around to help study with was always a big helping hand. Grace was always willing to help Chase do work for classes or study just purely out of love. She didn’t seek a reward unless she really needed to incentivize a lazy or stubborn Chase.

As for the Quidditch season, his fourth year on the team and his first as its captain, it hadn’t exactly gone as Chase had hoped. The regular season was great, and Gryffindor was off to an amazing start led by their new captain and the star seeker. While Chase and his team had many victories (even a few over Slytherin, which was always sweeter for multiple reasons), they would fall short at the end of the season. They’d lose to Ravenclaw in the semi-finals and be eliminated from Quidditch Cup contention. Despite this, Chase didn’t let the loss get his spirits down though. He had a great first season as captain to look back on and he was an even better seeker. The highlight of his year of course was being promoted to captain of Gryffindor’s team, so even though he didn’t take home the ultimate prize, he was still very happy. It seemed like he was on top of the world now when it came to Quidditch.

Just who did Ravenclaw go on to face in the Cup Finals after beating out Gryffindor a close game? It was none other than the reigning champs, Slytherin. Thomas and his Slytherin crew were looking for a fourth consecutive championship. They’d long dominated Quidditch at Hogwarts under Thomas’ leadership, in part due to Tom encouraging dirty play to get ahead. It was no wonder why the team always had the reputation of the “big bad Slytherin.” Thomas certainly carried on the tradition, maybe a bit too much, of Slytherin being an aggressive and often dirty team, and it seemed he had no plans to change his style of play. His tactics worked, and although morally questionable and unsportsmanlike- it got the job done.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Thomas would often tell his teammates in providing justification for his conduct on the pitch.

Thanks to their gritty style of play and to Tom’s credit, good flying ability, under Thomas’ leadership the Slytherin team would win yet ANOTHER Quidditch Cup. That made it four in a row for Slytherin under Tom’s captaincy! You’d think with four consecutive Quidditch cup wins to his name (and a fifth one earned his very first year before Chase was even old enough to go to Hogwarts), Thomas wouldn’t have much to be bitter about. If anything it was Chase that had every right to envy his brother and his Quidditch accomplishments. While Chase was jealous to some degree, it was very small and he kept it from showing too much. But Thomas? No, it seemed that he wasn’t satisfied with his constant success and four consecutive championships with his Slytherin team. Even though he was out playing his younger brother, Thomas still felt a burning hatred for Chase it seemed.

Thomas was taking home yet another Quidditch Cup to show off and gloat about and to make his father proud, but it seemed that even these great successes weren’t enough to satisfy the 16 year old. It was interesting but a welcome change Chase observed that Thomas wasn’t so arrogantly prideful about his recent championship win when they came back home. Usually Thomas would boast and flex to his father that he had won another championship, showing off the Cup proudly. This year though, Thomas seemed to be much more closed off and irritant. It was like the Cups were “getting old and boring” at this point to him- an enviable position for any athlete to be that successful.

Chase’s fourth year though was certainly a fun and exciting one. He was Gryffindor’s team captain, just like his dad was- a long time dream of Chase’s. His grades were quite impressive by his standards and he’d passed all of his classes with flying colors. And of course, he had an amazing and loyal girlfriend that was the love of his life- Grace Walsh. For Tom, his excellent grades being the top student and another Quidditch Cup to add to the trophy case didn’t seem to be enough, his sixth and second-to-last year at Hogwarts brushed under the rug seamlessly by the older Crosby boy.

-Time skip-


Chase and Thomas’ summer was more of the same. Both brothers had spent most of the summer practicing Quidditch and playing in the local league in their hometown. It gave them an opportunity to hone in and perfect their skills in Quidditch and broom piloting. With the summer ending, Chase was now a year older and an even more capable and confident Quidditch player. He had written Grace pretty much every day while they were apart for the summer, so the two still managed to stay in contact.

Now, Chase was a year older- he was 15, and a few inches taller. His voice had gotten slightly deeper and according to his mother, “he looked even more handsome now than ever before.” By the time September had rolled around again, Chase couldn’t wait to go back to Hogwarts for his fifth year. There he’d get to see his love Grace and of course- play his favorite sport.

With Chase becoming 15 and entering his fifth year at Hogwarts, that meant his older brother was now 17 years old and in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Tom had just one more year left. At the end of the term, he’d be taking a big step in his life and graduating from the magical school, moving on to better things out in the wizarding world. For Chase, that meant one more year of having to deal with his nasty older brother. Thomas was determined to win one more Cup to finish off his legacy at Hogwarts, and also bent on making Chase’s fifth year HELL before he was out of there.
Grace Walsh
4th year was finally over. And with everything that happened, Grace's 4th year was a blast in her eyes. She schooled Thomas for making fun of Chase. After that incident, he's been almost scared to come anywhere near her or Chase. Something she said really must've struck a chord with him. It was rare to see the golden boy of Slytherin scared to talk to someone, so she was pretty proud of the fact that she was able to do that. Just seeing him hesitate to talk to Chase when she's with him really made her see the power she could and does hold. It's probably the privilege of being a Walsh and Grace was not complaining about it.

She and Chase were doing great. The Gryffindor and Slytherin duo got closer as the year passed and it was great. They talked more and more as the days passed by and learned more and more about each other. She continued to help Chase study and seeing his grade this year, it was definitely apparent that it was working. Grace's grades on the other hand were stellar as usual. No one expected anything less from Grace Walsh.

And to top off the year, she landed the title of Head Girl for the house of Slytherin. All her hardwork, connections, and grades combined landed her with the title she'd been wishing for since she was a little girl. With all that behind her as the 4th year came to an end, she couldn't wait to see what her 5th year at Hogwarts had in store for her.


Her summer on the other hand wasn't quite as eventful as her school life. But she wasn't complaining, Grace appreciated a little peace and quiet once in a while to balance out everything that happens at school. Her and mother spent a lot of time together in the gardens. The took daily walks and tended to the plants. In fact once the summer was over, the Walsh family gardens looked more alive than ever. New plants were added in by Grace's request and with that she learned a lot more about a variety of plants. She was sure Professor Sprout would be as impressed as she always is with Grace's well of knowledge regarding plants.

Although her and father didn't spend much time together, they still found time for each other. Some days Daniel helped her with her dueling spells. Other days he simply enjoyed her company while he worked and she would be reading. The father and daughter duo had a special of bond of sorts. Neither had to do any talking, they could just be in each other's presence and that would be enough.

Chase and her exchanged letter daily. That might've been the part of the day that Grace constantly looked forward to. It was fun to read about what he'd done that day, even though the contents of the letter were mostly about his summer Quidditch games. She didn't mind though. She knew Quidditch was a huge part of his life. She could feel through the words Chase's excitement about every match he had and played. Grace's letter didn't have many exciting parts yet she still wrote down everything that happened that day. She just hoped Chase didnt get incrediblely bored of her letters.

But soon enough she found herself in Kings Cross Station on Platform 9 3/4. Spetember had rolled around and her 5th year at Hogwarts was about to start. Grace couldn't wait.

Chase Crosby


With the arrival of September 1st meant the arrival of the Crosby family once again to King's Cross Station on Platform 9 and 3/4. Chase Crosby was set to start his fifth year at Hogwarts, and the "perfect golden boy" Thomas Crosby was set to complete his seventh and final year at the magical school. Chase could hardly wait to get to Hogwarts for two reasons. One, of course, he would get to see Grace every day in person once again. Two, one word- Quidditch. Chase couldn't WAIT to get back out onto the pitch this year and lead the Gryffindor team as their captain again. As per usual, Chase wore a little smile with hints of excitement as he stood on the platform with his family, waiting for the train. Thomas on the other hand was in his usual stoic manner, almost looking as if he was irritated and didn't want to be there. Maybe that was the case.... His interactions with Chase had been at an all time low, and Chase didn't know whether this was to be seen as a good thing or a bad thing. Ever since Grace became head girl of Slytherin, Thomas had thought twice each time he approached Chase, usually opting not to engage and bully his younger brother lest he get in trouble. He had a perfect track record to maintain after all, the golden boy couldn't POSSIBLY be seen with a stain like bullying on his reputation.

With a short and more formal than it needed to be farewell to his parents from Thomas, reluctantly giving his mother a small peck on the cheek as per her request, Tom went off to reunite with his girlfriend Mia Mayfield- a fellow Slytherin. The boy's Slytherin robes swept in the wind behind him as he left. As for Chase, the purest of the two brothers, the now 15 year old still dignified his mother with a big hug goodbye. Chase gave his mother a big hug and a little kiss and his father a hug too before he went off to find Grace. Eventually he did find her on the platform and bolted towards her, practically tackling her with a hug as he ran at her. There was a rare but welcomed appearance from her parents who were with her dropping her off at the station. Chase first gave his big hug and excited greeting to his girlfriend before politely turning to Grace's parents and saying a little respectful hello too. By now, Daniel and Ameila had warmed up to their daughter's new golden retriever-like boyfriend and were pleased to see him. Daniel in particular had taken a surprising liking to Chase, but he wasn't complaining at all as Dan was not exactly ease to please or to get to like you. After saying their goodbyes to Grace's parents, Chase and Grace went off to the train as it chugged into the station and arrived to take all of the children, both new and returning, to the Hogwarts Castle. As was tradition at this point, Chase and Grace sat together on the train in a compartment to themselves. They talked and giggled and told each other how much they loved and admired the other. Chase also let her know how much he loved her letters that they had been writing to each other back and forth over the summer.

After a few hours, the train finally arrived at the Hogwarts Castle and everyone departed the locomotive and headed on into the building. Chase and Grace parted temporarily, saying a brief goodbye as they each went to sit at their house's respective tables for the Sorting Hat Ceremony, the opening remarks, and of course, the big start of the year feast in the Great Hall. Chase took his seat with his fellow Gryffindors at the long Gryffindor table and sat mostly amongst his teammates on the Quidditch team, who had grown to quite enjoy and admire their new captain. Chase was finally making friends outside of Grace, which was good. It seemed that Chase was building up a little bit of a name for himself, becoming much more popular than he was in any of the previous years. He wasn't anywhere near the almost comical "god-like" status his older brother seemed to have in Slytherin, but he was well-known as the dashing and confident captain of the Gryffindor team- and Gryffindor of course was a house that very much valued their Quidditch team and history. The sport was particularly popular in the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses more so than the rest. But Chase was friendly and kind, unlike his brother who was closed-off and pompous. Tom was always full of himself and had a certain air of superiority about him as he surrounded himself with exclusively wealthy pure-blooded Slytherin friends in his posse. For Chase, none of this was true and the younger Crosby boy was certainly more likable and amiable than Thomas was.

Eventually, the fifth year went on. Chase always had time for spending with Grace and he valued each and every second he was with his red-haired girlfriend. Although the classes were certainly more difficult in his fifth year, Chase managed to maintain average grades with the help of his beloved study buddy Grace Walsh. The highlight of Chase's year of course though was Quidditch. The Gryffindor team looked better than it ever had before. It had been years since a Gryffindor team showed such a strong performance. It was beginning to look a lot like the team that Andrew Crosby, Chase's father, captained back in the day when he won all of those consecutive championships, according to Professor McGonogall (who of course was there to witness all of them as she was a very old witch by now). Chase led the way every game, being the direct reason many times for Gryffindor being able to snag a victory over their opponents. As always, the Gryffindor vs Slytherin regular season games were as intense as ever. Lots was on the line when the two teams clashed- glory, pride, and of course bragging rights. All the hype of the rivalry was even further increased because of the fact that the two opposing teams' captains were siblings. The sibling rivalry only made the games more gritty and intense. Gryffindor used their speed and precise movements to battle the more aggressive and often times dirty play style of the Slytherin flyers. By the end of the season, out of the four times the two teams played each other, Slytherin would win twice and Gryffindor would come out on top twice to tie the season series.

By the end of the year, Chase and Gryffindor's hard work had payed off- they were in the playoffs and the hunt for the Quidditch Cup. Their top of the standings in the regular season performance had earned them a spot playing Ravenclaw in the first round. They beat them in only four games in a best of seven series, sweeping them. Ravenclaw had been the worst team out of the four in the regular season, so thanks to Gryffindor's strong performance that year, they were rewarded with playing the statistically worst team at the school for the first round of the playoffs. As for Slytherin, who had finished second in the overall standings by the end of the year, they played the third place team Hufflepuff for the first round/semi-finals, beating them out in the end of a grueling seven game series. Slytherin was beaten and battered but not out- they were hungry for a fifth consecutive Quidditch Cup. Who would they be playing in the finals to earn that cup? It was none other than Chase Crosby's Gryffindor team, Gryffindor finally making an appearance in the Cup Finals after missing the past few years on and off. Yes, this was it, it would be Chase Crosby, the star seeker and captain of Gryffindor facing off against his older brother who hated his guts, Thomas Crosby, the star seeker, captain of Slytherin, and golden boy. It was brother vs brother. A younger boy who had yet to win a championship against and older veteran boy who had 5 championships under his belt. The stage was set for what would be an extremely brutal series, and of course, both the Gryffindor and Slytherin crowds (and even a large showing from the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws) were thrilled for the treat they were in for.

Slytherin ended up winning the first two games but Chase managed to gather his Gryffindor team up to come back and win two more, tying the series at two a piece. Gryffindor then won a third game in a row to take the 3-2 series lead, but that was short lived as the next game, Slytherin won, tying the series at 3-3. You couldn't make this stuff up- there was going to be a Game 7 between the two teams.... It was an all or nothing battle for the Cup. Winner takes all, loser goes home. It all came down to this- one game. Game 7. Up until this point, surprisingly, Chase and Thomas hadn't interacted with each other that much. Usually Thomas would trash talk Chase on the Quidditch pitch- the only time he could do it without potentially getting in trouble with head girl Grace Walsh. Oddly enough, the trash talking was at a relative low for Thomas, who mostly ignored Chase or shot him dirty glares the entire series. He seemed more focused on captaining his own team and leading them to victory than bullying his little brother. This was both good and bad for Chase, as Thomas and his Slytherin team certainly didn't make Chase's first bid for the Cup an easy one. But tonight, you could feel it in the air. All day in his classes, Chase felt a nervous and sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach as he knew how high the stakes were of the important game coming up, that would be played under the lights at night on the Quidditch pitch. There was an excited buzz around the school as everyone knew what was going on that night- even kids who didn't care very much for Quidditch.

All day, Chase kept silent and kept his head down, only speaking when spoken to, which was usually just to say thanks to many Gryffindors and even Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws wishing him the best of luck tonight. Thomas stuck with his Slytherin gang as usual and tried not to let any of his emotions show. Deep down inside of him Thomas too had a nervous feeling at the bottom of his stomach even if he didn't show it. It would be utterly humiliating to lose the championship in his last year to his little brother. Eventually, classes finished and the night arrived. After constant reassurance and hugs and kisses from Grace telling him he'd do great out there, Chase departed, giving her a kiss goodbye before going down to the locker rooms at the pitch with his teammates to get changed and ready for the big final game. Chase's heart was pounding as he slipped on his crimson and scarlet Gryffindor Quidditch robes. This was it- it all came down to this. All. Or. Nothing.
(WARNING: The next few posts will deal with strong language and even slight gore. Please be aware if you happen to be reading this RP. As it is in a public space I feel obligated to put a trigger warning here as the next post might have some triggering and sensitive content in it for some viewers. You have been warned, there WILL be gore and strong language. I do not condone any of the language used here nor the actions of some characters. Thank you. - Ed)

Thomas Crosby


Not unlike his younger brother, although unbeknownst to him for sure right now, Thomas too had butterflies in his stomach. Tonight was the biggest game of the year and one of the biggest of Tom's Hogwarts Quidditch career. He swiftly made his way to the Slytherin locker room and made sure his teammates got the word out that their captain wanted everyone to meet him there early so he could give them the run down for tonight. Thomas, accompanied by two of his beaters, one on each side of him, stood in the locker room looking impatient as slowly but surely, his Slytherin teammates arrived. When they were eventually all in the locker room and ready, Thomas cleared his throat. Many of the Slytherin players had begun to get changed early for the game but they paused and froze in place as Thomas loudly clapped his hands, calling for everyone's attention. The 17 year old captain and star seeker then stood atop one of the benches in the locker room and looked down at his numerous teammates.

"Alright! Listen up, assholes!" Tom yelled, "You don't need me to tell you this- tonight's a big game. Do or die- win or go home," he said. "But as you all know, it's my last game...." he said, knowing that he'd be graduating at the end of this year and this was the very last game of the Quidditch season. "Jack, Beau, and Scott are leaving too," he said, pointing to his fellow seventh year teammates and acknowledging them. They simply and silently nodded back at their captain. "We've been playing like utter shit recently!" Thomas shouted angrily, looking around the room and glaring at everyone. "We fucking let GRYFFINDOR push us to SEVEN FUCKING GAMES!" he went on, extremely pissed off. "It's bloody pathetic that we're even at this state right now facing possible elimination! We should've swept those fuckers!" he ranted. "We are NOT losing this game tonight on my watch," warned Tom, "I want a full fucking team effort from each and everyone of you!" he commanded, like a general talking to his soldiers about to go into battle.

"Get dirty! Play dirty! Play hard! Injure the fuckers if you have to! I'm NOT losing this game tonight!" Thomas shouted, his brow furrowed with rage. "None of this princess shit- PLAY DIRTY! Especially you beaters!" he said, looking directly at his beaters as he said this. Thomas had never been this direct before and this explicit in telling the team to play dirty and even to go as far as to encourage them to injure their opponents. "But Captain...." chimed in a beater in his sixth year, "A- are you sure we should take it that far? I mean.... what if Hooch kicks our guys out or even disqualifies the team?" he worried aloud. Thomas just glared with hatred down at the beater who dared to speak up to him. "I don't fucking care- quit being pussycats! We're going to slaughter them on the field tonight." Thomas made clear. The beater who had spoken up before widened his eyes and gulped nervously, nodding obediently and shutting up. The rest of the locker room stood frozen and stunned. Even Thomas' closest friends looked a bit uneasy. Were they REALLY willing to take it that far over a simple game of Quidditch?

"High stakes tonight boys and girls," said Tom, more calmly now as he addressed the whole team once more. "I don't want to see any Gryffindor sucker without a frown on their stupid little faces when this night is over!" hissed Thomas. "And no way in HELL I'm loosing to my bratty sped for a bloody younger brother!" he spat. "All of you! Stay away from Chase!" he commanded, "He's mine and mine alone tonight...." he said menacingly. To this, all of the teammates in the room nodded their head quickly in what looked to be mostly out of fear. It was how Thomas kept such a tight control over his team as their captain- fear. Fear commanded respect and admiration. He then took a deep breath and concluded his tirade. "Play dirty tonight boys and girls, and let's fuck those Gryffindor fuckers up!" Thomas commanded triumphantly. "If you wish for peace, prepare for war..." said Thomas softly, echoing and old Slytherin motto. "HOORAH ON THREE! ONE TWO THREE!" Thomas shouted, getting a loud and hearty "HOORAH!" back from his teammates. "Now get changed ya bloody morons, I'm done with you," he muttered as he finished his speech and stepped down from the bench, taking off his normal school robes and slipping on his emerald green and silver Quidditch robes with the captain's C proudly displayed on the chest area. "Tonight, the snake slays the lion for good! Slytherins! Mount your brooms!"

Chase Crosby


Chase silently put on his Quidditch robes. The mood in the Gryffindor locker room was quiet and somber. Chase was the first one there, soon joined by his teammates each filing in one by one. Unlike his brother, he hadn't called his team in any earlier than necessary. He'd let his teammates come in on their own prerogative. Once he had finished getting dressed, he slipped on his goggles and put them over his forehead for now. He then took a deep breath in and exhaled as he sat down on the bench and looked directly at the ground, alone with his thoughts for a few moments. Then, as a little buzz arose between the Gryffindor players trying to keep the mood light by talking and making casual conversation, Chase stood up. The Gryffindor captain then cleared his throat. "Ahem! C- could I have everyone's attention please?" Chase asked loudly but politely. The room then hushed and became silent. Chase nodded and smiled a bit once he had everyone listening. "Uhh, well- I guess as your captain I should have some sort of inspiring speech," he shrugged. "But I don't really have that for you," chuckled Chase lightly. A few of his teammates snickered at the little joke from their captain. "Just keep doing what we've been doing and we'll be fine," said Chase encouragingly with a smile. "Just play our game. Quick, precise, and effective. You guys know this Slytherin team- they're aggressive and even dirty. But don't let it deter you, don't let them get into your head. I know my brother Tom better than anyone here, I have no doubt he's out for blood tonight. But keep it clean at all costs. We're Gryffindors- we're above scummy tactics," he said. "Keepers- keep keeping the goal! Beaters, keep up the physicality but keep it clean! Chasers, keep us in the game!" Chase said, causing the keepers to laugh a little at their captain's words for them.

"Remember, fortune favors the brave. Do not let them break you tonight," said Chase, using an old Gryffindor motto his father had taught him- "Fortune Favors the Brave." "We're playing for the Quidditch Cup tonight. Good luck Gryffindor, I know you won't let me down. But know this- win or lose, I'm so proud of each and every one of you and I love all of you," said Chase with a warm smile. This got a big cheer from the Gryffindor locker room as they clapped in appreciation for their captain's inspiring speech. Chase couldn't help but smile and giggle as a few of his teammates came up to him and gave him some one-armed hugs, a few of the older boys ruffling the captain's hair playfully a bit. They were ready to take the field now. "My Gryffindors! Mount your brooms!" commanded the captain boldly as he took his broom and his teammates did the same. Chase Crosby then led the Gryffindor team out to the pitch where they were greeted with an uproar from the crowd, particularly from the Gryffindor spectator section. No doubt though that both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff wanted Gryffindor to come out on top and beat Thomas and his dirty Slytherin team.


(Trigger warning: there will be gore in the following scene along with some continued strong and harsh language.)

Chase closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, smiling and feeling the wind flowing through his brown hair as he led the Gryffindor team out on his broom. He grinned as he looked down at the crowd, waving to the Gryffindor student section. This of course gained an eruption of cheer from the mighty house of the lion. Suddenly, a large surge of boos arose from all of the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw sections as Thomas Crosby took the field, leading his Slytherin team out. The Slytherin team was clearly the villain of the series and Gryffindor was the general favorite to win it. The only crowd that was cheering loudly of course was the Slytherin section, who roared appreciatively for their team as they took to the pitch. Chase directed his attention to the line of Slytherin players flying out on their brooms and taking a few laps in the air on their end of the field. Chase and Thomas briefly exchanged eye contact. Thomas glared at Chase, but Chase tried not to let his older brother shake his confidence. Madame Hooch then loudly blew her whistle, the crowd jeering as both teams flew down to meet each other at the center of the field.
"Captains, Crosby and Crosby," said Hooch as she motioned for both of the brothers to come down. Thomas snorted and huffed as he glowered at his little brother and Chase respectfully came down. "Boys, I want a clean game. I know it's the championship but that's no excuse for excessively rough play. Now, if you will please, captains shake each other's hands," said Hooch. Chase nodded and stepped forward to shake his big brother's hand.

Thomas furrowed his brow and glared with hatred towards his little brother as he took dismounted his broom and stepped forward as both teams and the whole crowd watched on. The two brothers extended their arms out in front of Hooch and grasped each other's hand. Chase maintained a calm demeanor all the way through, even though his heart was pounding within his chest. Thomas then smirked deviously as he clamped down on his brother's hand as hard as he could, crushing Chase's fingers in his iron tight grip. Chase winced and stifled a yelp of pain as he tried to remain unbroken in the presence of his menacing older brother. Chase nervously locked eyes with his brother and looked into Tom's evil brown eyes.
"Keep your bloody head up, fucker. I'm going to fuck you up tonight... I'll eat you up and spit you out!" hissed Thomas, muttering quietly so that only Chase could hear his ominous threat. Chase just gulped but said nothing, maintaining his collected demeanor. The two finally finished their hand shake and let go, Thomas immediately turning his back on Chase and mounting his broom as the crowd cheered in anticipation for the big game that was about to start at any moment now. Chase sighed and mounted his broom, flying up in position as he waited for Madame Hooch to release the quaffle. After a blow of the whistle, all of the players on each team got set into place. Then, Madame Hooch released the quaffle and the bludgers and the game officially began.

The crowd went wild as the balls flew through the air and the players began to fly through the air quickly. Chase observed the game from high up above in his position, waiting for the golden snitch to eventually be released, hoping he could catch it quickly and beat out his brother to it. It was a tricky and fast little thing, and the task of catching the snitch was made even ten fold more difficult with the fact that his older brother was hungry for it too. He briefly looked over at Thomas who was in his position. He seemed to be observing the actions of his team very closely. Chase then widened his eyes as a few grunts from below caught his attention. He then looked down below and saw the Slytherin beaters getting quite rough with the Gryffindor beaters, bumping them around and bullying them mid-air on their brooms. Even the chasers were getting into it, causing Chase to become deeply concerned for the safety of his teammates as Slytherin was getting a little too aggressive it seemed. All the while, Thomas just smirked. Everything was going according to his plan and Slytherin had set the tone for a nasty game. Chase winced as he saw a Slytherin player knock off a Gryffindor player from his broom as he fell to the ground. Luckily he didn't look to hurt, but it was all fair game as the Slytherin beater had done his job. Chase just watched from above as he adjusted his seeker goggles a bit, looking down at the chaos below. It was beginning to become a very brutal and aggressive game thanks to the style of play of the Slytherin team.

Chase began to grow antsy now. He didn't know how much longer he could watch his team continue to get bullied and scored on. The Gryffindor keepers looked dejected as they let in yet another quaffle, and Slytherin was up 40 points to 0 on Gryffindor. Just then, Chase's eyes widened as he heard an awfully familiar noise. It was the high pitched buzzing of the coveted golden snitch. Chase's heart leapt as he immediately went into pursuit of the snitch. Of course though, hot on his tail was big brother Thomas. Chase leaned forward and flew as fast as he could to try to out run Thomas, but Thomas' speed was superior as Tom caught up and the two brothers were now racing side by side, neck and neck for the golden snitch. Chase didn't look to his right at all where Thomas was flying just a few inches from him to his side. His goal was to win possession of that golden snitch for his team. The crowd cheered as their attention became directed on the high speed hot pursuit between the two sibling seekers for the snitch. The two Crosby brothers zipped through the air at high speeds trying to out maneuver each other but still remaining side by side in their race. After a few minutes of this, it became clear that Thomas had grown tired of the charade. He looked over and glared at his brother with pure hatred and disgust for Chase.

"Hey Crosby!" jeered Tom as he sneered, "Or can I even call you Crosby?" he asked loudly as they continued flying through the air racing for the golden snitch. "Hell- you're barely a bloody Crosby!" said Tom, scoffing. Chase just blinked and shook his head, trying to remain focused, even though his brother's words struck through his heart like a dagger. "To tell you the truth Chase," shouted Tom, going on, "you're nothing but a lousy sorry excuse for a Crosby!" he spat. "And you know it too deep down! Father would be disappointed in you..." said Thomas, a little softer now. Chase felt a lump form in his throat as he choked back some angry tears. Thomas then smirked, but Chase didn't see this as he was entirely focused in front of him on the golden snitch. "But he won't be as disappointed in you as he will in a few moments...." said Tom ominously, "When you LOSE the championship to ME!" yelled Tom, suddenly taking a violent turn into Chase and bumping into the Gryffindor seeker aggressively. "OOF!" grunted Chase as they zipped by the stands and Chase felt himself become weightless. His eyes widened- he was falling. He had fallen off of his broom. His older brother had played dirty and completely just knocked Chase off of his broom at a very dangerously high height up in the air. Chase screamed as he plummeted to the ground and the crowd gasped.

Suddenly, Chase felt a sharp pain and a crack as his arm broke and snapped in half upon impact with the edge of the Ravenclaw spectator stands. After his violent collision with the seats (not into the seats so no one else was hurt, but on the bottom of the stands), Chase's body flew another few feet fast down towards the ground as he finally landed on the ground with a great big thump, face first, belly on the floor. It was then that Chase blacked out and lost consciousness. He was scratched up and bleeding all over- badly. Cuts and gashes ripped through his arms as splinters painfully lodged themselves into Chase's skin from where he had made contact with the wooden spectator stands. The crowd immediately gasped and went silent as everyone's eyes widened as they directed their attention down to the ground where the bleeding and knocked out Gryffindor captain laid. Worst of all, Grace Walsh had seen the whole thing from her seat in the Slytherin section of the stands and she could visibly see the serious injuries her boyfriend had sustained during the nasty fall. This was serious.

It wasn't too soon after that time seemed to pause and freeze in place as play immediately stopped and everyone who was flying their broom on the field and paying attention to the Quidditch game stopped. Even Thomas turned around and widened his eyes, his stomach and heart dropping as he put a hand over his mouth in shock. He had really done it this time, badly hurting his little brother. Maybe he had gone a bit too far, but nothing had really settled into the Slytherin seeker's mind yet. Chase was out cold, face first in the ground, covered in dirt and blood. Every one of Chase's Gryffindor teammates looked terrified and pale as a ghost as they witnessed their injured captain bleeding out on the floor. Even the Slytherin players stopped and gasped, some paralyzed with fear and others appalled at what they had just seen. Thomas had gone too far this time.... It seemed like everyone remained paused and silent suspended in disbelief there for about an hour before Madame Hooch, Madame Pomfrey, and a few more staff from the hospital wing came rushing down to the field as Hooch blew the whistle frantically to stop play so they could tend to the injured player on the ground and help Chase. Poor Grace had seen it all and now saw her boyfriend unconscious and bleeding on the ground, severely hurt.

"Mother of God...." whispered Thomas to himself from behind his hand over his mouth as he felt a lump form in his throat as he held back tears. It was all starting to settle in now. He'd really done it now, he'd certainly gone too far. And for what? All over a stupid Quidditch game and out of a secret intense and burning jealously for his brother being sorted into Gryffindor and following in their father's footsteps? It hadn't even begun to sink in how much trouble Thomas would be not only with the school, but with his parents back at home once they found out about this. Thomas slowly lowered to the ground, keeping a good distance away from where Chase's body was being propped up on a stretcher by the medical staff. Slowly but surely, two of Thomas' teammates flew over to their captain. Thomas' eyes remained wide as he held himself back from crying. He began to feel overwhelmed with immense guilt for what he had done to his baby bro. The same little bundle of joy Thomas loved and protected growing up as little boys on Crosby Manor. The same goofy little guy who never failed to make Thomas laugh or cheer him up when he was down when they were younger. Despite his unconditional love for his big brother, Thomas had returned it with nothing but pure evil and hate.

Thomas gulped as he then brought himself to look back at his two teammates. His heart sank as he saw them look back at him. Even they knew that Thomas had taken it too far as they looked back at him, both terrified and ashamed that their captain would ever stoop so low. This was yet another twist of the dagger into Thomas' stone cold heart. Gradually, each other the Gryffindor and Slytherin players floated down to the ground and dismounted their broom to watch Pomfrey take Chase away into the castle and to the hospital wing for treatment. They watched on the ground of the pitch as Chase was lifted up on the stretcher. Thomas eventually lowered down to the ground two with his two teammates, feeling shaky like he was about to fall to his knees. There was one person though who was more distressed than anyone here though- and that was Chase Crosby's lover, Grace Walsh.
A stain on his family…. Was that really what he was? It had been the last thing Chase had been told before his older brother bumped him off his broom and knocked him out cold.

Chase was in the middle of being tended to on the ground by Madame Pomfrey and the medical staff. He was unconscious and bleeding badly with a broken arm. The whole crowd watched on, suspended in disbelief and terror.

No one seemed more overwhelmed with emotions than Thomas Crosby. Either Thomas, or Grace took that prize…..
Grace Walsh
"You are going to be phenomenal out there. Trust me Chase, just play like you normally do and you'll do great." Grace told him before giving him one last kiss before he made his way to the Gryffindor locker rooms.

This game was undoubtedly the most anticipated one of the entire school year. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Brother vs. Brother. It seemed like there was no better game that was suited for the fight for the Quidditch Cup than this one. Grace knew how nervous Chase was about this game. She tried to reassure him every day leading up to the match that he was going to do great. But it looks like nerves aren't that easy to get rid of.

Sooner than later, the day of the finals arrived and Grace sent Chase off with a kiss and made her way to the Slytherin stands. She still recalls the first-ever Quidditch game she attended. She still recalls how she was injured due to the dirty trick of Thomas Crosby. But, she pushed those thoughts to the side and turned her attention to the upcoming game.

It was clear from the get-go that her house was definitely the villain. Everyone wanted Gryffindor to win the trophy, which was understandable. The Gryffindor team seemed much more friendly and clean compared to the Slytherin team.

The players made their way out of the locker room and flew one lap around the field. The spectators cheered as the players flew by, no doubt excited to witness the game that was about to unfold.

With a blow of a whistle from Madame Hooch, the game was in full swing instantly. However, things weren't off to a great start for the Gryffindors in terms of both points and safety. Grace saw as the Slytherin beaters were getting aggressive the Gryffindor beaters. A player even fell off his broom. But as much as Grace wanted to have the game stopped for the players' safety, she knew much more about Quidditch after dating Chase. She knew that the Slytherin beaters were just doing their job.

Everyone's focus soon shifted from the battle between the beaters to the buzzing sound of the snitch. Once that buzzing sound was heard, the crowd watched as the two Crosby brothers raced each other to catch it. The crowds went wild as the pair were neck-and-neck. The anticipation was building as neither brother seemed to let up, each one wanting to catch the golden snitch as much as the other. Everyone wanted to see which brother would remain victorious.

But that thought was short-lived. Collectively, the entire crowd gasped in a state of shock. Thomas Crosby had just knocked Chase Crosby off of his broom. It sent the younger boy plummeting down from an outrageous height. Grace was frozen still. She watched as her loving, gentle, amazing boyfriend screamed and hit the ground. He wasn't moving. He was unconscious with a broken arm and bleeding seemingly everywhere.

Grace was incredibly still. She was incredibly still until she wasn't. Tears were threatening to run down her face as she rushed from the stands down onto the pitch where the players were. At this point, Chase was already being taken away by Madame Poomfrey. But what shocked people the most was the fact that she didn't immediately run to Chase's side, what shocked people the most was that she was making a beeline straight for the Slytherin captain, Thomas Crosby.

She held an expression that was frightening. It seemed like only one thought was on her mind and no one could stop her. Reaching Thomas, she stood right in front of his face. "You. How could you do something like this?! I'm sure you've taken a good look at your own little brother, your own flesh and blood. Now you have to live with the fact that you did this. This was entirely your fault. It was you who pushed your team to be so aggressive. It was you who chose the prize over your own family." Grace yelled in his face, in front of everyone. But her next words wouldn't have to be said yelling.

In the most calm voice she could muster, she told him, "There is no apology that can undo all the damage you've done. Thomas Crosby, you are ruined. Congratulations." Turning away from him and addressing the team and the Slytherin house as a whole, "For this display of faulty sportsmanship and violence, as head girl of the Slytherin house, I will be taking away 20 house points. I hope you all can reflect on your actions deeply and don't make the same mistake twice."

Walking off the pitch, she rushes to make her way to the infirmary to find Chase. She's praying he's alright. He has to be alright.
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Thomas Crosby

There really wasn't any time to process what he had just done, what had happened, and the gravity of his actions. Slytherin's captain, Thomas Crosby, stood frozen on the pitch. His Slytherin teammates looked stunned and didn't know what to do, staying still. The crowd was hushed and shocked. A few of Chase's Gryffindor teammates followed after the injured boy being hauled away on the stretcher while others simply stood unmoving on the pitch, trying to digest what had just occurred and been done to their captain. Unbeknownst to Thomas initially, a fiery head of red hair was making its way down from the stands, rushing to the field. Seemingly out of no where, a red headed Slytherin female appeared in front of Thomas. Tom's brown eyes widened- eyes that were eerily similar to his younger brother's eyes. Yet Thomas' eyes weren't warm and loving like the younger Crosby's. Before he knew it, the red haired girl was up in his face. Everyone, particularly the Slytherins, look stunned. It was Grace Walsh- and she was angry, rightfully so. Her boyfriend had just been intentionally injured and quite severely.

Thomas stood there, crestfallen, guilty, and surprised as he was given a shouted lecture by Grace Walsh. If there was one person who had any more power than him in the house of Slytherin, it was her. Ever since she was appointed Head Girl, it put her at the top- not to mention the heavy weight her wealthy family name carried, especially amongst the pure blood traditionalists. Thomas winced slightly in fear as Grace Walsh unleashed her fury upon him. The yelling was short, but it was right in his face and in his personal bubble, and Grace's words certainly were effective. The message was sent. If Thomas didn't know he messed up now, which he most certainly already did, then he definitely knew now. Grace's words caused Thomas to feel even more guilty than he was before. A lump formed in his throat and he swallowed thickly, mustering strength not to break down crying like a little boy in front of most of the school.

She was right. Chase WAS his family- his own flesh and blood. His actions- purposeful actions- had led to the severe injuring of his brother. There was potential damage done that not even magic could fix, and that terrified Thomas. Chase had taken a hard fall and most certainly broke some bones. While his arm was broken and could be healed with magic and being given time to recover back to normal, if Chase's ribs had pierced his lungs and caused internal bleeding, it was only a matter of time before Chase would be gone. If this was the case, and it was the absolute worst case scenario, Chase Crosby only had a few more minutes left to live before he would ultimately die an untimely death. And it would all be Thomas' fault- his own older brother, his family member.

Grace was entirely correct. It was captain Thomas Crosby who had purposefully forced his Slytherin team to be more aggressive and dirty than usual. It made the match a whole lot more dangerous than any normal Quidditch game usually was. But Thomas had pulled the dirtiest and nastiest of moves of all and on his own brother no less. Chase was hurt badly, and it was all his fault, and there was nothing he could do to fix this, or reverse this. As Grace had said, there was no apology in the world that could make things right. He had done something horrible and unforgivable, and would have to live with this. It would be made even worse if Chase's injuries were more severe than they originally looked. If Chase didn't make it out of this alive, it would be blood on Thomas' hands. Killing his own little brother was something he could never live with himself for.

The tone and volume of Grace's voice then seemed to lower and become more calm, but this wasn't comforting at all. In fact, it was almost worst than when she was yelling at him and all up in his face. Even more guilt tugged at his heart as the red haired Slytherin that was his younger brother's loving girlfriend told him that nothing he could do, no apology, would ever fix this. His stomach dropped and eyes widened as Grace said that he was ruined. If he wasn't so distraught about what he had done to his younger brother and Chase's condition, he probably would've dwelled upon it more or reacted differently. Grace Walsh had told him that he was ruined. If there was one person that could actually ruin him, it was certainly Grace Walsh. The very people Thomas hoped to please were snobby, rich, pure blooded Slytherin traditionalists. Grace, although not snobby, was the very pinnacle of the people that Thomas hoped to impress- the kind that Thomas hoped to fall in line with and be accepted by.

Thomas came from a pure blooded line, but one that was very different from most others of that blood status. The Crosby's strayed from the norm. They were sorted into Gryffindor and they didn't buy into the fact that their bloodline was superior just because it was fully magical. As a result, they were seen as different and inferior by other pure blooded families and the Crosby's quickly fell out of prominence and favor with the rest of them. The Crosby's did not at all hold the beliefs of traditionalist pure blooded families. Because of this, while rather financially fortunate and very comfortably living, the Crosby's did not possess the immense wealth of the traditional pure blooded Slytherin family lines. The Crosby's were different from most pure bloods, and they liked it that way. Unfortunately for Thomas, who entirely bought into the narrative that traditions were to be upheld and pure bloods were superior and must act in a certain way, his own family didn't fit that bill. He was a Crosby- from a family that was not taken seriously by the other pure blood families. They weren't typical at all and because of this unfavorable view in the eyes of most wealthy pure blooded families, particularly prominent ones such as the Walsh's, the Crosby name did not carry any weight at all with that crowd, despite possessing the pure blood status.

The Walsh's were one of if not, arguably the most prominent, wealthiest, powerful pure blooded Slytherin family of them all. The Walsh last name held an immense amount of weight, especially with the people Thomas aimed to please, impress, and hopefully one day fall in line with to make up for what he felt were the traitorous shortcomings of his own family. Grace was right- she could ruin him. If the daughter of Daniel Walsh had bad things to say about you, you could pretty much consider any chances for an opportunity to be accepted within the wealthy pure blooded camp to be gone. Thomas' aspirations and desires would be crushed, and Grace would easily do it, and he had no doubt that she would. He'd messed up miserably and Grace was understandably fuming. Her emotions were running high and who knew what she'd spread about Thomas. The simple fact of the matter is he had done something terrible- there was no hiding or denying it. Everyone had seen it, including Grace Walsh. She could absolutely destroy and obliterate his reputation. Thomas was as good as done if she did.

Despite working his whole life ever since he was eleven years old and first sorted into Slytherin after coming to Hogwarts, hoping to one day rise to the top and establish the Crosby line as a credible and powerful, prominent, pure blooded wizarding family on his end, the fact that this could all burn down in flames wasn't even Thomas' biggest concern right now. His heart hurt for his mangled younger brother. His worries concerned the status of Chase and his injuries right now, not the fact that his reputation would most likely be ruined by Grace Walsh, or the fact that the school would most likely take disciplinary actions, tainting his carefully built and clean record at Hogwarts, or even the fact that he would have to deal with his parents learning that he had done such a thing to his own family- his own blood. Thomas couldn't even imagine how his parents would react. The amount of disappointment, betrayal, anger, sadness- it was all something that the older Crosby boy didn't know if he could bear.

Thomas said nothing to Grace and simply let her words marinate in his head as she turned to address the rest of the Slytherin team, that were all standing around like a bunch of useless traffic cones. Each Slytherin, especially Thomas, had a guilty look on their face as their head girl took away 20 points from Slytherin and scolded them for their foolishness and recklessness. Points being taken away from Slytherin though was the least of Thomas Crosby's concerns. A much more heavy and serious matter was at hand with grave implications. Thomas gulped as he watched Grace storm off of the pitch and head towards the castle. Chase's unconscious body was being carried away on a stretcher towards the castle. The atmosphere was thick with tension and it was uncomfortably silent as the crowd and members of each team sat or stood in complete shock.

Suddenly, the urge to go after his younger brother and check on him overcame the seventh year Slytherin Quidditch captain.
"Wait!" he shouted after the nurses, who probably couldn't hear him at this point. Thomas' heart swelled with concern and compassion for his younger brother for probably what was the first time since he was ten years old. Tom went to go bolt after Chase on the stretch but was suddenly stopped, bumping into two Gryffindor Quidditch players who had blocked his path. Thomas grunted as he bumped into the two of them and felt himself be shoved off by one of them, taking a few steps back. Thomas looked at the two Gryffindor teammates of Chase's and saw a solemn and disappointed look of hatred in both of their eyes. "You're not going anywhere near him," said one of the Gryffindor players harshly. Thomas' heart sank as he gulped. He hoped with every fiber of his being that Chase was okay- not to save his own face or reputation and not because he hoped for any sort of forgiveness in this moment from anyone, but because for once, he genuinely cared about his little brother. He wanted Chase to be safe and in good condition. Thomas could never live with himself if he could not any longer see the cheerful smiling face of his younger sibling again.

Chase Crosby

Chase's unconscious body laid knocked out cold on the stretcher. He was quickly carried away by two nurses who ended up shooing away some of the concerned Gryffindor teammates that had followed them, worrying over their captain and friend. As Chase's injuries were pretty severe, the nurses brought him to the hospital wing as fast as they could with a sense of urgency. There would be no way to tell from a first glance if there were any potentially fatal damages to any of Chase's internal organs. All they could see was the blood all over him and of course, the very clearly broken arm. A broken arm could easily be fixed by healing magic from a skilled witch or wizard but it would take some time to recover fully. Luckily, Madame Pomfrey was a skilled healer, so Chase would be in good hands.

The Gryffindor captain was rushed into the infirmary and place onto a hospital bed, and Madame Pomfrey hurried to get to work, fetching her wand and gather all sorts of bottles of potions. Everyone was hoping no ribs had been broken as that would mean Chase was internally bleeding and had a puncture in his lung, and time would be ticking. Although the nurses tried to whisk away any concerned students or teammates, there was one person they just could not get away- Grace Walsh, the boy's lover. Nothing could stand in the way of passionate young love, and even the nurses sensed it, stepping aside and letting Grace check on Chase. She was the boy's girlfriend and a very determined one at that. It didn't seem like there was going to be any way that she let herself be pushed away or denied access to the love of her life, especially when he was in this dire of a state.

Madame Pomfrey seemed to be doing a thousand things at once. She was fetching potions, brewing potions, using her wand, checking on Chase and feeling him all over to assess the injuries. The healing witch was hard at work- it was her passion to help the injured, especially when they were young students at Hogwarts with full lives ahead of them. It was her very way of life, healing the sick and injured at Hogwarts. Seeing how severe Chase's injuries were and knowing that quite possibly, time was not on her side, she worked fast but efficiently, with no time to waste. She was determined to help heal and fix Chase and she sure as hell wasn't going to let a student die on her watch, if the injuries were that bad.
Grace Walsh
No way. That's what Grace thought when the nurses tried to push her away from Chase. There was no way in hell that she could be pushed away from him. She needed to see him. She needed him to be breathing. She needed him to be alive. She needed to confirm that for herself. The nurses probably sensed that determination, sensed that concern. Eventually, they stopped trying to keep her away, she wouldn't go away that easily.

Standing at his bedside, she did her best to keep out of Madame Pomfrey's way as she worked her magic on Chase. He was in good hands. She just hoped those hands were good enough to save his life. She clasped his hand in hers and brought it to her cheek. She didn't care if it was bloody, she just wanted to touch him. The blood from his hand smeared on her cheek. That's when all the tears came out.

This was probably the first time anyone saw Grace Walsh this distressed. She wasn't just crying, she was sobbing. "Please Chase! Please! Please be alive! I need you!" Grace kept repeating that line over and over again. She wasn't standing at his bedside anymore. Her knees gave out, she was shaking from the stress and the sobs. Kneeling next to his bed, she kept his bloody hand on her cheek. The tears seemed to be never-ending as the infirmary filled with her cries and pleas for the young Crosby boy to be alright.

Chase Crosby

Madame Pomfrey, assisted by a few other nurses, worked to assess Chase’s injuries and begin the length and complicated healing process so that hopefully, the fifth year Gryffindor could recover smoothly. Pomfrey and the other nurses worked around Grace, who was extremely distressed. There was no way they were going to be able to push her away so they tried not to let it become a distraction as they focused on the job at hand- helping Chase and keeping him stable and safe. Of course, seeing the distraught girl holding onto the unconscious boy’s bloody hand as she wailed tugged at their hearts, but they needed to conduct their work swiftly and couldn’t console nor shoo away the Slytherin head girl. Grace Walsh was not going to be sent away so they had to deal with it. The nurses understood this.

It was an incredibly sad and heart wrenching sight. The poor red haired Slytherin girl sobbed and wailed, pleading for her boyfriend’s safety as she clutched his lifeless bleeding hand tightly, his own blood staining her cheeks as she brought it close to her face. Chase’s blood was still warm but it seemed to be flowing out of his body less. All throughout the night, Pomfrey worked through the loud crying of Grace Walsh to save Chase Crosby. She’d never seen the poor girl so emotionally distressed- it was so untypical of a Walsh. It was a side to her no one had ever seen. Despite the gut wrenching sobs that made it hard not to start break down and crying with sympathy for Grace and Chase, Pomfrey and her nurses made good progress.

At some point during the later stages of the night, Madame Pomfrey pulled up a chair for Grace to sit in. Of course, Grace Walsh was still here- she wasn’t going to leave Chase’s side any time soon no matter how late it was. Pomfrey gently placed a hand on the sobbing girl’s shoulder and urged her to sit, as she had been standing either on her feet on her knees for so long by the hospital bed. She took a towel and gently dabbed Grace’s cheek, wiping Chase’s blood off of her face. The poor girl, she thought. What a horrifying sight to see her loved one in such a condition and to have her boyfriend’s fresh blood on her.

Luckily, Madame Pomfrey had found that there was no internal bleeding. None of Chase’s ribs had broken and his lungs or any other internal organs had not been punctured. Internal bleeding as a result of these injuries would’ve made her job even harder and would mean she was racing against the clock. But Chase’s heart, stomach, liver, lungs and everything were still in tact and unharmed, which Pomfrey was thankful for. Eventually Pomfrey and her nurses had stabilized Chase and had done all they could do for the night. It was quite late and very dark out but finally, Madame Pomfrey and her nurses had administered some final touches. All they had to do now was wait until the morning before they could give the boy any more healing potions or perform any further fixing spells.

Now, all they could do was hope that Chase Crosby would be awake by the morning. Madame Pomfrey kept Chase closely monitored. Grace Walsh, who had been here for hours and stayed through the whole night, had fallen asleep in the chair next to Chase’s bed, holding onto her boyfriend’s now bandaged hand. Pomfrey couldn’t help but smile at the cute sight. Grace’s head was leaning against Chase’s body and she never let go of his hand. There was a sense of peacefulness which was nice after a stressful day full of worrying and gut wrenching sobbing. Hopefully this nightmare would end soon, with Chase in good health and well on his way to recovery.


In the early hours of the next morning, there was once again the busy shuffling about of Madame Pomfrey and her nurses working to heal Chase. Both Chase and Grace seemed to be sleeping still. At some point, Pomfrey gently shook Grace awake so that she could politely ask her to move aside for a moment as she checked on Chase. Although she woke her up, she did not at all tell Grace to leave. Using a stethoscope, Pomfrey checked to listen for Chase’s heartbeat and breathing. All seemed good, and Pomfrey nodded over at her other nurses suggesting that Chase was very much alive and in good condition, his heart rate and breathing soft and slow.

Only a few minutes later, something would cause a stir in the infirmary. Suddenly, with Grace still holding on to his bandaged hand, Chase’s brown eyes began to slowly but surely open. Chase blinked awake, turning his head to see Grace’s face as the first thing he saw. He turned to his other side and noticed his arm in a cast. Beside his bed were multiple potion bottles and Chase could now feel an odd taste in his mouth. He then realized he was in the hospital wing. He slowly turned back to Grace. His energy was low. At first, fear settled in but seeing Grace by his side calmed him and caused a tired smile to appear on the Gryffindor boy’s face.

Chase had fully woken up now, his eyes open. The brown haired boy stared at Grace with his chocolate brown eyes, still full of life.
“Grace!” he said to her happily, the cheery tone in his voice never leaving, as if he hadn’t just been so severely injured. Nothing was going to ever take away Chase’s good mood and persistence. You couldn’t keep the boy down. “Oh my love, I’m so glad you’re here,” he said to her, smiling fondly. The nurses began to move with haste, informing Pomfrey and each other that Chase Crosby had finally awoken. This was very good news indeed.

Chase looked around the hospital room for a bit and it all came back to him- he then realized why he was here. He was hurt, badly, in a Quidditch match- by Thomas. His brown eyes instantly widened as he seemed to jolt up, sitting in the bed at high alert, squeezing the hand that Grace was still holding. “Blimey! The Quidditch game! The cup!” he exclaimed. “Did we win?!” Chase asked, turning his head to look at Grace as he smiled excitedly, eagerly awaiting her answer.

Madame Pomfrey walked over to Chase’s bed and this gained a chuckle out of her. “Oh no dear, I’m afraid they’ve canceled the game and Quidditch Cup this year due to the events of yesterday,” she gently informed him with a sweet smile. Chase’s mouth opened with shock and then he closed it, his lips turning into a slight frown. Clearly he didn’t care that he had nearly been killed during the match. “Merlin’s beard….” he muttered dejectedly. Pomfrey then urged him to drink a bottle of some sort of healing potion and he nodded, gently sipping it as she brought it to his lips.

Chase winced and made a face as he swallowed the liquid, gagging a bit as he felt it travel down his throat. He stuck out his tongue with disgust but then looked over to Grace and smiled. “Grace! Y- you stayed by my side! Th- the whole time!” he said. “I’m so glad,” he whispered tenderly. He then leaned forward to give Grace a kiss on the cheek, puckering his lips, but suddenly he was stopped and cried out in pain as he felt a sharp sensation in his back. “Ow!” he yelled, leaning back. Unfortunately he couldn’t reach her face to kiss her without hurting himself. “Careful, dear,” the tender voice of Madame Pomfrey reminded him.
Grace Walsh
Grace gladly accepted the chair offered by Madame Pomfrey. Sitting down, Madame Pmfrey came back with a wet cloth and held Grace still as she wiped Chase's blood off of her cheek. Throughout all of this, she never let go of Chase's hand. At this point, her crying had died down, leaving the evidence of tear-stained cheeks.

The hours soon passed and Grace eventually fell asleep by Chase's bedside. Leaning her had against his chest and still holding his hand, she let the exhaustion from the entire day wash over her. But soon she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Madame Pomfrey. Standing up, she understood that Madame Pomfrey needed to check on Chase.

Moving out of the way she watched as Madame Pomfrey checked over Chase. Luckily, it looked like everything would be alright. Briefly, she glanced out the window, it was already the next morning. It looked like the Gryffindor teammates that were here previously had all retired in their dorms. All that she was waiting for was for Chase to wake up.

Fortunately, Grace heard a voice she could recognize anywhere calling her name. Putting all her attention on Chase, she smiled. He was alive and well. The cheeriness was still evident in his voice as always.

Seeing him get hurt by tried to kiss her, she quickly place her hand on his shoulder to keep him in place. "Madame Pomfrey is right. Take it easy. It looks like I'll be the one to give you kisses these next few days." Grace joked as she leaned down to kiss Chase on his cheek. "I'm just so glad you're alright."

Chase Crosby

Chase smiled softly as he felt his girlfriend place her hand gently on his shoulder, echoing Pomfrey’s words and telling him to take it easy. He did need the rest and was still recovering from the injuries as a result of his nasty fall. The brown haired boy’s cheeks flushed red as Grace leaned down to place a small kiss on his cheek. His heart fluttered with joy and he felt a feeling of warmth within his chest. “I could certainly get used to that,” he whispered, still smiling.

The youngest Crosby boy then quickly grabbed Grace’s hand with his bandaged one, the hand of the arm the wasn’t broken, and squeezed hers gently. “Of course I’m alright, Grace,” he reassured her, “I’m a Gryffindor! You can’t keep us down!” he told her with a proud grin. “Maybe I’ll get a few cool scars from this! They’ll make me look more manly!” Chase giggled, clearly in very good spirits and trying to make light of the situation. Perhaps Grace would find him cooler with “battle scars.” Anything to be more attractive in Grace’s book was a win for him.
Grace Walsh

Hearing Chase proclaim that he's a Gryffindor with a proud grin, Grace couldn't help but laugh a bit. If anyone acted like a true Gryffindor, it would have to be Chase in her eyes. Feeling him squeeze her hand just reassured her that he was indeed alive and well. This wasn't a trick of the mind. This wasn't a dream. It was real. "With or without scars, I love you all the same." She replied to him as she kissed his hand and smiled.

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