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Fantasy Character Registration

[QUOTE="Airam Juvie]

Hope I can still join?


Name: Lilith Takawa

Nickname: Lily, Taka, Seaflower

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where do you live: Female School Dorm

Year of High School: 2nd Year

Kind of Being: Siren/Water Deamon


Atmoskinesis: The power to manipulate the four natural classical elements. A combination of air, water, earth and fire elements. However, due to Lilith being a siren, her power's are more inclined towards the control of the water element. Yet, she has a bit of experience with the other three elements, but she does not like to used them since her expierences with them have not been good ones.

Siren Song: The user is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting singing voice that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.

Animal Communication: Ability to communicate with animals. However, Lilith is new to this ability and due to her heritage she is mostly able to communicate to sea animals, yet there are times that she can understand other types of animals but it is very rare.


All musical instruments.

+Drawing and Painting

+Peaceful and Quiet Places

+Sea, Ocean Animals


-People with no respect for nature, specially for water ecosystems.

-Spicy food


-Abusive behaviors towards others

Personality: Lilith is very observant and quiet. She likes to keep mostly to herself and also likes to inmerse herself into her music. Yet, if she finds someone who she deems worthy of her trust and friendship she will be a bit more open towards them. However, even with this kind of personality, there are rare cases in which Lilith can be seen acting a bit mischivieous and silly, mostly when she surrounded by animals or when she goes to her favorite natural habitat, the ocean.




Lilith comes from a wealthy household of sirens who lived underwater in the Pacific Ocean. The kingdom she lived in was ruled by a kind and elderly king, who was becoming a little senile with age. Yet, the majority of his subjects still loved and supported him. Lilith's father was one of them, a king’s knight and he did his best at his job, protecting the king, their kingdom, and his family. However, fairy tale beginnings never seem to last long, and one day Lilith was forced out of her homeland, the day a rebellion swept across the kingdom.

Her mother fled with her by her side towards the coastline of Ireland which was the closest to their home. She sat Lilith on the rocky outcropping, swearing to return when the fighting and bloodshed was over. But she never did. The next morning, Lilith was found by an elderly fisherman and his dog. He took the toddler in and reported her missing to the authorities, but of course her parents could not be found. The man was given permission to foster Lilith until a home was found for her, but over time he became accustomed to the tiny siren girl and adopted her himself.

After some years the old man died and Lilith, who was already 10 years old, went to an orphanage. By now, Lilith knew she was different to other children, she knew that she was special. So, she tried very hard to not let anyone know how different she was. If they ever saw her other form, she knew they would treat her very differently. However, even after she tried to be as normal as she could be, that didn't stop older girls from bullying her. So, when the time came to be adopted, she did her best to be the first option of the people that went there. And one afternoon, her hardwork paid off, a couple, who had tried to have a family by natural means but due to some medical problems couldn't, walked inside the orphanage and decided to adopt Lilith after spending a nice day with her.

What happened after and how she became the girl she is now is a story for another time. Now, the important this is that she is starting her first high school year at Fantasy High School and she was still not prepared for it mostly because the Academy was not Ireland and it will be her first time out of the country, her real mother left her.

(Still a bit of work in progress, have to edit parts of her history a bit)

Dating/lover/crush: None at the Moment

Anything Else:

Weapons/Gift: A guitar that enhances her musical abilities and can also be used to channel her elemental powers through it and attack with them through its sound waves.


[QUOTE="Midnight Rose]


-= Name =-

(He-Joori) Hijori Meru (Mrr-ooo)

-= Nickname =-


-= Age =-


-= Gender =-


-= Sexual Orientation =-


-= Good or Evil or Neutral =-


-= Where you live =-


-= What Year of highschool your in =-


-= What kind of being you are =-


-= Powers/gifts =-

Demonic flame claws

-= Likes =-

Strong beings/things

-= Dislikes =-

People that get in her way.

-= Personality =-

Hinjori is mischeiveous, and plays tricks, A LOT.

She is sneaky, but she can be sweet, if you treat her right.

Despite her sneakiness, she is very clumsy on many different scenarios.

-= Bio =-

Hinjori used to work for a demon, but quit to go neutral.

Hinjori can be evil at times, but if you get to know her, she'll treat you nice.

Her parents abandoned her when she first turned into a demon, her parents where terrified and fled away from Hinjori at the age of 4.

-= Dating/lover/crush =-

(Currently None)

TheWhiteScarf said:
Name:Havoc Geno Bastion
Nickname(If Applies): Genocide


Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Demi-God


Controls Dark Flames: This power was naturally given to Havoc at birth from his mother. He was trained mostly with this power and is the most strongest with this power. Havoc trained with his mother and is now a master of dark flames. Although, dark flames are very strong than regular flames, Havoc's dark flames have the same weaknesses of regular flames. Yet, you can try to take advantage of those weaknesses, but remember Havoc is a master of dark flames.

Likes: Fire, video games, wondering, nature, secretly love, the sun, the moon, forests, dogs, dubstep, metal, pianos, guitars, and more.

Dislikes: Water, tears, sadness, death, himself, hatred, depression, cats, rock, fps, and more

Personality: Havoc on the outside is a stubborn rebel who hates higher-ups and people who think that they are better than him. He hates love (not really) and is tsundere to love and friendships. He is a shut-in who mostly hates going outside and doing anything to "hard". He hides the fact that he wants friends and also hides a lot of, in his case, embarrassing stuff. He seems like a teen that hates people and is not a person to be friends with. Although, Havoc on the inside is a big ol' teddy bear is a very guy. He loves love and the people he cares about. No matter what if you are this man's friend he will protect with his own life. Havoc would love to have friends come over and play with him, even though he doesn't seem like him.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Havoc was the son of, Amaterasu, The Deity of The Sun and a man named, Panse. Havoc inherited the power of dark flames from his mother, but due to certain issue, he was given dark flames. Havoc had a terrible childhood, due to him being a odd child with his demon-looking power. Although, one child named, Konohama, became friends with Havoc at the age of six. The two had a friendship of seven years, yet the friendship suddenly ended when Konohama died at the age of thirteen. She had died cause of a rare disease that Havoc wasn't told about. Due to that, Havoc never socialized with anyone and stayed in his room as a shut-in. He only played video games and listened to music by himself in his room. Finally at the age of fifteem he moved out and began wondering, looking for a home. Havoc then found Fantasy High School and began to live in the dorms of this school.

Dating/lover/crush: Crush

Anything else: He loves being in the forest.
PinguTheOtterfucker said:
Name: Var'hon Tostoros
Nickname(If Applies): Toaster

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) : Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: First

What kind of being you are: Gifted Human

Powers/gifts: Controlling fire, creating fire, turning into a black smoke, flight and speed in smoke form and he can go from door holes or tiny holes, he can teleport while in smoke form

Likes: Watching fire, killing, taking big risks, freedom

Dislikes: Crowded areas

Personality: Shy but he doesn't feel fear, a little psycho because of so many murders he had done, serious when necessary but mostly humorous

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred): Looks like this but no tattoos, he wears a jacket


Bio: When he was 12, Var'hon discovered that he can control fire, he accidentally burned the house down and killed his parents. Then his uncle took him home but when he was shopping with his uncle a thief came to the store and took hostages, he killed everyone one of them and when he was going to kill Var'hon his uncle jumped to the thief but the thief killed his uncle too. Then the thief heard noises from outside and ran away. Var'hon sweared to find and kill that man. After a year, Var'hon found the thief, kidnapped him and took him to a empty area with no people. He made the thief confess his crimes and then burned him alive. He felt weirdly happy when hearing the thief's screams, he started to kill criminals with his powers to feel better, not for the people's revenges.

Dating/lover/crush: Doesn't know how to love

Anything else:

Name: Reise Toriyama

Nickname(If Applies):Re



Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Penthouse

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are:Demon/angle

Powers/gifts: See the future, Beam blast, Chidori, Break cannon, Body swap.

Likes:Food,Video games, Challenges, And basketball

Dislikes: Cats,shoes,and his dad

Personality:He will make you laugh alot and he is always hungry. He will Realise full demon if you harm anyone he is friends.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

(Normal mode)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468386560306.jpg.e529c74121a58e68f77da9c4458ac286.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142387" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468386560306.jpg.e529c74121a58e68f77da9c4458ac286.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Full demon mode)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468386152953.jpg.2799690626f7166f18b71bd3829202f0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468386152953.jpg.2799690626f7166f18b71bd3829202f0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Full Angle mode)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468440796407.jpg.40fd9af568b2f3886eff4d6b21af49da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468440796407.jpg.40fd9af568b2f3886eff4d6b21af49da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ( Awken Death mode)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468440980282.jpg.1229a3d27152df133769ebb308be9108.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142392" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1468440980282.jpg.1229a3d27152df133769ebb308be9108.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:He was a kid who learned to fight at age 4 now he is the strongest in his clan the Curses Sages they were slayed buy him and later on he began to think about how his career was going so he joined the high school.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:

@Roman @Fukushima Akira



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[QUOTE="Airam Juvie]I don't even know how to start.... xD jajajjaja

Lets see... right now, the school has just reopened, combat class is happening right now... that's about it xD Best way to start is to ask who's open and go from there xD
Kuri said:
Name: Reise Toriyama
Nickname(If Applies):Re



Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Penthouse

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are:Demon/angle

Powers/gifts: See the future, Beam blast, Chidori, Break cannon, Body swap.

Likes:Food,Video games, Challenges, And basketball

Dislikes: Cats,shoes,and his dad

Personality:He will make you laugh alot and he is always hungry. He will Realise full demon if you harm anyone he is friends.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

(Normal mode)View attachment 314805

(Full demon mode)View attachment 314808

(Full Angle mode)View attachment 314809 ( Awken Death mode)View attachment 314811

Bio:He was a kid who learned to fight at age 4 now he is the strongest in his clan the Curses Sages they were slayed buy him and later on he began to think about how his career was going so he joined the high school.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else:

@Roman @Fukushima Akira
Just to let you know, Itachi, Sasuke, Madara and Kakashi are in use.
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Just to let you know, Itachi, Sasuke, Madara and Kakashi are in use.

....that isn't them xD i made my own characters but I guess I can go find some other ones
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Just to let you know, Itachi, Sasuke, Madara and Kakashi are in use.

Is gaara in use
Kuri said:
....that isn't them xD i made my own characters but I guess I can go find some other ones
No, it was just to let you know, considering you were mentioned Chidori in your post xD

Your character's accepted :)
Name: Iris Fallon

Nickname(If Applies):N/A



Sexual Orientation:heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Secretly homeless

What Year of highschool your in: first year

What kind of being you are:superhuman

Powers/gifts: projection and manipulation of water in it's various forms. primarily ice.

Likes: Music, art, snakes, ice cream

Dislikes: mint, the sun, people who mistreat children

Personality: kind, but shy until you get to know her. introverted.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Iris Fallon was an ordinary girl for most of her life. At age 14, however, she went missing. Two years later she woke up lying in a stream with no memory of how she got there or were she had been for those two years. Shortly after waking she discovered that she now posesses superhuman powers.

Dating/lover/crush: none currently

Anything else: Her powers seem to be linked to her emotional state and can become dangerous if she experiences extreme emotion. She doesn't curse, but rather replaces curse words with random words or phrases. She has no idea how silly this sounds.
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[QUOTE="SiLeNt ScReAmEr]Name: Iris Fallon
Nickname(If Applies):N/A



Sexual Orientation:heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Secretly homeless

What Year of highschool your in: first year

What kind of being you are:superhuman

Powers/gifts: projection and manipulation of water in it's various forms. primarily ice.

Likes: Music, art, snakes, ice cream

Dislikes: mint, the sun, people who mistreat children

Personality: kind, but shy until you get to know her. introverted.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Iris Fallon was an ordinary girl for most of her life. At age 14, however, she went missing. Two years later she woke up lying in a stream with no memory of how she got there or were she had been for those two years. Shortly after waking she discovered that she now posesses superhuman powers.

Dating/lover/crush: none currently

Anything else: Her powers seem to be linked to her emotional state and can become dangerous if she experiences extreme emotion. She doesn't curse, but rather replaces curse words with random words or phrases. She has no idea how silly this sounds.

Accepted. Just be aware that there is another character named Iris. :)
Akira CS Update

CBxf0Vw.png EK9CXYB.gif



No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

- Fukushima Akira





  • Full Name XAkira Fukushima

    Birth Name XImperius Vi Euphoria

    Nickname(s) XAkki, His Majesty, Your Majesty, King, Sire.

    Marital Status
    XHappily married to Asuka Fukushima
    Age XUnknown, look eighteen due to the disassociation of time.

    D.O.B. X
    Not Applicable

    P.O.B. XEuphoria

    Occupation XKing of Euphoria and Ruler of all Sanctums, Principal of Fantasy High.

    Allegiance XSanctums

    Alignment XNeutral

    Biography X
    Akira's birth name is Imperius Vi Euphoria. He was born in a Realm called Euphoria, a place where Sanctums reside and rule over all of creation, two years before the Gods and Titans were created. By the time Akira was thirteen, he became known throughout the Multiverse as The Black Swordsman due to how many beings he had killed in order to maintain peace. Both of Akira's parents were Sanctums, making him stronger than any other Sanctum due to him inheriting both his mother and father's power well, as well as him having his own. His father, Ragnarok was the creator of all Gods and Goddesses, and his mother, Ariadne was the creator of all the Realms, Heaven and Hell included. He had a younger brother named Kenji, whom his father, Ragnarok killed. Akira and Ragnarok fought for over one hundred years straight, only to be ended when Akira finally killed him. Akira decided to start a new life, leaving Euphoria. He created a portal towards Earth and soon went in, with it closing mere seconds after he left. However, soon after leaving Euphoria and entering this new world, he found that this world's culture was significantly different from his own, so he had trouble adapting for three days. He then found out about a high-school for certain beings. Akira signed up due to being bored. He had been in this new world for over a year now. He wanted to see how his subjects' -The Gods'- creations operated. Little did he know, that wasn't the only thing he'd find. Due to his personality of protecting his friends, he may temporarily lose his mind when he experiences great emotional or physical pain. It can also occur if Akira experiences great anger. Akira soon learned all about Human culture after being in the school for over two weeks, and found his love, Layla. He decided to stick around the school. However due to unforeseen circumstances, Layla was killed, forcing Akira into a pit of despair. It wouldn't be for another year that he'd meet his pair, Asuka. After three years of being together, Akira finally proposed to Asuka, and to his delight, she said yes. Currently, Akira lives with Asuka in the Fukushima Estate with their three children; Haruo, Hikari and Kioko. Akira's eldest child, Kuroh also lives with them. Currently, Akira is the principal of Fantasy High, and one of the combat training instructors. His wife, Asuka is also his Vice Principal.


    Akira's Family Crest.png
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YukiKaiba said:
Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) a small pocket dimension between time and space

What Year of highschool your in:sophomore

What kind of being you are: panther shifter

Powers/gifts:can shift form into cat forms

heightened senses

increased strength and speed

can access the void to travel and store/retrieve items.

has a small repertoire of spells

Likes:comfy places to nap



Dislikes: ignorance


loud ppl

Personality: shy and quiet


Bio:Yuki is the daughter of Erebus. she was hidden away by her father before his consort nyx could discover her. her father visitor's often as he can and typically comes bearing a new weapon of strange material for her. She is very good with dual blades and highly accurate with a bowl

Dating/lover/crush:none but looking. gets nervous around ppl.

Anything else:should she get too emotional her powers end to go haywire.

Character Update: Ayame



Nickname(If Applies):



16 (though shes like a few hours old because she was just born and is an infant)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Death Intoner



Just like all Intoners...

Soul Passage

The more people she kills, the stronger she gets



Her sister Harumi

Maid outfits




Working as a maid


She could be sweet and nice but when you start to piss her off, she could probably stick a blade between your eyes

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)




Not much. Daughter of Myuki and Kikuri and Harumi's sister.



Anything else:

She does like to play with knives and kind of cut herself sometimes

She won't mind having gun blades

@Daniel reaving
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HimeragiSeiker said:

Character Update: Ayame



Nickname(If Applies):



16 (though shes like a few hours old because she was just born and is an infant)



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Death Intoner



Just like all Intoners...

Soul Passage

The more people she kills, the stronger she gets



Her sister Harumi

Maid outfits




Working as a maid


She could be sweet and nice but when you start to piss her off, she could probably stick a blade between your eyes

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)




Not much. Daughter of Myuki and Kikuri and Harumi's sister.



Anything else:

She does like to play with knives and kind of cut herself sometimes

She won't mind having gun blades

@Daniel reaving
Name: Saki Isa

Nickname: Isa

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Alignment: Good

Living Establishment: In a apartment complex

School Year: Senior

Race: Half-Ruffian


Superhuman traits- Since he is half-ruffian, Saki has greater speed and strength than the average human. That also means he can take quite the beating, able to take explosion like a champ, and get right back up for the fight.

Ruffian Transformation- Saki has the power to transform into Ruffian which boost his power immensely. While in this form, when he dodges an attack a afterimage will follow, and his dolphin gun is merged with his arm. But as a full Ruffian, Saki brain will be filled with the urge to attack anything that he doesn't recognize. Furthermore, he will be severely weaken as he get out of his full Ruffian state. In his half Ruffian state, Saki gain half the power of his full Ruffian form and his dolphin gun isn't fused with his arm.



Dolphin Gun- Crafted by his now deceased mother, the Dolphin gun is a gun hybrid. Meaning it has the potential to be a sword in close combat, and a gun in long range. The blade part of the gun, can knock back projectiles away from him, besides just cutting them. The gun itself has two modes, Free Shot mode and Precision Shot mode. In Free Shot, the Dolphin Gun's shots are stronger and the blade is stronger. But, this mode relies on Saki's accuracy to make the most out of this mode. Precision Shot mode, makes the Dolphin gun's bullets much more accurate, but it trades off strong for it. Precision Shot mode also makes any projectile that was deflected off of Saki's blade, go for the enemy.

Likes: Chocolate Ice Cream, anything that has to do with technology.

Dislikes: Ruffians, hates people bringing down a good atmosphere.

Personality: He's optimistic and copes well with danger. Saki also rather free-spirited, mean he'll always have the urge to go somewhere that fits his current itch at the moment.

Human Appearance:


Half-Ruffian Appearance:


Ruffian Appearance: Saki Amamiya Full Ruffian Form Sketch

Bio: Saki when he was a younger child, died in a car crush. Not wanting to lose her boy, Saki's mother was taken into her research lab, that was in his very apartment. She transfered Ruffian blood into her son to bring him back to life, but in her haste to do such a thing, she realize the Ruffians, who killed her. Now an orphan, Saki goes to school to see if there's any clues to where the Ruffians may go, and to possible clean the streets of any ruffian that's near the dang school.

Other: Ruffians are creatures that were created by scientists with the thought of helping out humanity. But later after, they mutated and start to attack humans or anything really.
Angelostar4 said:
Name: Saki Isa
Nickname: Isa

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Alignment: Good

Living Establishment: In a apartment complex

School Year: Senior

Race: Half-Ruffian


Superhuman traits- Since he is half-ruffian, Saki has greater speed and strength than the average human. That also means he can take quite the beating, able to take explosion like a champ, and get right back up for the fight.

Ruffian Transformation- Saki has the power to transform into Ruffian which boost his power immensely. While in this form, when he dodges an attack a afterimage will follow, and his dolphin gun is merged with his arm. But as a full Ruffian, Saki brain will be filled with the urge to attack anything that he doesn't recognize. Furthermore, he will be severely weaken as he get out of his full Ruffian state. In his half Ruffian state, Saki gain half the power of his full Ruffian form and his dolphin gun isn't fused with his arm.



Dolphin Gun- Crafted by his now deceased mother, the Dolphin gun is a gun hybrid. Meaning it has the potential to be a sword in close combat, and a gun in long range. The blade part of the gun, can knock back projectiles away from him, besides just cutting them. The gun itself has two modes, Free Shot mode and Precision Shot mode. In Free Shot, the Dolphin Gun's shots are stronger and the blade is stronger. But, this mode relies on Saki's accuracy to make the most out of this mode. Precision Shot mode, makes the Dolphin gun's bullets much more accurate, but it trades off strong for it. Precision Shot mode also makes any projectile that was deflected off of Saki's blade, go for the enemy.

Likes: Chocolate Ice Cream, anything that has to do with technology.

Dislikes: Ruffians, hates people bringing down a good atmosphere.

Personality: He's optimistic and copes well with danger. Saki also rather free-spirited, mean he'll always have the urge to go somewhere that fits his current itch at the moment.

Human Appearance:


Half-Ruffian Appearance:


Ruffian Appearance: Saki Amamiya Full Ruffian Form Sketch

Bio: Saki when he was a younger child, died in a car crush. Not wanting to lose her boy, Saki's mother was taken into her research lab, that was in his very apartment. She transfered Ruffian blood into her son to bring him back to life, but in her haste to do such a thing, she realize the Ruffians, who killed her. Now an orphan, Saki goes to school to see if there's any clues to where the Ruffians may go, and to possible clean the streets of any ruffian that's near the dang school.

Other: Ruffians are creatures that were created by scientists with the thought of helping out humanity. But later after, they mutated and start to attack humans or anything really.

Nickname(If Applies):Mikachu



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good/Neutral (If not allowed then Good)

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm would be easier.

What Year of highschool your in: First

What kind of being you are: From another world called Thea.

Powers/gifts:The power of energy. (Kinetic, Electric, Heat, sound, etc. I will not God mode but I will show my true powers if things turn so far down south. Not god mode. Just really powerful. I will hold back in all fights.) I'm pretty much immortal because of my regeneration. It's slower than you think. It may take weeks for me to be revived if I die. I will also lose my memories if my brain cells are destroyed. (Neurons in the brain transfer a code that goes to other neurons. That code is your memory and if the neuron is destroyed, the code is erased and will never come back because it's not physical. Science bish. xD

Likes:Sweets, Training, Helping others.

Dislikes: Spicy stuff, Getting his mask broken. (Hate it actually), People who don't stand behind their word.

Personality: Mikahil opens up once he gets to know people, but he's very king despite his hurtful past, but he doesn't really like showing his face and hates talking about his past. He doesn't wish it never happened though because he thinks he wouldn't be the same without it.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred):

Bio:At the age of five he was very bright and smart, but in just the span of two weeks things fell apart. The government found strange readings in his area and decided to quietly investigate undercover, and as it turns out the boy was giving those strange readings and effecting the energy around him. After a few days of decision making, they decided to kill off his family and send him to maximum security prison. Yes, it is very cruel to kill of his parents like that, but apparently they were from another world; knowledge of this world is very limited, so information will not be given out for plot reasons (plot is plotty.) After a year in prison they wanted to see if they could use him as a weapon, so they did some studying and found out that he needs to be at a near death experience to fully awaken his powers. So they tortured, tested, and brain-washed a little, until his powers were awakened. This process, however, took three years to complete. He was angry, he wanted to escape, he wanted to be free, so he soon stole a few things, made months of planning, and eventually got a katana to help him with the tests that he was put in. He used everything against them and finally escaped. He fled from the island, stealing a boat in the process, and went to many different places. He was searched for and had to live a secret life full of murder (will be explained in rp if I'm accepted.) this continued after eight long years until he was accepted into a school. Only time will tell what unfolds.

Appearance: https://oncetold.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/hei-full-1124033.jpg

With mask: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1FIMFAiB7f0umz4QeTuOQx-K1QiYQ_iMUiegqElcYXmN5Bqsh

Best image outta' all: http://orig09.deviantart.net/7c45/f/2012/201/7/f/_darker_than_black___hei___by_goku_no_baka-d57z6gq.jpg


Anything else: Just an avenger.
Moonstone's Character Sheet (Update)

  • Name: Moonstone

  • Nicknames: Giant, Medusa, Monster

    Age: 14

    Date of Birth: June 6th

    Place of Birth: Dimension made by Spectrolite

    Relatives: Spectrolite (Parent/One of the Gods of Creation), Sunstone (Mother/One of the Gods of Beauty)


    Being created from the child of one of the Gods of Creation, Spectrolite, and one of the Gods of Beauty, Sunstone, Moonstone was created with thread by their mother, and was only given form and life through Spectrolite. Moonstone was born as a humanoid gemstone, as Spectrolite had always found gemstones interesting, and decided to take on that form until they found another form they liked better, which led their extended family to take on that form too. Spectrolite created a dimension for their family to live in, which was the place where Moonstone was born, giving them some confusion on how to label where they came from.

    Moonstone's family being the travelers they are, they settled down on Earth while Moonstone was only a few months old, finding the planet to be fascinating with diverse creatures showing up daily. They decided to live further away from society, but Spectrolite and Sunstone would make themselves human forms to carry on their job. Their job was running a business they created based on tailoring and fashion design, but they never showed Moonstone because of the humanoid form they were created with and how they didn't know how to turn themself into a human.

    As Moonstone grew older, their family began to connect the dots for why strange things would happen around them. When Moonstone wanted something, sometimes the object would appear there, even though Spectrolice nor Sunstone gave them that object. At times stuff that Moonstone didn't like would change features to fit Moonstone's desires, like a shirt color they disliked turning into something they liked more. Usually their abilities didn't get too out of hand though, since they could easily be calmed by putting them to sleep or distracting them. Moonstone's family eventually decided to put Moonstone's air-headed personality and lack of focus towards anything to good use by distracting them before they misused their powers. This only became an issue though when they continued to have those flaws and grew up to hardly pay attention to their actions or abilities.

    In Moonstone's early years they met Junchi, and though they found Junchi to be a bratty and rude child at first, they connected later on when they were older. Junchi would always help out Moonstone with their abilities, and is one of the only reasons Moonstone didn't grow up to use their abilities for completely evil out of childish fun. Junchi knew that if Moonstone continued to present an image of uncontrollable abilities, they would most likely end up a target to others. Whether this be because people hated their abilities, hated them, were jealous of them, or thought they were in unreliable hands.

    Now Junchi convinced Moonstone's family to send them to Fantasy High School so they could get a better grip on their powers. It took a while to convince their family because of how worried they were with Moonstone's personality and abilities. Junchi soon convinced them by using their history of good behavior and friendship with Moonstone let to get them to accept to Junchi's request.
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Mikahil said:
Nickname(If Applies):Mikachu



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good/Neutral (If not allowed then Good)

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm would be easier.

What Year of highschool your in: First

What kind of being you are: From another world called Thea.

Powers/gifts:The power of energy. (Kinetic, Electric, Heat, sound, etc. I will not God mode but I will show my true powers if things turn so far down south. Not god mode. Just really powerful. I will hold back in all fights.) I'm pretty much immortal because of my regeneration. It's slower than you think. It may take weeks for me to be revived if I die. I will also lose my memories if my brain cells are destroyed. (Neurons in the brain transfer a code that goes to other neurons. That code is your memory and if the neuron is destroyed, the code is erased and will never come back because it's not physical. Science bish. xD

Likes:Sweets, Training, Helping others.

Dislikes: Spicy stuff, Getting his mask broken. (Hate it actually), People who don't stand behind their word.

Personality: Mikahil opens up once he gets to know people, but he's very king despite his hurtful past, but he doesn't really like showing his face and hates talking about his past. He doesn't wish it never happened though because he thinks he wouldn't be the same without it.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred):

Bio:At the age of five he was very bright and smart, but in just the span of two weeks things fell apart. The government found strange readings in his area and decided to quietly investigate undercover, and as it turns out the boy was giving those strange readings and effecting the energy around him. After a few days of decision making, they decided to kill off his family and send him to maximum security prison. Yes, it is very cruel to kill of his parents like that, but apparently they were from another world; knowledge of this world is very limited, so information will not be given out for plot reasons (plot is plotty.) After a year in prison they wanted to see if they could use him as a weapon, so they did some studying and found out that he needs to be at a near death experience to fully awaken his powers. So they tortured, tested, and brain-washed a little, until his powers were awakened. This process, however, took three years to complete. He was angry, he wanted to escape, he wanted to be free, so he soon stole a few things, made months of planning, and eventually got a katana to help him with the tests that he was put in. He used everything against them and finally escaped. He fled from the island, stealing a boat in the process, and went to many different places. He was searched for and had to live a secret life full of murder (will be explained in rp if I'm accepted.) this continued after eight long years until he was accepted into a school. Only time will tell what unfolds.

Appearance: https://oncetold.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/hei-full-1124033.jpg

With mask: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1FIMFAiB7f0umz4QeTuOQx-K1QiYQ_iMUiegqElcYXmN5Bqsh

Best image outta' all: http://orig09.deviantart.net/7c45/f/2012/201/7/f/_darker_than_black___hei___by_goku_no_baka-d57z6gq.jpg


Anything else: Just an avenger.
The appearance is already taken.
Mikahil said:
Nickname(If Applies):Mikachu



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good/Neutral (If not allowed then Good)

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm would be easier.

What Year of highschool your in: First

What kind of being you are: From another world called Thea.

Powers/gifts:The power of energy. (Kinetic, Electric, Heat, sound, etc. I will not God mode but I will show my true powers if things turn so far down south. Not god mode. Just really powerful. I will hold back in all fights.) I'm pretty much immortal because of my regeneration. It's slower than you think. It may take weeks for me to be revived if I die. I will also lose my memories if my brain cells are destroyed. (Neurons in the brain transfer a code that goes to other neurons. That code is your memory and if the neuron is destroyed, the code is erased and will never come back because it's not physical. Science bish. xD

Likes:Sweets, Training, Helping others.

Dislikes: Spicy stuff, Getting his mask broken. (Hate it actually), People who don't stand behind their word.

Personality: Mikahil opens up once he gets to know people, but he's very king despite his hurtful past, but he doesn't really like showing his face and hates talking about his past. He doesn't wish it never happened though because he thinks he wouldn't be the same without it.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred):

Bio:At the age of five he was very bright and smart, but in just the span of two weeks things fell apart. The government found strange readings in his area and decided to quietly investigate undercover, and as it turns out the boy was giving those strange readings and effecting the energy around him. After a few days of decision making, they decided to kill off his family and send him to maximum security prison. Yes, it is very cruel to kill of his parents like that, but apparently they were from another world; knowledge of this world is very limited, so information will not be given out for plot reasons (plot is plotty.) After a year in prison they wanted to see if they could use him as a weapon, so they did some studying and found out that he needs to be at a near death experience to fully awaken his powers. So they tortured, tested, and brain-washed a little, until his powers were awakened. This process, however, took three years to complete. He was angry, he wanted to escape, he wanted to be free, so he soon stole a few things, made months of planning, and eventually got a katana to help him with the tests that he was put in. He used everything against them and finally escaped. He fled from the island, stealing a boat in the process, and went to many different places. He was searched for and had to live a secret life full of murder (will be explained in rp if I'm accepted.) this continued after eight long years until he was accepted into a school. Only time will tell what unfolds.

Appearance: https://oncetold.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/hei-full-1124033.jpg

With mask: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1FIMFAiB7f0umz4QeTuOQx-K1QiYQ_iMUiegqElcYXmN5Bqsh

Best image outta' all: http://orig09.deviantart.net/7c45/f/2012/201/7/f/_darker_than_black___hei___by_goku_no_baka-d57z6gq.jpg


Anything else: Just an avenger.
No beings other than Sanctums are immortal.
Fukushima Akira]The appearance is already taken. [/QUOTE] Damn. Really? Ight. How about this one? Suit: [URL="http://www.gamingangels.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/casshern-sins.jpg said:

Human Appearance: http://static.zerochan.net/Casshern.(Casshern.Sins).full.1220093.jpg

Can I at least have the regenerative ability, and if I take too much damage I die?
(Updates on both)

Name:Cody Gore

Nickname(If Applies):Spark, Ranger, Flash, Dude(By friends that need to talk to him and can't muster to say his name)



Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Lawful evil/Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd

What kind of being you are: Neko. Wolf.

Powers/gifts: He can talk to animals and people that can turn into an animal, he has fire powers and has almost mastered all of the tricks, but needs to keep training.

Likes:Music in general, but loves the bands that follow, Five Finger Death Punch, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, EvanslBlue, shooting games, military history, Anime, and Halo, I also like myself Colt firearms and H&K firearms. And pizza, triple meat pizza that is. Protecting his sister. Nature, and nights with full moons, the dark gray-ish hue that covers the landscape when it's full looks AWESOME.

Dislikes:Rude people and being seen as a threatening sized person(6ft 7)

Hates:When people threaten the lives of his family(Will send him into a blood rage).

Personality: Loud-ish, cheerful, loves to make jokes, quiet type when alone.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Character courtesy of @The Royal Keen


Bio:Cody was bullied at his older schools by many kids, and teachers for his powers, and has been in multiple fights during his times at the schools. When his mom heard about this high school that helps people like him control their powers, he was signed up, and now is able to control his powers, and feel normal there.







Anything else?:

His Favorite bands number one song:



Name:Serena Gore

Nickname(If Applies):N/A



Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:3rd

What kind of being you are:Neko


Serena can:

Summon a firearm she calls 'Golden Bird'

Teleport a maximum of 15 feet from where she stands

Can summon shields to wrap around her arms

Likes: Animals, skate/melodic punk music, reading, and hanging with her brother when she get's the chance, skateboarding

Dislikes:Rude people, not being able to skate, the heat

Personality:She's a tomboy... I don't think I can explain how she really acts, you'll just have to talk to her.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: Serena is Cody's little sister, she came from their mother's house. She found out their mother was making him stay at school, her older sister is deployed overseas and her mother works at a bakery almost everyday, so she wanted to be at the school, so she told her mom and showed her, that she had powers just like Cody, and was enrolled at the school. She want's to be a professional skater after she graduates, unlike her brother and sister who are complete gun nuts and military fanatics, she couldn't take living at home away from her brother that acts like one of her friends, as her older sister is deployed overseas, and her mother owns a bakery that she can't work at until either summer vacation, or after she graduates. But until then she plans to control her gun power, and get the basic classes done, so she can get it over with and either make music or be a pro skater, or both.

Crush:There's someone...

Anything else:

Her favorite song of 2:


Her second:


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