• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character Registration

Created at
Index progress

Before continuing on, please look at the Introduction thread to get the gist of the RP. Also, be sure to read the Rules, and then go to the Character Registration thread to sign up for the RP using the provided Character Registration Sheet, or if you're BB Code savvy, you can do so with your own Sheet. Don't post in the RP thread until either myself or one of my mods (@Lumina, @Nona, @Roman and @Tobi Naefaerne) have accepted your character, if you do the post will be deleted. Once your character is accept, you can post in the RP thread. Have fun!
Character Registration
  • Fukushima Akira

    オーダーののサンクタム & RPN's Resident Suit Gang Leader

    Here is the template for your characters. Be sure to fill in every space, as this will be the character sheet where future RPers will be referred to when they wish to interact with you. There is one rule, you can't fill out this Character Registration form in character. You must fill this in as yourself, with as much information as possible. Personal stuff regarding your character will not be known in the RP unless your character explicitly tells another character. It should also be noted that you cannot have a character who's backstory includes the U.S, nor can their parents originate or live there. As stated above, here is your template:


    Nickname(If Applies):



    Sexual Orientation:

    Moral Standing:

    Current Residence:

    Highschool Year:


    Powers Or Gifts:




    Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


    Relationship Status/Crush:

    Any other information?:
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