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Fantasy can you hear the call to the wild }{ closed 1x1 with ElizaVioly


Junior Member
The door to the coffee shop swung open as a dark haired woman entered the building, smelling of earth and rain. She wore multiple layers, and yet was drenched from head to toe, having been caught in the downpour outside. However, she wore a broad grin on her face as she wrung out her long brown hair, flipping it over her head, spraying water everywhere in a ten foot radius. Other customers halfheartedly complained, laughing along with her. Her joy was infectious. Sorry! She called out, still grinning. It's a gorgeous rainy day, isn't it? Murmurs of assent rang out through the coffee shop, and Vanessa chuckled. Oh how she loved this little mountain town in Colorado. It was constantly raining, and no one minded!

The lean young woman strode up to the counter, shrugging off first her rain jacket, and then her zip up hoodie. I'll have an iced coffee, black please, with sugar. She said, pulling out a wad of wet ones from her pocket. Grinning sheepishly, she smoothed them out and added two extra to the pile. Wet money compensation. Keep the change. She laughed, piercing blue eyes crinkling up at the edges. The barista behind the counter shook her head, amused, but accepted the "compensation money" regardless. Vanessa made her way over to a two seater table by the window, slinging her bag and jackets in the chair opposite her whilst she waited for her coffee.

Days like this made her wolf side leap with joy, and it was hard to contain. She let out a wistful sigh, remembering her family back at home. She would be wrestling with her brother right about now, slinging mud across the fields and sloshing through the ditches. She missed home, but she also knew she was here, in Colorado, for a purpose. She didn't know why, but she had always loved the state, and felt like she had a purpose to fulfill here. She needed to go on her own journey, find her one way, as she had told her mother. Plus, the only male wolfbloods in her old territory had been her younger brother and her father. Neither were suitable prospective mate material, obviously. She had to leave her family to go and find the others out there. She knew they existed. She just had to follow nature, and she would find the others of her kind.

She had been located in Colorado for a few months, and currently rented an apartment with a few other girls. All humans, which wasn't the most ideal situation, but if she had seen any other wolfbloods in the town, she definitely would've approached them. The debate between living wild as a wolf or living in the town and pretending to be human had been a short one, seeing as her purpose here was to hopefully meet another wolfblood. Those who lived in wild packs generally lived deep in the wild, far away from any humanity and civilization, which would make it almost impossible to find them much less meet them on friendly terms. Vanessa had never lived like that, and while it definitely held a very strong pull, she was admittedly a little too afraid to try it alone. So, this town would work for now, and if she continued to scope out the surrounding areas and didn't find anyone else, she would merely move on until she did.

[ OOC: ] Hello lovely viewer! You may call me mythical or myth! This thread is open for a responder, but I need a couple of things from you! I am using a Twilight style of werewolf, and I would like if you would too. Also, I am an advanced roleplayer, and I am going to ask and expect at least three paragraphs out of you with every post please! I am hoping to set this thread up to be a romance, but I hate forcing those if the chemistry isn't there so it's also just open to be a platonic friendship! Your character needs to be male, over 18, and a werewolf.
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Out of all of the places in the world, from which greatness came with; like the colosseum, the great wall of China or even the eiffel tower... He could have been there right now, gracing his fingers along the ancient yellow tinted stones that so solidly encrusted the old grand gladiator arena. He could have run along the the wall that tried to stand up so high in the sky. Trying, but failing to hide its beauty fom the world. He could have had his head held high while having one hand arched at his forehead, looking up at old eiffel himself. While squinting he would have been witness to the sparkling light, given by the rays of the sun, as it burned bright against the metal of the tower.
All of this could have happened, all of these places could have been in reach. He could have been there, anywhere but here... ”Here” being a small town in Colorado US. Oh, why had an icelandic young man with the world ahead of him, decided to come here?

Olov was walking in a rather slow pase along the sidewalk, not paying much attention to his surroundings. Nothing happens in this town, he thought to himself. I’m good, if a sudden situation results into a criminal one he thought, it’s no strain for a newborn werewolf. Newborn werewolf? Was that what he was? Olov stopped in his pase, slowing down to almost a halt. Backing in his footsteps he came to rest his head against a glass door. It felt cool against his raven black hair, cool and wet. Though the wet part didn’t bother him that much, since he was soking wet all over anyway. He rested there for a while, shutting his eyes while thinking. He didn’t care of where he was or what others around him were doing, so distant was his frame of mind.

Werewolf, he was one. That much he’d figured out. But what exactly did it mean? Of course he knew the physical benefits, his strength, his speed. The muscles appearing on his chest, making him feel like Spider-Man... Not to talk about the transformation itself. But why had it happened and how? He was all confused. He tried to find some kind of philosophical meaning to his existence.
He was unsure of what to do with himself, with his life. Before all of this, before his travel to the US, back in Iceland... He’d maybe not been happy but he had been content. He had gone to school, like any other kid. A normal life to put it simply, his mother he had to exclude though. With her nothing was normal.

Olov sighed deeply as he felt the raindrops penetrating his dark brown hoodie, nesting close to his skin, making him chiver. He opened his eyes. While warming his fingers with his breathe he turned around slowly and gazed up at the sign above the door. It was a coffee shop... Why not? He thought and entered the cozy snug of a coffee shop.
At the moment he went inside, he knew something was wrong. Or was it right? A strong musty smell flared in his nostrils, alerting him of something but he did not know what. Confused he looked around. No one else seemed to notice it, the shop was pretty crowded. Olov shrugged to himself, before setting sail to the counter. Coffee black, please! He said and took out some money. Thereafter he turned and found an open spot right in the middle of the room and sat down.
[i'm going to change her name from vanessa to kiera because i copied this starting post from an old roleplay that is no longer going, but then my old partner wanted to start up again so i used the same character after i had already posted this one, and i don't want to have two vanessas because it would get confusing, haha!]

kiera's grey optics opened wide as the door swung open once more, and a young man walked in. she knew that scent, it was definitely one of another wolf. she froze in her seat, skin tingling. she had to forcefully calm herself down, taking a couple deep breaths until she was sure that she was fully in control of her senses. she didn't turn to look at him, but instead remained sitting as she was, eyes staring forward at the wall. her heart beat rapidly, and seemed to pound harder than normal against the walls of her ribcage. what was she supposed to do? she had never met another wolf outside of her family before. this was uncharted territory.

i can't just stand up and go over there... well? maybe--no, i really can't. does he even notice me? he has made absolutely no indication that he has! then again, i haven't moved either, but he must know. there's no way that my scent could escape him, even if he was both blind and deaf he would still be able to tell there was another wolf in the room.. ah shoot they just called my coffee order, i have to get up now.. if he's wild and tries to attack me, i don't know what i'll do.. i can't reveal myself to this whole room of humans! kiera's head spun with thoughts as she swallowed hard and got up, heart pounding with uncertainty. he could definitely hear it if he was listening.

the young woman walked past his middle table, again not looking at him, and picked up her coffee with a shaky smile at the barista. she had no idea why she was this nervous, it's not like she didn't know how to behave around other wolves. her entire family had a very specific set of social norms, though, and kiera had no idea how others outside of her home pack acted. much less how wild wolves behaved, if he was one. she took a deep breath through her nose, still standing at the counter holding her coffee. ah mhhm.. rain, coffee, warm wood, fire, ... and musty wet wolf.. she thought, running through the list of scents she detected the strongest. yup, he definitely was like her.

with a new resolve in her heart, the young woman turned and walked again towards her seat, but instead of passing the middle table and going to sit down, she stopped at the chair across from his and slid it back from his table, setting her coffee on the table and sitting. she cleared her throat and looked up, sharp grey optics glancing for the first time over his face and form. a weird emotion stirred in her gut, a sense of elated excitement, and also wrenching nerves, at the sight of someone else whom she knew was like herself. she picked up her iced coffee and took a sip before speaking. hello. my name is kiera.
(No worries! =) )

Olov sat silent, his pale blue eyes following the continuous squiggy movement of the rising steam from a man to his left’s cup. It looked as if it tried to emulate the likeness of a cloud in the sky. But its form was different, as was its movement. Yet, he still traveled millions of miles away watching that steam, his thoughts coming to linger on his home. Or at least the memory of it...

Ins his inner eye, a landscape began to emurge. One that he knew very well.
It was winter where he had traveled. But the snow was still scarce, only bits and pieces were spread out, covering the grounds. He took notice of how contrast it looked against another, the coal black earth against the pure white snow.The whole of the land looked to be covered by a black and white quilted sheet. It was an endless big chess board, but the sky above was a bright blue with the most fluffy of clouds.
He was lying down, his gaze trying to catch the sun behind the clouds, for it was a sunny day though the weather was chilly. A smile broke up his cracked lips, which hurt his freezing cupid’s bow, but he did not seem to care. He glanced at his side, a red haired girl lay beside him. Pointing at the sky with her one finger, she laughed saying, draki. It meant dragon in icelandic, Olov followed her finger. He saw the most enormous and most creature looking cloud in his life. But to him, it looked more like a wolf than a dragon. He said nothing though, remaining silent he simply nodded his head in fake agreement.

Salty tears stung his eyes, as he returned to the present moment. He blinked and drew up his hoodie to serve as a mask for intruding viewers. After a short while of drying his tears he looked up again, his gaze landing on his own reflection in the glass door. He looked pale, paler than usual that was. But his eyes were shining brighter, they had ever since his transformation. He was not sure if he liked it or not. But at least he still had his lean yet limber body frame. Sure, he was muscular, but one might not see it at first glance. Even if his eyes were bright in color, they were not very happy. It had been a joyful memory, but now it only brought him sorrow.

He studied his image once more, thinking to himself that he had never looked icelandic. Then he heard his order being called out. Rising from his seat, he remarked how long it had taken just to get a cup of coffee pure black. He walked the short steps to the counter and was to pick up his cup, when cold fingers graced his. In shock he looked up to see the barista smiling at him, the women bending over the counter and slipping a napkin down his pocket. In confusion Olov simply stared at her, before slowly turning and somehow making it back to his seat.

Olov took a deep breathe and there it was. That musty smell once more. But now it seemed stronger, it was as if his own smell was alike but... not. He began to wonder if he could find the source, when a pretty young woman, out of nowhere, sat down right opposite him. The first thing that entered Olov’s thoughts were, really, another flirt? Two in one day in the frame of minutes? Before he could say something, she had introduced herself. And there it was, the smell, it was radiating from this woman. He had a perplexed look on his face, before it all began to sink in, even though he was new to all of this wolf stuff. It must be, she was a wolf too. Butterflies flickered inside his belly. And an uncertainty and fear struck his mind. He hadn’t even known there were any others like him...
Shakily he said, hi I’m Olov.
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