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Call of the Moon (closed)


Dr. D

Call of the Moon

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She laid lazily in the bed of her pick up on the sacks of feed and bedding for the rabbits that waited for her in the barn. The sun’s rays kissed her skin and the wind whispered to her, to quiet to understand its messages, but soothing just the same.

The girl wore a large faded turquoise plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned exposing a black razor-back tank-top. Her shorts frayed at the ends from constant wear and large gray socks that peeked out from her work boots. On her head she wore her straw hat pulled down over her eyes. She smirked as she heard the approaching paw prints of her furry friend and her loud panting. The dog jumped up to the tailgate and started sniffing and licking at her bare legs. She giggled and bent her knees drawing them up. Playfully she swatted at her four legged friend only making the pup want to play some more. The two wrestled in the bed of the truck gleefully, the girl’s hat got knocked off her head reviling her moon like eyes shadowed by long thick lashes and a light head of hair that was tucked into a messy updo.

A gunshot fired in the distance startling the two companions. The wolf-dog growled and the girl shot up right and looked over the hood of her truck in the direction of the loud bang that echoed in the calm summer’s wind. It came from within her property lines. Her eyes filled with rage adding intensity to her blue eyes.
Jumping from the side of the truck she swung open the driver’s door and climbed in, her faithful friend squeezing in behind her as she slammed the door shut, turned the key in the ignition and stomped on the gas pedal launching them towards the intruders.
It had been early in the morning, a small guy named Jasper had wandered out into the forests, he was no human. He had an amazing gift. He had the ability to switch from human to wolf whenever her pleased. Currently, he had been in his wolf form. He soon spotted a cake. It was odd to find a cake laying in the woods. He went to go and eat it when bang, he was caught up in a net.

He had been fooled by hunters! Soon they were trying to shoot him, he dodged the bullet each time.

(Sorry, I'm only good with about a little paragraph)
((cake? Why cake?))

The truck pulled up to the edge of the trees. The girl kicked open her door and grabbed her shotgun from the cab of her truck. Another gun shot fired directing her attention to the North and she followed. Her boots pounded on the soft dirt floor, dodging tree after tree till she came up on an opening. It looked like a group of hunters had decided to through a birthday party on
her lands. Bottle's of beer littered the campsite, the fire pit still glowed from recent activity.

"Just shoot the darn thing!" Shouted a middle aged man.

Walking up behind the men, her wolf-dog at her heels. She counted five, she pointed her gun to the sky and cocked her weapon and pulled the trigger. All five men jumped and turned to look at the new comer.

"What's going on here?!" She shouted in her most commanding voice.

"Maya put that gun down before you shoot someone." reasoned a younger man.

"You didn't answer my question." she sneered, eyes blaring, "You know the rules!"

"But Maya this one is different, it's not one of yours." Her companion bared it's teeth and snapped at him.

She cocked her gun again, pointing it at the man who spoke and growled, "My land, my wolf. Now get the hell out before I shoot you for trespassing!"

Slowly each man backed down and walked back to pack up camp. "I want every beer bottle gone within the hour!" she shouted after them.

(If you don't mind could I request a few things, my she you could tone down your post length a bit and maybe explain your post? I didn't get it, sorry xD )

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