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Fantasy Burning Will

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
Here you can ask me or King any questions you might have or talk among yourselves. Go on say hi King.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1616759_1306924718226.4res_500_281.jpeg.5ce15c4aa986b5f2497c7965a7f5fcef.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116136" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1616759_1306924718226.4res_500_281.jpeg.5ce15c4aa986b5f2497c7965a7f5fcef.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

King-Hello everyone how are you I'm King ask me any questions you may have. Oh but don't get too close I don't want any of you commoners to touch me thank you!



  • 1616759_1306924718226.4res_500_281.jpeg
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Also everything is in it's base form this isn't even it's final form I'll build it up later just wanted to get started.

King- You mean your lazy commoner?

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So, quick question: Do those types of wills absolutely have to be related to the emotions listed with them?
Good we should be starting up soon.

King- Too bad I have to listen to some commoner about when I can drop in and

Hey totally random question but is anyone willing to be King's slave I mean lackey I mean pack mule I mean uh well his uh?

King- Bodyguard.

"A lackey shall be recognized! Fame!"

Pfft. Sascha is up for it.
I might also aid a lackey for the one and only *beep case you can't hear king's nickname yet beep* that's pretty impressive you'll go down in history for that.

King- Yaaay slave to me!
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Hey totally random question but is anyone willing to be King's slave I mean lackey I mean pack mule I mean uh well his uh?
King- Bodyguard.


I don't mind either
Your attention please I have a few things to say. First we are going to begin soon so be ready second if anyone has any good names for what we can call people who use Flames say it now. As of now they will be known as the Branded the Ani-Flames people are known as Dousers. Third and finally King is a descendant of The First the original Branded so Dousers are after him and have set up bounties for him so if anyone is interested in any reward money can by go get him. Finally Dousers have slave Branded called the Candle Lights.

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