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Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

Layna's going to be out late to try and gather information on what people are saying about the execution and the beast if anyone wants to be together for that.
eyo idea!

soooo like thinkin that Comet will get permission to hang out that night and so like thinkin that Layna and Comet can get together and hang and encounter Hainer's gargantu-crow? if its cool with you can we use Coal as the sorta like Msging system between them while she at work? Like when he gets bored he will pester her and so thinkin that to spend his excess energy she gets him to send notes to Layna. Like Comet is illiterate but pix? Sure she can draw simple pics to convey her thots lol
K post is like 90% there. Just need to code it and get response from Power whether or not they green light idea then i can finish post .
K posted! The whole boat thing in the post is to set up a subplot as like a possible means to escape Bellus. But like thinkin this is backburner plot stuffs.

Oh, sorry. I read it and forgot to respond lol

Yeah, that's fine.
k soooo like go ahead and pls bunny Coal as you see fit with the messages. And pls go ahead and bunny Comet and Marley to meet up wherever you need them to all meet up!

Aura-Slash Aura-Slash I had it so that Comet saw and recognized Calli during her little archer exchange.
PowerElite PowerElite awesome! K but just a little thing: Coal is actually a crow. But comet used to have a parrot lol

So I'll post on Sunday and prolly bring them to the point where the person gets stabbed by the gargantu-bird near hainer. Like unless you wanna wait and do a bit of back and forth between our charries? Lmk k
PowerElite PowerElite awesome! K but just a little thing: Coal is actually a crow. But comet used to have a parrot lol

So I'll post on Sunday and prolly bring them to the point where the person gets stabbed by the gargantu-bird near hainer. Like unless you wanna wait and do a bit of back and forth between our charries? Lmk k
Oh sorry xD

Idk, I thought pirate = parrot I guess and just didn't think. I definitely read it was a crow too but just typed on auto pilot lol

And I was thinking we could meet up at the spot where the giant bird appeared. Kind of like we were already there, just off to the side talking or something 🤔
Oh sorry xD

Idk, I thought pirate = parrot I guess and just didn't think. I definitely read it was a crow too but just typed on auto pilot lol

And I was thinking we could meet up at the spot where the giant bird appeared. Kind of like we were already there, just off to the side talking or something 🤔
Yeah and tbf my charries pic does have a parrot on there so it can be confusing lol

K I'll just have them nearby and Comet has her friend Marley with her. Is it alright if Marley and layna are acquainted? Marley is 18 and she kinda like the leader of the orphan-turned-worker amongst the other orphans. I just wanna get a feel for how Marley will act when meeting up with Layna
k posted!

PowerElite PowerElite so i did a bit of one sided convo but got us to the part where the poor lady is skewered by the gargantu-bird. Comet grabbed one of the other girls arm so pls feel free to use that or not k?

Oh and like go ahead and bunny Marley and Coal as you see fit too k?
Yes, nice to hear from you guys :) it has been quiet and wanted to check in! I fully intent on continuing this rp, but considering there have been several players that have not even posted yet, I may open up more slots later on-ish.

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