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Blood poisoning (closed. if many are inteeested we can try a group. just shoot a pm)

A chuckle escaped her lips, stuffing her hands in her pockets as the car beeped behind them. "A smoothie does sound good right now." She retorted almost absently, watching her shoes as they moved against the pavement of the parking lot. His question rattled around in her head for a few seconds, trying to decide on what she wanted to look at. "I don't know, I was thinking about wandering aimlessly until I saw something." She shrugged, bringing her gaze up to his face. Elira's lips curved into a wicked smile, mentally checking over the stores that might interest her. She hadn't been to this particular mall in a long time but she was more than certain that there would be a book store somewhere around here. "If you feel the need we can always stop at the Victoria Secret." She teased, struggling to keep her laughter bottled up. If Elira was going to be honest with herself, she didn't really care much of where they went as long as she got to spend time with him. 
"Well if you need to go in there I don't mind." Said Nick not being phased by the idea of going into an undergarment store, nor did he mind the idea of people buying pricey underwear. He couldn't judge anyone for that as he had spent $20 for a simple pair of boxers. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Just wonder around and see what catches our eyes." He slide his hand into her's after he held the door open for her to go in and paused at the large map of the mall. If they went straight they'd be going towards the theater, the left lead to some shops s well as the food court and the right had the rest of the shops. "Which way should we go first?" 
She worried her bottom lip, fighting off the grin that threatened to split her face in two. It made her irrationally happy to know that he didn't give a shit what store she forced him into, lingerie or no. Elira strolled into the interior of the shopping center, looking over at some of the shops to her right and left. His fingers brushing against hers cause her to jump a bit, not prepared for the warmth of his hand to slide into hers. She could feel the peppering of blush blotch her cheeks and despite her mental protests she failed to keep the heat of her face from spreading to the tips of her ears. Elira found herself looking away from him and at the map, hoping that he wouldn't notice how much she resembled a cherry. Her free hand pointed to one of the food stands that looked like they would have smoothies. "We can head left for now and grab that smoothie while we look around." Elira supplied, starting off in the direction that she had suggested they go. She twisted a bit to look back at him, not breaking her grip on his hand as a wide unrestrained smile curved her lips upward.
"Oh yeah. A smoothie would be nice. You know what's odd, I've never had a bad smoothie." Said Nick as they walked down the crowded floors heading towards the food court. He could she her cheeks turn red but didn't mind and pretended not to notice for her own sake. He knew how it was trying to stay level headed around someone you liked, even if it had been a long time for him. Nick became aware of the thick irregular scars on the back of his knuckles, a reminder of a dark night in which he took his anger and sorrow from loosing Lily on a metal dumpster. The thick metal hadn't dented, werewolves were strong but not so strong as they could damage thick steel, but he had instead split his knuckles and even with faster healing he had to wear bandages for a week as they healed. He was glad that, that feeling had long since vanished, the anguish that had lived in him was dying out with Elira in his presence. 
She smiled crookedly, matching his pace without any sort of struggle. "Really? I've had a bad berry concoction once. It was the grossest thing.." Elira's nose scrunched as if remembering the taste like she had taken a sip of it yesterday. A shudder rolled through her before she pulled herself out of the bad smoothie memory. 

"What's your favorite kind?" She asked as the strolled, dodging people who were rushing along from one shop to the next.
"The Citrus Bomb." Said Nick as he too dodged a group of five people all walking side by side. "It has, well like 5 different citrus fruits in it. It isn't sour, but is refreshing." As they neared the counter of the smoothie stand Nick pulled his wallet out with his free hand and had to slide the hair bands he kept on it out of the way of his debit card. Nick always had hair bands, and carried at least five in case of an emergency. Sliding the plastic rectangle out with his thumb and sliding it between his index and middle finger he slide the wallet back in place.  "Want to share the king size? Or should we each get a small size? It's your choice, and if we get the king size you can pick the flavor.... I really don't know which one I want today, they all sound pleasant." 
Elira looked at the cashier with a small smile, the girl seemed nice enough but was far too cheerful for her liking. "We can share." She watched him pull out his card at the same time she was shuffling for her own wallet. Beating her to the punch she accepted the loss before telling herself that she would pay for the movie. She felt a bit bad letting him pay for everything. "That citrus one actually sounds good." Elira mused, ordering the king sized for the both of them. They stepped to the side after he payed and she found herself smiling yet again. Her thumb ran along his knuckles for a second before she pulled away to grab the straws and napkins. 
Nick could feel Elira run her thumb over his scars but he didn't mind, to him scars were badges of character, and history of a person. "Ah yes napkins. I have heard of those before. Legend says one uses them to wipe their hands and face. Much like how shirts are used." He had a pleasant grin as he took the straw and removed the annoying paper on it and shoved it into the smoothie, the smoothie was at the perfect state and the straw stayed perfectly upright as if it was a fence post. He returned his card to his wallet in much the same way he had taken it out. He had practiced the move a lot when he was younger, before he had been a wolf and had hung out with his old friend Alric. Those had been some good times back at home and the two would spend hours playing magic the gathering, DnD, and other such 'not popular crowd' games. 
Nose wrinkling, her shoulder shoved into his lightly being careful of the drink in his hand. Ripping the paper off the side of the straw, she peeled it away with some impressive precision before plopping the orange tube into the beverage. Hers rested on a tilt, slightly smaller looking than his even though they were the same size. "Did you get that from the museum? Funny how I don't recall any mentioning of hygienic materials that rival shirts. Must have been too busy staring to notice." Elira smirked, letting him come to his own conclusion as to what it was she had been staring at and it wasn't the shoes. Taking the drink from his hand, she took a sip as she walked off roaming over towards a random store knowing that he would follow.  
"I might have. You'll never know." Said Nick smiling back as they walked down a set of stores. He didn't get very far before he stopped suddenly. "Oh.... Oh hell yes." He pointed at the sign for a new store being placed inside the already massive mall. The sign read 'Sci-fi and fantasy quality collectibles.' it was followed up by a sub heading 'Future home to all your geekly desires, with collectibles ranging from power rangers to Dr. Who.' Nick had a huge grin on his face and his eyes were lit up like a kid getting there favorite toy on Christmas. "This is so cool. I haven't had a good collectible since I left home. My dad gave his bad-ass godzilla figurine. Can't wait for this place to be open." 
Her right eyebrow arched, following his gaze toward the currently empty store. The boyish quality to his voice made her smile even though she wasn't as excited about the new shop as he was. Nick was practically bouncing with excitement. He was being too cute for his own good. "Really? Well I guess I know what I'm getting you for Christmas." She mused, taking another sip of the smoothie before passing it back to him. The mall was fairly crowded, more and more people had started to file in as time progressed. Macy's must have been having a sale of some sort because she kept seeing all of these trademark bags passing by, filled with who knows what. Not that the observation mattered much, but her brain took note of it anyway. 

Elira's fingers intertwined with Nick's once more, leading him closer to the soon to be open shop. She had to stand on the tips of her toes to see past the obnoxious sign in the window and into the darkened interior. "Hopefully they'll be open soon. I'd like to see what kind of Dr. Who collectibles they have." Elira commented with a smile, tilting her head a bit as she looked at him. 
The date had gone incredibly well Nick thought as he was eating his lunch two weeks later. He was at the museum and had a sandwich stuffed in his mouth. He had finally finished translating all the runes and was reading them back to get a better picture of what the strange wolf mask had on it. It described there being three others, spread out in each direction of North, South, East, and West. Each one represented of a different elemental force in nature and this mask was meant to control water, but had instead controlled ice. He took a sip of his soda when he heard a knock on the door way and was surprised to see an old friend of his. A friend he had made back in his old pack. The man was a good bit shorter than Nick, making him average height and build. But the man looked out of place in his brown clothes, and oddly straight hair. Then there was the scent that only those with supernatural senses could pick up. Magic. "Hello Fabian. I'm surprised to see you here of all places, and even more surprised you found me, when they couldn't."

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