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Futuristic Bedlam




Bedlam is a scene of uproar and confusion by definition.

In This world? It's a damn Megacenter. Which is the business term, for huge city. When thought about correctly? It's not a far off description. Especially in a free market economy. Thus, the rights and rules of the city are bought and sold to whoever's at the top of the food chain for that period of time. That'd be me,
Mic' Jahnson.

So then I've probably led ya' on to wonder why kind of society is this? Because Surely, a Free Market system can't really work. Well, that reasoning is a load of bullshit. The year is 2087, so fuck it. Anything can happen in the Carcass of America, eh? Even after the great countries demise, it's "Don't give a shit" attitude still lives on. And the people that live in the area still call themselves Americans even though the land where it once grew was either salvaged by a Syndicate, or Annexed by a SuperPower.

As you can see, mother earth is going through quite the tizzy. Why? Human Greed. And luckily, I'm one of those Humans. The planets Oil was sucked dry decades ago.


Coal began going scarce a few years after that. We've all been bored brats that've gone through history, so I'll spare you the longass Fallout story. Essentially, like any country the original great Superpowers of the world began caving in on themselves like mud castles, especially with the economy literally flatlining due to the lack of fuel.

Luckily, some einstein showed up just as nuclear reserves began being overused and was able to mass provide Geothermal Power. Thus people all around the world began living on what we call "Pipe". Which is essentially us humans draining the earth even further. This time of her radioactive core decay. Yay.

And then there's the COREs. A technology that took a few centuries to finally be thrown at the masses. They're just the greatest knick-knacks. But honestly, these days people can't live without them. Infact I'm writing on a fucking CORE right now.


It's the technology of the age. With that nice HUD projected screen, annoying A.I.'s and easy Ear-Cuff application... COREs have taken over society. They have virtually infinite uses, from buying clothes to ordering pizza. they're like the smartphones of this era, but with less touchy and more easy verbal command and Hologram Projection. Really, they're a great thing.

So here we are now. 2087, living off the "
Pipe" and a bunch of Genetically Birthed Crops and Animals, along with being glued to our respective COREs. Creating huge crime filled, low down cities. Filled with assholes of all types... So basically what people would call Las Vegas. Because at this point? Who the hell cares. No one. This is Bedlam, and you do what the fuck you want, for as much money as you can get. Because here? Money, is power. So knowledge can go shit on itself.

I don't know who you are. I'm not sure when you might get this. But when you do... Run. Bedlam, isn't as simple as it seems. It's not simply cut and dry. It has depth. Too much depth. But why would you care right? Well first of all you had enough curiosity to open a note. A note. What year is it... 2087? And you're opening notes... That's some curiosity you have there. In anycase... My name was Mathew. Before I was sold. Before Mic' changed the City.

If you can't run... Than figure this out. 287, Benz Place. It's an address. Unless your COREs been encrypted and the SED chip replaced, don't put that into your A.I. You'll be dead within the hour if you do. Hopefully you'll get to the address... I'll be leaving a paper trail for anyone to follow, so if you pursue this... Hopefully you'll find me and others that are doing the same as you.

Please... Don't leave me to rot. I'll pay you for my rescue. Not just anything! Secrets! Secrets you can sell! Please! Save me...

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