• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Mr. Artor
Thursday, The 5th of October, Year 500
Magister Class, Aquas Island
Artor smiled wide, giving a brief 'thank you' to Ariu as he accepted her paper, reading through it in silence. A soft 'hm' came from him before he placed the paper down, smiling wide towards his class. "I can safely say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I've got an extremely interesting class this year! You're all absolutely brilliant in your own right, and I have no doubt that you all have great potential to be teachers! But with that said, let's do something else. I want to know, no, I need to know. Why do you want to teach? What do you believe a teacher should be, what are some qualities you think you need? It's fine to have a goal, but why do you shoot for it? What do you think you need, what do you think you already have? I absolutely must know from each of you. So we're going to play a game of it. I'm going to call on one of you, and then you answer. Then you call on someone else, so on and so forth!"

He stood up from his chair with a stretch before lazily floating into the 'air' and then wiling himself forward, stopping short of Lilliana. "Miss Bermudez. Why do you want to teach? What do you think a teacher needs to be successful? What do you think a teacher should value? Hmmm...okay, one last one! Do you think teachers should be friends as well?" The white-haired male slowly spun on his X-axis until he was now lying upside down in the air, eyes on the young woman and all smiles. "Be open and honest, then pick someone else. I know it may seem dull to all of you, but by getting to know you, and others getting to know you, we all have our work made easier and relations can be formed. So go ahead Miss Bermudez, tell me, I implore you."
Kyrenka Kyrenka
~Gavin Heidrich & Guiren Nyverk~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
09:15 - Patronus Class: Team Ivan

Gavin.jpg Gavin thoroughly enjoyed it when Ivan reamed out Guiren. Granted, he was reamed out too but he was willing to take a loss if that meant he got to drag his temporary opponent down with him. Actually, Ivan seemed a lot more put together than what he had seen before. Is he military? Some of students here obviously were, but PTSD or something could explain all of his weird behaviors, right? Sudden outbursts, refusing medical assistance, etc. Yup, sounded like PTSD or something; at least, in his head it did. It reassured him that there was a reasonable explanation for Ivan's craziness, so he wasn't shy at all when their leader asked about people with experience. "Oh!" Raising his hand up high, he ignored the snort and eye roll Guiren gave him. "My uncle was in the military! He taught me a ton of stuff!" Gavin's eyes were sparkling with excitement as he rambled, "I'm Vene Aere and also Vene Navitas. It makes me pretty fast and I'm a great climber! I'm great at scouting!" The brunette eagerly awaited for some sort of 'role' to be assigned to him. This is just like a mission! Like a survival mission! Scouting was an underrated task. Scouts were always the first ones to find danger or treasure, they were the fastest and stealthiest, and their role was one of the most important ones. He was dying to be a scout!

Of course, Guiren didn't really see what all of the fuss was about. It's not like we're going to win. He could see the doubt on Ivan's face as his roommate analyzed their little group. They had a literal child in their group for fuck's sake! That, plus the prick from gym and some sort of fucking bird. Was seriously nobody going to say something about the fucking monster in their group? Was that thing even human?

But no, apparently he was the only sane one left as everyone ignored the creature with fucking wings and talons next to them. Maybe, maybe that creature would turn out to be a trump card of sorts but judging from Ivan's face it wasn't going to pan out. Hell, he doubted that the douche with the sword and the little girl would be able to do much either. Resigned to their fate, Guiren tonelessly offered, "I can make holes." Not like I have anything else to offer. He wasn't strong; he was a good brawler but skill didn't equal raw strength. He certainly wasn't fast or had ever had experience with camping. Fuck, he didn't even know you could make a smokeless fire until now. We're dead. Might as well accept it and move on to something more interesting.
GN..jpg ((Interacting with Osuka Osuka 's Ivan | Mentioned EldridSmith EldridSmith 's Ian, Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Ivanna, Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider 's Avia))

Dux - 09:15
Some time had passed as they discussed the ramifications of the school's actions, the widespread problems it had caused, as well as the positives that it had brought about. She was blunt, but it wasn't a one-sided discussion. Sure, of course, it leaned positively in the school's favor, but she wasn't leaving part of history out of the books. She refused.

"Alright. Let's move on to something a little more personal and interesting," Diana said, a smile spreading across her face, "Something a little less depressing. I want both of you to try to convince me of something. We'll make it simple. You'll both try to convince me that I want to have pizza for lunch. Obviously the topic is a little trivial, but the process is important. In politics, you need to be able to convince people. Convince people, get that down pat, and you're set for life with just a bit of work. Politicians gotta know how to talk and make their words matter."

"As a reward," she said, turning around and producing two large eggs with swirls and colors to them, "If you can convince me, you get your familiar spirit egg to hatch. Now, go ahead and start."

Kyrenka Kyrenka Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne

Defectus - 09:15
Octavia let out a long, slow sigh. Patience. He was a child, and boys always had trouble with girls. "I would appreciate it if you tried to not get molten glass on my floor," she said, calm as can be. She sighed again and sat on her desk, "Right. So Taram and Pandora, huh? It's only been a week... less than a week. Don't think that's a bit quick to judge someone? She might be one of those people who's rough around the edges until you get to know her. Make an effort to know Taram. It offers two things. One, you give her a chance, so you might end up with a friend. Two, if she's really unpleasant, then you at least get to make sure your friend Pandora is safe."

"Now, your arm, and feeling the way that you do. You say that that's not the norm?" she leaned back and opened her drawer with a hand. From it, she produced an egg. She held it out carefully, "Here. This will be your familiar. Something that relies on you, and you will lean on it as well. When you feel angry and like you want to hurt something or someone, just remember that there are people and things that are relying on you, whether its Pandora or your familiar or something else. If you lose your cool and really hurt someone, when not in self-defense, then you'd be of no help to anyone. You're useless if you're in prison."

EldridSmith EldridSmith
Ten | Cayden

Cayd and Ten โ€” mouse to siren, the two were opposite among the trees. The first glove-fit stealth missions but the second was a siren to contrast. Ten couldn't shut the fuck up and whinging the bot observed and suggested, thought aloud and made noise for no reason! The manic AI was the worst duo and Cayd's only choice was to slap at his scarf like someone putting out a fire. Slapstick as-it-were, whackamole was the only option and plot twist โ€” it actually worked! The stuffing shut Ten well as the team waited above Lee and it's not like the bot had useful things to say โ€” "I bet the Patronus mufuckers are right behind that tree" or "bitch stop slapping at me before I tase you" were likely quips and letting those loose wouldn't help. Damn ADD bot wasn't good for shit cept' jitters and Cayd felt them now from wait; it was killing him. Twenty minutes of sitting and presto โ€” fuck all had happened.

For twenty minutes the three hovered above loud Lee with no avail and El-Patronus was who knows where? Lou could admit that Ten's angst had a case for once; but that didn't mean the scarf slapping would stop. Noise had to be short so slap-slap-slap Lou crammed away and a high annoyed, well muffled - "Mmm mhmmmm mm mmm hmmm mmmmm!" erupted to answer.

Cayd didn't know what in the hell it meant and for five more minutes the- "Mmm mhmmmm mm mmm hmmm mmmmm!" continued โ€” eventually even Lou relented. Of annoyance and curiosity he mulled Ten's cause, maybe there was something important in the mumbling? It was worth a check and he'd let the bot speak but with a disclaimer. There was zero chance the bot could talk free so looking down at his scarf Cayd' mumble "I let you talk, but quiet or I stuff again" with a blank face. It was emotionless but hid worry unmatched for the creten's actions. If Ten screamed it was over, but after twenty minutes of muffle bitching even the stoic force gave way to โ€”

"Fuck - is - wrong - with - you - do - I - look - like - a - mole!?" opened quiet by the bot. It was a ridiculous whisper-rage spit like a girl golf clapping between words in a library. Understandable after the abuse and peaking his head out the scarf Ten leaned to Lou's face with a mean mug. The bot was heated-heated, wanting to punch Cayd's neck but even so it took took the warning; Ten's rant had been a whisper. So Cayd let him riff the next wordalanche spilling with a soft-ranted โ€” "Scanners bitch, I got scanners remember? Ess-Cee-ayy-enn-enn-eee-arr-ess โ€” useful as a bitch ain't it? Now don't you feel dumb as hell? Like I can't help on stealth? Drop me to that kid down there I can tell his ass where to go!" explained with a cocky flair.

And it was actually..... well.... kind of a good point? Ten was idiotic but could see more than men, parcing through the realm. This was the rare spot where he excelled and if quietly done he'd be an ace in the hole with his tech. Cayden wanted to disagree out of principle but couldn't form the reason, so with a relenting sighs he'd narrow an eye suspicious to mutter - "Play game and I use you as football" - with usual judgements overruled. It was a coin flip and hopefully Good Ten would show, but all Cayd could do was pray. The robot was a loose cannon and dropping from scarf to branch Ten would do little in the way of placation, winking - "Got you bossman, scouts honor!" with dripping sarcasm โ€” great!

It was up to chance now with Ten in the wild, rappelling down with a metal wire. It was the perfect chance for a faux batman impersonation; mechanical zipline sound the baseline with the batman theme hummed โ€” "na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na batmaan batmaaaaaan" in a whisper over the drop. Cayd was clueless looking on and to the others he'd shrug hopeless; all was lost but at least the robot enjoyed itself! Ten was having a great time of it, pulling 360 spins as he cast down like a lure to Lee's shoulder, and landing he'd retract the rappell from above with a metal snap. Looking sideways to Lee the bot yawned (for some reason considering the lack of lungs), greeting the kid with a high spirited - "Hey you... Yeah you... Johnny blaze! I got heat signatures up ahead by a hundred feet and to the right by fifty. A group of poeple are there I'd bet!"

Fitting, and with a quick thumbs up to Cayd above, Ten put his partner in full face-palm mode..... Literally โ€” Lou did an actual face palm because this was a terrible idea. It'd be indefensible when the fuck up happened and looking to the others Cayd deadpanned โ€” "He will mess things I'm sure so...... I will tell teacher it was me"

Kyrenka Kyrenka Deathkitten Deathkitten Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne

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~Liliana Bermudez~
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
09:15 - Magister Class

LFB.jpg Liliana jumped in her seat as she was called on again. So soon!? Mr. Artor was like something out of a fantasy as he floated upside down in the air, staring at her expectantly. It felt like a nightmare though as all eyes were on her once more. Her gaze was firmly glued to the egg in her now sweaty palms. "Um." The sound once again came out as a whisper as the brunette struggled to form something intelligible on the spot. "I want to teach because I like it." There wasn't really much else there was to it. She had been in teaching positions before for volunteer work and some summer jobs. Something about helping someone that was struggling really felt right. She liked being able to watch as children she taught to read at the library or kids that didn't know how to swim at camp would use their new skills to flourish. Sure, being a school teacher would be more challenging but she genuinely liked it. "Teachers need to be smart, kind, and patient. Students can be difficult and they need someone who is willing to help them learn." Bobbing her head a little, she added, "I do think teachers can be friends but they should prioritize teaching over being their students' buddy." For the first time since she began speaking, Liliana looked up. Her gaze flitted from classmate to classmate before hesitantly calling out, "Miranda's next." The girl seemed very bright and energetic. She would do a good job of taking the attention off of the brunette. She almost wanted to call on Ariu since the other girl hadn't had a chance to speak yet, but since she was exempt from speaking before Liliana didn't want to put her in a uncomfortable position. She might not be able to speak, or maybe she's got really really bad anxiety. The teacher wouldn't have excused her without a good reason. Liliana wouldn't want to be called out like that, so she didn't call out Ariu.

((Interacting with ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles 's Artor and Blackrose7 Blackrose7 's Miranda | Mentioned Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne 's Ariu | Nearby Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Locoma and Colette, Peckinou Peckinou 's Lavka, and ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles 's Mavior))
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
09:15 - Patronus Class

Chepi.png They had begun. Nyara and Venissa had split off with her while Kitchi and his team had gone hunting. It felt strange to lose her husband's presence after being near him so much these past few months, but she ignored it. There was no time to be getting distracted. She knew that something would happen to them soon enough, and they needed to have their guard up for it. It was reassuring to have another warrior with experience on their team, but Venissa seemed to be lacking that. Hopefully she learns quick. At Chepi's insistence, the women stuck together and remained in each other's line of sight at all times. She felt like they were waiting for the very forest itself to turn on them.

It was no surprise when the crunching of undergrowth caused her head to swivel around; body already poised in a fighting stance. A child? A boy with a cherubic face that was contrasted by the intimidating item in his hand. Chepi's mind registered it as a weapon immediately. Hissing in a low tone so that her teammates, but hopefully not the intruder, would hear, "Venissa, Nyara! There's an enemy!" Of course, she wasn't sure about that yet but it was best to be cautious first than be friendly later. Her people had legends from centuries ago about how their ancestors nearly faced extinction because they trusted the wrong people. Now all strangers were met with suspicion and hostility until winning their trust. The redheaded boy had froze; eyes wide like as if he had stumbled upon the completely by accident and hadn't actually tracked them. "Drop your weapon," she called out. Her own hand was sliding to her mana tool that hung on the front of her uniform. Her gaze never left him, but she kept her ears open for even the slightest of sounds. I need the glasses. No sudden movements though; and so she continued carefully inching her hand towards the tool.

((Interacting with Osuka Osuka 's Nyara, Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Venissa, and my Lee Owens | Nearby Jet Jet 's Cayden/Ten, Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne 's Leanansidhe, and Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Nayr))
Miranda Olesen
Thur, the 5th of October, Year 500
9:15 - Magister
Upon hearing her name from Liliana's mouth. Miranda's head glowed, and it curved her white cat tail like a question mark. "I want to be a teacher, because not only did my parents try to force me into becoming a merchant. But I always dreamed of being one, and having magic makes it even better. Why? The Egyptian Theocracy will kill any citizen with magic, who isn't part of the military or a guard. I am one of those lucky normal people to not be caught by any of the guards.
However, I had to deal with Orientis's desert for three years. It was worth it though, because I get to learn everything about magic."
said Miranda. "A teacher should be prepared for their topics before their class starts, not hand holding their students too much unless they ask for it, friendly, patient, and drag the problematic students towards the principal. Having some fun with the students can help them out, because they would be extremely bored with their class. But that wouldn't happen, since this isn't a normal school to begin with. Also, I don't mind if a teacher wants to be friends with their students. Just as long as it doesn't get in the way."
Miranda was finished with her speech, and then pointed at Lavka the math kid. "You are next, Lavka." said Miranda. She was skipping along to her seat, and hugged her egg with that glowing head and the question mark tail of hers.
((Interacting with ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles 's Artor and Peckinou Peckinou 's Lavka|Mentioned Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne 's Ariu | Nearby Deathkitten Deathkitten 's Locoma and Colette, Kyrenka Kyrenka 's Liliana, and ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles 's Mavior))
Marielle - Insidiator class - The Ring

Sergei was good-looking, and seemed good-natured too, judging by the short exchange they just had. But his nature as a commoner was made painfully evident as he instantly gave her a nickname that was โ€“ to her tastes at the very least โ€“ way too familiar for their current relationship. They barely knew each other, and might even end on opposite sides in future activities or simply as foes later. That aside, while she was indeed open to friendships, the idea of any โ€“ obviously deeper โ€“ relationship that would involve letting herself be called sweet names had completely eluded Marielle.

Of course, as she instantly started to blush โ€“ couldnโ€™t help it โ€“ she reminded herself that she was very surely, if not absolutely surely overthinking it and interpreting what was probably just Sergeiโ€™s usual speech and way to address people. It nevertheless threw her off guard, and she stuttered

โ€œAh.. E-excuse me c-could you please not call me like thisโ€ฆ ? Itโ€™s uhโ€ฆ Itโ€™s quite embarrassingโ€ฆ Andโ€ฆ Miss Yanvaraโ€ฆ ? Iโ€™mโ€ฆ Iโ€™m an aquas casterโ€ฆ If that helpsโ€ฆ"

[Interactions : Sergei ( CapRock CapRock ), Yanvara ( Peckinou Peckinou )]
1586712285514.png Yanvara Shakti
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:50 - Insidator Class
Interactions: Marielle, Sergei Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne
Yanvara was leading her team into the forest they honestly did not have much of a clue of what they were doing although having a bit on information on the Patronous students would help them alot. They were mostly just wandering around with the hope of encountering a patronous student at this point while keeping their ears open for any noise that could be made by a human. Though they did still pay a little attention to their gangs conversation, by the way Marielles voice sounded it seemed she was embarrassed about something. It didn't take her much effort to figure out what she was Embarrassed about either, first day of insidator class and she already developed a crush on Sergie. Yanvara was now less focused and more amused with their teammates conversation and the smirk on Yanvaras face says it all. Though when Marielle went on to try to change the conversation back towards the task at hand though no doubt a feeble attempt to save herself which Yanvra wasn't gonna let happen as of right now. "Oh yeah that is good to know, though i think Sergie should scout on up ahead for a secound, spotting one person is more difficult than spotting three. Though i don't want you to scout up to far ahead Sergie i don't want the group too split up, i just want you to take note of the surrounding area and report back if you spot a Patronous student though report back here as soon as you spot them, Cool?" after Sergie gave her a conformation and went off on his own Yanvara walked right towards Marielle side watching him leave from sight before going on to talk to her. "I see you are taking a interest in our little friend over there, you think he is cute don't you?" She said that in a more teasing and playful manor than before as she sent a knowing smirk Marielles way. "Look at you ,first day of Insidator class and you are already devolping a crush on our teammate over there."
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Rhonas - Artificis Class - Trade Island

The question honestly came out as a complete surprise. While he was indeed taller than most, the redhead didnโ€™t consider himself special in anyway compared to other people. It was only when it came to beings of similar magnitude โ€“ gods โ€“ or those that he considered rivals, that he would truly take notice of his differences and highlight them to make himself appear in a more favourable light. Here, on the island of magic, where people and ideas were as diverse and numerous as the stars in the sky, he saw himself as just another individual. Also, stilts?

Nevertheless, Rhonas was not really taken aback. He had heard truly stranger things before, so to him the interrogation came out as healthy curiosity towards the unknown. As such, he made an effort to answer as truthfully as was in his ability.

โ€œIโ€™m exactly 8ft 8in and a fingerful of millimetres tall. No, I am not standing on stilts, this is entirely natural, if you regard natural as whatever happens outside of the influence of man. If you have a different point of view, then my height might appear as unnatural as I have the firm belief โ€“ after some research โ€“ that it is due to my body repressing the influence of magic and compensating, if you will, in physical power what I should be able to use in magical power. Which brings me to the second reason โ€“ my adverse reaction to magic. Had I not kitted myself with the necessary tools, ingredients and procedures, I would be unable to access my reserves of magic at all, because my body confines them in its deepest reaches. I hope this answers your question, and if you have still unresolved points of interrogation, I will be glad to solve them whenever you deem necessary to find me."

It was somewhere between casual and formal โ€“ academical. The tone sure as hell was not serious nor full of the bite it had when talking with Jade, but it was also not loose enough to qualify as relaxed. Bored, or uninterested would be a more exact word. After all, for a man who had spent nearly an entire decade experimenting on himself would indeed be most knowledgeable and learned when it came to his own body. That said, he let out a small sigh and half-smiled at the girl.

โ€œI do have a question to return you, though. I couldnโ€™t help but notice that you seem to be hyperactive. If it isnโ€™t too personal a question, would you happen to haveโ€ฆ The only thing I can think of is metabolism-enhancing magic.โ€

[Interactions : Siggie ( Jet Jet ), nearby Yua ( ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles )]
1587162515192.pngLavka Kashik
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500
08:50 - Magister Class

Mentions: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Deathkitten Deathkitten Kyrenka Kyrenka Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne Osuka Osuka Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Lavka was still a bit miffed with the fact they have to take on a Familiar since they were no fan of any type of animals and by past experiences they weren't a fan of them either. Though the teachers rapid fire of questions left even them a bit stunned as they had to think over each answer that the teacher rapid fired their way. Though Lavka did listen to the other students speeches as they got a bit lost in their own thoughts, the first girl seemed to be a nervous wreck judging by the way she spoke and acted, Lavka guessed they were just shy which was fine by them. Though a shy girl on her level really didn't seem like too good of a candidate to be a teacher, after all kids can be really cruel at times. Though maybe she just needed more interactions with people to get her out of her timid nature which would help her in the long run though that would require someone to take initiative and teach her a bit of social skills. Though Lavka decided to make a decision on weather they should help increase her social skills or not, later, once she called on Miranda to bring herself to the front of the class. Lavka payed the same amount of attention to her as they did the to the other girl, though apparently she went on to start by raving about the Egyptian Theocracy. It seemed pretty obvious that she didn't like it there though anyone that knows a single thing about the Egyptian Theocracy would know that they kill their non magic wielding citizens so the unintentional emphasis on that seemed a bit annoying to say the least. Though their version of what a teacher should be seemed to be a bit reasonable to say the least, they guessed they might do decent as a teacher if they choose to be one. Though they were surprised when the girl called their name which caused them to jump a little after being pulled out of their train of thought. Though they did quickly recover and got up from their seat they letting their tail adjust the egg on to make sure it didn't fall when they went up front to explain their thoughts on what a teacher should be. When they did get up front they took a moment to think about what all the questions the teacher asked to them before finally opening their mouth. " Well i wanted to be a teacher since i think it would be a interesting learning experience, a teacher should be able to understand that each student is different and that they can not unlock a students full potential with the same teaching methods they give to every one of their students. A effective teacher needs to be observant and be able to figure out and separate their students strengths from their weaknesses. A teacher should also be able to give out and explain information and assignments to their students in a clear and effective manner while being able to provide relevant material in order to complete their assignments. A teacher should be able to take value in learning which could help them more effectively teach in the future and expand their own knowledge on a variety of different subjects. Though i do believe that their should be a understood boundary between in school relationships and outside of school relationships." When they reached the end of their speech they stopped their pacing and turned towards the class looking over the other students before finally deciding on choosing. "Locoma can go next." they then went on to move back towards their seat not wanting to be up front anymore, they kept their answear shorter than usual cause they honestly didn't feel up to a something as long as they usually would go for they had very little idea why though. But as they made their way to their seat sitting down in their chair and looking at the egg they just got with interest although they tried to look as disinterested in it as possible.​

A week of school had passed. Students were able to get familiar with their familiars. Teachers had a chance to settle in. They were heading to the Brazilian Wastes next, one of the only places in the world one could get Spirit Eggs - the same sort of eggs that the students now had familiars from. The school had made a deal with the locals, ferocious people that could barely be called human anymore. They lived amongst the terrifying beasts that crawled in the jungle. They gave the school eggs, the locals got a few needed supplies... but that was ALL. Any barest insult or misstep often turned bloody. A relationship on a razor's edge.

The calm of the jungle roof was apparent even from this high up. It was a Saturday. Classes were out. People were free to mill about. It was late afternoon as well, the sun beginning to dip to the horizon in a cascade of yellows, purples, pinks, and blues. Occasionally, a distant call of a bird or a monkey could be heard as they dipped lower, preparing to land in a clearing about fifty miles north of their current position.

All was still.

It was a beautiful day.

There was a sound like rushing air that gained volume, garnering the attention of all onboard. As they looked, the threat hit the barrier. With a cacophonous, earth-shattering kaboom, the missile went off against it. All electronic devices nearby fizzed with interference, white and grey pixels playing across the screen for a few seconds. That wasn't the most noticeable thing, however. The whole school tilted and swayed to the side, making it hard to stay on your feet on the massive islands, but not far enough to go sliding off the edge. At the same time, the barrier crackled and groaned from the impact before fizzling out like bricks falling from a wall before fading into nothingness.

The school began to dip down towards the forest below.

An announcement that sounded like the principal himself boomed across the school, "Seek shelter immediately. I repeat. Seek shelter immediately. Head to the Trade Islands in an orderly fashion. Do not panic. I repeat. Head to the Trade Islands. Do not panic. We are making an emergency landing. Do not, I repeat, do not head outside of school grounds."

The school, as he said it would, drifted down until the bottom trade island flattened trees under its weight. Normally, chains would bind it to the ground, but in this case, it seemed the island was touching the ground itself. Panic swarmed the student body like a plague of locusts, everyone eager to make it to the center. Even the staff stood stock still like they were questioning if this was real.

Vulmar Lulana
interaction: no one?​
with the free weekend class's Vulmar had decided to take Thomas advice and go look up a biology textbook about the whole "male and female" situation he was sure that he'd be found right... he'd have grabbed a textbook on it before sitting down at one of the various library tables... after reading through the particular part about human biology multiple times... just to make sure Vulmars cheeks would quickly become a bright red at the realisation... that not only was he wrong about humans and humuns... but... he really did look like a female didn't he... awkwardly his head would dart left to right two sets of his arms awkwardly covering his chest he never really thought much of it until now... well now it was just... very very awkward... and he'd started to get all self-conscious. though he didn't have much time to dwell on this when the building started yell at him to head to the trade island... and that was exactly what he did.
~Lee Owens~
The Ring
Lee Owens.jpg The weather was wonderful today. Normally he would've been exploring the massive territory that made up Augurium, but this weekend was different. He had a familiar! Call him biased, but he had the best one out of everyone! It had hatched quickly, was very smart, and very well-behaved too! Even though it had been a week he still saw some students trudging around with eggs or worse, students with familiars that were mean and didn't listen. They were few and far between, but it made Lee grateful that it wasn't him with something so mean. Nope! Not mine! The redhead was so in love with his new familiar that he had been spending almost every piece of free time with it. The creature reminded him of a dog, something he had always begged his parents for, so he treated it as such. Teaching it tricks with little pieces of food, petting it, taking it on walks, the whole deal. He had even bought a collar for his familiar with a tag that read, "Buddy." That name had been given accidentally, since Lee had spent so long on trying to decide on a name and only referred to the familiar as his buddy that the creature eventually began responding to it. Oh well, I don't mind. As long as Buddy liked it, it would stay. Standing in one of the fields in The Ring, Lee watched as Buddy rolled around in the grass as it wrestled with a stick in its mouth. He giggled as the familiar growled and fought the twig. I can't believe Mom didn't like animals! They're so cute! He could honestly watch Buddy play in the grass all day.

There was no 'all day' though, as a noise drew closer. Lee glanced up, trying to spot the object in the sky. Sounds like...a plane? He didn't even finish his search before something shook the entire floating island. Frightened, he screamed as he toppled onto his side as the ground vibrated beneath him. His familiar, somehow, was instantly by his side, but any noises that it made were drowned out by the echoes of the explosion in his ears. The world seemed to tilt and Lee's stomach swooped; a sensation he only got when he was falling. The principal's booming voice only made things worse. Don't panic!? How could he not? He was alone and scared and didn't know what was going on! Where's Talvyn? Was he safe? Lee couldn't think, alarm bells were ringing through his mind too loudly to focus. The Trade Islands! He'd go there first and find Talvyn. His roommate was too tough to not make it there. Scooping Buddy up into his arms, the redhead struggled to keep his balance as the island shook with the impact of...something. Focus! Rushing through the first portal, Lee found himself back at the main teleporter plaza; and subsequently in the middle of a panic. The noise of frightened students was almost enough to drown out the sound of what Lee finally realized was one of the islands touching down. Someone bumped into him, but he ignored it and pressed on to the teleporter he knew would lead to the highest Trade Island. Using his small stature to his advantage, he made it to the one he wanted and let himself be carried away by the wave of people moving towards the portal. Once through, the crowd was more organized and kept pushing in one direction; most likely towards the center of the island. Squeezing his surprisingly quiet familiar to his chest, Lee did his best not to get overwhelmed as his eyes darted around. Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.

((Looking for Peckinou Peckinou 's Talvyn))
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~Marรญa de los รngeles~

Maria.jpg The week had been eventful yet it hadn't. It was full of changes and new challenges, but it was all familiar. School is school no matter where you go. The subject matter was different and so were the classes, but it the routine was full of familiarity and that was comforting. She was getting better at handling her magic, it was like a muscle she had never used and now needed to train it everyday. Her start was pathetic, and truth be told she was still below the school's average, but she was improving and that's what mattered. Her familiar wasn't anything to note either; it was just a ball of light that the teacher had called a 'wisp'. It didn't do anything. It just....floated near her. Constantly. It didn't eat, it didn't speak, it didn't show much sentience at all to the point where she even asked a teacher if there was something wrong with her familiar. Apparently, it was just a weak one. Makes sense; weak magic, weak familiar. The revelation stung a lot more than she was expecting though. She had always surpassed expectations and to fail so spectacularly? It hurt. Still, she felt guilty at the thought of leaving her familiar nameless when her peers were carefully picking names. The brunette named her familiar Luz. It was a little lacking in creativity, but a simple name was better than no name. Besides, Luz was useful. It had been a frustrating adjustment having a glowing familiar in her room while she tried to sleep, but she had gotten used to it. Now, Luz was her flashlight; lighting up her books as she read or providing enough light for her to see when she was out doing early morning or late night trainings. Truth be told, the soldier had gotten a little fond of the thing.

Even now, the ball of light was floating over her shoulder as she read. Miranda was in the dorm with her, but Marรญa was focused more on her book than her roommate. At least, she was until a deafening boom caused the world around them to violently rock. Things shattered as objects fell from the walls and counters. Instinct took over, drowning her in adrenaline and fear. A second later her training took over, reigning in her blind panic as the soldier immediately got to work. No time for supplies. She had a phone, wallet, and mana tool on her and that'd have to be good enough. Marรญa grabbed her roommate a little roughly as she yelled above the noise, "Don't let go!" Slamming open the door, they were met with a flood of students evacuating the dorms. Some calm, some frightened, but all were on high alert. Keeping a firm grip on her younger roommate, Marรญa dove into the crowd and forged her way through the masses to the Trade Island portals. The first island has most likely already touched the ground. They would go for the highest island then; they'd have more time to brace themselves for impact. As they drew closer to the portals, the bodies around them became more and more packed, until the soldier got so worried about losing Miranda that she just decided to scoop the girl up into her arms like one would scoop up a child. The girl was light so it was no problem for Marรญa as she shoved her way to the Trade Island's portal. Her mind was racing with all sorts of questions, but she snuffed them all out in order to focus on the task at hand. Distractions are fatal.

((Interacting with Blackrose7 Blackrose7 's Miranda))
1588494468562.pngTalvyn Welsworth
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500

Interactions: Lee Kyrenka Kyrenka
Mentions: Miranda Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Talvyn as of right now with his Familiar who proved to be more that useful as of yet, at first Talvyn wasn't sure he really wanted a Familiar since they could likely get in their way if they were needy or would just cause them to have a disadvantage for when it comes to sneaking around. But fortunately for them that didn't appear to be the case as their Familiar was a Shadow Hound which was part of the Hellhound species. They were not only good at blending in to the shadows and remaining hidden but they could also find people they wanted to find and were quite handy when it came to intimidating and fighting people especially in dark areas. In other words their Familiar was perfect for them although they weren't as cute as Lees or their beloved Miranda it was its usefulness that mattered most to them. Having their familiar hatch from their egg only a few days ago they seem to have gained quite a decent bond with each other in that short amount. Though they got ejected from their thoughts when the entire island started shaking and although their smile didn't waver in the least they were still curious to what was going on. His familiar on the other hand acknowledged the shaking ground and was growling as if they detected a threat, their Familiar being as overprotective as they were would usually do that when they felt Talvyn was in danger. Though when the booming voice of their principle came up they took note of what was said finding the fact that the school was having technical problems to be interesting. They were wondering if this was a common occurrence or not , but either way their plans for today have changed and they were now planning on finding Lee instead of their beloved Miranda. Maybe if he got lucky he would be able to find Miranda on his way to getting to Lee, though they doubted that would be the case. Instead as of right now they took out cloth from their pocket with Lees scent, which was quite easy to acquire since they practically lived with Lee and put it under their familiars nose to let them sniff it before putting it back into their pocket. They only had a cloth with the scent of Lee and Miranda as of right now who were really the only ones they cares about to be honest.

1588494106081.pngWhen Talvyns familiar who they named Zibron went on to move to find Lee Talvyn followed closely behind. Talvyn was pretty calm about the situation a bit cause they didn't care and they did like a bit of chaos. They simply followed right behind their little familiar as they went around towards the portal area it wasn't that crowded as of right now since a lot of students already teleported to the other side of it. But Talvyn knew that once they went through the portal they would have to deal with a swarm of students which was something they didn't really like. Crowds were a double edge sword although it made it hard to notice them it also made it easier to lose people in it and since they were trying to find Lee it would be very difficult. Sighing once again Talvyn entered the portal not disappointed to be seeing a swarm of students rushing towards the middle of the island which was one of the biggest crowds they have seen in quite a while. And knowing Lee they were no doubt in that mob of students, doubting that their familiar would be able to track Lee with so many people around. Talvyn looked for a opening within the crowd before jumping in with their familiar in tow, their familiars persistent growling kept a few students away but it was still very hard for them to effectively maneuver through the crowd. Though it took a while and a lot of luck they were eventually able to notice their red head little companion and moved over to try to grab him and pull him to the side of the crowd so that they would at least be able to get a little breathing room.​
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~Lee Owens~
Trade Island

Lee Owens.jpg The steady flow of students towards the center carried Lee with it. A few times someone bumped into him a little too hard or accidentally stepped on his foot, but he didn't react much aside from a 'ow' or wince. It was the hand that pulled him from the crowd that made him actually cry out. His momentary fear turned to relief as his eyes fell on Talvyn's face. "Talvyn!" He felt Buddy climb onto his shoulders as he lunged to give his roommate a hug. Lee felt a weight lift off of his chest. Everything will be OK! He wasn't alone anymore! The redhead released the older boy as he began asking questions, "Did you get hurt? Do you know what happened? I heard something hit the shield! Do you think it was a bomb? Do you think we're being attacked? Do you think we'll be safe?" Looking over the crowd, he asked in a smaller voice, "Are we going to die?" It was in the back of his mind, but he didn't want to acknowledge it. Dangerous lifestyles led to dangerous situations after all. He had been hoping that he'd at least have graduated or had learned how to master his magic before he would have to face these sort of things. Am I too weak? If they were being attacked, Lee would be useless. He wasn't sneaky like Talvyn or fast like Cayden or experienced like Leanansidhe. He was Lee; a weak little newbie. His familiar pawed nervously at his shirt. I don't want to die.

((Interacting with Peckinou Peckinou 's Talvyn | Mentioned Jet Jet 's Cayden and Aelia Aeldyne Aelia Aeldyne 's Leanansidhe))
1588649849508.pngLavka Kashik
Trade Island
Interactions: Open

Lavka had woken up early in the morning in order to head on over towards the library in order to teach themselves a bit more about magic and the schools subjects that they would likely be learning later on. Their familiar was sleeping in front of them on the table with their headwear and Enchanted Necklaces that they bought them yesterday on them. Lavka has not had their Familiar long and they proved to be a very sassy nuisance even before they hatched from their egg. For one when they got their egg Lavkas hair color slowly started to change and when they hatched their hair color pretty much darkened and their eyes changed to a blueish color. Which was something they did not consent to though it was too late now and at this point Lavka just wanted to peacefully read their book without having to deal with their sassy familiar shocking them. Lucky for them their familiar was pretty calm when entering the library and quickly fell asleep once Lavka got the book they wanted. Though the peacefulness of their situation soon changed after they heard the Principles booming voice which quite annoyed Lavka to say the least although they did acknowledge the fact that they were in a situation that apparently wasn't on the schools plan list. But considering Lavka was already on trade island they pretty much ignored it and continued to read their book although the announcement did cause their familiar to wake up. But after their familiar looked at Lavkas unbothered reaction their Familiar pretty much shrugged and curled back up and went to sleep as if unbothered by the whole ordeal as well. They both were clearly unbothered by the schools situation trusting that they would sort it out anyways due to how the school is supposedly the pride of Terra Augurium and that it would likely take more that a few mishaps to bring it down for good.​

Chepi.png It was funny how time seemed to move so quickly without one noticing. One week had gone by already and not only did they have more interesting classes, but familiars were given to them as well. Chepi felt that hers was fitting. A strange creature that was a mix of an owl and a bear. Her namesake as well as a representation of her nature all in one. How poetic. It pleased her to no end. She wasn't the only one though; she couldn't help but notice the students around her and their companions. In some form or another, their familiars gave insight on who they were; whether or not they were aware of it was another story. Kitchi's of course matched him well; a bear, a creature of both strength and wisdom. She couldn't think of a better familiar for her husband. Learning how to bond with their familiars was also quite the experience. Not only were they able to lend mana in dire situations, but they were beasts who could independently act to assist their masters. Training her familiar to scout and return when called was difficult at first, but once he got used to it Chepi could tell that he would be an invaluable companion.

She was grateful that she and Kitchi had taken training seriously, because they would most likely be relying on that now. They were in their dorm when the ground began to quake from the destruction of the barrier. Chepi had gripped Kitchi for stability as the first wave took her by surprise. When the principal's voice boomed through the speakers, that's when she steeled herself. An attack. There was no other explanation. The school may call them to battle or it might not, but Chepi knew that they had to be ready. "Our tools!" Bolting for her glasses, she placed them firmly on her face as she turned to her husband. It didn't matter how many times she had seen battle or how prepared she was, the prospect of facing an enemy made her heart tighten with apprehension. Returning to Kitchi's side, she nodded to him, "You lead." Kitchi was a warrior and meant for the heart of battle; Chepi was more suited for scouting, though she could hold her own if need be. It only made sense for the more experienced of the two to lead.

1588727560098.png ((Interacting with EldridSmith EldridSmith 's Kitchi))
1588747979767.png1588748258865.png Kitchi had enjoyed the past week by spending time with Chepi as normal, however they were joined by their familiars. Kitchi having named his Achak which meaned spirit. The changes caused by their familiars were interesting, as Kitchi and Chepi would take afternoon naps leaning against Achak as the lumbering creature slept, rides around school on Achak's back, and various other activities. The changes caused by his lovely wife's familiar was mostly the little games it played with them. Their room was now a full fledged miniature forest with trees, grass, bushes, flowers, a pond, and filled with vibrant life from his mana wyrm, the familiars, all the way to animals that clung to Kitchi as he was out and about. The only modern and untouched areas were the kitchen and bathroom, the bedroom being devoid of creatures in the night but still full of plant life. After having fought with other students in the ring Kitchi decided to fashion himself several weapons for dealing with opponents. At his side now rest a pair of tomahawks, several knives, and resting on his back was a long spear. Kitchi released his mana wyrm where it curled up under his shirt. He silently nodded to his wife and led the way, his hand grasping hers to keep her calm.
Kyrenka Kyrenka
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1588724557716.pngHira Graves

Interactions: Gavin Kyrenka Kyrenka
Hira was in the dorms, them and their familiar already got breakfast and woke up Gavin earlier ago and were now fully ready for the day. They had to admit that at first they were not sure about wanting a familiar but now that their familiar hatched from that egg of theirs they seemed to be getting along well enough. And was very helpfully in their day to day tasks sometimes. Waking up Gavin was indeed one of those tasks but Hira was more concerned with working out as of right now doing their daily routine of 100 pushs, sit ups and jumping jacks each day and they were already half way done with that so far. Though that soon got interrupted when they heard the booming voice of the Principle it seemed, the shaking of the ground indicating that the school was likely under some sorta attack or was just experiencing technical difficulties and that all students were suppose to go to trade island apparently. Hira turned to their familiar who wasn't paying much attention to the Principle being too busy tearing at the human sized punching bag of a doll that she bought them, which was now torn to pieces. Their tail was incredibly destructive to those life sized dolls that she kept buying them, plus the added fact that they kept tearing out chunks of it with their teeth was also something to be wary of. Their familiar was pretty aggressive overall and they had to keep buying those things for them on a daily biases or else they may decide to use Gavin as their next human sized doll toy. Either way Hira hopped up and went off the fetch Gavin who was likely lounging around in their room, they didn't bother to knock and instead opened their door yelling out to Gavin "Hurry up Gavin Principle says to Trade Island pronto." Hiras Familiar Raze stared daggers at Gavin from behind Hiras legs letting out a hiss at him, clearly not being fond of Gavin that much. Hira on the other hand moved towards Gavin in order to grab his arm and drag him with her so that they could head to trade island together.
1588941737434.pngTalvyn Welsworth
Thursday, the 5th of October, Year 500

Interactions: Lee Kyrenka Kyrenka
Mentions: Miranda Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Talvyn took Lee to the side of the crowd where they were able to get some more breathing room, they had their familiar Zibron intimidate anyone that tried to get near them with their growling. Though they were still caught a bit off guard by the hug Lee initiated, still not really use to being hugged, especially considering Lee was the only one that actully hugged them ever in their life. Though the hugs usually did catch Talvyn by surprise which were often times one of the few times they showed Genuine emotions without the influence of their beloved Miranada of course. Though the moment was soon brought to a end when Lee broke off of the hug and barraged them with a bunch of Questions which cause them to snap out of their trance of surprise and return back towards their usual attitude which involved plastering their usual smile back on their face. Though Talvyn didn't know much of what was going on they could only make assumptions based on what they have seen so far and the tone of the Principles voice. "Well if the school was sabotaged it would of likely been from the inside and whoever did it did a really amazing job, may even get away with it too if they decide to jump off once we crash, though they would still have to survive the unforgiving landscape." Talvyn chuckled a bit but then went on to be a bit more serious with their next response "We should be fine though, i highly doubt this was the Schools first incident and im sure it will take a lot more than this to bring the school down for good. Though their might be a few students who would probably get hurt maybe even severely injured but its a magic school so i doubt anyone would die especially when they have some of the best magic healers in the world here, unless they don't find the person in time to save their life which would be very problematic for the school, but we should be fine since the Principle told all of us to come here, likely to make it easier to keep a eye on all of us."
~Gavin Heidrich~

Gavin.jpg Groaning as he moved around his room in a sleepy haze, Gavin attempted to start the coffee maker he kept on his desk with his eyes closed. It's our day off for fuck's sake. He had never really been a morning person, but Hira was here to make sure he got up at the ass crack of dawn every morning. Making some more noises of displeasure, he yawned as the machine began to heat up some water. The week had been rough but exciting as well. Training, familiars, more training, etc. His familiar wasn't as flashy as his roommate's, but you know what? It was cute as fuck and he'd be damned if anyone made fun of him. Unfortunately for him, his younger siblings had decided to dub his familiar 'Lettuce'. Why? He sure as hell didn't know. Who knew what went through the minds of those sugar fueled goblins. But now, that was all his family called the creature and it actually responded to being called Lettuce. So now Gavin had a familiar named Lettuce. Thanks guys. Speaking of Lettuce, the creature was chittering away near one of his shelves, trying to sneakily open a box of crackers. He opened his mouth to reprimand his familiar, but didn't manage to get any words out before a giant explosion rocked the ground. Suddenly wide awake, the brunet gripped his desk for balance as his familiar screeched before attaching itself to his head. He might've screamed, but nobody would be able to prove it later. The rumbling settled but didn't stop. The Principal's announcement did little to reassure Gavin, but he quickly began digging in his dresser for his uniform so that he wouldn't go out unprepared. Hira threw open the door as he was struggling to button up his dress shirt; her presence didn't bother him that much, but her familiar's gaze piercing holes into his back did. "Hold on!" He had gotten his shoes on when Hira grabbed him and began dragging him out. "Wait! I didn't tie my shoes! Or grab my backpack!" He had his mana tools, but what if he needed something else? Like his phone! Or his wallet! Maybe that was the panic talking, but he really would feel better if he had his first aid kit. Hira didn't seem to think it was necessary though as she continued pulling him out of the dorm and through the crowded hallways. Lettuce chittered nervously from his head as uncertainty clogged the atmosphere. Adjusting his roommate's grip, damn was she strong, Gavin held onto her as they drove through the masses towards the portals. It finally hit him when they made it onto the Trade Island and saw the stony expressions of the teachers that this wasn't a drill. Are we under attack? Nobody would really be dumb enough to attack a place full of Ultimas, right? Stan Lee, give me strength!
((interacting with Peckinou Peckinou 's Hira))
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Chepi.png The stink of panic filled the air, but at this point there was more organization to the madness around them as students made a firm and steady flow towards the portals. Chepi's familiar, Sooleawa, would occasionally leave her perch from her shoulder to circle around before returning. There was nothing to report other than the fast approaching ground. Taking a deep breath in before letting it out slowly, she squeezed Kitchi's hand. Stay calm. Focus. Panic only confused the mind and made it easier to catch one off guard. She needed to keep a cool head on her shoulders and stay alert for any danger. Achak's presence behind them and her husband's next to her helped ground her. It made her feel secure to be near those she trusted. Arriving at the Trade Islands brought both a sense of relief and sorrow. They were greeted with desperate faces as students hung by the portals, searching for friends and loved ones that they had been separated from. Teachers stood at the guard, expressionless but the aura they gave off was full of trepidation. This had never happened before. This was a new threat that the warriors here had never encountered before; maybe they had never even trained for it either. Stay calm, stay focused. Sooleawa tensed before flying off again. Chepi watched as she circled around before returning to her. Nothing still, no sightings of enemies or anything aside from the earth beneath them. It did little to comfort the dark-haired woman; just because an enemy could not be seen did not mean that there was not one nearby. "Do you sense anything," she asked Kitchi, "Or are there too many people around?" Unlike the forests and plains of their home, the crowded streets of the island made it hard to focus on a specific presence. It was easy to hide one's presence behind a literal wall.

((Interacting with EldridSmith EldridSmith 's Kitchi))

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